The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 330: Internal ****

A five-minute civil war in the “Wood Spirit Super Cute Mercenary Regiment” is over. There are four “elite transformation undead” in my undead army, …

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t kill them, and there was no need to kill them.

I just talked about it, I was executing Quest specially awarded by Wood Spirit, and collecting intelligence as Necromancer … This group of guys believe it!

Yes, they immediately believed, and did not hesitate to believe, then immediately extorted me and said, “There must be a lot of Justice Points. As a good and bright Holy Knight, you must not swallow it privately. We all have a blessing to share. Let ’s do Quest together. ”Then I dealt with two sentences casually, and they took the initiative to join the team with mixed points.

“These carrion is disgusting.”

The whole body was covered with pink pieces of meat, and with my deliberate makeup techniques, the savage A’Gen already turned into a stench-like hate corpse.

The rotten backbone is full of stinky rotten flesh, and the poor fat lower body without pants. The intestine already is dragged outside, the wrong chin is connected, and the corner of the mouth is still bleeding while walking, it is perfect. Increase evil!

“In fact, according to my professional characteristics, I should disguise myself as an elegant Blood Tribe! Under the cover of the night, walking between the roof and the shadows, harvest the lives of the assassins of the enemy thieves with a dagger.

“Elegant? And how is the story of this rooftop battle so familiar? Do you mean the” Legend “novel from” Assassin “?

“Well, I only read that book before choosing to be a thief!”

Nodding from there, I feel more and more foolish. I’m hesitant to tell him. That novel was also the product of my mixing fee. All the way to yy and Long Ao days, there are quite a lot of logic errors, but because they are very cool, they are inexplicably popular. They are really a handsome thief according to the lifestyle of the protagonist, and it is not unusual to die a hundred times a year.

But looking at this thick smiley face, while lamenting that this guy hasn’t died yet, it’s really hard, at the same time, I think it’s better not to destroy others. Well, it’s definitely not that if the other person is so ashamed and angry, it will be very troublesome.

“A dream is to become a flying thief?”

Considering the volume and weight of this guy, I think that if he really jumps on the roof like the protagonist of the novel, it is not the concealment that he should consider, but the strength of the house … What a pleasant thing to do in the middle of the night At that time, suddenly a huge thing broke through the ceiling of his house, fell from the sky, deafening … well, I have never tried it, and it is not stuck on the ceiling!

I thought that this big man ‘also’ was caught in the floor and ceiling. Suddenly I feel very excited! Maybe let him try next time, it is best to bring a red jacket and a beard. When I was discovered, I could still say “Hehehe, I’m Father Christmas, only good children can receive my gift. What? It’s summer? Sorry, I went wrong, that **** Gnome compass is so unreliable, then Just a stupid unicorn didn’t know to remind me! I actually flew the wrong hemisphere! “

Cough, it looks like it ’s fascinating again. It ’s a return to life. This is a complete package of evil-enhancing appearances that I have treasured. It is just suitable for powerful soldiers. It is both windy and practical. The strong carrion and protruding eyes can also be used. Increase the Charm value to the Banshee.

“… Roland, wait for us to talk privately, I think you have some misunderstanding about the Banshee.”

Okay, it seems that I accidentally said bad things in front of the party. When I think of the former Queen of Banshees, I am more and more proficient in meowing, licking, and screaming … I mean, cats usually use two strokes, two bites, and three sweeps. , I want to seriously consider how to explain it.

Cough, it looks like it’s fascinating again.

Under the guise of my undead theme skin pack, the Wood Spirit super cute squad, um, is just the one that was just set up, referred to as the wooden (mother) love squad, and today the squad member already has no appearance like a living person.

The A’Gen mentioned by already wore an abomination coat, and Priest Betty put on a cloak to summon shadows, disguised as the shadow priest sacrificing Death God (Grim-reaper), and the handsome Elf bard disguised as the same handsome Blood Tribe, and painted it. A little **** camouflage, a brave and dwarf aunt … or a domineering dwarf aunt!

This really ca n’t hang on my lack of makeup skills. I ca n’t think of a bucket of hundreds of kilograms but only one meter less than four meters, but disguised as undead with only carrion and skeleton. It is more appropriate. If it is also disguised as abomination, then only Necromancer with abnormal brains will make this kind of micro-corpse monster.

Blood Tribe? With this size of Blood Tribe, I’m afraid the real Blood Tribe will cry to me.”

Of course, in the end, I still found a way to put her on a weird face shell and disguise herself as an overweight ghoul. Although she still has the short and thick body peculiar to dwarves, but if other Necromancer sees it, Can only be considered a dwarf conversion, something went wrong in the conversion.

Of course, the premise … is that aunt is willing to put down her wine barrel! That ghoul would carry such a large wine barrel! From time to time, I secretly sipped two cups to untie the solution.

But I know it’s impossible to persuade him to give up this “baggage”. Isn’t there a saying “It’s generally impossible to let the dwarves put down their wine glasses and let the Elfs give up their art and pride.”

“It’s a pity. These” skin packs “are all masterpieces and the products of conscience that don’t need money. These guys are too ignorant. Well, sooner or later, I will find a bad businessman who catches novices. They have a hand. They just wear a hat and eyes and add some messy gifts to sell as a new skin gift bag, and that has my conscience. “

“Don’t worry about it, it is good to have a helper, don’t worry about so much.”

Well, although this group of pit goods does not seem to be too strong in individual combat, at least it doesn’t require me to distract and control, it can still be used as added combat power. Of course, for some reasons, I also slightly deal with them. A little distance apart.

“Internal traitor? undead can also distribute internal traitor among the living!?”

When I put forward the information I just received, everyone’s surprise was not disguised, among the Normal people and even most Adventurer concepts. undead is a group of beasts that cannot communicate. They will actively attack everything in front of them. How can such existence lay spies among the living? Perhaps, it should be said that even if these bloodthirsty undead are traitors, what can they gain.

Of course, this point of view also shows that most people in this adventure group are really just rookies. There are not many spies arranged by Xiluo Empire in the human kingdom. For the nobles who have authority and wealth. The biggest enemy is death, and to extend their life by practicing advanced is almost equal to killing them, and the undead conversion ceremony is probably the easiest way to achieve “immortality”

Even if the ugly undead body is not satisfied, there is also an elegant Blood Tribe as an alternative. If you still want to walk in the sun and draw other people’s vitality, blood sacrifice and other bottomless evil rituals, you can also meet those guys’ requirements.

Not just those rotten aristocrats who once thought that they had lost their future Adventurer who was disabled, or a veteran who had been in charge of Kaka for more than ten years, or the magic genius whose nature is darkness and undead. It is possible to get a lot from undead.

Not only Xiluo Empire, but also Yongye. Every day, living people take the initiative to vote. Among them are non-mainstream strong people who practice darkness and curses. There are also two idiots who are just “black villains? This sounds cool.” If it is the former, I will be happy to use it. If they are included in the cannon fodder camp, if they can prove their abilities by surviving, they will also achieve their willingness by an equivalent exchange. In the latter case, they will be included in the cannon fodder camp, but the undead conversion will be performed beforehand … Even the conversion to ghouls is non-mainstream, at least you can disgusting your opponents.

Facing the astonishment of these boys, I hesitated and organized the language before I said it.

“What can I get? I am afraid that it is far more than you think, such as strength and endless life. As long as you are willing to pay a little price, it is much faster than step by step practice. After all, in many cases, if the consequences are not taken into account, The evil way is far faster than the right way. “

Looking at the thoughtful people in front of me, I didn’t say much. The reality is always cruel. Rather than blindly believe that other Adventurers are their companions, it is better to save this “tuition fee” and make it in advance. Necessary precautions.

Soon, I got the message I expected from the new lower servant skull Mage library.

“A little man in a cape, with a dark green snake-shaped dagger and dark Aura on his body? His left foot is a bit sloppy, and it seems to be hurt?”

I set my sights on my “teammates”. After all, they should be more familiar with Adventurer than I first arrived.

Then someone looked at the sky, someone looked at their weapons, but no one answered, obviously this group of guys is also unreliable, or they simply have no interest in other Adventurers, and they have not collected other Adventurer intelligence.

Helplessly shook his head and took over the letter that Korro passed over. In a sense, this is still very ironic. The spy that the dead placed in the living was wrong, but it was important. The intelligence was given to the spy who was planted among the dead by the living.

The yellow envelope is very light. It looks like the letter of Normal was sealed by the red beeswax. It seems to be able to be opened as soon as it is torn. But from the faint magic wave coming from it, there is another common If the recipient does not know the normal method of opening the letter and opens it casually, the letter will self-destruct, and the person who arranges the small organ will know.

But to me, such little things are meaningless.

Gently, a little ice cube seals the seal, bringing the ice of absolute zero forever sleep, so that this institution will always fall into a long sleep.

Tear the envelope, but the boring digital ledger on the stationery appears to be a common digital password. It must be interpreted against various secret books. Although I can spend some time to figure it out, I have also vaguely learned it. How to read it, but …

“I remember your password interpretation and basic math never passed.”

Yes, even in the Cloud Tower of that year, you can’t escape the irritating numbers, engineering, and the construction of elemental magic and spell models.

But … what is basic mathematics! Your basic mathematics actually has calculus and three-dimensional geometry. I don’t know that my previous life was just to choose the law major in order not to learn the nasty high numbers!

“… As a liberal arts student, math is so annoying, even high numbers in other worlds are even more annoying!”

However, as a bad student who has been passing or failing each subject for a long time, I actually have achieved many similar dreams.

“Teacher Harloys, it’s all up to you! I can only count on you.”

“… you will think of me at this moment.”

Yes, although I failed the basic subjects, I took my grandfather with me … grandma (during a cat protest) … teacher!

“… Wood Spirit plan to expand the field of … Dreamland Forest. Expect … expected to start the plan on the second Sunday in May, the third day of sending letters …”

Harloys‘s translation is getting more and more proficient. Obviously, already has found the law of secret codes, but the more I listen to it, the colder I know. The other party knows that the level of confidentiality is very high. Obviously, the traitor has at least mixed into the top of Adventurer.

But also Correct Because of this grim reality, I vaguely have a clue about already, maybe, I can count it! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

ps: It ’s more tragic than Cavendish. Probably, Cavendon was disconnected at the same time, but now it finally recovers …..

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