The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 42: The truth of history

I will choose to hold the auction after 30 days, not without reason.

There are still more than two weeks, which is the biennial confederation of the underground covenant. All the covenants of the covenant should be on the road. It is just that the music is not as good as the music, the one is not as good as the other, everyone is together. Hi into the pit.

According to the process of the underground covenant, joining the alliance is very simple. It only needs to be approved by any two underground overlords, but obviously, just joining the alliance will not achieve my goal.

A strong presence in front of big guys is a must.

International practice, new overlords are stepping on the old overlords (defeated or tied). Perhaps Dragon Empress, the old overlord, is the ideal stepping stone.

After all, although the individual strength is the strongest among all the overlords, and the dragon city under her is also an elite group, she is definitely the weakest in terms of comprehensive strength and influence on the entire underground world.

This is the weakest, none of which is still a fundamental gap.

The reason is without him, has nothing to do with her personal strategic strength, it is just the political reality caused by the racial makeup of the underground world.

Several underground hegemons now on the upper rank. Of course, they and their forces should not be underestimated, but it is more difficult to despise them, but they are the underground City Lord who support them.

For example, Ainsterna, personal strength is said to have just arrived at Saint Rank, Kajah is the middle of Saint Rank, the old lion is the peak of Saint Rank, and the comprehensive combat power of Dragon Empress has stepped on the demigod line, which is a full step higher than other overlords. Ainsterna is among the overlords It is the weakest, but instead faintly becomes the center of the covenant.

He is the chief commander of the last covenant counterattack on the ground in “History”, indicating that he laughed to the end. The underground world is always the place where fists speak. Although his personal strength is indeed the weakest, his power is the strongest. The already of ten directly-underground dungeon is terrible, but the underground City Lord that secretly supported him, at least exceeds four hundred.

Why? He is human, at least on the surface, human, so other human underground City Lord supports him, it’s that simple.

The same is true of the old lion and Kajah. An underground Beastfolk emperor of Beastfolk and a supreme priestess of Dark Elf. Their potential supporters are inestimable. In a sense, they are the interests of their own race. Delegates and Supreme Leaders, of course, most underground City Lords will not admit it verbally, but private tendencies are indispensable.

When Tao attacked Liu Huang Mountain City, he could pull the humming City Lord that is not under his jurisdiction as a cannon fodder. This is also the reason, and once the covenant is fully engaged for one goal, in order not to act as a cannon fodder when the army is operating, in order to compete for more In order to divide into a better sunny territory, more underground City Lord will find the supremacy of the overlord, station, team, Tao, Ainsterna, Kajah‘s strength, but also snowball-like skyrocketing, becoming a veritable overlord.

Underground Dragon Clan? The young dragons already who are willing to listen to the command are under the command of Dragon Empress. The underground world does have a reclusive Ancient Dragon and even a remote Ancient Dragon, but are they all just Ancient Dragon‘s Molly command?

At that time, all the overlords went up, and the only Dragon Empress Molly that did not rise fell. It is estimated that it will naturally become a high-level thug. Therefore, her pursuit of strength is much stronger than other underground overlords. Yongye Scepter is much bigger for her.

Because of the constant battles between the underground worlds, there is often a line between the same races. The killings between different races are **** and brutal. There are not a few who have alien revenge. It is even said that the old lion himself was once a certain one. human underground City Lord are gladiatorial slaves. Therefore, Beastfolk is generally good for underground Beastfolk, and really hates human.

Liu Huang Mountain City, due to its multi-racial mix, may not suffer the inexplicable hostility of other underground City Lords, but it is definitely not necessary to get the favor of dungeon other than human, and because City Lord is Adam Han, it is with the descendants and exiles In the eyes, a hero who saves the earth is too dazzling, and it is difficult to come together. Perhaps, Annie, born in the same dungeon, will take much better.

So, even after joining the underground covenant and gaining the position of overlord, Liu Huang Mountain City is destined to become a marginalist, so I initially positioned Liu Huang Mountain City …..

Stir X stick, smelly stone in that pit …

Yes, since you are not destined to be at the core, add chaos to the core. There are unscrupulous fringe members and minorities there. I tangled these minorities together. It is also a force. You have to fight East, I’m partial to the west, you want to attack the city slightly, I want to defend my hometown.

In this way, at least you can slow down the **** decisive battle on the ground for a few years. If the Undead Calamity and Demon invasion has begun, then it is this batch of insiders and insiders. .

Correct is also the same in “History”. The reason why the future catastrophe is more difficult to clean up is because the Eich world lost too much in the previous catastrophes, especially the human kingdom, which dominates the total population. It has the most comprehensive strength, but has human civil war, cult religion civil war, underground world invasion, undead world invasion, Demon invasion … It did not play the role of a pillar, and it was played directly in several wars. Of course, there are also All ethnic groups regard human, which has a large population and the widest area, as the top nail.

In the original “History”, after the Battle of the Bloody Plains in the Underworld and the Kingdom of human, their respective populations plummeted by 30%, and Undead Calamity arrived in time (the original history is not existence Xiluo Empire, only undead Wizard Council, they opened The gate leading to undead realm), turned the two sides that were still playing deep into a grasshopper on a rope …

In the later more difficult days, countless people speculated that if the human kingdom and the underground world did not reach that level at that time, and retained more than half of their combat power, perhaps the battle would not be so overwhelming.

At that time, in order to deepen the ice-like friendship and trust between the two sides, one of the only remaining cousins ​​of the underground covenant, the Dark Elf Queen Victoria Syfan, even politically married with Winter Wolf King Darsos of Auland Empire, and fell in love with each other and became A good story in history.

“Unfortunately, it is said that the Victoria Syfan is a rare beauty in history even in the beautiful Elf, haha, maybe because of Correct, the king of Eastern Wolf shed that famous last word before the war. ‘ Jun hates me for being late, I hate him for being early, and in my life, the thing I hate most is that I can’t forget you until I die. ‘However, marrying a beautiful woman who will never forget will be dying, Maybe it’s too unsatisfactory, which makes us Old Bachelor how to be with ourselves. “

“Oh, you are so popular, how can it be Old Bachelor.” Even if the misunderstanding was lifted, the ice on Elise’s face showed no signs of thawing. I was a little strange.

“… .. Strange, you should know that it was a misunderstanding from the beginning. Do n’t mention that it is a Centaur, even if it is a beauty. What can I do with an old bone, you are going to seek it out!”

My roar shook in the cold eyes that looked like garbage … In this case, I usually did something wrong, but I haven’t done anything bad recently.

“Under the cover of” Sixty-Four Black Magic “on your bookshelf …”

“Sure enough, sure enough, sure enough, you changed my beach Elf picture book to a male Gnome muscle color. Love picture book, those red. Bare green Gnome, I almost vomited at that time. Exchange appreciation with Adam At that time, the look he looked was colder than you are now, so it was clear that it turned out that you are actually a Perverts guy Gnome control, stay away from me. I had a heart that hit me! “

“Oh, it turns out that Adam also has a share. It seems that it is time to tell Magaret, the illegal publications in the city, it is time to rectify.”

“I ….. I will clean up the portal today.”

“The Witch’s Tips”, “Great Mage Carl’s Hunting Guide”, “Hehe, it’s a good fight. But, the blast has arrived!” ….. “

Every time I read a book title, I feel cold on the vest. The “artwork” under the cover of those seemingly tight book titles are all my lifeblood. This is my resource. In the sleepy world, it’s a treasure to collect.

“Master Eliza, please let go of those children. If there is anything, just go to the old bones.” The hostage was in hand and had to bow his head.

“Oh, what you have done, you know what you want, please take it for yourself.” After speaking, Eliza bowed, and she left. In the past, she would be very happy after successfully surrendering me, but now, from that Judging by her tail, this time, she was not only angry, but even depressed.

When I saw this situation, Annie jumped over and said in my ear with a twiddle smile.

uncle bone, Eliza sister is angry, because the gift from Mozambier City is a beautiful Dark Elf sister.”

“Gift? What?” The disaster that day made me cry and laugh. Dark Elf is a normal gift, but I didn’t expect it. A living person will be sent.

“Well, super pretty sister, Annie hasn’t seen such a pretty older sister. Well, it seems, it’s called Victoria.”

“What !!!!!! Victoria? Victoria Syfan?”

“Ah, uncle bone, you know. It turned out to be really famous. No wonder, such a beautiful sister. However, Annie will also work hard and drink a lot of milk. Magaret sister said that men are **** Yes, even though that sister is very beautiful, she is totally breastless … “

What Annie said, I ca n’t care about already. I heard the suit of this name. Ten thousand grass mud horses whistled in my heart. What is the plot of this story? The future Dark Elf queen sent me to do it. What, without her being the empress, how can you reconcile with the ground forces afterwards? Is the butterfly so exaggerated?

I rushed over, but saw the beauties surrounded by a group of Dark Elf knights.

Slim eyebrows, warm eyes, picturesque eyebrows, charming red lips, and a touch of red makeup embellish it like a fairy, she does n’t have the sharp and heroic brilliance and arrogance common in Dark Elf, but there is Xiaojiabiyu Mild temperament makes people feel at ease and comfortable. It is the kind of beauty who wants to see more and more.

From a man’s point of view, a woman of this kind who is a good wife and mother is the most difficult to resist, and if you want to compare appearance and temperament, she is still above rare beauties such as Magaret and Eliza. Beauty has left its name in history.

No wonder that Winter Wolf King has never forgotten her love, and even blame Eliza for being so discouraged, this is really a super beauty, and, the good wife and mother are long-term sons, Correct is my dish … But strangely, I am Instinctively felt something wrong there.

“It’s weird, I didn’t see the urge to see my pretty sister at all. Instead, my intuition told me that it was a trouble, and it was a big trouble.”

And then, the roar of Diana let me know where the problem lies.

“Victor.Syfen! Why are you here and still dressed like this

Diana Syfan, now, please call me Victoria Syfan. Now, I am a female Lorci priest. Due to your irresponsible defection, Wrath of Lorci came down, and as your only loved one, I was met with a vicious **** The punishment was permanently deformed, but fortunately, Lorci found that I became a female and actually had a very good divine talent, which made me a priest and saved my life. All this is thanks to you, my dear Older sister !!! “

In the face of the younger brother’s seemingly calm and actually full of complaints, his complexion shook his hand Diana, the sacred sword silver avenger suddenly fell to the ground, and the female knight was helpless and troubled.

“I …. I, X, actually a boy, or, once was a boy !!!” No wonder I instinctively felt wrong. It turned out that under the body of the peerless beauty was a male soul.

“Wait, if I do n’t build Liu Huang Mountain City, then Diana may not defect. At least, I cannot defect for so long. The Lorci who is angry has lowered the punishment personally. Then, will the Victoria empress in history be really a man? Child !!! “

This is entirely possible. In the motherhood of Dark Elf, men can never take the lead, and it is natural to pretend that they want to become superiors. In addition, the natural beauty and male and female of Elf are difficult to distinguish ….

Okay, I’m totally embarrassed. This time, the grass and mud horse that rushed to my heart was twice as many as last time.

“Jun hates me for being late, I hate him for being born early ….. no wonder he is called” Jun “by the male name. Perhaps the attendant heard it wrong. It should be ‘Jun hates me for not giving birth, I hate Jun (You hate me for not being a woman, in fact I also hate you for not being a woman), it is no wonder that Winter Wolf King hated herself before she died and could not forget the Victoria queen, and picked up a man who could not return to be a queen wife in political marriage, but she preferred I still fall in love, I still remember before death, if I fall into such a point, let alone regret for life, the heart that directly destroys the world! “

While seeing Victor notice me and slightly forehead me, it seems that I intend to say something …..

Ignoring the eyes of Diana for help, I turned my head and left … The truth of history is to let him be buried in history. It would be terrible to embarrass existence, the emperor of Auland Empire! !!


It ’s in a good state today. It ’s possible that you can even double … wait to start correcting the typo in the front. Do n’t be late…. If you add more, it should be at night. .

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