The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 36: Fighting

The first thing that started was a bud.

The rain drops fall, and the silver shoots begin to grow gradually. Its branches are spreading, and the silver leaves are spreading out and spreading towards the sky …….

Next, Hua Guduo started Wake up, it, no, she started to stretch a lazy waist, a piece of tulle began to spread, and turned into a gorgeous petal.

The long growth period is completed in just a few seconds. Unfortunately, this bloom is not a real rose, but an ice rose at the fingertips of girls.

“Ice Shape: Rose Garden.”

Gently crushed the branches of the rose to let the leaves and petals go with the wind. In plain words, it is the naked killing. Behind Eliza is a garden of silver roses, but a few seconds ago This place is still empty.

Every rose is as delicate and perfect as every root vein and every leaf pattern is breathing and shaking slightly, as if there is life, the silver ice material alone undoubtedly shows that this is magic The product of styling.

Next, the wind blows … No, the air is still calm, just those roses make the wind blow, countless rose petals rise with the wind, fall into the wind, and turn into A blade that follows the wind.

“Killing: dancing with roses.”

The beautiful scene that seems to be lightly described is a terrible death trap. There is no wind at all. Those rose flowers that watch the wind are actually ice blades controlled by Mage. .

Each piece of ice rose petals looks soft and extremely sharp, and its sharpness can cut the plate armor.

All the ice blades point to a target … that is a flaming dome.

Countless ice petals attacked this dome, but unfortunately, just just near the body surface, it was instantly gasified.

But Eliza did not give up. With a flick of the finger, the other three roses bloomed in the air, and then frantically absorbed the ice mana to strengthen itself. The petals began to condense the crystals of mana, and the branches with ice crystals began to mature and grow … … It seems. Is ready to gather mana to bring the big one.

“Oh, I was forced out of Nirvana so soon. Your Eliza is really not simple. Compared with the immature Annie, it is overwhelming. Is this what you taught? Really? It ’s beautiful, I did n’t expect you to hide such a trick. However, if I read correctly, she was serious about killing? Is she really trying to kill Annie? ”

How can she misread the eyesight of Xiao Hong? She said so now, but she wanted to embarrass me.

I shook my head and knew what she meant, how could my ice magic be so fine …

“No. You also know that my understanding of magic is simple and rude …”

“To gather mana to blast him. If it doesn’t rot, draw more mana to blast him. If you still can’t figure it out, bang the shell several times and focus on fire to blast his core. To be honest, your declaration made me and Magaret speechless. The understanding of mana stayed in the turret. The understanding of the attributes mana stayed in different colors. The elements were so rough and bold that they did not understand the nature and attributes of the elements. I really can’t understand how you got into demigod Necromancer? “

“There is a system Golden Ring. As long as the power is up to the standard, the realm not a system problem!” Well, I will not say such a big truth.

Human talents often have preferences. Excellent Order power talents (Holy Light, law are subordinate concepts of the power of Order), swordsmanship talents, already made me easily become the ace Holy Knight, and later transformed into In the dark Mage, I did not learn dark magic well, but the undead magic clearly belongs to the lower-level concept of Chaos. I also learned it well, indicating that my Chaos power talent is also good. This already is quite rare.

As for elemental magic that requires careful control, is it wrong to focus on mana? The simpler it is, the more pure and powerful it is. The “Ice Age” I invented at that time was a powerful forbidden spell in history. Although its principle is still to concentrate the bombing of mana in the past, the amount of that mana is outrageous …

Elemental magic originated from the ancient elemental gods. It should be said that it belongs to Chaos Faction, but because of its destructive power and low learning requirements, already has become one of the mainstream magics of the two camps.

“Hmm, the world ’s understanding of elemental magic is going astray ….. well, do n’t look at me like this, I know that this is a bad thing for you, you are a master of fire and fire, the world recognizes Master of arson. Don’t bully me, a frosty elementary school student. “

“No, you won’t be too arrogant. Although your little magic is rotten, because your mana is pure and huge, the magic of the forbidden level is really terrible. But your disciple is obviously the opposite of you. Line, her magic control is high enough to engrav the leaf pattern on the ice rose. The rose blade’s creativity is also very good, but it is too delicate and fragile. It seems to be overdoing it.

“After all, she is half fire Demon, that is, learning ice mana for almost a hundred years, and the accumulated ice mana is still limited. You know, the ice spells here are some big magic, although it is not difficult to master, However, the total requirements for mana are particularly high. She can’t learn advanced and curse spells. Instead, she works on small magics such as ice modeling that I am not good at, but it seems to work well. “

I have a chat with Xiao Hong, but at the same time, I am also on the alert and ready to take action to avoid accidents between the warring parties.

Annie originally planned to go out to accumulate actual combat experience, and learned that Eliza is also the Mage of the golden peak, and Annie challenged it, and the immediate scene is also expected.

Although they are all golden peaks, Eliza has gained an overwhelming advantage over 100 years of experience and accumulation. Soon, Annie was put into a small nirvana state that had to shrink.

“Pop!” A ring finger, three already accumulated silver roses of mana burst, the fragments are sharp like blades, and they spin toward the dome.

“Oh !!!”

Without waiting for the broken ice to hit, the flame dome spreads out with the howling, and the scattered flames are first transformed into rings of fire, then, at the same time, they pierce into the air and turn into a three-meter-wide Flamingo.

“Little Nirvana absorbs energy and accumulates energy. When the energy is stored to the limit, it erupts and the last round of fire phoenix is ​​cut off. The standard shameless tactic of Adam. The temperature of the Annie in the state of the firebird can easily melt the ice. Obviously, it seems that your disciple Eliza is about to lose. “

I smiled. “Can’t lose, or else, what can we bet on. For example, the ruby ​​protective jewelry in your treasure house?”

Xiao Hong also laughed. “No gambling, so many years, have you lost any bets?”

I also tried hard to remember, I really did n’t lose much … I do n’t know how to win. I wo n’t bet on it. Even if I ’m forced into the game, I will inevitably cheat, even if I lose. Most of the time, it will depend on the account.

Xiao Hong was determined not to gamble, but the scene before her made her a little regretful.

The flamingo flew to the highest point, and started screaming thickly. At the same time, the Eliza did not stop, but in front of the hot flaming bird, countless ice tips, ice guns, and ice cones were still Without touching it, it turned into snow in the flames.

Facing the crisis at hand, Eliza is calm and normal, with his hands around the air, the prepared water vapor instantly condenses, and the icy silk thread tied the firebird firmly.

“You can’t restrain Annie !!!”

With the announcement and development of Annie, the ice line is constantly melting, and Eliza continues to weave new ice lines to strengthen the seal on the firebird. This paragraph, already reached the critical moment of wrestling, that is flame and cold The movement of Bing is a dance of girls and girls.

When Eliza successfully weaved the big net and completely sealed the Annie, it was another familiar phoenix, the flames scattered again, then gathered into a firebird, and then launched a dive.

“Any secondary nirvana? Little Annie learns quickly.”

This time, the invisible water and gas network already is used up. Eliza already has no way to intercept it.

When magic interception is invalid, Eliza already will be retired in the face of high-speed sudden Annie.

Mage was approached by the soldiers, Eliza lost, ah ah, I knew I should have bet with you. Are you bluffing again?”

“No, if you bet with me this time, be sure to lose!”

What more would Xiao Hong want to ask, the next scene surprised her.

Facing the flaming Firebird, Eliza took a deep breath, spread his arms, and was ready to reach out to pick up.

“The impact of the firebird incarnation was Divine Sword Feng Zhi’s care, she was looking for death!” Xiao Hong intends to enter the competition to end the competition, but I was caught by me. “Don’t underestimate the Eliza.”

“Zi Zi Zi!” It was the sound of the meat being burned on the iron plate. I am afraid that the hands already were roasted, but Eliza seemed to be unconscious and threw away the staff. , Fold your abdomen and chest up, lift your right arm and punch!

“Dang!” The punch went down, but it was the sound of a hammer striking a bell.

And in the midst of a sway, the shell of the Firebird element spread out, revealing the red-haired girl who turned around and turned inside ….

Next, it’s crushed on the side …

“Riding around, standing and falling, holding your arms and legs in your legs, iron plate falling, pulling your neck, **** reincarnation ……… Isn’t this your strange fighting skills?”

“Please call him Mage body protection, this is a precious fighting skill from another world.”

Well, that’s right to say wrestling skills …

At this time, the Annie already was held down by the cross, and he could only shoot the ground for mercy. The victory and defeat have been scored, and the Eliza has won.

“That’s it, half Demon? Really terrible brute force.”

“Yeah, this brute force is enough and Yalong wrestling. You haven’t seen her clean it up. You can lift the whole sofa with a slight mention, and then you can easily take the private money hidden below to act as Wages owed …….. “

Okay, it looks like I accidentally blew something up, but at the moment, that’s not the point.

“She hasn’t had a chance to show her mid-to-close combat ability with a combination of steel wire and ice wire. You forgot that she is still a half Demon with inflammation properties. It is amazingly resistant to fire damage. The ice magic of hostile attributes and excellent melee capabilities are simply natural enemies of Annie. “

“You look so proud?”

“Of course I’m proud. My disciples have won the disciples of Adam. Although they do occupy the advantage of relative attributes, does this not mean that I have a stronger ability to teach than Adam?”

“Oh, it’s your common disciple with Magaret.

Finally, watching the whole battle, the Lilith behind it couldn’t bear it, interjected.

“Ms. Lorci‘s messenger already has been waiting for two days. When will the adult see her?”

“No urgency, Dark Elf is a cheap bone, you talk to them well, they won’t listen, let it go for two days, wait for her to understand her situation.”

Wen Yan, obviously defamating his own family, but Diana and Yawen, which are in the same row as Lilith, nodded desperately.

“It is said that you are still a middle-class mother, so you will not communicate well. In my opinion, you must hang for half a month first.”

It is not the first time I have dealt with Dark Elf nobles already, and I am quite experienced. If these female nobles are Rev. Lorci, it will be more difficult to deal with. In the eyes of Rev. Lorci and the Dark Elf master, males of all races are divided , There are domestic slaves of the master, and wild slaves without the master temporarily …..

I do n’t even need to see it, I know that the ambassador must give a charitable tone, and I will kill someone with my mouth.

“Men, may the light shine on your head (this is the most vicious curse of Dark Elf), our goddess has made a will, and you will be …”

Basically, negotiations with Dark Elf often become their unilateral orders. If you agree, it is better to go to war if you do not agree. This wonderful diplomatic method is almost impossible to reach … . However, Dark Elf originally did not need diplomacy, they will call directly most of the time, can diplomacy shows that their already promised your strength, at least, it will be very cost-effective.

I promise, now Dark Elf people still feel that we owe their favor ……. Why? At the time of the two underground hegemons attack, there were no downholes and no shamans behind them. In the strange values ​​of Dark Elf, they did not rob the fire, already was a decent act.

At the moment, it is a tentative test. For example, the messengers of Pride still receive preferential treatment. Naturally, it means that you ask for them again. Then, even more terrible conditions will come into contact.

Therefore, it takes time and patience to negotiate with Dark Elf. Whoever asks for the negotiation first will have the disadvantage.

But it ’s better than patience ….. haha, I have patience. It’s best to wait until the messenger of the last underground overlord comes. Let’s bargain together.

At this moment, on the other side of the open space, a group of Dark Elf Knight of Justice ran by. They were wearing single clothes, bare feet, but carrying their heavy plate armor heavy helmets, shouting Murderous Qi Tengteng horn passed by our eyes. …..

Aren’t you familiar with the previous scene? That’s how I punished Diana.

Diana said embarrassedly when I looked at the question.

“Although the punishment was very hard, but after reaching the limit, I did find a breakthrough in strength. This barefooted march was effective in training the strength of Willpower and extracting physical limits, so I was in the team. This training method has been promoted. There are two companions who are stuck at the peak of Silver, and they broke through Gold-Rank as soon as they took a bath. “

There seems to be some gratitude in those beautiful eyes, but instead of having the wrong joy, I asked worriedly.

“I’m not asking this, your slogan …”

“Well, ‘One, two, two, work hard, three, four, three, four, Roland caught, five or six five, Lich stew, seven or seven, eight, save the dowry’ That was compiled by Momo little girl , Remind us to pay attention to the goal in front of us … “

“Everything else, dowry? Are you so anxious to marry? Why did you refuse the pursuit of the knight in the city”

“Oh, you have misunderstood. Dowry here is our customary term. You see, we do n’t have marriage ideas of other races in Dark Elf. We all want to find a partner, are n’t we all marrying men? In our habits “Dowry” is equal to “money to marry a man”, which is equal to what you call a wife at the bottom of the box. “

I shook my head silently.

“I respect the habits of various races, and I can barely accept it, but is it Roland …”

The words are not finished, but the faces of the two Dark Elf captains are covered with frost …

“Twice, our home, we managed to save the salary and belongings, sir, we must not give up on this, we have to give an explanation to the sisters!”

Okay, not to mention the rest of the words, this black pot seems to me to be guilty.


Finally rushed out, but I’m still not satisfied, adjust and revise it tomorrow

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