The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 271: Change face

When the first sun shines on the roof beams, a new day is coming, when already has to get up, but Carolyn still buries its head under the pillow, it seems to be working hard as a turtle with a shrinking head. Laying hard in bed.

“No, no, that annoying skeleton will not come to me.”

Aside from that over-mature makeup and indifferent temperament, Carolyn always makes her forget her age. Because of her noble birth, everything is required to be high, so she is more mature in dealing with people.

But in fact, because I grew up in the deep palace compound, in fact, I am very simple. I am interested in watching popular knight novels and sewing. I see tears when I am fascinated. I stay up all night and watch all night. It is completely Normal. Girl makes no difference.

As for social etiquette and good talking, we must thank the hard-working personal teacher. If you let it go, Carolyn is probably like the heroine in a knight novel, and rushed out to take risks.

But this time, as the daughter of the Duke, her father gave herself a difficult Quest.

Carolyn, you have heard of it. The upper empire and the undead should strengthen the connection. It is the emperor’s Willpower. This time you were selected to take the Lich Rex Parade, which is an opportunity to have a good relationship with the undead. , But do n’t let the local aristocracy be too ugly, stand too early, and have a bad reputation.

Simply speaking, this is to ask them to take good care, both to strengthen their personal relationship with Lich, and not to be too aggressive in front of the human aristocracy. Originally, as the eldest daughter of the aristocratic family, this level of communication Quest is not Whatever it is, tutors have long taught a variety of communication skills. But really get along. Only to find the trouble.

“It is said that the city’s Herosi wine is very famous. (Literal translation of the nobleman’s way of speaking in circles: Haven’t eaten lunch yet? Why not wait for a glass?)

Okay. When the fire of the soul in the skull burns quietly at you, even Carolyn knows that she said something wrong, but she is not that easy to give up.

“I heard that the work of tailor Kaka Luo is quite new and even praised in the capital, and I heard that he will be here for a while (your clothes are too old, and I want to accompany you to go Buy a dress?)

Lich Rex looked at his gray robe. This seemingly worn out robe had enchanted at least five common defense magics, which were extremely used. It is already who has been with him for more than a hundred years. Is there a better enchanting master here to make better products?

But in the face of invitations from women, I always have to give my companions a little face, and I also feel that I have the opportunity to see the human enchant master’s technique is also good. Rex, who has a little expectation, is still happy to make an appointment.

But the future development is very embarrassing. On the most prosperous commercial street in Antonton City, the husky voice of Lich is shouting “No defense effect except light and self-cleaning? What is this? The garbage enchantment! And the material, even the spiritualization and armor pieces are not installed. “When everyone looked at it with amazement, the Carolyn who came along couldn’t wait to find a place to chase in.

Carolyn has not given up. So there are more such things.

“Have you heard about Auntie Ajur? It’s funny, she and her uncle”

The turquoise soul fire is staring at him. Talking with men and women about gossip and romance with Lich, this young girl is not small.

“… the day after tomorrow there will be a charitable fundraising, okay, I know, let’s go, don’t disturb the master your research.”

The already turned into a blue soul fire already illustrates everything, even Rex has been tossed enough to let Lich go to an orphanage to make a charitable donation? Is this a special event for the ghost festival? What a joke this is.

I’m not interested in talking about people, but I’m interested in how to turn a living person into a dead person.

Huang Duanzi and gossip? Although in a sense this is indeed a killer to break the knot and deadlock, but don’t you think it is a kind of ridicule for Lich with only bones left.

Talk about the international situation and religion? Are you sure you want to shout “For Holy Light!” In front of Lich? This is not how to find death. If you talk about the international situation … Rex’s memory is still three centuries ago, I am afraid you have to start with what kind of country Beyer Empire is.

As the ultimate evolution of the otaku, even if Lich acts as a classic villain in various legends, the plot is also that a certain team broke into the castle / Lich‘s Mage Tower / lab / used library, which is typical of not dying and not dying Shouguanbo ss, this also explains from one side that the ultimate characteristics of Lich can not go out to death, they have to be dead when they die.

In a sense, the seventeen-year-old county lord is a white Fu Mei (a person with sufficient real life and very popular people), who hopes to use the normal person to communicate with the dead house. Lich communication, obviously some difficult people.

Of course, communication is not impossible. As long as you are interested in Lich, researching the house will often become very special, but Lich is interested … “Necromancer requires surgery”, “How to bake with the energy of the void” Squirrel? “,” If you are a zombie, which one is better, Tauren Heart and Tiger Man Heart? “I’m afraid this girl can’t learn anyway.

“We have to look forward. Every day has a new sun … dark history.”

Carolyn added shame experience to constant attempts. I was so annoyed that even Lich Rex could n’t bear already. I ’m afraid it wo n’t be long before she will be punished by Shangfeng and turn her into only Counting zombies with their fingers.

After the Night of Horror last night, she gained a lot.

First, he saw and shouted “Ada!” Then he knocked on the little Mage of Lich with his staff. After that, he even hijacked the lord with chicken legs, and used pudding to paste the face of Death Knight, creating a mess to escape,

Carolyn worked hard to maintain the situation by herself, refusing to scold the fool who dared to secretly laugh at Lich, but after returning to her room, she still snickered for half a night. Now, she has to face the reality.

Lich seems to live in the cubicle. It is said that their perception is very sharp … Did I do something wrong without realizing it? Ahhh, I don’t want to get up!”

The only thing that reassures Carolyn a little bit. Fortunately, the other party seems to be well-cultivated. At least there was no such thing as the last finger of death.

The sun already rises. I’m afraid we have to face it today. It is still a Lich with a damaged face and in a rage. If you make a joke again, the fire of the blue-green soul will probably explode.

“Hey, I really don’t want to go.”

I’m afraid I can’t go and I can’t do it. My own team’s itinerary is very full. After this stop is over, we will soon go to the neighbourhood of Bart Matt. We must discuss today’s itinerary with Lich. Depart early.

But when Carolyn was finished dressing, after opening the door, the scene she saw was a test of her sanity.

In the corridor, the immortal Lich adult was broken into pieces. The little Mage that I saw yesterday was holding his skull and went to the holy silver and holy water. Then I wanted to shake the sieve. Shake, then. Also use Lich hand bone to reach in and stir.

Why do you know it’s Lich? Lich Epic-level death tombstone robe is still on the body, the familiar soul fire already is about to be extinguished.

“You can’t do it. If you don’t do it, I’ll make your head a night pot. Well, it’s called Gul’dan … Rex’s Skull! Are you afraid!”


It must be the wrong way to open the door by yourself. Carolyn suddenly closed the door suddenly, after half a ring, slowly opened a seam.

But when I just extended my head, I found that the soul fire of Rex’s skull and the blonde Mage both looked at themselves and seemed to think of something, but the blonde Mage suddenly laughed.

“It seems that it doesn’t matter if you don’t recruit, we have better inquiries.”

Leave Guldo … Skull of Rex, the blond young man picks up a rib and smiles at himself.

“Don’t close the door, you’re not wrong in the way you opened it. Um, be serious, don’t laugh! We’re robbing! Don’t look down on the thigh bones of other Lich brothers, be careful I give you a touch of Lich.”

“Rest assured, I’m not here to trouble you. I have a small plan that may help the situation now.”

Time goes backwards to midnight. In the temporary camp of Cindy, when the young people in front of them say they have a way to do all this, everyone is not convinced.

After all, the current situation already is very obvious. The Vicky Chamber of Commerce learned from intelligence channels that the two countries actually entered a state of war. This already exceeded the worst expectations.

“… The original consideration was that I might encounter a lord eating a kickback too hard or bumping into the undead army, so as long as there is the help of a guard, as long as he can escape, there is no problem. But It ’s actually a war between the two countries … “

From the moment that the Kingdom of Largs declared war on Beyer Empire, the Largs in Beyer were in great trouble. They naturally fell into the enemy country. Enemies all over the world sounded handsome, but if the roadside The street vendors and the little snotty children treat you as a deadly enemy. I’m afraid it’s not a good thing.

And the most troublesome thing is that the enemy you are facing is not an unorganized bandit, but an elite army of a country, especially when the frontier troops of a powerful country, then only the borderline has become a natural sound.

The map spread out, pointing to the southerly point, which is the Asha Canyon we passed, and the largest customs clearance place of the two countries. Of course, there is also the Haas Layde fortress of Beyer Empire.

We passed easily when we came, and even got into a black house with my doubtful identity, that is, with a little bribe. The relationship between Vicki Chamber of Commerce and the defense officer is very good, but if we go back … Most likely it will be a decapitated road.

While opening one eye and closing one eye to collect a small amount of money to let go of the unscrupulous merchants, and the passing of foreign caravans during wartime are completely different things. The former is a hidden rule for everyone to grasp the extra money, and the latter is mostly required. With the treason bullshit, after all, no one can guarantee whether there are spies and intelligence personnel existence in this caravan.

If we are still stupid enough to contact the defensive officer, I am afraid that the first person who put us on the guillotine is him. After all, no amount of gold is to be enjoyed, and the first one to leave our relationship, Probably he himself.

“… It is absolutely impossible to go back, but this is also true of other borders to the” enemy country “. Of course, there are areas where the border line is not stationed, but most of them are areas of high danger or high danger. For example, it is said that there are fantasy forests infested by black fairies, I believe you will not be silly to gamble once. No. Depending on your configuration and strength. Entering this kind of super-dangerous area. Even gambling is not counted.

Although no one answered, from the embarrassing silence, and from the surprise and whispering of some people, most of what I said was true.

“Then the remaining choices are very simple, just two, nothing more than passing from the borders of other countries. Then think of a way to return to Largs, or simply find a mountain village wood and squat, depending on the situation. No change. And you can only choose the latter, which is the most negative. “

Hearing here, Cindy can’t hide her surprised expression. The incident just happened, and she just received the intelligence. Before the final decision was made, the other party saw it through already.

“It’s actually very easy to guess, it’s simple. The former is more dangerous. If you want to go to the borders of other countries, you are equivalent to wandering in Beyer. At the moment Beyer Empire entered the state of war, everywhere It will definitely increase the vigilance and wander around the enemy country without adequate intelligence support. The risk is too great. In the event that it is blocked by an army, there is no possibility of survival. But if this road does not work , I am afraid you will not be able to return home in a short time. “

Everyone was caught in the strange silence of each other, which everyone saw, but no one wanted to raise it.

“… But do you think about it? Find a place to squat and see how the situation changes. It seems to be safer, but it is actually the most dangerous. As a super empire, you have no control over your own land. Do you believe it? Beyer Empire‘s Superior in intelligence work is famous in various countries. You can hide it, but how long can you hide it? The most ill-advised is that I still want to keep the goods at this time, but dare to escape with the goods? Do you think that Sam Lord Lord, will you let go of your fat meat. “

Looking at the crowd shaking obviously, I naturally hit the iron while it was hot.

“No! Absolutely not! According to my understanding of the greedy aristocracy, he will definitely jump up like a crazy dog, swallow the goods by himself, and then take our head as a spy reward. And according to the current In some cases, it is not even necessary to contact the upper levels of the Empire to send professional spies. It is enough to follow the wheel prints of the convoy. Maybe they are on the road. already.

I paused deliberately, not surprisingly, everyone saw their eyes on Cindy. The dissatisfaction and Wrath already need not be hidden.

As a businessman, he insisted on fleeing with the goods. Originally, already made the mercenaries very dissatisfied, but the rich were the uncle, and the mercenaries were reluctant to disobey the orders of their employers. Accumulated reputation.

But no one is a fool. It ’s not difficult to guess the details. Now it ’s too sudden. The time for flexible thinking is too short. It ’s not thoughtful. Even if I do n’t raise it, after a while, someone will definitely figure it out. .

By then, mercenaries and businessmen will definitely have differences. Whether the merchants finally decide to leave the goods, or the mercenaries finally decide to help support their luck, there will be contradictions on both sides.

“… So, I said, if I have a way to allow you to successfully leave Beyer Empire and keep the goods, will you listen to me?”

The memories ended everywhere. I successfully compiled already successfully. After showing a little strength, the mercenaries did not hesitate to obey my command. Our first step is to eliminate the immediate threats and start directly. Counterattack.

I am afraid that Samuel would not have thought that the businessman who was chasing the mountains and mountains that he was chasing in the middle of the night would kill him back in the middle of the night.

Epic-class robes? Whoops, you actually added‘ Steel Skin ’and‘ Dimensional Door ’. Little Lich, you ’re not good enough, and the equipment is pretty good.”

While trying to put on the robe, adjust the time warping ring on your finger, from juvenile to adult, from adult to old, from old to … after death!

Yes, this ring can only change the appearance of the body age. There is nothing inside it. I am still a living person, but the appearance already turns into a corpse, and the carrion drops. In the end, it becomes a movement. Dead bone.

It surprised me a little, but it was the horror-like thriller that the little girl watched as the living person turned into a dead person in the face. Not only did not scare the pants, but she was full of excitement, as if glad that she had finally reached the event. .

“Are you going to pretend to be Lord Rex? Is it a cross-dressing plot like in Knight’s novel” Double Man “? But you do n’t have the soul fire and death magic, so it is easy to be broken.

“What a weird little girl. Come and see.”

The highly condensed fine Divine Strength was ignited in the eyes, the green-green soul’s flames burned, and the left hand with only bones left hit a ring finger, and countless skeletons appeared in the black mist.

I laughed. Under the siege of thick death force, the ice wave between my fingers was jumping, and the Lich floating high in the air was roaring silently. My avatar already is more like Rex himself Big Lich.

“It’s so funny … It’s too bad. Although you don’t know how to do it, your makeup is perfect and you can definitely get over the level. Then what are you going to do next and threaten me to obey your command, Come to a shocking scam? Let me say first, I am not so easy to give in, I do n’t care about corporal punishment, but as long as you threaten to be bad to my family, I will give in. “

I’m a little speechless, which means that torture is useless to you, is it enough to threaten me verbally? I actually took the initiative to tell me how to attack myself and what kind of hostage you are.

“… Rest assured, we have a better choice, starting today, Milan.”

A woman emerged from the shadow, which is also the iconic pale green hair of the Milan royal family. Looking at the face shape, it is actually similar to Carolyn himself!

“Even if you grow up like me, it won’t work. I have the treasures of the royal family here, given to me by the emperor. Only the blood of the Milan royal family can make it shine … Oh? It ’s still bright when it ’s on! ”

The pearl necklace snatched by that woman is emitting a dazzling brilliance. If the real master God Equipment is encountered, the pearl will gradually reduce its brightness.

“… I will not tell you the information you want without stopping the hijacking process and intimidating me!”

When I was sure again that this woman probably had a problem with her head, she got closer to already.

“Relax, you will say …”

The slender fingers already began to unfasten the sleeves of Carolyn, while the red lips and fragrant tongue already came to each other’s back neck and neck, while the other hand, already slipped to the more dangerous bottom.

“You, you, what are you doing !!! This is completely different from the novel, it is indecent! Can be replaced …”

“Do n’t I ask you? Ask your body … well, yes, unexpectedly, I really encountered treasures, sir, although I do n’t care if you watch my meal or whether you are interested Join, but do n’t you worry that the adult Harloys will give a small report to the adult Eliza? “

Well, I’m a bit regretful. I almost asked “I can really join” and I was stared at by “you are in the way”, and I know that this “invitation” is just “amusement”.

Although I’m sorry I can’t see any good shows, I can only helplessly leave with Lex’s head, I’m afraid it will be difficult to forget.

“Well, women have their own way of communication, let’s have a communication that belongs to Lich … such as soul torture, soul search, psychological shock.” (To be continued …)

ps: Then, the end of the month is coming, with the support of monthly tickets

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