The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 347: Gap

Xiao Hong, why is she your mother, just give me a little dignity.”

Okay, the mother dragon of Wrath gave him a severe glance. Sure enough, other people’s internal contradictions, and outsiders casually interjected are unpleasant endings inside and outside. I really should be dumb.

“… I think the reason she glared at you was that you were drawing her mother’s blood, and how did that super thick needle tube change out? What are you going to do with this thing?”

“Frozen earth ice-plastic, the mold shape is quickly completed in three minutes, you deserve it. Rest assured, I am not interested in giving the cat an injection.”

That’s a giant needle tube … or a needle-type giant electric drill is more suitable. Now I’m drilling on the poor Molly, but the Dragon Blood that just came out has been directly frozen to make pig blood cake. … Ice blood bricks, and then put them into my frozen ground storage.

“Hey, Xiao Hong, I’m just helping her to bleed a little bit so that she won’t be vulnerable.”

The giant ice lock clasp tied the Molly firmly, but I found that many eyes were looking at me, which made me very uncomfortable, so I opened the door to the frozen ground directly and put She was thrown in. At this time, there are still troublesome opponents to clean up, so already is enough to deal with, and she can’t come out anyway after entering the frozen ground.

“… What does Her Royal Highness mean …”

“Tell her, I won’t swallow it.”

The priest Goddess of Wealth said that I would understand half of what I said. Who are you? I want to be a booty before I finish playing … Do n’t laugh at the dead cat. This is not for booty. This is to relieve the psychological burden on my comrades-in-arms, and still laugh? Don’t laugh! We are fighting now, so be serious.

The status of the Xiao Hong in human form is pretty good. Because the current Molly is too useless, the previous battle was just a bit more intense warm-up for Xiao Hong.

At this time, the fire element in her slender black hair was dyed red, and her fair skin was glowing with red glow. Appropriate exercise made her full of vitality. The weak Molly did not even make her hurt.


“Don’t worry, she won’t be able to escape after being put in my prison. We will come to an end. We will deal with her again.”

Xiao Hong nodded without questioning. Being able to meet Molly in this situation is a good thing for Xiao Hong, and after a good shame of Dragon Clan, her mood is much better. But seeing the war situation not far away, she frowned.

Roland, shoot?”

Although it was a headless question, I understood. She was asking if I interfered with the battle between Oracle and Titan, and being able to ask such words proved from one side that she did not have much. grasp.

Xiao Hong is a demigod-level combat power, but there is an ancient Great Dragon bloodline bonus, the realm is not so high. In fact, the surviving demigod-class Great Dragon are all from the ancient dragon. It is the same existence as Dragon God , and Xiao Hong is far behind.

In a certain sense, Dragon Clan and Titan are old friends, and there should be a lot of records. In the face of Titan Epic, which has been passed down for many years in the clan, watching the Titan incarnation of good combat. She wasn’t sure she could win.

Looking ahead, the Titan giant is getting stronger and stronger.

The thunder that has sprung up has turned into a real weapon. The Thunder Titan Harlett wielded the classical epee in one hand and couldn’t help throwing the Thunder throwing spear. The two true gods incarnation couldn’t find North.

The Thunder ’s energy attack is perfectly combined with the artistic beauty of sword skills. Each stroke brings together the power of the whole heart and soul. Compared to him, the true **** is just a big fat man. All the movements are seen through. All the divine magic is directly exposed, and it cannot cause effective damage from beginning to end, and is completely played with between the applause.

Perhaps the energy level of the two sides is in the same level, but everyone can see the crushing of martial arts and combat skills.

“Finally, it is estimated that I will be forced to explode.”

If the energy levels and ranks represent real combat power, you do n’t have to fight. At the beginning of the war, you have a higher level than anyone else, and the lower side commits suicide. Due to the limitations of the world ’s bottleneck, the energy of both sides The level is about the same level, but due to the soft factors such as combat experience and skills, they can’t beat.

This is like the incarnation of the true **** can often sweep demigod of Normal. They experience too much and accumulate too much. Even if the demigod of Normal is in the same level as their basic ability, they will still be in experience and unique Many aspects such as ability were lost, and at this time, the scenes of the past were staged again, but this time it was crushed, but it was the incarnation of the true god.

Compared to the Titan accumulated over a number of years, the true **** can only be considered as a junior. The gap between the ancient Titan and the true **** is as large as that between the true **** and mortal. This cannot be made up by effort.

“Just one avatar can do this, how strong is the full-form Titan.”

Sometimes I may be arrogant to the point of self-confidence, or I will be desperate like a crazy dog ​​when forced into desperation, but as a normal person, well, barely be a normal person, I definitely do n’t like Hovering on the line of life and death … Well, with so much, I just want to say briefly, I … can’t beat it, absolutely can’t beat it!

I have accumulated over three hundred years, and now the age is less than four years. The true gods are at least 1,000 years old. It is said that creature, such as Titan, can be dormant for thousands of years. As if they were dormant day and night, so to say their theoretical life span … casually estimate, I am afraid to prepare a new time unit for them.

This kind of opponent is very frustrating. Do n’t tell me what you are trying to win. Whatever kind of long-lived species are delicious wastes waiting for death … The wastes that have a good sleep are indeed there, but most of them Both alreadys have been eliminated by history. If they have not been eliminated, they have shown that their talents are ridiculously powerful from another angle … Well, I am talking about Dragon Clan who sleeps all day long.

Maybe luck is bad. Titan‘s debut in this era has been hunted by the true gods, but the power of Correct‘s opponents makes Titan powerful and pure. I estimated it, if it was me …

“You will be killed in an instant … system, you are really uneasy.”

At this time. I also sweated a lot. Without these “good-hearted” shots, our front and Titan are on the bar. I am afraid that it was us who were disassembled twice.

Xiao Hong, who has always been quicker than her mouth, also wanted me to ask, but it also showed that she was also guilty and she was not a novice. It is not the Long Ao days that I think I will definitely win anyway, evaluate it a little. She also found the terrible look of the quaint and clumsy strike.

“Every hit is seen through, every step is evaded in advance, it seems awkward, in fact, it is completely suppressed. I am afraid that even if I go from advanced to Ancient Dragon, I have no certainty to win …”

Don’t mention Xiao Hong. When I was still Yongye demigod, I could take my own legion and let the weak gods detour, but these gods of Goddess of Wealth are not weak low gods, quasi gods, and are still being In this way, even if it is just the Willpower projection incarnation of Titan, this already exceeds the scope that mortals can handle. If once Titan recovers completely, it is no wonder that even the proud Dragon Clan will be so anxious, asking for help everywhere, or because Titan is too strong.

[… don’t think so much. ‘Thinker’ Inns ranks fourth in Titan. Although it is not famous for hand-to-hand combat, it can be regarded as a big man, and the king of Titan should also respect it. Although the ‘Silver Bow God of War’ Harlett is in double digits, if you only look at martial arts, you can rank among the top five in Titan. None of them are irritating. They cannot represent the average combat power of the Titan family. Titan, which is the last in the ranking, still has a chance. 】

Rare and considerate comfort. On the one hand, I was surprised that the news was really well informed, but on the contrary, it made me cry and laugh. Isn’t it clear that I can’t beat them now.

Xiao Hong, since the true gods have not requested support, let’s go to the theater for the time being.”

“… um.”

Xiao Hong‘s answer has a rare frustration. Red Dragon‘s inherent pride is unique among Dragon Clan. She has always regarded herself very high, but this time she did not even have the courage to challenge, and she felt very shameful.

“It seems that I have only given up.”

Of course I want to be the “demigod-grade evolution Quest“. Before we had the help of true God, and the opponent was demigod. Maybe I do n’t need to match the complete demigod-level opponent at all. It will suffer, even if the true **** is added, it is still harder to deal with than demigod of Normal.

“If you have money to make money, you have to spend it. Three Quest is good to complete two already. There should be a chance in the future …”

Inexplicably, I think of the future of “history”. At a certain stage, Normal‘s demigod can only become cannon fodder. I am afraid that only Titan resurrection is needed, and that era is directly coming.

In the face of such an opponent, it seems that already cannot complete advanced Quest, but the desire to become stronger is silently burning in my heart. I do n’t have the so-called Dragon Clan dignity. It can even be said that my goal is to use whatever means to achieve my goal, but as a step by step The strong man who came here, seeing such an opponent, how could there be no desire to stand on the battlefield.

“… Next time, I won’t be watching around. Titan? Even if this is not the case, I will sooner or later make you my evolutionary food.”

The fist is tight, the nail already is embedded in the meat, and the powerlessness that can only be watched without doing makes people feel tired from the bottom of the heart, but suddenly, the palm of the hand is warm, and looks to the side in surprise, Xiao Hong His palms are also slightly hot, and there are more emotional red glow on his face.

“Next time, we will never be bystanders, I will help you …”

Xiao Hong has a little husky voice with unwillingness and a sense of disappointment. But more, it is a higher level of ambition and inexplicable excitement.

“Hmm …”

The tenderness of my palm makes my heart wide, in my opinion, at this time, Hongxia has stretched to the ear of Xiao Hong, which is divided into beautiful, blushing, red apple-like, she seems to be the same as me The war is boiling, and with such a trusted comrade, what else do I worry about and hesitate about.

“No matter how difficult the future is, let’s face it together!”

Yes, we still have room for growth. I ’ll do it again from the beginning, not just to break through the bottleneck to gain more room for growth, but next time I encounter an opponent who ca n’t be defeated in a short time, the big one will repeat itself. Mode, with everyone on our shoulders, even if we can only act as discerners now, why should we be arrogant.

Maybe what I say is unclear, but I believe that Xiao Hong can definitely understand, at least, my palm can convey my belief.

“Hmm …”

When I uttered the declaration of combat with arrogance, it was Xiao Hong ’s answer from the ears. Looking at it, my head was lowered and my face was even more red. It seemed that she was really depressed, after all It is Dragon Clan proud, and dignity will be damaged.

“… Roland, you have been single for so many years, you really can only count it as you deserve it.”

The dead cat always picks up the key moments to make me unhappy, but this time, even the system is lively.

[As soon as the mother-in-law was hit, she asked her daughter to marry him and did a good job. System prompt: Considering that there will be lively watching soon, it will be free for this time. 】

“Well, the excitement from there is for you to see. This time, I will be a turtle.”

I’m determined that already is safety first, but some people don’t let it go.

“His Royal Highness Roland, the goddess expects you to help …”

“… I went up for nothing, do you expect to collect her body?”

“It ’s just collecting the corpse … Okay, the original word of the goddess is’ You do n’t have to help, just give me flash bullets. I do n’t know if I have been single for more than three thousand years. Be careful my old lady burns you. Okay. Well, your goal has been achieved, the old lady is about to explode, remember to help the old lady to retrieve a few God Equipment on her body, and one less will make you look good! ‘”

“… Can she say that she wants money? It is true that she needs money!”

“My lord said,” Thank you for your compliment … “

“… this thick-skinned person can compare with me.”

“My lord said‘ thank you for the compliment, but it ’s worse than you. ’”

In the face of such a cheeky goddess, I can only smile and shook my head with a smile, and prepare for “Boss fall, grab the body equipment at the first time”.

“It seems like I forgot something … forget it, since it can be forgotten, it shouldn’t matter.”

When I was full of ambitious preparations, in the frozen snow and ice, a female dragon **** with flowers and losing too much blood, already was pale and weak, and almost died.

For Red Dragon with flame properties, lava and volcanoes are comfortable homes, and ice and snow are hell. Their ice resistance is all negative, and they will even double their damage from ice. At this time, Molly, after suffering severe damage, and then enjoy freezing, already has only the air that is out of the air.

“… help … heavy bleeding and hypothermia, the dragon is about to die. I surrender … surrender, let me go, I’ll do everything to you …” (to be continued)

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