The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 291: Gradual changes

When the sky overhead returned to normal, and the Milky Way and the night ‘color’ returned to normal, the declaration of the scary gods was completely over, and everyone was relieved.

Not to mention the impact that will be caused by the declaration of the gods, everyone in the audience may feel the taste of wind and rain. Apart from knowing some before Harloys, even I myself did not expect Ayer to be so decisive. It is so resolute to start, so it is clear that the Holy Light system is broken.

“Consequences? The relationship with the Holy Light side? If you want to do so much, just do what you want, I will support you.”

Leave this sentence, the incarnation of Ayer disappears without a trace.

Ayer‘s free and easy, sometimes very speechless, but also admit that he does not fear Holy Light‘s anti-objective strength, his vision is still spicy, now is indeed the best time to make a choice.

The undead army is coming, realm‘s invasion of already is irresistible, and Holy War can be said to have started in full scale. Now it is the most suitable key point to take the lead in declaring war and seize the momentum.

Well, since it’s all about grabbing the height and hotspot of public opinion, it’s not wrong to say that it’s headlines.

And just outside our forest, the current situation has not changed. Six realm undead forces already successfully landed, realm space already permanent, Undead Calamity already molding, no matter what they came here, but the next step What would be done but already came out-war.

Yes, no matter whether it is excusable or not, in their own eyes, this is still a war, a war of aggression. A great war destined to bleed.

undead We want to establish a nation. But here already Without their country, time is passing, the sea is changing, here already Yes Beyer Empire Land, the returnees of the native land does have the right to return to their homeland, then, already Do residents who have lived here for thousands of years have no right to protect their homes and territories?

A lot of times. The outbreak of war is not because of the so-called justice and evil, but merely the struggle for living space.

A king can let his subordinates cooperate with dangerous terrorists, but he can’t let his people give up his homeland anyway. No, he ca n’t even say such a thing. Immediately, all citizens would regard it as a deadly enemy, and loyal subjects would raise rebel flags.

Nationals can accept a small amount of smart undead as upper nobility. But it does not mean that they are willing to be ruled and enslaved by undead. The Super Empire has its own pride, and Beyer people with strong self-esteem cannot accept the slavery of foreign races at all.

I don’t know what the original plan of Aso was. At this time, when the fundamental interests of the two sides conflicted, the conflict between the two sides could not be reconciled as early as already. War already broke out.

“I want to go back to the capital. I want to find out from His Majesty Orlos!”

After talking about something, Herent is still uneasy about King city. Absolutely go back first to see, accompanied by the Dragon Knight team, and in order to strengthen his happy determination with the emperor, I also handed it over. A research report on Casoran’s tears, as well as the “overcast” schemes that undead may make, such as converting undead on a large scale.

Of course, there is no doubt about the blunt reactions and unreasonableness of the upper empire so far, and if the situation is not good. A little suggestion on how to launch mass work.

Herent, Rainy Night City must also be prepared for war. If undead intends to directly attack Rainy Night City after completing the reorganization, you can consider contacting the country of Mage. Maybe it is more effective than asking for help from the capital, right , Since the opponent is undead, don’t forget Holy Church, what a good voluntary cannon fodder.

After listening to me, Herent hesitated for a moment, but did not refute. It seems that he listened.

Since the invasion of undead, the country of Tarak Republic, Beyer Empire, Mage, and already, as mentioned in the system Quest “Three Snakes”, are three entangled pythons that surround the living space and surrounding hegemony. , Conflicts of interest between each other are inevitable.

Beyer Empire and the country of Mage already are hostile, and the war of undead and the country of living to compete for living space already I do n’t know how many of them happened, it seems that each of the three parties is in a hostile relationship with the other two parties Now, the relationship between the three countries’ hegemony is too familiar.

Block? What to stop? The old saying is not appropriate. In the face of the wheel of history, any blocker is a stupid mantis arm. When the outpost is not large in scale, it may still be under control. When two superpowers are fully mobilized, when Occupying six realms, the Tarak Republic with twelve demigod Undead Emperors was fully rolled out, and personal strength and even one or two legions already became meaningless, which was a ‘confrontation’ between great powers and great powers.

In front of these three behemoths, my little foundation in the north is not even a fraction, and at least four or two pounds must have at least four or two forces. We can only count one little finger now.

Still want to mediate? Wait until they prove with enough sacrifice that they can’t eat their opponents in one go, or they can suppress the power of the three parties and directly suppress them, ‘forcing’ them into peace talks.

In these three parties, Tucker ’s undead is a disgraceful invader, and it is also an enemy of realm. If they successfully enter Beyer Empire, whether it is the reserve of the Holocaust manufacturing legion or the large-scale transformation of undead people, It is impossible for Main Realm residents to accept it.

Peace is expected by all parties, but it seems unlikely in a short time, so let’s keep a peaceful tinder first.

Aso, maybe already sees everything, he gave me another goal of these memories, maybe it is also allowed me to mediate in the name of a third party when possible, and as Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One) God’s Envoy, predecessor Undead Emperor, I am afraid that time will come I am also a good candidate for mediation.

The best result he envisions is probably occupying more than half of Beyer‘s territory, and then achieving peace in diplomatic relations through mediation and other forces, but this goal, I am afraid, will not let Beyer Empire accept, let alone For the nationals and nobles who lost their land and their loved ones to accept it, they must fight hard and use their strength to let the other side accept it.

undead are also building fortifications and forming legions. From the current performance of undead. The next strategic layout already is obvious. Without touching the third party, gather troops as much as possible to prepare for the war, and once they are ready …

“With the increase of realm‘s” gate “, the existing area will sooner or later be insufficient. If undead starts to expand its own territory. Dreamland Forest on the west and Rainy Night City on the east will probably become the war. Frontline. Maybe it will be lively on both sides.

In a sense, the preparation of Herent is not only correct, but will play a crucial role in the future. If Beyer Empire is ready to fully combat, Rainy Night City will become the first line of defense and strong city against undead invasion.

“At that time, probably a lot of” Contract Warriors “will run to make fun. And here we are. The situation of Dreamland Forest will change as a result …”

I don’t think that undead at this stage will have the courage to Dreamland Forest. After all, how hard realm Willpower is in itself is afraid that Great Emperors know that siege without attack is the most suitable method, but this does not mean that Dreamland Forest cannot actively attack undead! Will not be a confidant of the undead Empire.

undead will inevitably turn the surrounding realm ‘gate’ into its own defensive territory, and the only blind spot is that already is the Dreamland Forest of independent realm. This forest turned out to be a very famous port. The side of the forest near the sea is a very good deep-water port, and across the sea is the country of Mage, which is simply the most natural outpost.

Whether it is used to defend Beyer Empire or undead‘s possible offensive, the country of Mage will definitely send someone to say that in order to prevent the exchange, there will be two long-term routes for those Adventurer that do not belong to any force. Come and go.

“The country of Mage will definitely come, maybe it will bring several legions. And having an absolutely secure station will definitely attract a lot of future point hunters.”

Regardless of the birthplace of the Wood Spirit family. It is still a Holy War outpost, and it will soon flourish due to the flow of people. Maybe it can also make a lot of war money and become one of the most prosperous capitals in the world, but as the ‘living’ of the living and the dead On the front line, there must be constant smoke here, and the Wood Spirit family seems destined to grow in war.

When it comes to Holy War, in fact, the intended enemy is not undead that suddenly came, after all, it is Ayer, and it is impossible to predict the arrival of undead.

The primary goal originally expected was that with the life of various elements of Elemental God Wake up, they are not very powerful, and they are also suitable for training and novice growth. Removing them can also contain the rise of the element ‘tide’ and tide. It is obviously a piece of Holy War. Good thing.

The most important thing is the weaker “novice monster”, which will deepen the connection between the “newcomer” and the Ayer forces, establish a preliminary relationship of trust, and the “internal test” Adventurer who will successfully get a reward will become Legend in the peers. To attract newcomers and gradually expand the foot men’s camp, the elemental body can also be used as a material for making magic items and recover the cost. Therefore, I strongly recommend marking them as the primary goal in the report.

But now that the undeads have voluntarily crashed in, it ’s impossible for them not to count in, but whether Rainy Night City or Dreamland Forest has a solid defense, if you ca n’t beat it, you will always run. You can always remember the losses. Should not appear rookie rookie Lu met the ultimate wave ss tragic death on the spot.

The other big battlefield open by already is also our old acquaintance. The front line of the Auror Empire King city Kagersi is out. Where is the sea clan still engaged in a tug-of-war with human, the sea of ​​the faith storm ‘woman’ is obviously ‘ The mixed chaos side also fully meets the standards of actual combat.

Of course, considering the sea’s combat power in the water, it seems that it is not less difficult than the undead defense line, and the lack of strength is basically equivalent to death.

I mentioned this aspect with Harloys, she was more open than I thought.

“… Dangerous? High risk is high reward, otherwise what is the gift of the gods. Besides, we are not nanny, and the soldiers who dare to sign are also adults who can take responsibility for themselves. Do you think now Dangerous opponents, would n’t future opponents be more dangerous? Real warriors are only killed by the blood of the dead mountains. Since already has formulated a elimination mechanism to stay strong and weak, what are you hesitating? “

“Yeah, since already is on the front line for the gifts of the gods, and it is not a civilian who has not seen blood, how can there be no psychological preparation for this.”

In a certain sense, I did underestimate the residents of this realm. They are different from the environment of my previous life. The soldiers who engaged in the Adventurer industry have long been different from the civilians. Professional soldiers who have long been dancing on the blade to earn a living. How could he rush to the battlefield without preparation, and the reckless man who rushed without assessing his strength would have died in the past.

Instead of considering these, it is better to consider how to deal with the huge Three Kingdoms War destined to involve bullshit.

But if it does n’t do anything, it obviously does n’t fit my habit.

Samantha, it looks like your mother has been sleeping for a while. But you also have some things you can do.”

“Temperance” Samantha is a bright red ‘color’ hair ‘color’ Wood Spirit. She is both the current patriarch of the Wood Spirit family and the eldest sister in Seven Virtues, but it is strange that it is obviously a rose of incarnation, but it is always With a cold face, words like gold.

She and Rosa, who belong to the Rosa genus, are very similar to Rosa in face, and are twins. And for a long time, they all symbiotic with Aemila, and they have a deeper understanding of me, but unlike Rosa, who is timid in friendliness, Samantha seems to have a lot of opinions with me. ‘. Stinking a face is normal.


“Probably. Soon you will meet a lot of visitors here. Their goal is mostly undead. I hope you can do three things. First, let those visitors survive as much as possible. Second, Provide resources to attract them, such as the fruit of the thick soil that increases Constitution. Well, you can exchange it with Justice Points or large gold coins, but pay attention to the limit. Third, strengthen communication with other races and integrate as soon as possible In this world. “

Concerning the richness of the treasure, few people can compare with the master of realm. This is how a small business can be better than a bank. The former is to make money, the latter is to print money, and the owner of realm is the one who prints money.

Increase strength, Agility, Constitution and other special fruits of basic sexual nature, restore physical strength and mana‘s sweet “dew”, cure the poisonous detoxification grass, I have seen these magical things, already, the latter two may be There are alternatives to Alchemy, but this thing that fundamentally changes a person’s foundation and talents is extremely precious. Based on these local products alone, there will be countless powerful men who will sell their lives for Wood Spirit.

Of course, this is not all unlimited. Permanent ‘sexual’ increase of basic genus’sexual fruit also requires a large amount of forest resources to produce, and the quantity is limited, and the creative ability of Dreamland Forest of Aemila is limited to fruits and plants. The category can only increase and reduce the benefits of creature that consumes it.

With the Holy War, I am afraid that Justice Points will become a more valuable currency than gold coins. Perhaps, based on this new concept and prosperous business, the goddess of wealth will go one step further, and these, but Just the beginning, I estimate that every true **** on the Ayer side will benefit from this operation.

At least I know that every contract and every fair ‘change’ will make the concept of contract and the contract guardian Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One) stronger. After that declaration, the number of devout believers is increasing day by day. Most of the other deities do the same.

“This is destined to be a long-term battle. It doesn’t make sense to let the warriors die. This is also for your mother’s sake.”

I did not lie. The blood and flesh of the dead on this land will become the nutrition of Dreamland Forest. As long as the sacrifices of blood battle are abundant, Aemila will not only be Wake up, but also stronger than before, after all In a sense, the entire Dreamland Forest is her **, and Wood Spirit is all her symbiote.

Samantha nodded, it was agreed.

Looking at Samantha, who was quietly leaving, I was a little relieved. The little girl looked at me with too poisonous eyes. The grievances and Wrath were even more uncomfortable. If I really owed her something or something, When I think of the past, these little guys have probably seen it. The inexplicable guilt always makes me feel that I am a bad father who has not paid the maintenance.

“Sister Samantha is very happy. It seems she is very happy that her father wants her to help with the work.” Little Rosa jumped out and disassembled her sister’s platform.

What, that stinky face is so happy, I was so frightened that I quickly asked Rosa how she saw it.

“Do n’t the father see it? Don’t look at your sister’s sternness, in fact, the heart is already full of flowers, you can see the vines behind her sister’s head hopping like a puppy’s tail … Hoohoo. “

Okay, the vines that came down from the treetop suddenly tied Rosa, but when I saw the red-faced Young Lady sister not far away, I think I understand these little things.

On the other side, beside a stream, the first artificial building already of Dreamland Forest was completed. It was a small stone court. He only had four or five hundred square meters and seven or eight rooms, but it’s At the door, there are balance emblems. Yes, it is the sub-church and court of Church of Law at Dreamland Forest.

Its intended role is not only to provide some Justice Points exchanges for future contract warriors, but also to promote the God of Law teachings, and even to provide employment for the legal profession. With the increasingly perfect God’s Obligation of the “contract”, not only Traditional commercial ‘transaction’ trades use contracts, and adventure partners and hired force have also found God of Law churches, and “team contracts” have become bestsellers.

As a branch church of the front parish, its first regional bishop is naturally very important. She is …

Krose, are you ready?”

“Well, those Wood Spirit are very good at communicating, they understand the law quickly, it is estimated that it won’t take long, and our church has the first Wood Spirit law professionals.”

A smile filled with happiness. In addition to being able to do your favorite job in the ‘fine’ spirit’s favorite forest, more, but Wood Spirit promised to cultivate a special one for them. The plant ‘potion’ water changed her Constitution.

Well, everyone knows what it is, it’s nothing more than a plant version of “Male Drowning Fountain”, which is indeed in line with the capabilities of Dreamland Forest.

But the rules already have been set. Even if it is Krose, you must earn points to redeem it. If it is for ‘sexual’ R & D, I am afraid that it will have to pay extra R & D costs, which is not a decimal.

The Krose, with its bright smile, is busy up and down, but the truth about my morale has not been said in the end.

“Soon the church’s support will come. With your popularity in the church and those weird fans, I think that even if you are willing to spend 10,000 points to develop that thing, your colleagues are willing to spend ‘Up to 30,000 points prevent R & D from succeeding. Even if you successfully develop’ Male Drowning Spring ‘, the other party has already successfully researched’ Mothering Spring ‘. “(To be continued ~ ^ ~)

ps: a bit of Cavern, today we will update 5300

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