The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 252: Holy Light ?

Holy Light doctrine and Holy Light church are able to come to this step, and also have his merits. The purest light actually represents the purest Order.

In the dark world, it is the original Holy Light teaching to ignite the holy light, protect the world, and dispel the dark and corrupted by Chaos.

If Chaos is the distortion of the existing Order, then Holy Light is to erase the distorted part and return it to the void. Yes, it is not to reverse the already and destroy it, but to completely eliminate the distortion.

I used to believe in Holy Light sincerely. I believe that it can save all this. I believe that the Holy Light teachings on Order finally expel Chaos.

Non-friends and enemies are fierce and decisive, and very defiant, but only these are not enough ………

The two daughters of Genesis Eich inherited her power of creation, but they were divided into Chaos and Order. already explains everything. These are the two pillars of the Eich world, and they are also the basic components. They are missing That is not possible.

“If the twisted Order is also an indispensable part of the world, if the ordered Order and the disordered Chaos are the cornerstones of this world, erasing a little Chaos is probably only equivalent to digging a block of seawater in the sea. It will only make the storms that fill the vacancies more turbulent. Perhaps this is the truth that Holy War will never end. “

A world without Chaos is a heavy world of Death Qi. The lack of competition, accidental factors, and upward ** results in a lack of evolution. In a world without Order, when all factors and choices become random, I am afraid No one can survive, after all. Is the beast in the forest. It also has its own hidden rules.

Order has Chaos. Chaos has Order, Chaos, even if Demon is different from the upper and lower classes, the Order side has its own pursuit and goal even if it is ironic as the old-fashioned Angel family.

Pure violence against violence may be effective, but the premise is that the winner must completely suppress the loser, or simply destroy the loser. In this world, obviously it is not possible.

Yes. In my eyes, Holy Light is a kind of violence-“If you don’t obey my arrangement, I will destroy your existence.” This is not what violence is.

So, although I still believe in the origin of Holy Light, I also spurn him. Even if I still use it, it is just a very easy tool, just like I use the power of elements and the power of death.

“Who stipulates that undead is evil? Is it your Holy Church? Or God of Holy Light? Ha, stupid! From the beginning. Holy Light and God of Holy Light were wrong.”

I don’t have a loud voice and I don’t have any irony. It’s just as simple as stating the facts, but in the eyes of anyone who believes in Holy Light, they are questioning and blasphemy against Holy Light, which is a heresy among outright heresies.

Roland! How dare you!”

Estrada can no longer bear it. Wrath‘s roar brought a storm blowing Fei Yun flowers. The dazzling beam of light continued to the sky. The actual Holy Light field already suppressed the audience. Lada’s roar and fear trembled. Perhaps, in front of Estrada, already is the strongest Holy Light user in this world,

If I play against the angry Estrada in my current state … probably a hammer.

However, I laughed, and burst into tears, even if he broke through the sky, he couldn’t change the reality that he was a fool.

“It ’s so ridiculous. What age is it? It ’s so stupid, so in your life, you are a fool and a pitiful worm who turns around in a puzzle and is driven to watch a tragedy. Now, Probably in my eyes, I just betrayed the heresy of Holy Light. So, respectful mentor, can I ask, what is in my hand. “

There is a little golden fluorescence above the index finger, which is as light as a firefly, reverberating between fingers, but only those who truly understand the teachings of Holy Light can recognize that it is the purest source of Holy Light. Holy Light is the patent of the most favored patron.

Everyone’s eyes are full of unbelief, already issued this blasphemy heresy, how can it be possible to use Holy Light, or the highest quality Holy Light.

“I was the son of Holy Light, Son of Light …”

The bloodline of War Angel is activated, the snow-white wings are unfolded, and the divine face appears in front of everyone. The golden Angel Holy Light has been extended, and there is an additional pillar of light above me.

Perhaps it is much smaller than Estrada’s beam of light, but in terms of its ability to penetrate the darkness and sweep the earth, Estrada is just a high-intensity in the face of real sunlight. small bulb.

The biggest reaction is actually the little Angel. Avrilla trembled in the face. In the end, she had to obey instinct half-knelt.

Her Angel bloodline is constantly reminding her that the men who drive pure Holy Light are higher Angel than her rank, and the Angel family of the Order incarnation is the race that attaches most importance to class. In the incarnation of the ancient War Angel, I She must remain humble before her.

“….. I used to believe that light will eventually drive darkness, but soon I realized that it was not enough. Sun and shadow are always twins. Pure light can never eliminate shadows. On the contrary, it is pure Instead, the more light creates pure darkness. So, I made a choice … “

A dark flame ignites above his left hand. No, he is not burning. The flames that are beating every moment are actually the weeping of the soul, which is the purest force of death.

“Ha, don’t you say that Holy Light and Chaos are deadly opponents? So, if you explain this, my heresy can use both Holy Light and the power of death at the same time, and you explain it with the teachings of Holy Light, let me hear How nonsense is your God of Holy Light. “

All Holy Light professionals are incredibly embarrassed when they see the sky. In their ideas and common sense, destroying Chaos is the bounden duty of Holy Light, and Holy Light and death are water and fire incompatible existence. The contact must be the result of your life, but the Angel incarnation is driving the Holy Light and the power of death at the same time.

“Avira, hold on! Don’t think so much, keep your heart. You are a child of Holy Light!”

Soros’s roar caught my attention. White-winged hybrid kneeling down completely Angel He was wet with cold sweat. And the tail of her wings, actually already Began blackening.

“Ha, boy, are you so afraid of knowing the truth? You actually started to shake your faith and started to fall. Alas, falling into Angel, this is a rare commodity, so. I will help you to make up your mind again. Look, boy , This is the truth that the gods dare not tell you. “

I laughed wildly, bringing together pure Holy Light and the flame of death, and Estrada, who already guessed, finally acted. He couldn’t sit by and watch this happen. There were too many past tragedies already.



The warhammer with holy flame was blocked by the familiar silver sacred sword , but this time the sword holder is different, and there is a smirk on the face that is the same as Roland. But there is a little more innocence and feminine beauty.

At that moment, Estrada seemed to be back in time. The immature boy in the past always seems to smirk so fearlessly, calling himself a “mentor” and wanting to consult the teachings of Holy Light.

“Master Roland Brother, please don’t disturb Roland Brother. He just shows the hidden truth. If you don’t have a guilty conscience, just take a look.”

Estrada didn’t act, but it wasn’t Reyne‘s lame persuasion that moved him. It was only the vaguely opened door of the space that came with the coercion that made him tremble. It is the power that makes the gods fear, and he is not sure to easily break through the defense of the other party.

That’s why it took a while. My job already came to an end. The black flame and the golden light already collided together, but the explosion and collision that everyone expected did not happen.

The black flame and the golden light are fused, they gradually interweave, and make up for each other, finally ………


Avrila already ca n’t wait for the final result. The more pure the white paper is, the easier it is to dye black. She floats on the sky, and the large wings begin to turn from white to black. Just as Holy Light can only destroy undead and Demon, it cannot let undead and Demon reversed, and the fall of already happened, and it was doomed to stop.

“Look, this is the truth.”

The black and gold already are dissolved, and the rest is that pure white. Eventually everything dissipates and stays in the palm of the hand, it is a white pigeon.

Although it is about one-tenth the size of a real white pigeon, even though she is too thin to fly at all, already proves everything-this is a life!

Creating life from nothing is the lifelong pursuit of countless Alchemy sorcerers and magic Mage, but none of them have achieved some results. After all, this already has set foot in the realm of gods, and it is only the creation goddesses Reached the field!

“Why do the daughters of the creation goddess inherit Order and Chaos, respectively? That is because the two together are the power of creation, and light drives away darkness? Haha, how long do you have to spit this big lie? As long as there is light , There will be darkness, light and darkness are interdependent, pure darkness can also be converted into light, and the end of light can be converted into darkness ….. Look, isn’t the evidence right in front of you? “

The degradation of the black wing Angel coldly looked at me. There was no trace of emotion existence in the black pupils, and pure Holy Light already transformed the purest darkness. Is there any more deadly evidence?

“Estrada! As the strongest Holy Light user, don’t tell me you didn’t find anything! Do you dare to swear in the name of Holy Light, have you not found these truths? I am afraid that more than 300 years ago, you Find the clue. Just you have been running away from the truth! “

“I …”

Named the strongest fool and coward, hesitant to say a word, but this hesitation, but already is a default, but also brought a terrible chain reaction.

“Don’t you dare, I dare! Holy Light can never completely destroy Chaos, he will only cause a new Chaos wave, and make Holy War become more and more intense. If I have a false statement, please deprive me of it Holy Light. “

The holy vow already is established, but the pillar of my Holy Light is still in the cloud, which undoubtedly proves the authenticity of my words.


There are more than one screaming priest already, “the shaker of faith will lose the favor of Holy Light” but one of the teachings of Holy Light. In an instant, more than 20 Holy Light users in already lost their favor and were young No one was spared. More than half of the members of the regiment became former Holy Knight and former priests. Only those antiques that have been practicing for more than 100 years can still maintain their original heart.

“Today’s events must not be leaked! Otherwise it will have a huge impact on the entire church, Estrada, destroy it!”

In the face of despair, Cardinal Soros finally tore off his usual mild mask and took a decision. Everyone in the square watched the fall of Angel in midair. The envoys of the countries in the stands saw this light and The miracle created by the secret cannot be left alone.

“Estrada! If you spread it, you know what will happen!”

Holy Church has always maintained itself as the guardian of human and Order. If it spreads, the foundations of the teachings of Holy Church and Holy Light will be shaken. In his impression, the invincible Estrada is enough to kill everything in front of him, and he is even more I’m constantly praying to my true God, but how can it be linked in this holy place of God of Law.

Looking at Holy Knight, he was anxious. In the end, the seemingly young and old Holy Knight raised his head, but already was completely unrecognizable. His hair was gray and his face was wrinkled. He was more than ten years old in an instant. .

“I don’t have the certainty to win, I just don’t face this little Princess. I can’t do it, and I don’t want to do it again.”

Soros turned pale and walked away, but I stopped him.

“Hey, do you want to go so easily? At least you have to complete the Quest you came, the shrine of God of Holy Light should tell me, then it should be brought to me, so you can complete you Boss’s commission? “

Soros is stunned, but the Quest commissioned by the **** must be completed, but he no longer wants to see the person in front of him, and can only gnash his teeth and say the god.

“‘I hope that Jun and I will arrive at Chaos. We will become Order double pillars after the war.’ Are you satisfied? Saint Roland!”

I understand at the first hearing. This oracle is nothing more than the God of Holy Light that already found the truth of Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One). The invitation to form an alliance with the law was thrown out. As for the promise to divide the world, listening is enough. It is really stupid. Well, that saint ’s title is just the starter of the alliance, but I know, others do n’t know.

As soon as this remark was made, the envoys of various countries who had just passed by on the line of life and death were startled again. The content of this oracle already was enough to shock the world, and the tone that seemed to communicate with its peers was even more. frightening.

“This miraculous power, such a tone, is Roland existence equivalent to God of Holy Light? God of Holy Light actually requested an alliance, Order double column? Is Roland powerful enough to make God of Holy Light make concessions?”

Many thoughts are lingering in the minds of everyone. If the news spreads, everyone will have to re-evaluate the northern country of ice and snow and his prince.

I nodded in satisfaction.

“Well, sincerity is good. I have agreed to this alliance invitation. Give me a word for God of Holy Light. I promised Roland. As for that saint, haha, let me play it for you. Hahaha, then, in the future Please advise, my dear allies! “

Last glanced at Soros’s eyes mixed with extreme Wrath and fear, I laughed and left first.

Today ’s harvest of already is enough. Even if I forcibly invested in “Frigid winter Earth” to create life, and I will not retreat, I will collapse to the ground.

And when the crazy prince left, only Soros remained in the eyes of him, but there were only scars.

The envoys of various countries left as quickly as possible to avoid the plague. There was only one party in the stands. Those former priests who had lost the grace of already were still desperately sitting on the ground. Still lowering her head, she sent out a helpless sigh and did not know what she wanted to fall. Angel Avril already left in advance. In the end, the old bishop could only helplessly collapse to the ground when thinking of the terrible future and storm.

Even if the other party already agreed to the alliance, he still doesn’t know whether the Quest of this trip is a success or a failure, but he knows one thing.

“It’s over, it’s over, everything is over.” (To be continued …)

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