The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 212: Big Plastic Modeler

[Congratulations to the host for taking up the special advanced, Lord of Winter, this advanced is for your exclusive use and cannot be passed on to others. 】

[Congratulations to the host entering Gold-Rank. 】

[Congratulations to the host for the special space enchantment Frigid winter Earth. The camouflage system has been loaded. In the eyes of the gods, this is only a childish type of a special mind-image world. Please use it with confidence, but once you enter it ….. Be sure to remember the mouth. 】

[Congratulations to the host …]

The stingy ghost system actually gave me a screen-like congratulatory reminder. This Gold-Rank is not given by the system, but I broke it myself. In fact, I do n’t care about these. The most important thing is I have determined my future development path.

“Perfect the world.”

Looking for God Equipment, materials, and spirits to fill the naivety of this world, even if I perfect this world, it will be perfect myself.

Perhaps this road will be bumpy, and it will take endless time. It is also possible that I will not get the focus in my life. On this path of solitude, no one can give me guidance. But I know, at least at the end of this road, there may be existence treasures I crave.

“So, just try it.”

The excitement and excitement in my heart can’t bear it, just like a child who just got a new toy, it will be used to try, but then, I heard a system prompt.

[Due to starting the camouflage system and planning skills, the fate points were overdrawn. Please replenish the 2147 undeserved fate points within 24 hours, otherwise, the system will seal your new world-no money? Just use your family’s Xier to pay the debt. 】


Immediately, a bite of old blood spurted out. At this time, you can give me this hand and return my gratitude and touch.

But I do n’t have any time for already. According to my understanding of the system, it may not be good when it is said to be good, but it is worse than expected when it is said to be bad. Paying my money deducts my new world. Then, it will really be seized.

“Wait, this is the core of my new career. After you deduct it, then I will become a knight without a war horse, a basketball player who does not sell rot, and a tennis player who will not hit killer tennis. No Is sugar tofu brain, what’s the point! “

[Countdown 23 hours and 59 minutes. System prompt: You continue to bullshit, continue to be black, sweet party heresy! 】

I … I don’t have bullshit anymore, so I’ll make some points.


Herod Deep Valley, on Caro’s map. It’s a restricted area because where is the residence of the tower giant.

The name is very rigorous, but anyone who sees the existence of those giant stone giants will know how the name came.

Each stone giant is as high as dozens of floors, with heads and shoulders already entering the cloud, and the upper part of the body is a fortress. The shoulders and heads built into the architectural form are the bell tower and turret of the fortress.

The huge body represents unparalleled physical strength. The giant ’s melee has destroyed the world. The most terrible thing is the hundreds of siege slingers in the fortress.

The reason for the birth of these existence has long been unreliable. The land-breakers who have just arrived in the earth element realm have been attacked by a tower giant at the same time with heavy losses. I also mistakenly thought that it had been attacked by a hostile force and it was the action of a large Mage.

After all, the special body that is integrated with the building undoubtedly indicates that it is a special man-made object. Although they have not evolved self-consciousness, the huge and unmatched body and countless huge trebuchets have undoubtedly proved The identity of its war machine.

The Tower Giants in the Herod’s Deep Valley area were marked as dangerous. That is often in the body of each tower giant, and there are countless residents who form a strange symbiotic relationship with the tower giant.

Sometimes, the tribes that live in it. It is a more intelligent creature, such as a stone stripper and earth element. Sometimes, you can even encounter special flying units such as Gargoyle. Each tower giant is a color box. I do n’t know what is hidden before opening it. Tribe, and opening it up is probably not a good thing.

The tower giants are still gregarious, and there is a special way of contact. Therefore, after fighting a tower giant, it is like a war. Dozens of tower giants can create a huge army.

There are more than 400 tower giant communities in the valley of Herod. The total number of tower giants and symbiotic communities cannot be counted at all.

It’s just the tower giants gathered at the mouth of the deep valley that makes Sharon dare not enter this area. Only the oldest existence knows that the biggest mystery here is in the deep valley. These huge The guy is just the doorman made by the ancient existence.

“Who is that? He actually went into the deep valley?”

The tower giants occasionally come out for hunting inspections. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, various forces have established their own temporary dwelling points in Shengukou, and Carol’s Mage are not only investigating the movement of these big guys, More important is to persuade those fledgling rookies to go home.

“What? The restricted area beyond the danger of SSS, huh, I was born to do something big, what a restricted area is, long, just a treasure trove and a place for adventures … Haha, God Equipment and heritage , I’m here. No stairs? Exactly! I jump off the cliff! “

This kind of amusing goods is found every year. Knight Poisoning Poisoners abound, sometimes getting annoyed, and the Mage stationed will not persuade them more, let them live on their own.

Fortunately, there are not too many second-hand goods this year. The garrisoned Carlin Mage is still a bit worried that there will not be enough jokes to talk about funds after changing the defense this year. This finally met one, but he was somewhat happy.

But before he asked thousands of times ago, he stopped himself.

The grey cape glanced at him and he felt paralyzed by lightning.

powerful, I haven’t heard that a large Mage with a lightning system is here.”

The next second, he knew that his kindness was unnecessary, and the figure already disappeared without a trace.

The order of the tower giant was to attack all non-ethnic individuals. Along the way, the flickering and disappearing figure also suffered numerous attacks, but unfortunately, those clumsy monsters could not even touch him. You can’t even see him.

In the deep valley, the gray cape stopped. Wait quietly until a voice sounds.

Camdelian, what’s the important thing, I want you to come to me in person.”

Even when facing the powerful Elemental God, the top of this equally ancient earth element is still without any doubt and respect. It is like asking young people, and Camdelian does not care about the other’s rudeness. On the contrary, he is also happy to speak straight.

“Ainsloh, do you want to be a Earth Elemental God? Do you want to be an existence equivalent to me?”

The communication between the elements creature is so direct. They are like the ancient tribal system and lack understanding of social hierarchy, especially the elemental life that has not come into contact with mortals. What’s more to say.

Of course, if he was facing a mortal of Normal, he would have stepped down and said something.

“….. Of course I think! What are you planning to do!”

The whole valley is echoing this loud noise. Einsloh has not concealed his desire. As one of the oldest existence of realm, Einsloh desires to be Elemental God already for countless years.

But there can only be one master of the element. If it weren’t for some reason, knowing that Erd Doroken was very difficult to deal with, he would have opened the seal himself to capture the glory of the Lord of realm.

“So, join our plan, this time, Lord of the Elements of Fire, Lord of the Elements of Water, and me. Decided to join forces to completely destroy Erd Doroken.”

“… Not enough.”

After a long hesitation, the answer is not unwilling, but not enough. This existence is not optimistic about the coalition’s winning percentage.

The rejected Camdelian was not angry, and this was the expected answer. Erd Doroken is too many people offended. It is not the first time that they have been jointly scrutinized, but he still lives so flavorfully and without him. Strong enough, the strong can go to war with the other three elements.

In the underground labyrinth, the guy controlled the gate of the element realm with one hand, while monopolizing the crowd, and gained an advantage. Later, if there is a problem with the gate of the element, the combat power is greatly lost, who loses and wins Don’t know yet.

In the eyes of Ainslow, if you join the joint crusade casually, after another failure, of course, these different realm existence have run away, leaving them to be vented by Erd Doroken, it would be too miserable. .

“If Erd Doroken is intact, of course, we are not enough, but if it is a serious injury or even the corpse of the self-destructed soul? Don’t you think it is strange? Obviously, already has returned to this realm for so long, but it has not appeared once, and it has not been. In the past, you have crusade your overly powerful Elemental Lords to secure your position. “

“Is Erd Doroken injured? Really? How was it hurt? Is it serious?”

A series of hurried follow-ups showed Aynslow’s mindset.

“Of course, I saw it with my own hands, and even I contributed. Even the heart of his element in Main Realm‘s body has become the loot of others.”


Unexpectedly, the underground tunnel suddenly opened, already proved everything.

“Come and talk.”

Ainslo even came out to greet himself, but unlike the deafening roar, it was an extremely short element creature. The ugly skin was covered with black scales, and the pitted head was a sharp element crystal. It has short limbs and ugly eyes. If you only look at the appearance, it is quite similar to the Gnome.

But Camdelian does not look down on her because of her appearance. Ainsloh is the creator of various powerful elemental life, including the tower giant, and the great stone-sculptor Ainsloh has the reputation of the mother of stones.

Yes, it ’s her, not him. The element creature has no gender, but to a certain degree, you can choose a gender.

As one of the oldest existences of the elements realm, her prestige is not lower than Elemental God, if not Erd Doroken is too strong, she also has the qualification to be the master of the elements.

At least, if Ainslo is an element of wind, Camdelian has no confidence to be able to suppress her.

“This time, our plan is very ambitious, and in order to ensure success, the two elemental masters did not say anything. I even found more than thirty elemental lords at already. They are very interested in this plan. , Of course, that interest also includes the throne of the Lord of Elements. “

“… Only without Erd Doroken blocking the way, I will not lose to anyone.”

Camdelian smiled a little and didn’t say much. This already is the 30th time in recent days that I have heard such words. Basically every lord will say the last time.

“As long as there is no Erd Doroken, I will grab the throne of the Lord of the Elements myself.”

There is no commitment. These ancient existence do not need to commit. They are full of confidence in themselves. They also know that if Erd Doroken falls, all promises will become waste paper. Finally, we need to see what we know.

This is why Roland will let Camdelian personally be a lobbyist. The life of Normal has no chance to speak in front of these old guys, and only the same old wind element master knows how to let these old guys Contributing to the coalition.

“So, please take a look at the drawings in this chapter. In order to deal with Erd Doroken, we need a fortress, a huge mobile fortress.”

Ainsloh took the drawing,

“… I don’t read much. Don’t lie to me. Is this a fortress? Do you think I haven’t been to Main Realm? This is obviously a duck!”

Yes, on the drawing, there is a big yellow duck with no neck, and there are a few big characters on the top of the drawing.

“Moving Fortress-Big Yellow Duck!” Obviously, this is someone’s painstaking design, well, it is true that it is the product of an outbreak of bad taste.

“No, no, no, I do n’t understand, but you see, the shape of a bird is to reduce the resistance of air pressure during flight, and the weird duck shape without hair or neck is chosen to make it The curve that conforms to the rules of air flow, it is said that this is also the product of the latest scientific and technological achievements of human, the product of air flow mechanics, and the crystallization of wisdom of the wise men. “

“Are you sure you are not kidding? This is the product of the sage, not the product of the idler?”

Obviously, Einsloh is not so foolish. She has a hunch, just because of this strange and ridiculous appearance. As long as this is done, it will be a shame of her life.

“Of course, the one who gave me the design is a Great Saint (Magaret) from the Truth Society, and this time, she will also do it herself!”

Well, Camdelian did not play Ainslow, but Roland played Camdelian, but at this time, the words of the Lord of the Elements are convincing, even if there are still many puzzles and doubts in his heart, Ainslow only has Promise it.

“Let those stone shapers and sculptors come to Wake up, we have work to do! Let’s start making big yellow ducks! With the creation of my stone shapers, it will become the world’s greatest duck. ! “|

PS: Double today, by the way, ask for a monthly pass. Recently, there are too few monthly passes. already has fallen to the sixth category. It ’s sad at the end of the month …

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