The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 357: Undercurrent

“Is Holy Church forced to such a point?”

When I learned about the shameless behavior of some people, not only was there no trace of anger, but on the contrary, I was quite happy.

Sometimes, the leader is equal to the winner. For the leader, for example, a monopolist with a market share of more than 80%, it is difficult for latecomers to catch up as long as they do not take risks or make big mistakes.

For a behemoth like Holy Church, the pressure that can be given from the outside is really limited. If there is no disagreement inside the city, everyone will be able to eat for hundreds of years even if they are old-fashioned.

And this time, it finally made a mistake, it was still a big mistake.

I can understand that it makes a choice in this way. Under the current situation, it may not be a wrong choice. On the contrary, because Holy Church has a very strong foundation, it is a very good decision.

Everyone knows how to destroy bones. Holy Church occupies the advantage of public opinion. Of course, you can play whatever you want. From this, you can see that they have been sailing for too long and feel their own. The status will not be challenged at all, even some look down on the Ayer side,

Their high-level expectations are probably just to use this battle report to stabilize the situation for a period of time. After this period of time, once Holy War enters the stalemate period, I am afraid not to mention that this country is still remembering this matter, maybe not because The battle was unfavorable and required it.

Even if it is true in the future, this matter has been turned out to pick things up. The original merit announcement was ambiguous. It mainly said “victory under the guidance of Holy Light“. When most humans in this world believe in Holy Light At the time, this statement really could not be said to be wrong, and he could completely deny it by mistake.

But if you take 10,000 steps back. In case Holy Church falls into a disadvantage. This is simply being pursued to the end as a handle. At that time, an explanation such as “Cardinal Stephen is worried that the war will adversely affect his future, misrepresent the military situation, blind the upper levels of the church, already deprived the faculty, and killed himself in the **** mountain” will be enough, anyway, the person already died, Black pot already back.

In fact, this kind of thing already has happened quite a lot, as long as someone finally carried it. Then the big tree doesn’t fall, and in the end it can only be left.

What Holy Church needs now is just to eliminate the negative effects of the first battle as much as possible and to encourage the fighting spirit of the entire Holy Light side. Of course, it would be better to eliminate the existence feeling of a certain Ayer side.

But there is one thing, I am afraid that the Pope himself did not see it, and this is the biggest mistake.

He underestimated those Contract Heroes and even ignored their existence completely!

In this event. The biggest victims are not me and Wood Spirit or Ayer side of Oak Tree Town, we do not need to prove our ability to the world. There is also the opportunity to take the lead and be indifferent to the glory of this battle.

But for the Contract Heroess who risk their lives and desperately want to break out of their reputation and glory, this Epic-like battle already changed their lives. The shiny military medal is still on their chests, but already is in their hands. Ducks have been robbed, and if they brag about them later, they will be treated as liars.

This is a fatal pain for those young people who have “honor over life”. I am afraid that they will remember these hypocritical villains in their lives. At least these days, the priests have been subjected to other Adventurer on already. Hostility, even a few young priests once again chose the gods they should serve.

The popes and cardinals already are accustomed to their own supremacy, but forget that the most terrible thing about human is their growth.

Perhaps, they are just a rookie, but when “Justice Points” promoted its growth, when these first crab tasters became the veterans of this industry, when they rely on this military power system When the power gained in the emergence in various places, these hidden bombs and lingering vicious feelings will really come into play.

In fact, in the near future, the third article in the work manual of those already mixed-old seniors to young rookies is, “The priests who truly believe in Holy Light may be trusted, but Holy Church is a group Old Bastard, never give your back to them, otherwise, he will seize the honor that should belong to you, and then burn you to death as heresy. Do n’t believe it? Think Oak Tree Town. “

And once the bad feelings are established at the beginning, I am afraid that no matter how much it is done, it will be difficult to recover.

Of course, for Holy Church, their own “Holy Dependent System” is enough. How can they think of what the competing “Contract Heroes system” will have in the world, those seedlings? Will they become real heroes.

Of course, even if we have a lot in mind and are satisfied with such an ending, it is not possible to do nothing.

Even though our Ayer side is indeed not as good as our opponent’s Holy Light side, but since already has been beaten, if we do not retaliate back, wouldn’t it seem that we are too weak, and in this world, weakness itself is a kind of original sin, he will Let the wolves around you lay down your guard and really start the raid.

“What does Ayer intend to do? Or what does already do?”

At this time, it is natural that the boss should make a decision. In my mind, Ayer is not a person who is used to swallowing.

“… In the past few days, two meteors have fallen. Although Holy Church did not issue an announcement, the small churches of the God of Discipline and the God of Punishment did not receive a response from the true God, and the priests also lost Divine Strength. Although Neither of these two gods has a sense of existence. They are just quasi-gods who are among the quasi-gods, but they are both the ascetic **** Cui Matt’s obedience. You should understand this silent and silent fall.

In ancient mythology, the star fall is also a manifestation of the **** fall, but in fact, the meteor is not necessarily the **** meteor, but the **** meteor will definitely cause the meteor … Well, in fact, the kingdom of God and the constellation of the Sun are burning. The scene of the falling sky, when witnessing that scene, all life will instinctively know that God is dead, just as once someone ascends to God, the whole world will know.

I haven’t heard of these two shrines. I found the information and found out that both Holy Church successfully became demigod of God’s Envoy in the past, and then shared with the true gods God’s Obligation and Divine Strength. Their churches are all in Holy Church. internal. The God of Discipline will provide heresies Judgementor with some divinity to trace heresies. The **** of punishment is the master of extorting a confession. The two gods are both super Inferior God, which are exactly Cui Matt’s dog legs, and Cui Matt is a God of Holy Light dog leg.

“… I heard it seems, okay, at least in face, this thing was made by the ascetic **** of the powerful Divine Strength, his teachings advocate a near-masochistic lifestyle, thinking that everyone is diligent, There is no dispute in the world of poverty. Winter wears single clothes to forge bones, summer food rice grains drink cold water, and promotes self in asceticism. Although this guy has a high reputation among monks, this teaching is born of Beiyana who is pursuing wealth to improve his life. Enemy. Of course, this explanation about his personal actions was originally transmitted by the group of Bastards on the Holy Light side. I don’t think other Bastards can be disconnected, and probably push the most unlucky egg. “

Solo, the **** of music and dance, is very open-minded and talks to me through the bard as a mouthpiece.

Since that incident, he has kept in touch with me … I certainly don’t want to deal with the guys. But it is really necessary to get the upper bound news, and you can’t find Ayer directly.

The other candidate gods are even more unreliable. I do n’t know many deities now. After all, Marie is a dwarf **** and is in a state of chaos (drunkenness) most of the time. Beiyana … I am not too stupid to deliver to your door. It seems that as soon as she hears my name, Automatically fell into a manic state.

Ayer killed?”

“Break into the kingdom of God directly, and wound Cui Matt seriously. He blocked and killed two of them, even taking away the spirit and God’s Obligation.”

“The other God Lord did not respond? The source of Order did not respond? Holy War started to fight civil war? Ayer has passed this time.”

“No, it ’s the Holy Light side that crosses the line first. The other God Lords are also very upset about this behavior, but since the other party died, Cui Matt was seriously injured. Even if this is the case, both parties will Will not continue to promote. “

In a sense, this is a compromise. It is a mediation under the attention of other sources of God Lord and Order. From the bright side, it seems that the Ayer side still suffers a bit, after all, the loss on the Ayer side is rare. Although the Holy Light side is dead, but the two are so weak that not many people know it, it can be ignored in the eyes of the big brothers.

But only I know, in fact we are making a lot of money this time!

“Is it punishment and discipline? Ayer is really working hard this time.”

These two God’s Obligations are nothing. In the current world, the commandments are only the pursuit of a few ascetic monks and devout believers, and the punishment is a low-level concept that cannot come up. The two seem to have no potential to be tapped. God’s Obligation.

While these two concepts are not being valued, because the religious concept of “repaying the original sin through penance to allow the pure soul to be introduced into the kingdom of God by gods” is recognized by the churches of the gods, the ascetic God’s Obligation is powerful The world is very amazing. The **** of asceticism is even more powerful by Goddess of Wealth.

As the ascetics and monks can obtain powerful fighting power through ascetic practices, the church formed by the elite and warriors has made this “god of masochist” an incarnation of the powerful Divine Strength. The result is “penalty Both God’s Obligation and “Discipline” have become continuations of the concept of asceticism and are even more unseen.

And Correct feels that there is no potential to be tapped, so Cui Matt will give the two God’s Obligation to his own God.

“Did Ayer take God’s Obligation directly?”

But only a few people like me and Ayer know that both “penalty” and “discipline” are God’s Obligation that we ca n’t obtain in the “Rebuild Hades” plan. In that thick plan, it must be listed in advance. In the list of killing, there are these two slave gods,

“Penalty” and “Discipline” are second-rate in the second class if they are derived from religious ascetic practices, but if they are derived from “law”, such as “penalty” is a punishment for violating the law, ” “Discipline” is a subordinate to the concept of the law itself, and even the concepts of “judicial self-discipline” and “moral self-discipline” can be deduced. This is the nutrition necessary for the next step of the throne of the law, and it is also necessary to build God from the underworld .

Of course, the aftermath of this matter is not over, or the upper-level **** already has reached an agreement, but as mortals, we also have to get back to Holy Church, which is also a mortal, and this depends on the machine.

As for the two God’s Obligations that were destined to “suddenly disappear”, the two alreadys, even though they should know a lot, should face Solo’s doubts. I just nodded and said nothing. Some things are too important. Even though Solo is the **** on our side, I don’t want to know it alone.

“It seems that I have to hurry up too … Of course, let’s deal with the important things at hand, Ainsloh, the stone-sculptor, what else can you say?”

A little uneasy, isn’t that the ugly mother of all stones?

When the battle was deadlocked, I summoned the ambush without hesitation. And since the big stone-sculptor Ainsloh has settled in Dreamland Forest, already is in some sense equivalent to trusting me, and of course, she will not forget to pull her top battle force to the battlefield.

But the result was the “Seven Saints”, the brothers who were formed by the seven earth elements realm and above Saint Rank. But the result was a miracle-like result … Is the smallest of the Seven Saints? The hardest to deal with?

Cough, let’s get back to business. If you lose, there is nothing to say, but if you win now, you will naturally count as an old account that will cause you to shrink back. Otherwise, everyone’s heart is gone. The team is really bad.

“Master, I’m really wrong! You know, we are all lords of the earth elements, but Titan is the son of the earth. In front of them, we can’t move at all!”

Two lines of tears fall from the cheeks, and they turn into diamonds. It seems that there is a lot of carbon in this body … I suddenly remembered the fairy tale of mermaid tears and pearls. The composition of pearls is mainly calcium carbonate. The mermaid was able to shed tears into beads, was it because her lacrimal glands contained too much plaster, or she was simply a strange creature that feeds on stones.

It seems that only crocodiles eat stones in nature. Although they are intended to help digestion, crocodiles are also amphibious. Is the true identity of a mermaid a crocodile?

Keke, it seems that I accidentally destroyed my childhood again. Closer to home, the academic research on the old fossil mermaid … I will talk about it next time.

I have collected all the diamonds that she dropped. I ’ll see if I can sell some money … It ’s not that I ’m too stingy, but it ’s been cleaned recently. When I find the Bastard that stole my money, I ’m sure ……What? Off topic again? Well, let’s talk about the recent livelihood issues next time and continue working hard to get back to work.

The tears of this guy ca n’t stop flowing, but I ’m the tear of a crocodile. I ’m not a fool. Although Titan is known as the son of the earth, the wingman is also called the son of the sky. Elf is also the child of nature and the child of the forest. Actually It does n’t matter if you put gold on your face.

Titan is not the element creature. They just admit that the earth gave birth to them. It is a natural creation, not a certain **** created them. If they really have any relationship with the earth element bullshit, it will not be Erd Doroken. Earth Elemental God.

“Can’t move in front of Titan? Huh, I think you know that your opponent is Titan, so you dare not enter the battlefield at all.”

Ainsloh didn’t answer, and her tears stopped, and she seemed to find the play very boring.

This looks like the ugly element lord of five short stature, but Erd Doroken‘s peers are much older than most true gods. Maybe she has seen the full form of Titan. Then, she was frightened. The battle is completely understandable. Even if she can compete with the Titan avatar, she is also worried that the full form of Titan will come to the door. With her obstruction, how can other “big saints” come to the battlefield.

Thinking of this, I looked at this dwarfed ancient stone mother with fun. Her strength may not be in the top combat power, but her ancient and ancient information may not be comparable. She is even more important.

Of course, it is difficult to ask these questions directly, but in a sense, the stone mother who lost my trust is also losing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

“You can’t talk to her about something until you figure it out.”

I originally planned to talk to her about repairing the throne of earth elements and re-establishing an earth element lord to Earth Elemental God. It is good.

As long as Earth Elemental God is re-emerged, it can naturally slow down the recovery of Titan. The production of Earth Elemental God must be strong enough for the two elements of the earth element strong and earth element throne. As far as I know, the big stone shaper in front of me Ainsloh was the lord of the earth element closest to the Earth Elemental God, and the fragments of the earth element throne were taken away by two people, one was me, the other was …

Beifeng, how do you say? Your brothers and sisters are so unkind, I don’t treat them badly, so they are usually delicious and spicy, and I need to run away when they come in handy, isn’t it a bit too much?”

The sandworm king tamed by Beifeng destroyed the throne of earth element at that time, and some of the fragments must be already in his hands. It was originally his booty, but I’m afraid I have to exchange him.

And this question is difficult to answer. The benefits of Dreamland Forest to the Lord of the Earth Elements are obvious. I am not talking nonsense. I now ask Beifeng in my mouth, but I stare at Ainslo, Force her to give me an answer.

Beifeng also knows, but just teased with the white lion and didn’t talk, but Ainsloh kept silent.

But she also knows that it is impossible to continue in this way. In the end, it is necessary to make a decision. (To be continued …)

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