The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 137: Chavan Dominion

Even if the ground has not frozen, the cold wind already in the north has become cold. According to the rules of previous years, the first snow will come down for a maximum of two months, and it will take nearly seven months. The difficult winter will bring the most arduous and dangerous challenge to all lives.

The survival of the fittest, the weak and the strong, there is nothing better than the harsh nature of the ultimate examiner.

In Northland, when the short fall is obviously not suitable for traveling, I ca n’t stop being caught in a dangerous place by the first snow, but unfortunately, I do n’t have the right to be picky.

I am afraid that the army of Beastfolk will go south in the spring next year. There will be no possibility of leaving at that time. It is the key now to seize the remaining time and do more.

“Is it a mixed-race dominion? It’s really an embarrassing past. But I’m afraid it’s the only way out.”

The official name of the mixed-race dominion is the Chauvin Dominion, but not many people call it that name. After all, that land is also a embarrassing historical relic.

After the interracial war, the defeated country often loses a lot of land and nationals, especially the looted women will often become the trophy of the winner, and the long-term rule of the interracial often also represents a large number of embarrassing mixed races produce.

Most of the northern region, including Lan Kingdom, was once occupied by the Beastfolk invaded by the south for nearly a hundred years. When Demon struck, it did not do much good, and it was also affected by the huge share of slave trade. Elf tribe, so half-Beastfolk, half-Demon’s Descendant, Demi-Elf and other mixed-race children in this land are many, of course, the majority, or half-Beastfolk.

Of course, these are “a lot”. Looking at it in a country, it is still a negligible number, but let the human kingdoms regain this land. When the enslaved human residents cheered, the newborns in these gaps. It became embarrassing.

The identity of the mixed race makes it better than Normal human during the rule of the alien race, but in a sense, they are also destined to become the target of accumulation of resentment.

When the aliens are driven back to their hometowns, these half-Beastfolks are obviously impossible to stay in their hometown. Their alien characteristics remind others of that painful history, just a little friction. Someone shouts two slogans with a seditious slogan, I am afraid it will be an uncontrollable racial hatred.

Not to mention that many Beastfolks are not good people themselves. In the years when Beastfolk ruled, in order to show their position, they were extremely cruel and the most appalling tragic cases against their human “brothers.” Often come from the hands of these embarrassing Bastard.

When human regained this lost land lost for 100 years, the subsequent large trial and **** revenge directly sent most of the mixed-race children to the gallows, and the remaining ones could not find the crime or were too young, However, he was sentenced to exile. This is still the past of East Mist Communal Country before the founding of the country, and it was also the era of the founding king Charles I of East Mist.

And when it is a little bit involved with Beastfolk, it can be regarded as a crazy era of death penalty reasons, and it can be saved from the mixed race of revenge trial without fairness. But often there are only children and women who have no viability at all, even those semi-Beastfolk who are well-known for human, at most, they are allowed to bring more belongings.

At that time, no one dared to speak for those “orcs” in front of the people who had been stunned by the desire for revenge, otherwise a Beastfolk spy hat would have been brought to death.

In that crazy age, no country was willing to accept these mixed races, and the border line to the Beastfolk plateau was sealed again (the few who successfully crossed the border did not end well, they became the vent of the losers). The so-called exile, for these weak people, is actually not much different from the sentence of death penalty. It is nothing more than execution in person, but chooses to let it survive in the cruel nature.

If the country of Lan is the dark history of the entire human kingdom. I am afraid that these mixed races are the dark history of the entire Northland.

When all countries refused their entry and were driven away by the knights, they had no choice but to migrate to the mountains without people. As the years changed, when everyone began to forget them, they thought When they already died in the heavy snow and herds, in the depths of the mountains, in a miracle valley, a new, non-owned autonomous dominion appeared-the Shawn dominion.

Now the Chauvin Dominion will not be a purely mixed-race Dominion more than 200 years ago. It is still not recognized here by any country, but already has become a paradise for borderless and unable people. human, Beastfolk, Elf can be seen , But most of them are still bizarre aborigines with strange characteristics.

For example, the young warrior outside the carriage has cat ears and claws of Beastfolk, but drags a long lizard tail, and the lower body of Centaur, which is obviously the product of several mixed races.

The ranger in the shadow is even more beautiful with white feathers. It seems to have the bloodline of a bird Beastfolk, but the normal arm on the left and the long lizard scale arm on the right make it look very different. coordination.

“Here is heaven!”

An increasingly philosophical master of the Beastmaster who can’t be seen directly. Seeing this piece of land and the inhabitants above him, he instantly abandoned the increasingly incomprehensible way of speaking. Unable to rate.

At this time, surrounded by many mixed-race children, he had been already happy and he had been actively talking to the other side. From the perspective of the increasingly inexorable situation, at least the mixed-race soldier with the Centaur bloodline may not be able to escape. Drop the skillful wrist of this old churros.

When we first arrived at this border checkpoint, these half-beast warriors were not very friendly to us. Some soldiers were intimidating. The sharp arrows on the tree ranger also kept aiming at us.

After I showed the businessman’s certificate issued by East Mist Communal Country, my attitude was obviously relaxed. The inspection of our team was not as meticulous as that of the previous team, and I chatted and laughed with the soldiers in the guard. Only then did a man find a chance to take advantage of it.

“Which relationship between East Mist and the Chauvin Dominion is good?”

The Harloys lying on my head was forced to go out as soon as the evolution was over. Now I do n’t want to move, and I lie on my head all day.

East Mist has a good relationship with all the forces hostile to the human society, but it has a particularly good relationship with the Chauvin Dominion, and there are other reasons.”

That’s a dark history of already being decrypted by time. After the biracials fortunately found a valley suitable for life in the surrounding mountains, in the most difficult period of the newly established chauvin dominion, lack of clothing and food, the uneasy predecessor Charle once secretly addressed him. Assisted.

“I was only going to help the innocent among them and the descendants of Lan Zhimin, but it was too miserable to look at. I will help you more. Well, the most important thing is if you only give Lan Zhi people Descendants’ food and clothing will be robbed when they turn around, which is equivalent to killing his life, so in the end, they can only help. Fortunately, we were very rich in those years.

After the excavation of the first king ’s diary, the thirty-year-old aid that was exposed has become two hundred years later. Today, the Dominion of the Chauvin Autonomous Territory still regards East Mist Communal Country as the only brother country.

In recent years, the two places that have been faintly crowded out of the entire North have been getting closer and closer. The close exchanges have further strengthened the relationship between the two parties. Even foreign businessmen who want to enter the Saudi language will find ways to obtain a East Mist merchant certificate. Many people in the Chauvin Dominion recognize their descendants.

It is worth mentioning that the warm valley floor between the mountains is also a rare granary in the north. After Feng Shui took turns, the residents on this land instead began to help the descendants of the predecessor Shaer. Without the interest-free “borrowing food” of the self-governing territory, I am afraid that the collapse of East Mist will be many years in advance.

I have accompanied the convoy, but there are still a lot of medicines and other scarce supplies in the north, which are definitely good goods that the north has no money to buy. It is also East Mist Communal Country‘s overpayment of accumulated food arrears for many years.

It is not a kind thing to allow debts? It is a great kindness to allow a company that may be bankrupt at any time to owe money, and to always prepare new life-saving food on the premise that it will lose everything at any time.

Since the Dominion of Chavan has not forgotten the kindness of Shire that year. East Mist will naturally remember to send this kind of affection with due report.

The good relationship between the two places is also the reason why I choose to use it as the first stop of my visit. In other hostile countries, I do n’t know what I can do at this time.

And an accident. It gave me a new purpose for this trip.

Aemila Sister, how do you think this land is suitable for your plant growth? Can you cultivate the new seedlings I want here?”

“That’s so fast! I still have time to experiment and test, yes, don’t forget what you promised!”

“I won’t forget.”

Well, remembering the promise of the alliance under the city, I couldn’t help smirking, and I started talking about the incident half a month ago.


“My Seven Sins World Warriors! Much stronger than your weeds!”

“Miscellaneous … Weeds? Oh, how dare you say that!”

The big Mage with its head down laughed violently, countless shadows spread behind her, a little more sense of crisis and the sweet and sour taste of venom in the wind, and the **** demon monster was about to move in the shadow.


I seem to feel the Wrath of the creator, some kind of creature seems to be crying in a low voice, the huge vine limbs in the shadow are growing crazy, and the green leaves on it are beginning to have jagged sharp mouths.

The drool of the cannibal flower is dripping in front of me, and the giant rattan already with a stinger is tangling around me, but I still remain unmoved as if I didn’t see it.

I know that although she is definitely the most murderous and least constrained person among the people I know, as long as she does it, she is also giving up.

Peers are enemies. The meeting of scholars, especially those with overlapping research fields and serious differences of opinion, often starts with irony with each other, develops with yelling, and ends with mutual claps.

But if the scholar finally wins in the form of murder, instead he admits that he cannot defeat his opponent in the academic field and can only use this method to eliminate competitors. I am afraid that it is a complete defeat at the root.

Sure enough, the big Mage Aemila that killed my stance was set up as soon as I met, but in my irony, I finally angered, took back those dangerous cannibal plants, and returned to the fight.

“Hmm, Seven Sins? You haven’t got it all together, Gluttony, Wrath, plus the Pride whose seal has just been unsealed. Just three.”

“I have only recently made greed and jealousy, and I have two more, and you are all right? Is your Seven Virtues full again? Is it only ‘temperance’ and ‘diligence’ more than a hundred years ago? ? “

“…. I, I also made” Humility “, which is just right for your Pride!”

“Huh? Interesting? Nothing to say. Take it out.”

After hearing the words, Aemila fell into silence, and as far as I know her, she disdains to lie, and now she can’t take it out, most likely for other reasons.

“If it wasn’t for that **** Adam, it broke my baby …”

Okay. After hearing that, I was surprised for a while, then wiped out the cold sweat, fortunately I escaped the calamity, and then I was a little angry.

If the other party ’s new toy is intact, most of them will show it to me directly. According to my current ability, if I do n’t do well, I will be spiked, but I did n’t appreciate the meaning of Adam, because I heard the subtext of already.

“Okay, hello Adam Han, who am I leaking my news, so that this house girl who stays out of the house and keeps her eyes open will choose to go out. And, I think I know you That weird expression, are you deliberately not reminding me, waiting for me to see the joke? “

But at this time, I didn’t think about the other time. I took out the killer while the other party was weak.

“Remember teacher Harloys? Now she is me greedy! Hey, dead cat, wake up! Wait for your help!”

Since eating the Death Breath of the Black God. Harloys has been so drowsy and seems to be preparing to evolve again, but at this time, it is time for her to come out to rescue.

“Teacher Harloys? Isn’t she a banshee?”

When I pulled out the dead cat, I didn’t need to say more. The cat-like slime monster is more convincing than anything.

So, when Aemila focused on the sleeping cat, I finally had time to ask what happened and how to make this guy come to my door.

“Let me explain. Soon after we just displayed the signboard that day, this lady said she was your old acquaintance, and was going to surprise you and ask us to write a letter. But Brother said that she could feel that she was us The same kind, but also your enemy, has been dragging on. That lady always locked herself in the room and did not go out, as if she was studying something, and over time it seemed like she had forgotten to ask, until you came to the door. “

Hearing this, I didn’t know what to say right away. Maybe they are really kind, but now they can live, they can only say that their lives are great.

“Do you dare to stay in the headquarters of the Perverts murder case that spans a century in the country of Mage? She dared to commit crimes even in the Cloud Tower in order to experiment and find inspiration. Wait … Brother? Are you? “

This is a tall and strong man, under the tight leather coat is the strong muscles of a statue, his expressionless calm commentary with shading glasses, giving people an extremely reliable sense of existence.

Pier Papyn, we really love the brother and sister of the new and the second child, we all call him Nai father Sang!”

Okay, take back that “reliable” evaluation, just the new members who really love brothers and sisters are still the best comments.

“Well … do you have a daughter?”

“Well, I love my daughter, Chennai, more than I love myself, more than I love everything in the world. This is why Correct everyone allows me to join the group.”

When I heard this, I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was nothing more than a transitional daughter, and it was acceptable.

“Hana is a ship or a warship,”

Well, a word from Momo made me understand instantly. Sure enough, things like Gentleman will add value if left alone! It turns out that this is a shipwife control.

“Well, I have heard that sailors who live overseas will treat their ships as women. I can understand it, I can really understand it.”

Although this is said on the lips, but silently retreats two steps away from this group of increasingly outrageous Gentleman.

“Oh, Brother Papán, I said you worry too much, how could His Royal Highness not understand you, he is King of Gentlemen. You only have 0.4 Beifeng, and his Liu Huang Mountain City is 10Beifeng!”

But the explanation of Momo is superfluous. At this time, Chennai Papasan already is caught in an inexplicable frenzy.

“It’s not that superficial fetish! Don’t compare those vulgar things with Nagano. Nagano is the cutest girl in this world. Do other ships have such a tall turret? Is there such a smooth and beautiful deck? Is the curvy shipside? Yes … “

Looking at this alternative “daughter control” who has gone into a feverish state, I can’t help but sigh, and surely there can be no normal person in Gentleman Alliance! How could true love siblings fall in love with normal existence!

Well, no matter which is still singing the new Gentleman of “Ah, that warm engine room, Oh, that amazing Charm main pole”, I set my sights there, Aemila already squatting down on the ground with frustration Just whispered repeatedly.

“Half-life and half-dead undead? How is that possible? This should be related to the height of the Creator. Has he improved again? Am I going backwards?”

It really makes me feel good to see her like this, but if she drags on for a while, if she really gives up her final dignity, she will probably rush to ask technical information, and now she can’t beat it. So, I came up with my bait.

“Sister Aemila, as long as you help me do two things, I will let you go to the next level!”

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