The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 143: SMS

“Zhao Kehuan Hu Hu, Wu Gooshuang Xueming.”

Swordsmen in the North are wearing rude python leather armor. The silver sword in their hands carries snow-white sword flowers. Wherever the snow-light sword is, the wind is piercing and the earth is covered with a thin layer of white. Frost.

“A silver saddle looks like a white horse, like a shooting star.”

The long sword points to the sky, and the rushing silver pegasus comes along, and the knight initiates the charge and turns into a silver meteor.

“Kill one person in ten steps, stay for thousands of miles.”

Wherever blade edge is, there are flying enemies. With only the sharp sword in your hand and your Majesty’s mount, a knight in light armor can travel thousands of miles in the north!

“Fuck away, hide and name deeply ……… It seems like I forgot it at the back. Forget it, I ca n’t remain anonymous at all. Boys! Look, I ’m here with Roland Mist, I am Lich King! “

As pale justice slams into the ground, the mana meets, and the basalt sword prints of turtle and snake intersect explode on the ground. Snow flakes representing ice form on the ground and then light up, and flow under the ice with the undercurrent of ice. The eruption, the frozen mana freezes everything around.

My movement is too sudden. As the ice spreads, the assassins in the shadows freeze their feet before they can react. Those who respond quickly can escape by breaking their feet. Those who respond slowly enjoy the ice.

“I really admire the protagonists of Legend novels. It seems handsome to fight while reading poems and brushing fashion, but in practice, it’s hardly human. How can they remember the mantra, think about fighting skills, and adjust the rhythm of the battle? Poetry? They are not afraid to read half of the words and forget the embarrassment when they get home? If the wind in their mouths keeps them coughing, why not die? “

In the state of my vomiting, a green snake-like dagger emerged from the shadows behind, and the dazzling blade slowly reached my neck, but there was no sound of wind. .

The blade where the blade is about to touch me. The assassin with a hint of cruel smile trembled sharply.

“The advanced ability of the shadow step-short-term concealment? This big assassin of elemental descent seems to be able to learn it. Such a rare ability can also be seen. It is really exciting experimental material.”

How could the assassin who has experienced hundreds of battles make mistakes at critical moments, but now his arm already is paralyzed.


Pale justice is still stuck on the ground, but thunderous lightning flashes on it. The abrupt current directly twitched the unlucky Assassin Electric.

“Poor child, I guess you can’t understand why the Magic Sword who left hands will automatically attack it. This trick can be written down and go back and teach those novices to use as shame.”

The current of the Dragon Dragon Sword that is excited twice is not very strong. The jerking assassin still clenches his teeth and intends to desperately, but I pat the black cat on my shoulder directly.

“Help to collect a blood sample. Do a brief analysis, so rare materials, don’t kill it, take the soul and go back to the laboratory to do it.”

The elegant black cat heard the words, just licked its head with its head down, but did not act. I knew she was just waiting to bargain.

“Distribute one third of you, then see if you want to be a sister, and if she doesn’t, divide half of you.”

“Crazies! Our group of ghost snakes and thieves is actually ruined in the hands of your lunatics, and you actually talk to cats ….. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh’ve’ve!

Looking at me carrying his ass, the assassin of Wrath slammed the assault, but the next moment, unknown shadows covered him.

“Cat …. cat monster!”

The cat-shaped black shadow floating above the assassin’s head gives a weird smile. As if laughing at something.

The deep-seated fear finally caused the mixed-race assassin to resist the fear in his heart, and turned and ran, but then, Guanghua flashed, and in the scream, the thief disappeared without a trace and remained in place. Yes, only the elegant black cat who continued to wash the cat’s face.


A ring finger, the dead bodies of three bleeding robbers stood up silently, and they would take away several other frozen bodies.

When undead magic can appear in the sun. The corpse of the strong is a valuable noble commodity, but it cannot be wasted.

While I was still enjoying the results I made, the battle over already came to an end.

The black piranha is chewing. It is the right arm of the assassin named Saint Rank.

After struggling to give up the limbs to feed those crazy plants, the Big Assassin Netherfire finally approached Mage. The ridiculous thief is not a panicked academic rookie, but a happier mad witch who laughs more happily.

“You are the 76th assassin who considers me a melee idiot. What do you think of your predecessors?”

Saint Rank Assassin’s mind is so stable, even though he feels that something is wrong, but his words can’t shake him, he slammed it, shifted back and forth, and brought out a series of ghosts. Avatar ghosts besieged Aemila .

But the female Mage just took a deep breath, but threw away the gorgeous sapphire staff, completely countless ghosts around Avatar, and punched back fiercely.


Aemila doesn’t have the appearance of weakness. The terrible gravity fist caused a large pit to the ground by the wind pressure. Even if the fire is in time, it is still wiped off and vomits blood.


With Aemila wielding a ruby ​​bracelet with a ruby ​​hand, after a scream, a large pit was pitted around the mourning fire. He himself was embedded in the rock.

Maybe other bystanders will think this is some kind of gravity magic, but I know that this is just a simple wave of the hand, and the assassin is plunged into the ground, just the wind pressure brought by this slap.

“Forty-two-point Mage ca n’t really hurt. The transformation of the pupils with real visual effects ca n’t even hurt. Now that Hulai can still live, she is as strong as ever. “

At this moment, Aemila caresses the hair end, like the silver blindness in the eyes converges, and the corners of the mouth move lightly.

Pale green hair flutters in the wind, while scholar girls sing poetry in the wind, looking only at the appearance, Aemila is quite literary girly.

But I won’t be fooled, because my already reads the other person’s words by reading the lips.

“Baby. It ’s dinner, this time is a big meal.”

And the next second, the pale green hair came alive, countless hairs spread in the wind, and then turned into blood-red thorns. When the tops of the thorns opened a mouthful of blood like Great Dragon, when the bitten assassin couldn’t stop screaming, I knew that the remaining picture would be eighteen forbidden.

“Is temperance? It’s really a monster without restraint. Maybe she’s named temperance, but she just hopes that this monster doesn’t eat too much and affect her body.”

Sister Xue’s research direction is quite similar to mine. The data and research results are interchangeable between us, but in the form of expression, they are completely different.

In a certain sense, I am the undead creation science combined with the tectonics of life, modern medicine, and undead magic. Since it is a creation, it is naturally to create other powerful undead.

As a master of life tectonics, Aemila studies life itself. How could she let go of the most familiar and intuitive body-herself.

I’m afraid she doesn’t remember how many times she has transformed herself. When I knew her, she said that she had more already like plants than animals.

Actually, the “temperance” and “diligence” of her Seven Virtues bis are part of her, her symbiotic plants, and their existence and growth make Aemila more powerful.

Aemila is equipped with forty-two strength after equipment increase. I have already exceeded the limit that normal creature can reach. I have never heard of a race with more than forty power. I am afraid that even the Titan giant is not enough to see in front of her. Her bloodline ability cannot be rated at all. Early already is from the root. already became very well-known existence.

Of course, because she is no less inferior to me than to cause trouble, she ca n’t live without two brushes. As far as I know, her ability to regenerate immortal is no less than me.

I was a bit sorry that the assassin group already was cleaned up. After all, it is not during the period of Quest. I ca n’t get a few points for the Saint Rank thief killed by my sister, which is a pity.

“Looking at what I do, even if you ask me, I just lack high-quality flower fertilizer. Even if you ask me, I won’t divide you.”

The vigilant look is really sad. Since the unpleasant chat last time, Aemila seems to be more guarded against me.

“A descendant of the element that will‘ short-term occult ’. Blood and limb samples are divided by one third of you. Give me this guy ’s soul and leave the skeleton. I ’m useful.”

“… Super rare, always encounter this strange existence, your luck is as good as ever, but this transaction looks like you are a little bit lost, is there any conspiracy?”

This vigilant look is really sad. I shook my head. I know I do n’t want to say anything. already has become a bow-struck bird. She wo n’t be at ease … In other words, I can make it so in this world. Strong school sister is so alert, should I be proud?

“Since someone wants our heads, naturally I have to pay tribute. I am not strong enough, so Xuejie will help me.”

“Little things, flower fertilizer and experimental materials will never be too much, deal!”

At this time, after receiving news of my attack, they also arrived in Xueti, but found that there was really no room for them to intervene, and they were idle observers.

“Which side is the villain? How do I think we are all evil bosses who are going to destroy the world, and the assassin on the opposite side is challenging the evil Hero.”



Well, looking at the belated reinforcements, this kind of argument made me laugh for a while, then laughed.

“It seems that getting along with old acquaintances such as Aemila and Harloys makes me a younger and younger mindset. However, in a sense, it is also a good thing. Of course, it is a bad thing for my enemy.”

After Liu Huang Mountain City has enjoyed such a peaceful life for a long time, obviously I have become a little softer, maybe this is a good thing for the people around me.

But considering the harsh future that is about to face, an unscrupulous and insidious Yongye is obviously more effective than the well-honed Holy Knight, and I never intended to be an honest man and wait for the end of the day.

“Want to pack up evil and cunning opponents? Then, become even more insane than the other.”

To my enemies, a mad avenger who is savage and dare to sacrifice at a critical moment is the most dangerous, and I have no resentment to the moral cleanliness that stains my hands.

“Sister, me, Harloys ….. Maybe the most interesting (dangerous, crazy) researchers in the world are here, maybe we can do something interesting together.”


It’s another year of hunting. The Beastfolk tribe along the Orison Mountain Division is converging, and has gained the Bloodaxe tribe supported by Earth Elemental God Erd Doroken, becoming the most powerful tribe. His leader Eamon Bloodaxe has become the new chief of the United Tribe.

Maybe. A familiar name is more suitable for him, Beastfolk emperor. Of course, this crown must be worn firmly, and first of all, we must win the short war.

At this time, chiefs of the various tribes are still discussing future march plans. Perhaps the word quarrel is more appropriate.

“I’m against it! The first snow is about to come down at this time, and marching at this time is a dead end.”

Generally speaking, the mountain Centaur is thinner and smarter than the people in his underground and Elf kingdoms.

But Hamar, chief of the Kars tribe, is clearly not included. Standing nearly three meters tall, he is carrying a giant war halberd and is known for his brute force across the Beastfolk plateau.

“I also disagree. The fortresses of the Kingdom of Siluweir and the Principality of Kasomi are blocking the exit of the plateau. If you attack the city in winter, you do n’t know how much extra damage you will have to pay. I am not afraid of sacrifice. Oppose letting my sister be such a worthless cannon fodder.

Kamala is the chief of the Blue Feathered Banshee tribe and the most famous witch on the plateau. It is highly regarded throughout the mountains. Her opinion was recognized by many chiefs.

It’s not a good idea to attack the heavily guarded human fortress in winter. The bloodaxe tribe’s unwillingness has finally caused the outbreak of grievances among the chiefs. If it is not handled properly, the coalition forces will immediately collapse.

The chief of the blood axe tribe, Eamon Bloodaxe, is a tall hawkish man. Their tribe was famous for producing Thunderhawk knights, but Emon is not very famous. On the contrary, anyone who knows him knows that his ability is extremely ordinary. at this time. Asked by others, Emmon only knew that he was scratching his scalp irritably, but he didn’t know how to answer, apparently at a loss.

“… I went back.”

The Chief of the Lund of the Bear Man Tribe is famous for being taciturn, but he is also famous for saying nothing. Now that he said he would go home, he would definitely do it.

Finally, Emon made up his mind to say his plan, but a hoarse voice rang out the door.

“Masters, please let me introduce myself. I’m Dimon Ryle, your representative of the Allies.”

What entered silently was a dwarf rat man. Most of this life lived in the underground pipes of the city. Although this ethnic group is quite cunning, it is marginalized in the strength-first Beastfolk. .

But no one dares to look down upon this dwarf rat-man, even if there is a strong hand in the tent. In addition to his ability to sneak in silently, the scales and horns on his face further illustrate his identity. .

“Purgatory species? Are you from Demon or Devil?”

There is also an abyss entrance existence in the Northland. Beastfolk is no stranger to the residents of realm, but as long as they have normal thinking and intelligent races, they will not have a good opinion of these two races.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. The important thing is that I can help you. With the help of Earth Elemental God, the geographical obstacles have been not a system problem from the beginning. You don’t have to attack two forts at all.”

Dimon went to the map and drew a stroke. It was an incredible passage that could pass through the obstacles of mountains and mountains and directly reach the core area of ​​the human world.

“As for the severe cold of winter, I can give you good news. With the help of the abyss Willpower, the Marquise of the Sea of ​​Fire promises to give you the blessing of flame, and the cold wind of this winter will not hinder you.

The chiefs looked at each other, but they were still a bit unsure.

“The Marquis of the Sea of ​​Fire? The sea of ​​fire realm is part of the abyss. The female marquis should be the Demon monarch. I also have some understanding of Demon studies. It seems that I have not heard of the adult’s name. Is it a few hundred? The new Demon Maharaja? ”

“Haha!” Demon smiled proudly.

“It’s no wonder you haven’t heard of the adult’s name. The adult only returned to the abyss last year. The fact that the Demon marquis was directly popularized is enough to prove her strength. She has another name, ‘God Eater’, And Correct she swallowed Divine Strength of Fire Elemental God before she can give you the blessing of fire. “

After hearing the news, everyone was overjoyed. Dimon was even more proud when he saw that Quest was completed.

“Look, this is the adult’s token.”

It is a bronze ring set with silver, and the lava flames are slowly surrounding it, like a decorative pattern.

“Master Eliza! Please give us your best wishes.”

Demon the Purgatory Ratman held up the Lord of the Rings, the power of Demon began to spread, and the higher Willpower of existence was summoned by believers.

“Who is calling me! How dare to disturb my beauty! Uh? Still a dirty and ugly rat man, let’s die!”

Demon is angry, and the consequences are very serious. The woman awakened by the ugly man has a stronger temper, and the flame of Demon directly surrounds the summoner.

“Sir !!!!! My mercy, I am wrong … ah ah ah!”

Okay, already turned into an ashes of haplessness. There is no say in it. Everyone is dumbfounded when they look at the ring that fell to the ground.

Which one did this show? The contact was inexplicably murdered behind the scenes? How can this conspiracy continue?

It is said that Demon is chaotic and crazy. I really learned this time, but what should I do next? Back home?

“Mr. Wen, you are a famous man in Beastfolk. You are well connected. Otherwise, you can try to contact this marquis?”

The face of the fox-man chief named by Emmon turned pale immediately. The Rat-Man had just died before him, and he dared to try again.

But the Fox family deserves the good name of the Beastfolk wise family, and he immediately came up with a solution.

“You also heard that this Dimon was executed for disturbing Lord Marquis’ siesta. Then, we just need to wait for the adult to wake up before contacting. Well, no matter how much the time difference between the abyss and the surface, Contacting after eight hours is definitely the safest. “

Okay, this is no doubt a drag trick, but obviously this ending can be accepted by everyone, everyone is relieved.

I am far away from other countries, but got a message from the silver ring in my hand.

Beastfolk is about to bypass the geographical restrictions of the plateau and directly attack Siluweir in winter?”

PS: So, this chapter is still past 12 o’clock today, and it’s a new month ……. Then, by the way, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass.

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