The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich Chapter 115: Icy sword uprising

For the strong, actual combat is always the best tester. High-level, seemingly powerful moves are worthless unless they can be verified by actual combat.

The recent battle with the Legion of the Dead of Rosemary (Carlohin) should be the fiercest after my rebirth. For me, that is the actual combat, and it is also a good opportunity to test our ability and clarify the future development path.

There are a lot of problems exposed in the battle. The most obvious one is that the ability system is too complicated, lacks a decisive killing move, and the mix of ability and role positioning is slightly confused.

Demon and martial arts are often patented for longevity species, not only because they have enough time to splurge, can simultaneously climb the peak of magic and martial arts at the same time, nor is it just their talents and attributes that can make them short-lived The most fundamental of this unreachable realm is the mystery inheritance that allows magic and martial arts to take effect simultaneously.

Evening Blade and Emerald Spear are the most terrifying sharp blade powers of the Elf family. Those who wield Magic Sword are light leather armor, choose the best buff, enchanting magic with their blades, and years of training. It is not inferior to any opponent in combat skills, and the Magic Sword in the sleeve is even more lethal.

Good at adding various abilities to yourself and Magic Sword against the adversary. As long as you prepare well, the fighting style looks wild, but the cautious and intelligent Blade of Twilight is a battlefield with one hundred killing machines, and the emerald sting. Then specialize in all kinds of recessive, dispel perception, anti-detection spells. In the face of them, you must do the weird battle situation where your opponent disappears four or five times a hundred days. Then the premise is that you first dodge the deadly sneak attack, which is the most headache for Mage. Super assassin.

The tainted blood Magic Sword of Blood Tribe, the dwarf’s gold armor, as the Demon hunter of taboo existence, and the black-winged mantra gun dancer, are the most common and notorious, Death Knight that makes all the creatures tremble. They should all be considered classic arms that also have the advantages of magic.

Different from human advanced units depending on equipment and mounts. These special inheritances often appear in the form of advanced professions. They have unique methods of fighting and practicing. They are the accumulation of countless years of long-lived species, and there is basically no possibility of external transmission.

Maybe they are not many, but once they appear on the battlefield, it is definitely a nightmare for aliens.

Of course, human has also made efforts in this regard. This is how the Gold-Rank magic knight of the Austrian knight was born, but in fact that advanced is also a famous chicken rib profession. It is extremely demanding for talent. In order to cast a knight, he cannot wear heavy armor. As a melee warrior, Holy Knight are all weak, and the only one who took the shot. It’s-fireball.

Yes, this magic knight is best at three-ring flame magic fireball. Maybe it has achieved results in low-level battles, but if you can advance to Gold-Rank and fight, no one is afraid of your third-ring magic.

The supporters of the Knights of Alfa have also worked hard to argue, and together with the fire law proposed that the superposition of five fireballs in one position can destroy everything, we do not need other magic at all. That weird “Five Fireball Gods” was born.

In the final analysis, magic and martial arts are not perfectly combined, and there is no clear role positioning.

In my eyes, the reason why the Austrian Cavaliers failed (even if the newly promoted Austrian Cavaliers never exceed a single digit each year, the Five Fireball Gods still do n’t admit its failure) is mainly because they really spread their energy to two mismatches. The side field went, he tried to melee, long-range omnipotence, and the result was double waste.

The success of those foreigners advanced. No doubt they have identified a goal and expertise, and then used magic and martial arts to promote that specialty, but the ability that does not help the goal, even if it is easy to use, they do not choose to practice.

The most obvious thing is that those successful double-minded professions are powerful melee or powerful long-range, and no one intends to melee crush the warrior like the Austrian knight. The long-range fireball blasted Mage, but instead was crushed by the opponent staring at the short board.

With one specialty and multiple expertise, the core of “specialty” is to realize your own role positioning. Letting other strengths make up for the shortcomings, and using strengths to make the “professional” more prominent, this is almost a general idea of ​​a compound ability soldier.

So, if I have four kinds of power, if I develop the four powers evenly and try to build an all-around fighter, I am afraid that it will also be the end of being a knight of Austrian knight.

“What do I do best? How can I use other strengths to make my strengths a specialty and make up for my weaknesses.”

After completing the reincarnation resurrection, I have been thinking about this problem, and already has the answer.

“If you are forced to choose a profession, Death Knight with spiritualism is definitely best for you. If your Holy Light talent is ten, undead magic is twenty, and swordsmanship talent is at least forty, only undead plus swordsmanship will allow you to stand at the peak of Death Knight. Did n’t you see that Xiluo ’s strongest Death Knight Reinhardt is active as your eternal younger brother. After all, it ’s still because of your already in the Death Knight field There are no ancients and no comers. “

“Well, my husband is Holy Knight, and I will still freeze …”

“Ahem, don’t say that your ice spell was taught by me, I can’t afford to lose this person. If your Holy Light talent is very high, then the ice spell talent is at most 0.1 points! At the time I was head-doored I ’m going to teach you ice magic according to your requirements. I ask you, have you learned a new ice magic after understanding ice essence again? “

Of course … no! It is better to practice the pieces and study the necrotic creatures in this time. Isn’t it better than this hopeless ice magic?

Sure enough, my straightforward answer, once again the furious dead cat came to bite each bird.

As a mentor, Harloys is still qualified. Although she teaches mostly traitors and Perverts, she is outstanding at least according to her aptitude. Although this advanced personality education is also more and more wonderful among disciples. root cause.

Cough, I ca n’t say any more, otherwise the dead cat will be playing those outrageous revenge again. It feels too bad to be milky in the morning. Last time I was stuck with white paste paper on my hand. Explained to Reyne who called me up in the morning.

However, from the perspective of talent, Dead Cat already has spoken what I am best at-swordsmanship.

As Adam has satired me before, when other Holy Knights are based on meat shields, and they use divine magic and Holy Light to strengthen their defense and support capabilities, and become the so-called team leader, my best thing is attack The sexual swordsmanship is even accumulated after several cycles. In the field of swordsmanship, which is proud of being a warrior, it has surpassed most of the sword sages in this world. This is undoubtedly a kind of ironic joke that is quite speechless, and it has always made the Adam, the crown of this world’s swordsmanship, angry.

“A great swordsman who can’t even beat Holy Knight in swordsmanship? One of the highest swordsmanship in the world? What a joke!”

Unfortunately, he will grow, and I will also grow. In the end, I still beat him. I am afraid that Adam is the most regrettable in the underground world. It is still not able to beat me with swordsmanship until the end.

But it’s taken for granted. My swordsmanship talent is really good. Not to mention that swordsmanship is a skill. When skills are sharpened to the field of art, it is the understanding of life and the world. These things can be washed away by samsara, but then It’s not difficult to pick it up.

In a sense, I am the real immortal and long-lived species. When other long-lived species waste their time extravagantly and enjoy a childhood of up to two hundred years, I see it as a short-lived species. Time is life. Every day is thinking and trying to gain something. To this day, I have experienced battles and experiences. I am afraid that the accumulation of dozens of Heroic Spirits is not comparable. When these sentiments and skills have settled down, and the sword skills and uprisings accumulated by III have finally changed from quantitative to qualitative, I do n’t think that Swordmaster can do what I do.

In my eyes, the Beastfolk swordsman is too rude and lacks sensitivity. The Elf swordsman pursues the limit of skill and ignores the cruel essence of the art of killing, if the two are combined. Practice sword skills of both races at the same time, maybe there will be pure super sword master.

As for Dwarven Swordmaster and human Swordmaster? Those dwarf dare to call their sword sages, rely on the dwarf to cut off, dwarf rolling knife, dwarf to open a mountain axe? human Juggernaut is even a joke. Qicheng ability is exactly the same. Is it a parallel juggernaut that ca n’t be done without Sword Qi without equipment? I usually read it as a joke.

So, my future development path already is very clear, and I am specializing in melee sword skills. Other powers go as auxiliary and bonuses.

The pure swordsmanship will still encounter bottlenecks in the most advanced duels. Those who are physically immune to creature will not be mentioned. The large bodies and thick protection of creature such as large Demon and Great Dragon. It is too uncomfortable to rely on the “small toothpick” in the hands of Sword Master, otherwise we don’t have to work hard to win the inheritance of the Phoenix for Adam and let it have the Phoenix Flame as a supplement to the sword skills.

And when I decided to use the close combat swordsmanship as the core and assisted by other powers, I determined the future direction, but the road suddenly widened.

“Sword Dance Upanishadow: Running Sword”

The real ice sword of mana is assembled on the ice. The stream-like swordsmanship under the influence of the ice mana has transformed into the beautiful glacial river in my hometown, so I changed its name.

“Ice Sword Uprising: A Flash of Glacier!”

The clear and translucent ice sword is as beautiful as the luxurious crystal sword, and along with the sword road flowing like a river, the unfolding Sword Qi and the frozen air are transformed into a beautiful ice river in mid-air, and then, when the reality and The illusion coincides, and the water surface and the sea tribe at the same time become part of the glacier.

On the frozen ground, the proud Naga officer still commanded the encirclement of Fishmen and sea beasts. The swarming Fishmen army became full of dynamic ice sculptures, and the floating fish and waves were frozen at the end. For a moment, in front of that glacier, all life did not respond, and their memories still stopped at the frozen place.

With the addition of mana in the ice, it was only a pinning-type alley that turned into a very aggressive large-area alley. Looking at it, the confused siege already in the first thirty meters was completely Empty, the frozen river became the best runway.


The first combination of sword skills and ice magic caused a power of one plus one greater than three, and I was also taken aback. After all, I did not have such an outrageous bonus in my private attempts.

“Oh, it’s me. Rong is a talent for playing ice, even Bailong is not our opponent!”

I was realisation, with Irene’s voice under her.

Bingxue is the pinnacle of ice and snow creature. The ice and snow power she brings to me is dozens of times the bronze level I have now, and her ability to control the ice element is not as bad as mine. When I When she did the move, she was not idle. She was adjusting and controlling the ice element for me, and adjusted with my uprising. This is like a parallel operation of a dual-core CPU, which has expanded the power of this move countless times.

Okay. I know that some people will spit out the magic world. This metaphor is not appropriate, and I know that if Irene is the most advanced CPU, and I would have only counted the old 386, make up a bit, this is not an analogy.

But at this time, I sent myself underestimating the effectiveness of foreign objects, and I did have a very cold talent. But if I teach this to Erin Bella to deal with it, wouldn’t it make up for the flaw perfectly? Similarly, if I hand over the power of death, the power of Holy Light, and Power of Law to other demon pet to increase, and create more sub-cores, Maybe the combat power will also skyrocket


Okay. At this time I decisively thought of the omniscience Harloys, but now the Harloys has no knowledge and skills, but it does not have a physical body with the strength and attributes, which obviously does not meet my requirements.

“The thirty-seventh change of Harloys (revision of discoloration of extremities) and the thirty-eighth change of Harloys (three-step change of revision) plans are to be launched as soon as possible. By the way, there is also Super Cat Leo! Um, also You can add at least a dozen transformation plans, add mushrooms to eat and grow bigger. Eat flowers to throw fireballs. Oh, it seems very interesting.

At this time, obviously it ’s not the time to think about these messy things. My already is not far away from the destination, and it is really exciting to kill a single horse and enter the enemy group to make a come-in and come-out, but this kind of thing is equivalent to exposing myself. For the entire battlefield, if the leader of the other army is not a fool, send the elite sooner or later to intercept.

It’s true. Crossing this street corner, two Sea Giant appeared suddenly in the two in front of me.

The huge Sea Giant can barely reach the city walls. It is also considered a big man in the Giant family. They use rusty anchors as weapons. They are extremely powerful. The adult Sea Giant has at least human Gold-Rank combat power on the ground. If it is in the water, then Once the talent that set off the waves was unfolded. Even Great Dragon dare not fight with them.

Their best-known preferences, apart from fighting with sea dragons, is the hassle of finding ships, and countless ships have been sunk by them. However, the reason for attack is often simple and unbelievable. I just saw and expected to get a good weapon. It is impossible to open the furnace and forge in the water. The metal weapons in the sea are not easy to handle. Only big ships have big anchors that the giants can use easily. By the way, the crew can add meals.

When this unfortunate news spread, some ships simply brought giant war anchors to buy road money, but unfortunately, the happy Sea Giant often took the money to buy the road and then dismantled your anchor. Make spares and then use your meals.

“Why do you talk so badly? Ha, little thing, will you communicate with barnacles and sea cucumbers? Well, neither will we.”

This is a lesson learned by a “smart” navigator who sent a heavy anchor to buy money.

The giants with rough skins are not easy to deal with. The Sea Giant, who is born in the ocean, is even a giant among the giants. The two giants are slightly staggered, and the huge body blocks the street. Lame, raging waves already started to violently, as long as being drawn by the waves, it is definitely the end of the smash.

And in the block behind the opposite side, the God of Law church is shining with a dazzling divine light, and on that invisible gallows, already is filled with the corpse of the sea, as the true **** church in the realm of God, before the city fell It will not fall. With war crimes and genocide, they dared to break into the God of Law‘s temple. Are the Kwahai people’s news lagging and heartless?

And according to the rules of the war of gods, when the city finally changes hands, I am afraid that the idols will also be defiled.

But at this time, I didn’t have time to worry about my idol, and the giant already arrived.

“Little bug, don’t move! Let Rabaha step on you!”

“Knight? Another tin can, Bennes doesn’t like cans, plugging teeth!”

Being blocked actually means no life, but at this time, I have no choice for already.

“Since there is no other way ….. the narrow road matches the Hero victory!”

Ice Dragon’s gun spun up fiercely, and Irene also started to accelerate, but my other hand suddenly waved a sword and hit the water, splashing a large splash of water.

“The useless trick of the little bug! Scream to Rabha, Rabha likes watching the last performance of the little bug!”

Sea Giant in the water is far better than Agility in the land. Rabha grabbed it gently, and suddenly a thick wave wall blocked the charge appeared on the water surface.

Then, the gun tip just barely broke through the wall, the giant already grabbed the top of the dragon gun that was still advancing at a high speed. Although the rotating gun tip cut his left hand, the heavy anchor of the right hand was facing the knight. Position, swooped down.

“That’s over? It’s boring!”


Several tons of huge anchor fell, gravel and snowflakes splashed at the same time, and the whole block was shaken suddenly.

“Alas? Little bug?”

But when the giants found that their targets had disappeared, it was already late, and then the cover-up of the waves set off by the enemy and me had already lost the dragon gun me and already stepped beside the giant.

“Mystery: Blade Storm!”

With my rotation, with the snow and ice summoned by the loli Snow Girl floating in mid-air, the spinning snow and ice whirlwind began to emerge.

[swordsmanship Uprising: Blade Storm: With this skill, you will become a high-speed rotating blade storm. The fast rotating blade and Sword Qi will damage all nearby enemy ground forces. 】

In the beginning, it was just a normal blade storm, but when the frost power on the two swords began to leak or even overflow, the whole world began to snow.

The Sword Qi, which was originally invisible and invisible, has become ice blades and ice thorns under the infiltration of ice and snow, which has increased the original blade storm power.

And this is just the beginning, more deadly, but a surprise.

At this time, water was continuously sucked into the cyclone, and then the ice whirlwind condensed into ice cubes and ice vectors at high speed, and then was severely thrown out by centrifugal force.

With the full blessing of Erin in the form of Snow Girl in the air, each ice blade that is rotated at a high speed is enough to compare with the ice arrow thrown by the full force of silver ice method. already Too much to cover all vision, Blade Storm already From universal Legend Level range killing upanishads, amazing lethality Saint Rank Magic Sword Upanishad.

The whirlwind of ice is still spinning wildly. Houses, thin ice, and lampposts, regardless of the past, are instantly broken into pieces under the dense ice arrow rain.

When I finally stopped dizzy, there was nothing left in the surrounding already. Two strong Sea Giant already turned into a horse honeycomb. Thousands of ice arrows were embedded in the flesh. But the head near was full of ice arrows, apparently already could not live anymore.

And when the giant fell to the ground and I was breathing weakly on the ground, Krose already, who came to cope with the thunder, arrived.

“Great, sir, you’re fine! It’s all messed up now, what should we do?”

As I grit my teeth, I struggled to stand up, and now every second I drag it is more dangerous.

“Everyone gathers, take away the weight and food, let’s kill them!”

PS: I will join the starting point novice training class tomorrow, sharing writing experience during the day, class, and night .. Everyone knows that we do n’t have a draft, so we can only try to keep it updated through gaps. I added that if I did n’t save the manuscript, the day after tomorrow would be miserable. In order to keep the storyline intact, I still have a big chapter of 5500 today and I do n’t want to divide it.

The one that we update less in June, we updated 210,000 in June, an average of 7,000 a day, if you put it in professional authors, not to mention, squirrel is still a part-time author a week off, why is it always Saturday Outbreak, because it rested that day. For us, June is really hard …

Okay, no bullshit, the days are long, we need to continue working hard. From the short one, we will continue to update tomorrow. From the long one, we still have a lot of shortcomings. I hope that this time I can learn more good books and make good grades. I can also write full-time as soon as possible.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone for their enthusiastic support, otherwise the squirrel would not be possible today.

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