The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 364: Suck to pump

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“Yes, Roland, why haven’t you got Lottery recently?”

After becoming the binding equipment of Roland, Harloys also got some benefits. She was very curious about the system hidden in Roland. The ability to distort cause and effect is incredible, in a sense, it only needs to be used well. , Decided strong outrageous.

“… I smoked and fell once.”

“Why haven’t you heard that before!”

Harloys is very surprised. If she knows Roland, if there is any benefit, it will not be concealed. Since he did not show off his good luck, the result …

“… Well, there is no need to say the result, the last ten consecutive draws, five blue, four purple and one orange.”

“Yeah, why haven’t you heard me.”

Harloys can also understand the messy terminology of Roland recently. Blue is Elite grade, purple is Epic grade, orange is legendary grade, ten times Lottery is Epic grade six times or more, which should be very good.

“Five times Elite class will not be mentioned for the time being, although they are not very good, but at least they are decent, and they are somewhat helpful.”

“…. The Epic level should be better.”

“Well, I was happy when I got the first one. It’s” Master Kui’s Hand-to-Hand Handbook (Part 1). “

“Master Kui? Who is that?”

“If a certain savage character who kills the devil Slaying Dragon is forced to make an analogy, it is probably the ancient swordsman and the like.”

“Are you unhappy to die?”

“I turned it over. It was indeed that person who was right. Kill the ancient **** of war, and kill 9-Headed Dragon alone. Fight against giant stone monsters. There are heroic deeds in the book, which swept all the way, almost super god. I checked Now, in ancient times, there were really such cruel people. “

“… then why aren’t you happy?”

“The book is super thick and can be used as a brick, but only his heroic deeds are included. For me, it can only be used as a game guide … Knight novels. How can I be happy. The last page talks about the forged secret recipe with his unique weapon in the middle volume, and in the second volume. His martial arts and combat experience. “

“I understand. The first volume is useless, the other volumes are useful. After that, you won’t get another volume. No wonder you are so depressed!”

“No, the next time I get the book, there is indeed an ancient God Equipment manufacturing method of the sword named Chaos …”


“Show me!”

Hesitating for a moment, Roland handed him a thin booklet.

“… Is that so? A handful of ancient God Equipment, from material manufacturing, to forging, to enchanting, light materials can be stored in a library.”

Then there is no need to say more, she opened the booklet. Then he turned out to have a black face, which was very simple.

“First find two sturdy chains, and then tie two one-handed swords of God Equipment level. Shake, if the sword does not fly out, it’s fine!”

“… This ancient swordsman is really a real person.”

“Yeah, it’s too real, you turn back, he also wrote how to get a God Equipment level one-handed sword.”

The cat flips through the books. Then it got even worse.

“Find a **** to kill, grab his weapon and get God Equipment. Kill a few more one-handed swords that must have God Equipment level, if the hands are too dark, spy wash your hands. But this method has some limitations. For example, I The last time I found a stallion God Lord, I managed to get rid of it, and I got the top-level God Equipment two-handed sword, but unfortunately I did n’t learn the two-handed sword specialization and could n’t equip it. Alas, this drop is just too bad, still bound, think Not for my little brother. “

“… haha, really a real person.”

Harloys smiled reluctantly, beating comforting Roland.

“Come on, maybe you will get the next volume, at least the martial arts in the next volume should be useful.”

“… Don’t say, I really got the” Master Kui’s Hand-to-Hand Handbook “again.”

Harloys looked at the Roland with sympathy. Even if he tried hard to say it, but judging from Roland‘s long-term luck, most of them still have problems.

“Is martial arts impossible to learn or what?”

“… No, although I got the” Master Kui’s Hand-to-Hand Manual “, this time it is” Master Kui’s Hand-to-hand Manual (continued) “(Last time we did not finish my heroic deeds, this time we continue I watched for two hours and saw the Spartans telling how to go to war with his demigod brothers, how to provoke Titan, and how to be chased down by the mother goddess of the earth. It is indeed a hero with savage blood. Blow, if what he said is true, then not all the gods were taken by him, then the world should be destroyed … “

“… It’s really sympathetic. Three of the four Epics are like this, the fourth one?”

“Oh, this time is” Master Kui’s Hand-to-Hand Handbook (continued from the top) “(I know you did n’t believe much last time, so I ’m going to tell you that things were evidenced by the people. Listen to me. Say, the Titan is really bigger than the mountain, the 9-Headed Dragon is really bigger, bigger than the ship …) “.

“This time I watched it for two days and I deeply realized the importance of popularizing Chinese language education in the barbarian tribe. Even if there are no typos, you do n’t have to mark the points. What a terrible thing, I watched it for two days and it took half a month to make up for it! “

“You really finished watching it!”

“… After all, they are ancient superpowers, maybe there is absolutely no secret. But the result …”

“Don’t frown, Epic level? It should be a good thing, is it God Equipment?”

“Oh, in a sense, it ’s true, Kui Ye ’s body suit armor, in kind.”

“Isn’t it developed by you? Wait, you say that Kui Ye was born by a savage …”

“… Well, no matter in ancient times or now, the barbarians are in the red / naked battle. It ’s fair that Grandpa Kui is pretty good. He wore a piece of armor and the system was evaluated as legendary equipment. “

“… What do you mean?”

“Well, **** yellow strawberry panties, still original, do you want it? Free gift!”

“… Disgusting, throw away! Such disgusting things are carried with you!”

“I ca n’t do it. Like that ancient two-handed sword, this thing is bound! If you want to lose it, you ca n’t lose it! Come, try it.”

After a while of confusion, after determining that his binding equipment Harloys could not be equipped with this “soul binding” glowing underwear, Roland reluctantly took out a lot of straps, tied them, and then Thrown into his own space.

“… It’s a sinkhole, at least those Elite grades are useful.”

“Well, Elite is a special card. Each one has a rune on it. Only if you have ‘Sanyang Kaitai!’, you can get an God Equipment weapon used by Kui Ye. Equipment, I asked the system this time, and she said it was definitely good if she didn’t pit me this time.

“You have five? Didn’t you get it? Sanyang Kaitai only has four words.”

“Well, although two” Sheep “words were drawn, I did draw those four words, but …”


“I didn’t get an exclamation mark! It’s ‘!’, that pit father’s goods actually demanded ‘Sanyang Kaitai!’. One of the five runes is not enough, even the punctuation marks!”

“… Actually, you can smoke again, one day.”

“Oh, where do you think the 418 father’s idea of ​​packing and selling Lottery came from? After that, I picked ‘?’, ‘.’, ‘:’, and there were ellipsis and back question mark. , System are you teasing me? Sanyang Kaitai? Why is there no **** exclamation mark! “

“I can understand your mood, but please relax, Lottery is like this. Some people always lose, some people win …”

“Oh, I haven’t won tmd! Rest assured. I have a way to relieve my already. When I am troubled, let others share my painful mood will be better. Oh, I have communicated with already and Justice Points system , Want to get my treasure, okay, go pumping! 418 is the beginning, after that there are 688,1088 waiting. Our goal is to pump until you shout chop hands are useless, really chop hands! “

“You should cut your hands first!” (To be continued)

ps: What, the Chinese New Year today, noisy at home, do not want to write at all, let alone know what to write, squirrel lazy sick, I want to take leave like other authors …..

But since it is the New Year, maybe there are updates such as book friends, I will be disappointed as soon as the leave slip comes out, so we still write it.

After thinking about it for a long time, since it is New Year, it ’s too boring to push the plot, but I still feel that writing something is happy. I hope you can have a happy smile when you see this chapter, and we are very satisfied.

Finally, the squirrel wishes everyone a Happy New Year, I wish you all a happy New Year, good health, happy family, Sanyang Kaitai (this is really not a typo!)

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