The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 194: Unexpected reinforcements

Divine Strength, which is too accumulated, began to erode the entire world. As a true god, Felix already stayed in this realm for too long. His Divine Strength essence began to erode the rules of realm, turning the entire space into his own kingdom on earth.

The dark purple clouds converge in mid-air, and the new snowflakes are actually dark purple. The wanton rotating wind in the air has a slightly sweet fragrance, but people who accidentally smell it feel dizzy.

The large area already with Felix as its core has no trees and vegetation. All the plants are dead. If the animals such as the small ones die or they die, already is deformed and transformed into the most terrible Ogre.

The battle between human and True God is still going on. Even when the Avatar of True God is coming, the defenders still have not given up, they have closed the gap before or after, or should have said that they are procrastinating and lingering ….

This is a war where there is no hope of victory, or, to put it plainly, this is a crushing massacre.

In an increasingly distorted world, the toxin already is soaked in every breath, and every moment, someone suddenly falls violently.

And the warriors who resisted this spider on the front line fell quickly under the venom and claws with Divine Strength.

If it is not fearless of toxins, but the Heroic Spirit army who sacrificed without fear has taken over the main force to contain it, the constant fire from the distant battleship has caused enough trouble for the Felix. I am afraid that the battle already has collapsed.

But dragging on is definitely not the way. One face-to-face has not been faced down. The hard-cultivated strong people in the northern countries have fallen inexplicably. Even if the Heroic Spirit team is playing the main force, many of them are returned to Wumianzhe (The Indefatigable One). Heroic Spirit Hall.

“Is this the power of the gods? It’s really desperate. If such existence appears in Auland …”

On a high platform far from the battlefield, put down the engineering telescope. The worried Hermite shook his head helplessly.

Initially, Auland Empire sent him and a winged White Wolf Guard as a guest army for voluntary support. Originally, he only collected northern information while transporting supplies (the ambition of Darsos has not been extinguished), but no one expected it. . A history of Beastfolk raids that happened almost every three days will eventually evolve into such a brutal battlefield.

“Is this Holy War? Everyone has completely red eyes, and the rare Legend heroes and true gods of the past have jumped out, and the silver and gold powers that countries regard as treasures have actually become battlefield soldiers. Oh A dozen more have fallen, and we train a silver strong who does not rely on equipment. It will take at least ten years. “

Hermite‘s sigh comes from the bottom of my heart, the war will escalate to such a point, no doubt already exceeds everyone’s expectations.

To this day, in order to compete for racial interests and survival space, the northern human, Elf, and Beastfolk already all played, and all the residents of the Northland already escaped everything.

This is just over two months. There are a lot of fallen immortal existence already, let alone the elemental gods, even the true gods have fallen, but just the new god’s ascension will inevitably shock the whole world.

Apart from the war on the surface, the Elemental God and the inhabitants of the underground world are also looming. Countless weapons of war are bound to change this era. Now, even the true gods are directly involved in the war regardless of their faces. I am afraid no one would dare to say that the war in the north is a small family.

“If Holy War is a battlefield of this intensity, I am afraid that even the super empire will not last long. It seems that I will have to discuss it with Her Majesty and the Queen. Oh, you must be lucky to live this first. Rob. “

Shake his head, dispel the extra thoughts, and then. He gave a magical crystal with enough information to the long-awaited Griffin knight.

“Give me to Her Majesty Darsos.”

“Then you? Are you not planning to leave? You should leave with me.”

Griffin Knight ’s doubts are not superfluous. If Red Maple City is lost, Beastfolk and God of Toxic will not open their eyes because Hermite is Auland, but at this time, Hermite shook his head.

“I plan to see the end. This war is worthy of life for first-hand intelligence. And … I still don’t think human will lose!”

Griffin The knight soared into the sky and flew towards the south. When the feathers falling from the sky fell on the hands of Hermite, there was a slightly heavy footsteps behind him.

For Hermite, he already knows who came.

“You want to fight? You have also seen that in this level of battle, you are just cannon fodder.”

There is still silence behind, no answer, but it shows the determination of the White Wolf knights. Even if it is only a guest army, they sit and watch the death of the same tribe and the massacre of the people. Nothing is willing to do.

Can only be cannon fodder? It ’s not a new rookie on the battlefield. How can you not know the power gap, but even if you know that there is a thorn in front of you, the knights are still full-faced, their eyes are firm, and their arms are firmly holding the weapons. The mind has been burning, the blood is boiling.

“Knights fight for justice, and they vow to sacrifice blood to fight against injustice and evil.”

“Knights fight for protection. They treat the weak, but when the butcher knife is aimed at the innocent old and weak, they will become the strongest flesh and blood barrier.”

“Knights fight for kingship. They protect their homeland and loyal to their lords, but righteousness is their true code of conduct. When the two conflict, they will obey their own heart and make choices.”

At that moment, the ancient chivalry spirit did not seem to be out of date. Silent silence, these knights loyal to the monarch, made their own choices.

It seems to have been known for a long time that Hermite shook his head.

“…. It seems that I have said extra words, letting you back down just shame the White Wolf knight and let the Auland Empire be looked down upon by these small countries. Go, give me a good performance, don’t let Yankees look down on us Auland , Underestimated our White Wolf knight of Auland. “

White Wolf… ..”

……. Wansheng! “

That was the roar of the White Wolf knight. After this short and loud call, after the knight who did not intend to turn back, the fragmentary footsteps gradually went away, and Hermite shook his head. Put your attention into the battle.

Knights have the duties of knights, and military divisions have the Quest of the military divisions. Now the most important thing for them is to collect enough battlefield information at this time. The value of some intelligence is so high that it can be traded for life. Every moment is precious. You can’t relax a little.

Then what I saw in the telescope was a bit confusing.

“Why Roland, why stop. Um? What are they hiding.”


Carol Dean, the Tiger, is the chief elected temporarily by Plains Beastfolk and the convener of this joint operation.

He is famous in the North. In a sense, he is also an old acquaintance of Reyne. Among the Beastfolks that were repelled at that time. There is his existence.

In the entire Beastfolk society, Carol Dean is a well-known radical. Every year, the chiefs conference can hear him shouting “Sweep East Mist and hit San Antonio.” At this time, he was always decisive, but hesitated , Vaguely between. Seems somewhat regretful.

“There is some decisive battle with Elf here? It makes no sense whatsoever.”

War is a continuation of politics. No one would want to fight a war without interest. Emon Xu gave it to the plain Beastfolk. Naturally, both sides would go to war against human at the same time, to divide up each other’s territory.

Of course, even if you can win, how many points you can score, it depends on the strength ratio of the two sides. Now it is not cost-effective to start your precious troops at some inexplicable location and against some inexplicable enemy.

“That’s a bird? An Dragon Knight person? No! That’s Superman … Oh. No, that’s just a streaking muscular man wearing underwear! Vomit! I’m disgusting!”

And soon, Carol Dean did not hesitate, the huge shadow falling in the sky fell into the two armies.


The man slammed into the ground. But he immediately took on the position of a meditator, and when everyone was watching him, he suddenly raised his arms, flexed his elbows, and his fists were false. The head muscles moved, and then a smile appeared.

“loveandpeace! Please stop, this world is so beautiful, we should not war! Makelovenowar

(We need to love each other, don’t war!) “

The white teeth are reflecting, and the muscular man smiles very brightly. He speaks louder and louder. In the end, he sang out.

The most uncomfortable thing is that he is always a muscular monster, but he has a handsome face that is so beautiful that he can mess into girly comics, and his face is still secretive and shameful. This kind of sharp contrast makes him even more uncomfortable. Coordinated.

“Give me that Perverts!”

Well, Carol Dean did not hesitate to shout from the majority of blind people, his subordinates have executed his orders as quickly as possible.

Don’t say that Beastfolk is impulsive. At that moment, Annie and Suanna both had the urge to scream and release arrows.

But unfortunately, all Gongya had not reached his side before they landed one after another, as if there was an invisible barrier there.

“Oh, this is a bad boy. Then let me teach you Omar, what is love!”

Front dorsi latissimus dorsi, biceps brachii on the back, and triceps brachii on the side, one by one, the body-building movements of Omar are glowing. At the next moment, Countless undead army appeared out of thin air.

“My heart is all my nation. As a king, my foothold is our land. The undeads I love, they love me too. This is my ultimate love!”

A gorgeous air kiss was thrown at those skeletons, and the eye-catching skulls that were controlled by them were thrown away continually. Those brainless skeletons controlled by them actually made a collective shameful posture, and those poor wisdom undead

Annie knew for the first time that the original undead would also be sick to lie on the ground and vomit.

But it is indeed the most powerful pass. Even though it is obviously Perverts, the dense undead army makes the excited Beastfolk retreats.

“Is it Omar? Bone… ..Roland can’t support it anymore, please go and support it.”

“Oh, are you the red-haired little Annie? Reinhard Jr. talked to me about you. As in the materials, you are really cute. Do you have any idea to debut with me as an idol? A celebrity? I recently wrote a lot of new beautiful moves and dance music. If we form a dance group, we will shake the whole world. “

“Frighten the whole world.”

Well, Anya at least knows that he is really a big guy. At least vomiting and complaining are quiet.

“Why more outrageous than I heard? I haven’t heard of any of these problems …”

But the next moment, Omar‘s answer, let everyone understand.

“Relax, already from my father went to reinforcements. It’s really an interesting person. In terms of understanding of love, I have made a lot of progress, I am ashamed.”


When the black spots in the distance are getting bigger and bigger, I get the real image from my perception, and my eyebrows are also twitching. Of course it is a good thing to have reinforcements. But if the reinforcements are that, I think it is better to fight alone.

“That’s a bird? A Dragon Knight person? No! That’s Superman …. Oh no, that’s a Beifeng! Ahhhhhh!

In the field of vision, the black spot is getting bigger and bigger. Then he slammed into the ground, knocked down a small building, and smashed an open space.

“What’s wrong? Is it dead?”

The exclamation next to it must be an outsider who is not familiar with that guy, after all …

“No, no, the Eich world is ruined. That guy won’t die.”

People who are familiar with him, how can they not know that the Gentleman is not dead.

“Ah, almost died.”

Sure enough, the next moment, in the rubble of the ruins, the guy held out his head, his face was spared the fluke of luck, but I knew that he must have taken the blame again.

Bastard Dracon! Next time, feel free to bullshit my scales, and touch them everywhere. I will throw you inside the volcano!”

On top of the clouds, there was a roar, which was a thunderous storm, and then a purple magic dragon fell under the clouds. After landing, it turned into a human form, but stared at the other Legend hunters who were trying to control the words.

“Thunder Dragon? Is this your animal companion?”

I heard that Beifeng used his Dragon Clan bloodline to form an alliance with a Thunder Xunlong. Only in the Great Dragon, which is also known for its rapid action, can Beifeng be carried overnight. Rush here from Anthun.

“It’s good if you can come, but it’s useless if you come, it’s better to let Adam come over.”

I really don’t underestimate him. The opponent is God of Toxic Felix. A Legend hunter and a young dragon can not weigh much on the scale of strength. It is better to let that dragon come with Adam.

But then I heard the familiar smirk.

“Oh, I didn’t expect how you trust me.”

Looking back, isn’t Correct the best meat shield Adam? At this time, he is all covered with “chizluo”, covered with various magic patterns.

It turned out that when Lei Xunlong just landed, he carried a huge magic carpet on his back. On it, various alreadys were drawn with magic lines and magic arrays. When this simple law formation and Anthune’s law formation formed After resonating, Magaret was able to teleport again with the remaining cast materials, and the destination of the teleportation was naturally Adam with a smirk at this moment.


I laughed with joy and kicked Adam with my feet.

“Become a meat shield for me, I will use an absolute safe time of about fifteen minutes!”

Well, let’s not mention how the naked man went to the battlefield with an unpleasant face. With this top-level meat shield existence, the pressure of other fighters was greatly reduced, and I had the possibility to do something.

Harloys just pointed out the other party ’s attributes and recruited Felix‘s key hospitality. I ’m afraid that there is nothing in God’s Domain that can hide Felix. Without cover, I ca n’t do anything significant. Now the meat shield is here, finally Use that trump card.

Singing forbidden ice age? Not to mention that it is definitely not a big curse that can be completed in one or two hours, and not to mention whether I am burning my life to be able to release such a curse, let alone the super serious consequences of throwing this curse, I think That large-scale curse would probably not kill it.

Moreover, if I start to chant a spell, the magic wave that shakes the world is simply asking Felix to obliterate me at all costs. In the past, I had the cover of the undead army. Now I do n’t have this capital.

If the opponent is endless Beastfolk, I ca n’t help it, but if the opponent is existence like the real god, I really reserved a hole card that is not a hole card, it is a doomed violation and provoked Endlessly troublesome hole cards, but it is also my trump card specially prepared for this situation.

It is really this existence with the hole cards that made me dare to face Karwenz alone. After all, after so many years, it would be completely possible if Karwenz turned over. How could I appear in front of him without self-protection ability.

The good words of Correct Karwenz have caused this ace to be retained to this day.

At this time, since the opponent already completely violates the rules, I don’t have to worry about incurring trouble because I lay on the bottom card of the rule.

And just as expected, just starting to prepare to cast, the venom spilled from the sky, vomiting here.

While I didn’t see it, I still focused on my preparations. After all, I believe that someone will block these troubles for me.

“Ah, my panties! It’s a shame when it’s over.”

Sure enough, Adam blocked the venom for me, but the corrosive poison mist attack directly caused his remaining piece of clothing to be reimbursed, and he was completely naked.

“Pause! Wait for me to change my pants … Hey, I said I paused, why are you so unruly. This lady, can you lend me your skirt? Hey, don’t run , I ’m really not Perverts! I just look at how little you wear, it seems convenient to take off. “


Okay, let’s ignore the fact that I actually looked for a female Mage to borrow a robe, but it turned out to be existence, but the result of his presence did give me enough safety time. This trump card was played.

God’s Descend!”

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