The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 427: Double line

Ishimu Fortress, the second city of Beyer Ewaga-gun, and the last barrier of the capital Ewaga-gun. If it also falls here, it is almost announced that the entire Ewaga-gun has fallen. [

In the recent “Holy War“, Beyer lost this important barrier.

The fall of this well-known prosperous county in Beyer also means that nearly two million people have fallen to rivals, and resources and land of the same specifications have lost control from Beyer.

Beyer ’s Eastern Front lost too quickly, and the people behind it were unprepared. Most of the residents, including the Duke of Eternal Hope, did not evacuate in time, and became prisoners in Holy War. Holy Church Won unprecedented victory and honor.

Unlike Beyer, which has just acquired the surrounding barren land recently, this county with a large population and rich in food, herbs, and handicrafts was an important territory of Beyer more than 300 years ago. His fall not only hit the Beyer royal Its reputation and prestige have actually had a negative effect on its national situation.

After the sudden reinforcements resisted, when the evil Great Dragon hidden in the heathen and heresy was run away by the giants and Angel, already had planned to commit guilt and commit suicide by Red-Clothed Archbishop(s) Stephen. I feel like God’s help, no, to be precise, only myself is the lucky son favored by God of Holy Light.

In fact, even the top Holy Church was not optimistic about the victory of this battle, and the seventh-ranked veteran Gordon refused to continue to play. Therefore, they transferred to the church because of the “grabbing incident”. The main reason for the disapproval of the former bishop Stephen of the Beyer diocese is that already has no bishop-level God’s Obligation staff willing to serve as a leader.

“Since your already is destined to be backed out of the pot. So. One more pot is the same.”

The fact already proves it. The leader of the airborne may not be the one who grabs the power, but may also be the one who blames it, but if he is lucky, he may become the one who blames the power.

No one expected that at this critical point, when neither the enemy nor ours was optimistic about the Templar Expeditionary Force, the cloud giants in the Legend story would suddenly appear on the battlefield, and the hidden ones were found out all at once. evil dragon in the opponent camp. And with the Allies hit it.

Then the “Friends” who came with the Giant Cloud explained everything.

Angel! It is a holy Angel! We are still cared for by our Lord!”

human‘s worship of Angel already has been repeatedly strengthened in countless religious stories. When this already left the realm Order creature, it often represented an irresistible deity.

Even in the long night of undead, in the face of the doubt that the Confederate Army failed already and the gods did not save us, they can still interpret it as a test of the gods on the world. Formed over hundreds of years, it is the perfect creature that is powerful and powerful in oral transcripts. The Angels have attracted the attention of the world simply because they joined the new Holy War coalition. Countless priests join them every day.

And even though the status of these Angels is extremely strange, the whole person is shrouded in strange gold armor, even their faces are in helmets, and their explanation “We can’t adapt to this filthy world” was being The church staff accepted that after all, the white wings that radiated white and golden brilliance could not be faked.

No, it should be said that when seeing the existence with strong sacredness, Order of light, watching these Angel holding the burning long sword to cut the demon, the bishops and most priests already fell into an inexplicable religious fanaticism. in.

Herent is not unfairly lost. This is a Angel army with a large team of 500 people. An adult Angel is only slightly weaker than Great Dragon. The strength of a fully armed Angel fighter cannot be lower than Gold-Rank.

The high-ranking already of the entire coalition does not discuss the war that has not ended, nor does it need to consider what the troop layout is. They are full of joy about to win the Holy War victory. They think that under the guidance of the holy light sword, Dirty pagans will be purified by Holy Light, and those heresies that deserve to be slain will be **** one by one.

And this enthusiasm spread not only at the high level, but also Normal soldiers and God’s Obligation soldiers stared at the light with joy, wishing to go to the battlefield and kill them.

“… something wrong there.”

There are only a few priests who can still stay calm, and the best of them is the ‘Hand of Miracles’, Estrada, who has just arrived on the battlefield. He originally refused to participate in the battle and was ordered to die by the Pope. The order must arrive on the battlefield within a time limit. He had been brazen to rescue the battlefield, but he did not expect such a situation.

Although Estrada hasn’t seen Angel, but already has contacted Angel mixed blood Avira and Roland, he has a lot of knowledge about the pure Order creature already of Angel, but this five hundred Angel is overflowing all around It is pure Holy Light, but it feels like it is not the warm sun. It looks like a cold blade, and it is completely different from Holy Light of Avrila and Roland.

“Alvira’s Holy Light is pure, but it has flame-like anger. Her power is particularly good for undead. Roland There is no ancient one before Holy Light, which is a light, but it does not have it Very aggressive, just like harmless sunlight. When we meet again in the north, the purity seems to have taken another step, but the warmth of the sun has not changed at all, and the light will not reject any Life to share. “

The strong ones have their own energy characteristics. The spilled energy often also has its own emotions and characteristics. Holy Light itself may not be different, but it will have the touch of human heart and soul. Others are exactly the same, but the more than five hundred Angels in front of them, not to mention the same energy characteristics, the overflowing Holy Light lacks the most basic emotion of creature, as if it is just an emotionless application tool.

If other people are probably scared by the amazing Holy Light capacity of Angel, the energy intensity of any Angel is above Legend, but the strongest Holy Knight masters Holy Light already has reached the extreme of the world, he even You can use the fluctuations of Holy Light to perceive the talents and behaviors of apprentices. Therefore, they have once favored Avera, Roland and others. See the Angel who came to the world from the legend. He was somewhat unacceptable.

“… in battle. The pupils in the eyes have only instinctual changes. Holy Light does not have a trace of enthusiasm existence. Even in despair, there is no slight fluctuation. All Angels have no slight emotional fluctuations. This is the legend Is it a gentle and kind Angel? This is simply, this is simply … “

Estrada didn’t show up on his face, but he hesitated in his heart, and contacted him with the law and Roland in the north. Although it has been increasingly guarded by church leaders in the near future, it has gained new insights and ideas. At least, the views on Holy Light already are more neutral and rational.

And across that icy armor and holy white wings, the strongest battlefield perception of Holy Knight told him that these Angel are not like normal creature.

“… These Angels are like mass-produced, unemotional killing weapons. They didn’t blink in despair, not because they felt the honor of sacrifice, but because of a kind of indifference. They Seeing the death of a companion. Just like seeing the damage of a weapon. “

Blasphemy didn’t say it, but it wasn’t just him who felt it. Unlike religious people who are now caught in inexplicable fanaticism, most Holy Knights are busy with their work and Quest in the past. They often cannot live in comfortable churches as preachers and bishops throughout the year to preach. Traveling the world to eliminate evil is their daily life. Even the town guarding the temple has to contact the Normal people in the town. More secular, they have existence doubts after contacting Angel and seeing their performance on the battlefield.

The subsequent developments have directly expanded these doubts into rifts.

“Purification? Slaughter the city? The whole county? Those Angel required? What a joke, this is two million people! It is two million lives!”

When the superpower Beyer is in a deadlock, the situation of the quasi-superpower Auland seems to have ushered in a turnaround, of course, provided that they have withstood the big wave.

In the first three months, the Storm Queen, which has lost money in some aspects, found that it did not seem to be targeted by Ayer. After all the misunderstandings before, I felt that the sea races were in the losing battle. Shake the faith, and did not hesitate to take the shot in person.

The waves of waves have caused mildew on the towns along the shore of Beyer. Although the sea soldiers who have landed with the waves cannot settle there, the plundered meat and wealth are enough to feed these new members. The sea tribe of the war situation is over, after all, their appetite has not been raised as the same as the rain capital’s kin, the achievements of these side battlefields also make these sea clan leaders eligible to move to the rain capital.

Some of the unfortunate coastal cities withstood the crisis, while others broke through the city walls with seawater, and the residents who were still asleep were slaughtered. Perhaps it is time to thank Storm Queen for its “kindness”. At least she did not send a signature The sea monster killed the Normal people.

But on another level, those sea monsters already are too busy on the front of the rain capital to be Avatar. Storm Queen already sent all the sea monsters in her grasp. Perhaps it is the key.

And if those inhabitants of the seaside who were slaughtered are cattle and sheep of the slaughterhouse, then the front line of the rain capital is the meat grinder.

When the sea race and Storm Queen entered the counter-offensive period, new sea races and sea monsters appeared in the rising sea again. They would move along the waves, and the huge whale was actually used as a one-time attack. City hammers, their shattered bodies are often mixed with the gravel of the gates, but there will be no survivors in the room where the gates were pried open.

In less than two days, all the small positions outside the large fortress have been lost. The waves and big fish have turned the gullies on the battlefield into puddles and quagmire,

When the Auland elite warships and strongmen tried to move back to the situation, they were surprised to find that a large number of storm sacrifices continually summoned the waves, but under the command of a blue-skinned woman summoned giant waves to the entire line. The battlefield was scrubbed.

“… Using avatars to participate in mortal wars, using Divine Strength to slaughter mortals? How shameful is this goddess?”

Even if already enters the Holy War period, true God does not allow the direct prohibition of large-scale interference in mortals already, but this is the only time that True God directly intervened in mortal wars. In a sense, this is the same as adults and children The animal is playing the real game almost, I am afraid that other gods will laugh at him, and at this time, Storm Queen is completely shameless.

But the result of the shame of the true **** is very direct. With her help, those sacrifice of storms extended the rainstorm of the rain capital. With the endless sea soldiers, the Auland garrison on the front Fell into a hard fight.

Suddenly, those soldiers rolling in the quagmire got a good news visible to the naked eye.

“… It’s sunny?”

Amidst the surprises of human and the unbelief of the sea clan, the dark clouds that kept on suddenly began to disperse, and the little sunlight revealed from it shone on the face of the blue-skinned woman, but the noble deity was full of surprise. And unbelief, and even fear. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

ps: Internet is down, it’s late

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