The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 165: The feast of the betrayal

The vast ice fields are full of depressions. When the rising sun in winter rises, the black horizon is a gathering of war horses and warriors.

Beastfolk is coming!”

With a simple announcement, the first wave of trebuchets and strategic magic began to fulfill their responsibilities on the battlefield. The huge rubble rushed into the sky with a terrible wind, and each time it fell, it could kill dozens of lives.

The original Red Maple City was only a Normal town with double-walled walls inside and outside, but after the cost-free investment of various countries, already has become a strong city with a four-story wall, and various types of defensive equipment .

Earth Demon Mage may not be as powerful and gorgeous offensive magic as other elements Mage, but in terms of civil engineering and engineering operations, there are other elements Mage incomparable advantages.

High walls were erected instantly, and the moat was widened by seven or eight meters with the cast sound of “soil for mud”. The flowing Alchemy venom may not be very toxic, but let it in.

At least the city wall is more than three times full. The towering city wall is full of crossbow cars and heavy engineering cannons. The Griffin knights circled back and forth to look for dead spots where loopholes might appear.

Countless trebuchets have been set up on the various platforms of the city wall. Such a long-established siege and defensive weapon, as long as there are enough scholars and craftsmen, can exert satisfactory power and fall at high altitude. What’s the difference between the huge boulder and meteorite, anyway, it will die one time.

Simple, rude, effective, low cost and effective, it is the reason why the catapult has become a must-have on the battlefield.

But this time, I just entered the range of the largest trebuchet. With such a distance, it is impossible to pose a threat of precise strike. But more is a deterrent.

“There is no place on the battlefield that is safe.”

The Beastfolk did not want to fight back. The movable trebuchet had a limited range, but the largest trebuchet just barely hit the city wall, causing a burst of dust and gravel, but it was even won by the defenders. Shame.

Recently, the gravel and boulders outside the city were cleaned of already. The stones that can be used are stored in the city as stone bombs. Beastfolk needs to find suitable ones for its own use.

At this time, at Xichengmen, the East Mist who was assigned to defend Quest started preparations, and as the temporary leader, Reyne‘s palm was full of sweat. This is the second time she has encountered war, but it is the first time she has participated in the war as a soldier.

“Hold on, hold on, Reyne, you can do it. When Roland Brother was on the battlefield, it was smaller than you are now.”

And she didn’t know it. But when she was quietly cheering, many caring people were staring at her quietly, and some existence, through her eyes, constantly explored the mysteries of this world.


There is a saying to do bad things with good intentions. This is very common, but there is also a saying that bad intentions do good things. This is indeed rare.

The surrender of Fear Caso, the “weak man,” directly caused the Siluweir kingdom to suffer great humiliation, and as the first descendant of Lan (surnamed), he was hanging himself At the same time as the historical shame column, it had a very strange and important influence on the war situation.

First of all, due to the fall of the entire kingdom and the surrender of the royal family, the nominal Siluweir became a subordinate of the Beastfolk tribe overnight. For a while, the City Lord and lords of various cities and towns were at a loss, but the Beastfolk army Therefore, he bypassed the city-states and reached the deepest Red Maple City.

“All already surrendered, what else to fight.”

The second profound influence is that Elf declared war on Beastfolk.

Yes, they declared war, and that silent ally relationship lasted less than half a month, and it turned into a hostile relationship.

The Elf king of the tassel kingdom did a great job this time. The human Bastard he chose as the fuse was an San Antonio person, and more aristocratic in the Principality of Cassomi, but as a matchmaker and slave trader, it was The nobility of Siluweir is said to have some relationship with Femmel.

So, the target of the war was locked on the Siluweir Kingdom and the Principality of Kasomi, and the San Antonio behind was naturally unable to get rid of the relationship.

His plan is good. As long as the battle goes smoothly, he will use this fuse to upgrade all the way, continue to arouse public grievances and let the war spread. Since it is revenge for the leader of the anti-war faction Suanna Princess, the domestic peace and peace Anti-war fighters can’t say anything against it.

But if Siluweir, the most culprit’s target, surrendered to Beastfolk, and instead was protected by Beastfolk, should they avenge there?

The famous ‘Black Bear’ An Inlow is thick and ambitious. After learning about the “Peace of Death” incident, he immediately smelled the conspiracy from Zhou and immediately took the Bastard noble family. He was removed from Cassomi, his brother was tied to Elf, and a genuine apology letter was attached.

“….. I asked about the tragedy. At the same time that I was distressed, we deeply regret that we will never condone the murderer. Since he himself already died, he gave his brother, wife and daughter as a sacrifice to comfort Suanna His Highness’s Spirit in Heaven ….. “

Okay, this is really very mean and shameless, but in a sense, it is really effective for the well-known Elf, and the human kingdom has also learned that these Elfs are soft and hard, and they have to lose face Live and suffer the spleen.

“Who doesn’t have a few offspring, and sincerely apologize, the already made by the Principality of Cassomi is very good. If you use the wife and children of the sinner as a sacrifice, it will be a virtue to the savage Beastfolk and spread to the Kingdom of Tassel And the reputation of the Elf family is not good. “

When this news spread, the main faction in the tassel kingdom knew that the situation was a little bad.

Elf Kingdom is the birthplace of the consul system and the parliamentary system. It is a symbol of equality and freedom in the eyes of the world. The Elf countries known as the free kingdom have different political systems, but the weak kingship is a reality.

In the eyes of the war ambassador, if most of Elf meets the desire for revenge and demands to stop the war with “ally”, then. The sacrifice of Suanna is not wasted, so how can the inexplicable ending be acceptable. How do they want to explain to the Elf gods who demand intensified contradictions.

The Elfs are very, very particular about their face and name. Will they become evil invaders without a war of righteousness? How can Elf, a kind and loving peace host, become a criminal invader, we must be a righteous party, and our target of attack must be an evil and unpardonable evildoer.

So, a piece of inexorable information was revealed, including evidence of Elf trafficking in recent years. Those Elf traffickers and slave hunters actually have an official background and the culprit. Or the black hands behind the scenes pointed directly at Siluweir and his aristocracy and royal family.

Actually, since the sinful slave trade took place in this country, and the government actually opened and closed its eyes, when the **** chain of interests was established, how was the upper layer of this country clean.

Okay, all that’s wrong with King Phil is next, but to be honest, look at the hundreds of Elf dancers in his palace. Really blame the wrong person.

So in the eyes of Elf, they are not aggression at all, they are revenge and presiding over justice, the evil Siluweir kingdom must pay the price, and the evil human will be driven from the country of Elf.

But right now, the Elf have encountered some minor troubles. Siluweir surrendered. Lan people who have never surrendered actually surrender? In the eyes of these longevity people, this is as incredible as when Elf suddenly became cheerful and generous, the dwarves became clean and tidy, and Beastfolk became knowledgeable.

But Siluweir did surrender. So, whether Elf should be revenge has become a big problem now.

If you don’t get revenge, you can’t swallow this breath. It is impossible to confess with some existence, but if it is revenge, is it to avenge the Femre under the rule of Beastfolk? Beastfolk finally won the major battle results, would they be willing to spit it out?

“Stupid beast man, hand over that Phil and his **** subordinates, we still have to talk ……… wait, what are you dragging me to do. Ah!”

The Pride of the Elf envoy, as always, has made the negotiation that Jiucheng will fail into an absolute failure, but this is also the result required by a certain Elf king.

“Master priests, please tell that lord, his Willpower will surely be implemented.”

Ansoro. Xiusta Adelban, this lengthy name, but already is an abbreviation of a dozen short words omitted, there are many life stories, and the number of names created is not a few, but there is an adjective that can Very well described his characteristics-Elf God Lord.

The Order gods are a mix of many God Factions. Among them, there are only seven existences of God Lord grade, which proves his power. By the way, Correct also exiles Lorci, which led to the collective fall of Dark Elf. Fall, Harloys also vowed revenge, led by it.

As the patron saints of Elf God Lord and the entire Elf race, how could Willpower of Ansoro be violated? Therefore, the Elf declared war on Beastfolk directly, and they declared war on Beastfolk of “trying to shelter” Femmel.

“It is indeed Elf, this head structure … It seems that no Elf experts have evaluated this change, I am afraid that our Elf learning textbooks will need to be edited again. Hmm, the harder the fight, the better. Alright. “

While many militias in the human kingdom were astounded, they were eagerly looking forward to seeing a comedy biting a dog, but soon they discovered that the declaration of war was just a cover.

When the Beastfolks gave up the other towns and concentrated on preparing for the decisive battle, the Elfs began to take over the slaughter. Of course, the proud Elf language did not contain such a dirty word of slaughter, they used purification .

The overflowing hatred is contagious, and the bloodthirsty madness will spread. Soon, the trial is out of control. Searching for evidence from an aristocrat whose ancestors participated in the Elf slaves is enough to hang the family. dead.

“What? Grandfather actually used to be a mercenary? You ca n’t tell where he was asking for life? Well, sorry, if you ca n’t prove that he is not guilty, you are guilty, and that he is guilty. “

The priests Elf who served as Judgementor are also caught in an inexplicable enthusiasm. In their trials full of presumption of guilt and implicated offenders, very few people retreated. The only advantage compared with Beastfolk is that they have not moved for the time being Civilians, or should not say, did not take the initiative to move civilians.

Moreover, how could there be no deaths and injuries during the war, and in the face of their losses, the so-called Elf‘s elegance is probably to give those defenders a way of death that is not too ugly.

So, the captured city was full of human heads, and the civilians who were lucky enough to survive looked at these long ears with hatred.

“It’s really a heartfelt name, I’m afraid that Northern Elf can no longer go back to the past. Maybe, after this catastrophe, there will be no Elf family.”

But I Elf Sadness seen in the madness that can dominate the priest Willpower Yes, it can only be the true God, since the true gods already Regardless of their faces, I’m afraid they too already In despair and madness.

Choose the first time to abandon the Order gods and serve as the vanguard of the divine war. In this era where the vanguard and cannon fodder are almost synonymous, I am afraid that the collective of the Elf gods will soon fall.

“A feast for the betrayer.”

Speaking like this, I was repeatedly checking the letter to another betrayer. Whether this betrayer had any intention to choose a new position was directly related to the victory of this war.

“Dear Lorci, Hello, I am your loyal fansRoland Mist. You may have heard of me. I personally have been looking forward to your art of torture. I have been looking for opportunities to discuss with you (Next Save 5000 words) … You have also heard of a series of recent events, and I have a little suggestion here … “

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