Tears in Heaven Chapter 8: The smell of wind (1)

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When the earthquake hit, Du Xiaosu and his colleague Zhu Lingya were taking the elevator downstairs. The elevator vibrated violently for several times, like a pendulum, and even the dull sound of the elevator hitting the elevator shaft could be heard, and then it did not move again, as if it was stuck. Zhu Lingya screamed in fright, clutching Du Xiaosu’s arm tightly: “What’s the matter?”

Du Xiaosu didn’t know. He thought it was an elevator failure. Fortunately, the elevator resumed operation after a while. As a result, when he got out of the elevator, everyone was running to the stairwell.

“There is an earthquake! Hurry up!”

They didn’t have time to react, they were led by the crowd to the stairwell, and ran downstairs in one breath, only to find that all the people in the nearby office buildings had come down, and the street downstairs was full of people. Zhu Lingya next to her was in a panic, and almost immediately picked up her mobile phone to call her boyfriend: “Scared to death” and Yin Yin urged, “It’s too far from the house, so don’t go up casually. Go to work? Don’t kill me, a la Don’t even go to work, the boss’s mind is wrong, if you don’t want to see Yi, if you are too long, don’t blame anyone who can do not want to go up, or I won’t watch you again…”

Satisfied with soft words, listening to background sounds that seem to be noisy in my ears. Du Xiaosu raised his face. The tall buildings on both sides were like mountains and rocks, jagged, precarious, and the narrow streets were deep as a river. Sometimes a ray of sunlight shot down from the gaps in the tall buildings, stinging people’s eyes. She thought, if there was another more violent mountain shaking, all these buildings would collapse, and they would not be able to hide… But what is the use, her whole world had already crumbled, and it had collapsed intact.

Zhu Lingya finished the phone call, turned her face and asked her with a smile: “Xiaosu, why don’t you call, you should report your safety?”

She just remembered that she should call her mother, but she also thought that it seemed that the magnitude was not high, and the house was thousands of miles away, so she should feel nothing. It’s better not to worry about her parents. Then I thought about Shao Zhenrong. I don’t know how their hospital is. He will definitely be busy protecting the patients. I feel very sad when I think about him.

Zhu Lingya saw her take her phone out and put it back in her bag. She couldn’t help but feel amused: “There is nothing to be embarrassed about playing with her boyfriend. Do you have to wait for him to call first?”

Du Xiaosu grinned reluctantly, but after all he didn’t say anything.

Because the office building where they work is high-rise, the shock is obvious. Everyone is like a frightened bird, standing on the road for several hours. Everyone was talking about it, not knowing where the earthquake happened, but no definite news came. Someone received a text message saying it was Huangshi, and someone received a text message saying it was Sichuan. It’s just a rare busy Monday that I just stood on the road and wasted the past, so a male employee of another company upstairs came over and bought milk tea for a treat. It was amused by the little girls in Su’s company talking and laughing.

At four o’clock, the company director finally announced that he would leave work early, and everyone broke up. Du Xiaosu felt a little at a loss. She was very busy at work. She was so busy that she didn’t have any extra brainpower to think about anything else, but she was able to go home after a few hours of sudden vacancy.

Because everyone is in a hurry to go home, there are no taxis on the road here. She walked two stops to the light rail station, but took the opposite direction to the hospital.

There is still a sparse crowd on the road near the hospital that has not cleared away. It may be the staff working nearby, or the patients who come to the emergency department, and even the patient’s family members are standing on the sidewalk holding a bottle. Du Xiaosu slowed down, watching the bustling people on the sidewalk, shuttled back and forth, but she didn’t want to go to the hospital. So he turned the corner, walked forward step by step, raised his head, and realized that he had already reached the place where he had eaten with Shao Zhenrong last time.

Hesitated through the door, but walked in. It was not time to eat, and there were no customers in the store. Finally, I went to the second floor. There was a large French window facing the hospital. The waiter smiled apologetically and wanted to lower the curtains for her: “I’m sorry, it’s a bit noisy outside.”

“It’s okay.” She stopped the waiter. “That’s it.”

The sun is about to set, and in the gap between the building and the building, you can see a faint sunset, a very light crimson, and a faint purple sky light. She sat at Hua Deng Chu, and watched the street lights turn on, and the lights in the opposite hospital building were also lit up. The whole building was like a crystal tower, like Qionglou Yuyu, in the sky on earth.

Looking out from the window is a sea of ​​shining lights. The night of this city has always been so beautiful, just like her eyes, with the stars of the cold night reflected in it. But that Xinghui was fragmented, and when he finally left, he never dared to turn his head, for fear of seeing the tears in her eyes.

If she was really lying to him, why would she cry?

He couldn’t help sighing.

“Doctor Shao!” The nurse’s hurried voice interrupted his thoughts, “Bed 17 suddenly vomited, would you like to see it?”

“I’m coming right away.” He turned around and hurriedly walked towards the ward, leaving behind the sea of ​​lights outside the window.

This night shift was very busy. In the early morning, a car accident patient with a head injury was transferred to the emergency department and rescued all night. After the routine rounds in the morning, Shao Zhenrong and his colleagues who came to take over the day shift were handed over. He took off his doctor’s robe and put on his own clothes before feeling exhausted. Rubbing his eyebrows, he was about to go home to sleep, when the nurse called him, “Dr. Shao, the emergency call is for you.” A familiar nurse in the emergency center: “Dr. Shao, come down, your girlfriend has an accident. Up.”

When he arrived at the emergency department, Du Xiaosu was still not awake. She was very pale on the hospital bed, her eyes sunk slightly, and she looked very haggard. The attending doctor said: “The basic examination was done just now, but the blood pressure was a little low, and the initial diagnosis should be excessive fatigue.” The nurse on the side said: “I just took over in the morning, and an old man who exercised early sent her in and said she was dizzy. We were on the road outside. We were busy checking blood pressure, heartbeat, and pupil reversal. During the rescue, I became more familiar with it. Then I remembered, isn’t she Dr. Shao’s girlfriend? Just give it to you. Called.”

Shao Zhenrong looked at the drips, it was glucose. The doctor asked: “Dr. Shao, does your girlfriend have any history of chronic disease or drug allergy?”


“Oh, that’s good, then I will write the medical record. By the way, is she medical insurance or self-pay?”

“Let me pay the bill.” Shao Zhenrong said, “I guess she didn’t bring her medical insurance card.”

After paying the price and returning to the emergency observation room, Du Xiaosu was already awake. Seeing him coming in, her body suddenly moved slightly, but she hadn’t seen her for a few days. Her big eyes had been deeply recessed, and her lips had broken skin. The whole person was like a puppet with peeling paint, looking dull and dull. Matt. Her hand is still on the quilt, and the blood vessels can be clearly seen under the tape staggered around the needle. She has lost a lot of weight recently. Her gaze finally fell on the receipt in his hand, and finally whispered: “I’m sorry.”

He didn’t say anything.

At this time, the emergency doctor walked in with the test sheet: “Wake up? The blood test report has come out. The hemoglobin is a little bit low, it may be iron deficiency anemia. In the future, pay attention to blood supplementation and eat more iron and copper. Wait for food with a lot of trace elements… Let Dr. Shao teach you this. Anyway, you should pay attention to nutrition in your usual diet.” He gave Shao Zhenrong the medical record and a stack of laboratory test sheets. “There should be no major problems. You can go home. By the way, pay more attention to rest and don’t stay up late.”

After he left, Shao Zhenrong asked: “Where were you last night?”

She looks like a child who has made a mistake, her eyes lowered silently.

“You won’t stay outside the hospital all night, will you?”

See if she is still silent, he couldn’t help but get angry: “Du Xiaosu, what’s the matter with you? If you have anything to come to me, you just come directly. What do you mean by staying outside the hospital all night? Does it make sense?”

She had never seen him angry before, and his harsh tone made her lose the last touch of color on her lips. She stared at him blankly, as if she didn’t know what to do.

He finally restrained the nameless fire in his heart in time and turned away. The people outside the observation room are noisy, listening very close, but far away. She still said nothing. The potion in the drip tube dropped drop by drop, shaking slightly, but the air gradually solidified, as if something was gradually infiltrating in, and then, the weather turned into mud, but it cracked slightly. It breaks into small pieces and plunges into people’s eyes and hearts, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

“You didn’t have breakfast?” He calmed down, “I’ll buy you something to eat.”

Actually, she didn’t want to eat anything. Although she didn’t even eat dinner yesterday, she didn’t feel hungry. On the contrary, her stomach was stuffed with rocks and heavy, so she couldn’t fit anything else. She moved her lips slightly, trying to say something, he had already walked out.

Seeing his figure disappearing behind the door, Du Xiaosu suddenly felt that maybe he would never come back after he left, maybe he was just looking for an excuse… She wanted to stop him, but his name was already on the lips , But after all, silent.

Time seems to be very slow. It took a long while for a drop of potion to drip, but it was so fast that she felt at a loss. I had to count the potion in the dropper, one drop, two drops, three drops… and I couldn’t remember where it was, so I had to count from the beginning… one drop, two drops, three drops… She forced herself to concentrate all her attention. No longer think about anything else. The potion was falling little by little, and her hands also became cold a little bit, as cold as her heart was starting to freeze.

His steps were so light that she didn’t even hear him. When he reappeared in front of her, she felt unreal and just looked at him in a daze.

“Crab noodle dumplings.” He handed her the steaming buns, “I wanted to buy some porridge for you, but it has been sold out. Only this one is left.”

The steamed bun is very hot, she only felt it hot when she held it in her hand. He gave her the chopsticks: “You can eat first. No matter what, you can talk about it after eating.”

There was a lingering heat, and slowly touched the soreness of her nose. She lowered her head and he said, “I’m going out to smoke a cigarette.”

She looked at him, he had never smoked before, and occasionally when others gave him, he said no. She stared at him in a daze, he had already walked to the door, but suddenly turned around, her eyes could not dodge, and he had already touched his eyes. He frowned and said, “I’ll be back later.” Then he turned around and walked outside the door.

Shao Zhenrong walked into the garden and took out a lighter and cigarettes, which he bought in a small shop just now. When he first lit, he was choked and choked him to cough. He doesn’t know how to smoke, but when he came back after buying buns just now, he passed by a small shop, but he couldn’t help but buy a box of Zhonghua. He tried to take another breath, still choking, reminding him that when he was four or five years old, his second brother Yuzheng stole a pack of cigarettes from his grandfather with him, and they secretly lit them under the rockery in the garden. At that time, he exhausted all his strength and took a violent breath. He didn’t expect to cry, and finally the attendant heard the sound and picked them up. I don’t know how painful it hurts my grandfather’s big fan-like hand fan on my buttocks: “Little bunny, okay, don’t learn this!”

He didn’t want to think about it anymore, he rubbed his face, put out the cigarette, and threw it in the trash can.

Back to the observation room, the glucose was almost finished, but Du Xiaosu fell asleep. There was a little blood on her face, and her long eyelashes cast a faint black shadow on her eyes. He stood there and watched for a while, then slowed down the speed of the drip again, and sighed slightly.

The nurse came to pull out the needle. She woke up as soon as she was shocked, struggling to get up and put on shoes. Shao Zhenrong said: “Observe for a few minutes after the infusion before leaving.” After a short pause, she said, “I will send you back. Home.”

She then remembered to call the company to ask for leave. Fortunately, the boss didn’t say anything, but told her to take a good rest.

In the parking lot, the bright sun still gave her an illusory feeling. The city in May was already slightly hot, and the wind had the last breath of spring. She stood there, watching him reverse the car, everything looked a little unreal in the sun, as if it were a dream.

Only silence all the way. The little bean sprouts she gave him were still on the top of the center console, stretched little by little, shaking two leaves, as if they were alive. The traffic was smooth and there was rarely a traffic jam. He sent her downstairs to the apartment without stopping the car.

She whispered: “Thank you.”

He said nothing.

She plucked up the courage and raised her eyes. He didn’t look at her, just holding the steering wheel and looking forward.

“Shao Zhenrong…” She said almost with difficulty, “I’m leaving, you must take good care of you from now on. Also, thank you.”

He squeezed the steering wheel firmly, but said nothing.

She quickly opened the car door, got out of the car and ran away like an escape.

Someone behind her called her name, and the voice was far away. She knew it was an illusion, so she ran faster. Regardless, she rushed up the steps, and suddenly a hand grabbed her arm. It turned out to be Shao Zhenrong. He chased too quickly and panted slightly, but her chest was violently up and down, still breathless, as if about to suffocate.

He said: “Wait for a few days, please, wait for me for a few days.”

She didn’t dare to move, she didn’t dare to speak, I was afraid she would wake up when she moved. She had never extravagant expectations, and at this moment, she did not dare to extravagant expectations. His eyes were bloodshot, as if he was not sleeping well. He said, “You can’t do this, you have to let me figure out why…” He seemed to hold back the following words, and finally just said, “Please, Can you wait for me for a few days?”

He finally released his hand, looking at her very quietly, looking at her eyes, looking at himself in her pupils. There was her shadow in his eyes, but with unspeakable pain, she felt dizzy slightly, she didn’t want to think about it anymore.

After a long time, he turned around and walked out. The sun outside was very bright, like a fluffy golden frame, which stuck him in, while her own shadow was cast on the smooth marble floor. , As if infinitely depressed.

Another day later, after Du Xiaosu went to work, she learned that the earthquake was serious because she fell asleep after returning home, and did not watch TV or surf the Internet. A shocking news broke out on MSN. Portals began to cover the disaster situation, and everyone couldn’t help crying. The company’s business has almost come to a halt. Colleagues took the initiative to initiate a donation. Du Xiaosu donated one month’s salary, and then during lunch break, he went to find a blood donation cart with his colleagues. It was only a few weeks to half a year since her last blood donation, but she knew that her blood type was scarce, and she just wanted to save more people, even if she could save one.

The blood donation cart has not been found yet, and suddenly I received a call from Shao Zhenrong. It should be his day shift.

“Xiaosu,” he said in a hurry, “Our hospital has received an order to organize a medical team to Sichuan. I have signed up just now, and now let us leave in the afternoon.” After a short pause, he said again. When I come back, let’s talk about it, can we?”

She sank suddenly, because she heard that aftershocks continued, she said anxiously: “Pay attention to your own safety.”

“I know.” His background sound is noisy, it seems to be in the meeting place, and it seems to be outdoors, “I know.” He paused for a while and said, “Goodbye.”

The phone was hung up in a hurry, leaving only the busy tone of “beep”. She stood there with a slight vibration in her heart. She will wait until he comes back and confess to him. She did something wrong, she would pluck up the courage to face it, no matter if he hated it or left, she would wait until that moment and wait for him to return.

Since Shao Zhenrong left, there was no news, because a large part of mobile phone base stations were still unavailable, and communication in the disaster area was difficult. Telecommunications also urged the public not to call the disaster area to ensure the most urgent and important communication. Disaster relief news was broadcast live on TV for 24 hours. The whole world was immersed in grief and tears. Thousands of people died, including the youngest and most innocent children. Everyone was crying, and some colleagues were crying in the tea room, because of the news pictures, the children who were sleeping forever, the pictures of the loss of loved ones.

Du Xiaosu also felt powerless. In the face of such a disaster, his personal strength was so small that he was almost desperate. She convinced herself to be calm and do something she could do. The blood bank is full, and she queues up to register for an appointment. If it is ischemic, she can donate blood as soon as possible. Several colleagues organized a group and pooled money to purchase mineral water, tents, and medicines to be sent to the disaster area. Du Xiaosu also went to help. The post office business is very busy. Many people send clothes and quilts to the disaster area. There is a temporary erection sign stating that all relief supplies sent to the disaster area are free of charge. Post office employees are busy labeling large boxes of clothing. Someone sobbed in the hall, and someone nearby comforted them softly. I wonder if they remembered their relatives and friends in the disaster area, or simply weeped for their own weakness.

Extremely tired, my mind is completely blank.

Du Xiaosu fell asleep on the subway going home. She dreamed of her parents, Zhenrong, and herself. There was a lot of snow, and the white snow buried everything. She walked alone in the snow for a long, long time, hungry and cold, but she couldn’t find anyone.

The subway shook to a halt and started broadcasting. She woke up and found that she had taken the station. I had no choice but to go down, and change to the opposite car and ride back. In the carriage there was a young mother with a child, a pretty little girl, about one or two years old, with squiggly dark eyes, looking at her and smiling.

At this moment of being soaked in tears, a moment of unstoppable pain throughout the country, and a moment when the host of the live TV broadcast could not cry, only the child smiled like this, watching with innocent eyes. Everything makes people see hope, people see the future, and people see happiness.

After returning home, she accidentally received the first text message from Shao Zhenrong after he left: “Xiaosu, the phone can receive text messages today, but I can’t make calls yet. The situation here is very bad. Take the channel, tomorrow our medical team will follow the troops into the mountains, and the mobile phone will have no signal at that time.”

She took a long conversation with her mobile phone, deleted adding, adding deleted, and changing to the end, only ten words remained: “I hope everything is safe, I will wait for you to come back.”

The text message has not been sent for a long time, and the phone keeps prompting that the sending failed. She was not discouraged, tried again and again, lying on the sofa, watching the small envelope on the phone screen, spinning constantly. Failed to send, come again, send failed, come again… After finally “SMS sent successfully” appeared, she raised her head and realized that her neck was already sore.

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