The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 268: Unfortunate

Should you say lucky? Vicky Caravan’s RBI was in place, and border officials along the way knew Cindy himself, which was considered unimpeded.

It’s just that the world is tight at this time, and the border guard’s defensive vigilance has gone up a few levels, and we, the raw faces, have encountered some trouble.

“Isn’t this bad world? I asked some mercenaries to help watch it.”

The reason is very convincing, and the two well-known mercenary regiments are also very persuasive. The only thing that is not convincing is that we, in no way, are the addition of mercenaries.

No reputation, no record, even mercenary registration is only done. It ’s more like a spy than a businessman, but because the “golden glittery gift” from Cindy is too persuasive, the border officials hit a haha. I just saw nothing.

If the scheduled procedures for customs declaration, approval, etc. have been completed in accordance with the rules and regulations, at least two and a half days, but because the goods are precious “new products of the season”, with the supervision of the border supervisor, everything can be simplified. The provinces that can save the provinces finally glanced and let go.

I still do n’t know if this is the unfortunate beginning, but as a small merchant following the big business meeting “smuggling”, I am very happy to be able to get through the no wonder, naturally I would like to thank the “big boss” for help. /

“No, no, thank you for me. Although you are very young, you have amazing knowledge. The recent exchanges have benefited more people. If you can, can you come to our Victoria Chamber of Commerce to serve? I will introduce you to the president, you can think about it, even if you are a talent. It is too difficult to start from scratch. The accumulation of contacts and funds will take decades. As long as you are willing to join the Vicki Chamber of Commerce, Guarantee that your future position will not be lower than the mean. “

, he was extremely calm along the way, he could n’t understand the small battles between the mercenaries, but it was just the incredible way of thinking of the young people, such as the views on the banking industry, the financing and return of business road development, They are completely unknown theories, but I think that it is very feasible after thinking about it myself.

As for the extra effort. It’s just worth the moment. Now, Cindy, who thinks of the chamber of commerce as a family, is digging for his boss.

I feel a little embarrassed in the face of this sincere uncle. This act seems to be overdone. In the end, I can only say that I complied with the rumors of the current caravan and said that my family was good. It is the parents who have accumulated experience and finally have to go back and accept the family business.

Yes. The above is all true, of course, a little misleading. That is to say, it is not the inheritance of the parents’ industry. The so-called family industry is the royal industry. “That’s a pity. If you change your mind in the future, the Vicki Chamber of Commerce will always welcome you.”

Looking at the regretful businessman uncle, I was stunned by my sincere refusal, and in the end I was still stuffed with a letter of introduction that was basically impossible to use, and my guilt was not so much Was touched.

“It seems that I have great commercial talents to make my uncle so unfortunate.”

Whenever I’m just proud of it, the dead cat will jump out immediately, as usual, it will block me.

“I really understand bullshit. Insiders are actually fooled by outsiders. Do you know how much salt is now? Do you know which one is the most profitable business path? Theory and practice are completely different. The most important thing is that you see How did the businessmen interact with the border control officials? Can you learn this whispering method of plugging money? “

Okay, this is really a cruel reality, good fortune? Whisper? Smile of businessman? I’m afraid I’ll punch his face with a fist.

“Hum, dead cat, you seem to understand it.”

“Nonsense, of course I understand that Mage is just burning money and not doing business. How many years of accumulation of my chambers of commerce are enough for me to start the annual research. Project. “

The seven-ring already has entered the realm of Legend Mage. Generally speaking, even Legend Mage can only start a research project, which means that this guy can actually afford dozens of Legend Mage, what a tyrant.

When I heard the words, I was horrified. I didn’t expect the local tyrant to be around. The dead cat was actually a Bai Fumei local rich man. After a little calculation, this guy’s personal income is no less than that of a middle-sized city.

“Please ask the tyrants to fly with them, ask for sponsorship! Ask for support! Ask for loans for support!”

“OK, Princess Peach

“Shut up, dead cat! If you mention this stalk again, I will sell you as a talking ghost cat.”

Okay, as always, after the human-to-cat fight, I got another round of victory. Huh, do you think you can win the old man by turning into a human form, and the old man will spit! Hands and feet are also relatively long! Can touch and pinch cough, the lower limit is never important!

But the young girl’s front deck touched during the melee was really flat. Her fingers hurt. The flight deck made the old man shed tears of sympathy.

“Let me prepare a little more milk for you. My hands hurt, and it is not good to be abused by Pet.”

“My mother fights with you! Aren’t you not letting me become an adult!” Dreaming, the dead cat even wants to be taller than the old husband! Be obedient as your peace Princess, and hit your flight deck on time and on time Wax it. “

Okay, the human-cat battle begins.

Cough, come back to life. With the careful maintenance of this uncle, the false identity has become true identity. Our mixed team went smoothly, and when we arrived at the first border city of La Calera, Don’t mention the dangerous Magic Beast on the road, not even a robber has seen one.

“Whew, the lord here and our Vicki Chamber of Commerce are old friends. More than 40% of the goods are out here. It seems. This time will not lose.”

Uncle Cindy smiled happily. already made plans to return to nothing, which was unexpectedly smooth.

“Although those undeads are very infiltrating, they make it safer along the way.”

Different from Harloys‘s conventional magic burning research, the biggest problem of undead magic research is “lack of materials”. In the past, to catch Necromancer, it was enough to keep the cemetery and mass graveyard. It is said that each year Holy Knight advanced individuals. Both were able to receive a patron of the gravekeeper by the way, and they all took the cemetery home.

It is learned from some channels that Beyer Empire actually gave those high-end undead noble identities and allowed them to collect “materials” freely, which undoubtedly caused a great uproar.

In order to avoid causing public outrage and backlash, the noble cemetery has not moved for a while, but the car bandit Road Rover and Magic Beast, aliens who are regarded as wanted criminals have encountered trouble. The words of refusal to listen are often a good deal. After the caster of undead casts a few more Skeleton Soldiers and zombies.

When I heard this rumor, I couldn’t help crying or laughing. Should I say that bad-heartedness did a good deed, at least did not become a robber and incapable of research materials. They washed their hands at the speed of a gold plate, or they disappeared. The main roads were quiet all around.

“Well, only temporarily. The quality of the material directly determines the quality of the final product. The bones of civilians are finally a group of goods that blow away when the wind blows. The corpses of the strong are the best materials, and this era of weak meat and strong food , The strong tend to have a corresponding status, naturally they will not be thrown into the mass grave after death. “

“For Necromancer, if civilian graves are small dishes, and noble cemeteries are dim sum, then the cemeteries of royal families in various countries are luxury meals, and I don’t believe they can stand it.”

Two senior Necromancer have reached a common conclusion. With a relative smile, everything is silent.

“It seems that you know a lot about the Royal Tombs. Have you done it? How many waves have you done? How many times have you been arrested? How much reward?”

“Nonsense, do n’t think you ’ve dug a few Elf kingdom ancestor graves. I ’m your master, I ’ve heard of the“ Top Ten Blinds of Gravekeepers: The Joy of Stealing Vegetables from the Eyes ”,“ How to “Identify the status of materials from the noble heraldry and tomb peripherals.” This is a must-read for Necromancer internal communication. ‘

“Oh, oh, that classic was written by you, but I’m a loyal reader, but why is it that the” Top Ten “has written more than ninety full?”

“Nonsense, this is how to continue to cheat on manuscript fees. Starting from the ‘Top Ten’, it never ends! My goal is to be a little starry! By the end, my chapter count will be as many as the number of stars!”

“That’s not a day that never ends. Hey, this research (skin) I’m too tender, I will write it without content, but you must have heard my practical book” The Eighteenth of Luoyang Shovel ” “Usage” is said to sell well. “

“You wrote the **** book that was halfway to the end? You dared to show it off and watch your mother fill the pit!”

“People have to look forward. The old pits are too terrible to fill. I would rather dig new pits continuously.”

“It really is Bastard without shame, forget it, I have no face to say you, so be it.”

In some respects, Harloys and I are all the same. They are both theoretical schools (the fog) that are monographs on academic research. At this time, if you ignore the tooth marks and scratches on one face, ignore the other side being folded into The fake halves and messy blond hair are really good teachers and apprentices.

Cough, come back to life again,

While lamenting the unexpected calmness of the road, the uncle will be waiting for small businessmen everywhere for at least half a month, and our purpose is Victoria port, naturally it is time to break up.

But before leaving, the uncle was invited to the lord’s house for a dinner. Considering helping the small businessman “Rolo” to establish a network, he also kindly invited me, which I originally wanted to refuse.

“It is said that there are big men from the Beyer capital, and they seem to be distant relatives of the royal family. If you want to go through the commercial road of Beyer, this is a great opportunity.”

The commercial road is not important, but if I can get the status of the royal family and the capital from the upper nobles of the empire, that is what I expect now.

So, I am glad to go to the appointment, but the result

“I rely, why are these guys still chasing!”

“Did you not go to the lord’s house for a feast? How did it turn out to be chased down and also dragged us down!”

I glanced back, and those noble personal soldiers chased so tightly. ,

“That, it’s a long story, on a clear night in a month, we”

“We are being hunted down, to make it clear!”

“Unfortunately !!!”

Okay, it ’s short enough, but the grievances and deep sorrows contained in it are stirred back and forth between the mountains and forests. The sentiment in them is enough to move the world and make people tremble. What a grudge.

“I’m really miserable! (To be continued …)

ps: Sure enough, the state of the codeword is better during the day, and there is one more today

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