Tears in Heaven Chapter 24: There are some words that only listeners will remember (7)

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“Lei Yuzheng, you are not a three-year-old child. You know in your heart that you can marry anyone, Du Xiaosu is absolutely impossible. You are shameless and our Lei family has shame!” Lei Yutao was extremely angry, “relatives I have seen her and all know that she is Zhenrong’s fiancée. Think about our dad. He has had heart bypass twice this year. You know what the doctor said! You can bear it even if you die! I even you The news of the accident is kept secret, but you are fine, are you planning to **** him off yourself?”

“Zhen Rong is gone, why can’t I marry her?”

Lei Yutao slapped him slapped, “Are you crazy?”

Lei Yuzheng did not hide, the corners of his mouth split, and he did not move. Just like being beaten by my father when I was a child, I didn’t say a word or begged for mercy, just watched him.

Lei Yutao slowly calmed down: “If you are really crazy, I won’t stop you, but there is one thing, you also understand, I have 10 million ways to make you sober. If you don’t believe it, even Try.”

I knew it was a desperate situation, but it was just a dying struggle. What’s the use? Lei Yuzheng was discouraged. How much can it hurt? It was just tearing off that part of the chest cavity, and since then, he is still alive. What is lost is just a heart, how much can it hurt?

“Don’t touch her.”

Lei Yutao smiled, and reassured his chopsticks back into his hand: “I know you are confused for a while. Take a good rest and take care of your injury. Don’t let your parents know about the mess. To save them from worrying.” He gave him a spoonful of meat again, “Eat while it’s hot, I know you have something to go back and make arrangements.”

It was the airport where Lei Yutao took him to and watched him get on the plane. On the huge tarmac, he was the only one standing alone in front of the car. Lei Yuzheng remembered a long time ago—in fact, it didn’t take long. He came back with Zhenrong in his arms. The eldest brother also stood alone waiting for him. At that time, the whole family felt desperate and sad.

That is the youngest son the parents love most. They have already suffered the pain of losing a child. For the rest of the year, he and his elder brother tried their best to prevent their parents from thinking about it again and remembering the sadness of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man .

They hope to use time to heal the pain, and hope their parents can forget it. If he stubbornly takes Du Xiaosu home, the important thing is not the rumors, but the important thing is that for the rest of his parents’ lives, they will always think of Zhenrong because of her.

He is really crazy, so he will have a wishful thinking, so Lei Yutao waited there specially, waiting to block him back, waiting to slap him awake, so that he would stop dreaming.

After getting off the plane, the driver came to pick him up. He called and asked the housekeeper: “Before getting on the plane, you said Miss Du was asleep. Are you up now?”

“Get up.” The butler said, “I said I was going to the hospital to get medicine, and the driver took her there.”

His heart sank and furious: “Didn’t I let you look at her?”

The butler was scared and trembling: “I specifically asked the driver to accompany her, and she said she was uncomfortable…”

“Which hospital?”

After hearing the address, he dropped the phone and told the driver: “Give me the car, and you will go home first.”

Du Xiaosu felt that he was trembling. Although the hospital was private, it looked quite formal. After paying the money, he went to the operating room on the third floor. She was alone in the elevator. She tightly squeezed the bag in her hand, and the mirrors on the walls reflected her pale fingers. In just a dozen seconds, it seemed like half a lifetime. When she finally reached the third floor, she got out of the elevator and suddenly heard the bang of the door on the stairs. She looked back instinctively, but saw the most unlikely person to be here.

His face was gloomy, and he approached her step by step, his chest still rising and falling slightly, it seemed that it was because the stairs were too rush. She had no complaints, just looked at him.

He didn’t say anything, just grabbed her arm and dragged her out.

“What are you doing?” When I saw this person again, I realized that I just didn’t want to see him again, didn’t want to see He Zhenrong’s face like this again, didn’t want to think about those things related to him again. As long as he is involved, she will make mistakes again and again, so wrong that she herself deeply hates herself. There was already a nurse looking around curiously. He pinched her a lot, but she just couldn’t make it.

“Believe it or not?” His face was calm, and his voice even more, “If you don’t follow me, I have a way to tear this down.”

She shuddered. She absolutely believed that he was the worst demon among the nine layers of hell. He was not afraid to commit a heinous crime, just for him. She slapped him desperately, scratching his face, he didn’t evade, just drove her downstairs. His car was parked in front of the hospital gate, he stuffed her in and fastened his seat belt.

All the doors of the car were locked by him, and the car was speeding on the road. In fact, she didn’t want to die at all, she always wanted to live well, but he always had a way to force her to make her feel desperate. She went to grab the steering wheel, he was merciless, and he slapped her back and slapped her by the car window, covering her face for a long while. He slowly said word by word: “Du Xiaosu, don’t push me in a hurry, I will kill people in a hurry.”

He even has red eyes. She didn’t know how he got here, she knew he was not intimidating, he was not a human at all, but a frenzied devil who could do everything. He looked like he was driving, but all the green lights came across. She knew she couldn’t escape anymore, until the last car stopped in front of the villa, he got out of the car and dragged her into the house.

She kicked and bit, beat and kicked at him, but he simply picked her up, went into the house and kept going upstairs, and threw her on the bed in the master bedroom. It’s like throwing a bag of rice, or something, rude and without mercy. She panted and looked at him there, and he looked at her panting, the chests of both people were rising and falling violently. He stretched out his hand and stuck her neck, just like that day, gritted his teeth: “If you want to die, you will die far, don’t let me know!”

The back of his hand was full of violent veins, and she remained motionless, as if she wanted to let him strangle herself like this. But after all, he didn’t use any more force, and his entire arm fell down instead, just looking at her steadily.

The corner of her mouth gradually smiled: “Didn’t you leave? You really think you can shut me down? As long as I want to, I can always make some accidents.”

His teeth rattled and he was touched and roared like an inverse scale: “You dare! How dare you!”

“Oh, you’re still angry. I didn’t tell you beforehand?” She turned away a little sloppyly, avoiding his breath spraying on her face, “What’s the use after saying that, are you thinking about raising An illegitimate child?”

He is on the verge of losing control. This woman will always have the ability to make him have the urge to kill: “Don’t force me to beat you.”

“Didn’t you hit it just now?” She smiled, with his finger marks on her face, red and swollen, and half of her face was deformed. His whole heart twitched, as if being pinched, and he only felt uncomfortable. She stretched out her hand to touch her swollen cheeks, but she instinctively shrank back, and his hand was designated there. He stared at her blankly, and her eyes were like a starless night, without anger or anger. Huh, as if even the heart is dead.

His voice is very low: “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t dare to be it.” She slowly sat up, tidying up her clothes, “Take me to the hospital if I trouble you, it will be more troublesome if you delay it for a long time.”

Her abrupt calm made him feel even more at a loss, just like stepping on her feet when going downstairs, her heart empty, unspeakably uncomfortable. He almost said with difficulty: “Let’s-can we talk about it?”

“What is there to talk about.” She said lightly, “I know that you were drunk that night, and I was bitten by a mad dog.” She even smiled at him, “I compare you to a mad dog. , Don’t be angry.”

He looked at her and thought of many things. He remembered that when Shao Zhenrong took her home, what was he thinking when he saw her at first sight? He picked her home again and again, so pitiful, what was he thinking about? On that lonely island, seeing her sleeping face again, what are you thinking about again? When he woke up from the pain, he thought she was dead. He stubbornly opened his eyes and looked at Lei Yutao. The people next to him were the same, guessing what he meant. In the end, Lei Yutao guessed it and brought it. She came to see him. What was she thinking when she saw her safe and sound? Can’t remember at all. Since when he fell in love with her, he didn’t know, why he fell in love with her, he didn’t know. It’s like not knowing why a flower blooms, like not knowing why a rainbow appears in the sky after the rain, like not knowing why a baby smiles… By the time he knows it, it’s too late. I only remember that night, she trembling and crying under her. All happiness had been cut off by him a long time ago, even he knew it.

The one who was desperate at first was actually him.

He thought he had a chance to make up. After the car accident, when she was with him, when she started to smile softly to herself, when she hugged herself with her arms. Although she refused, but did not resist. But she didn’t mention it, she deliberately forgot, she only hated the time he forced her. It’s like nothing happened after the car accident, just like she just pityed him before-she just pityed him.

He struggled for so long, tried all his strength, but didn’t break away from the result. She was right in front of him, but she was too far away to touch.

He wasn’t angry, it was just that her resisting gesture made him feel unbearable.

He has understood that there is no way out after all.

Her expression has become slightly impatient: “Mr. Lei…”

“Xiaosu,” he called her by her name for the first time, two words like this, but separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, he was so stingy that he never appeared in a dream. He looked at her blankly and heard My own muttered voice, “Can you keep this child?”

“Give birth?” She mocked almost sarcastically. “You are not married yet. A person like you will definitely marry a famous lady. How can someone like me give you a child?”

The word marriage hit his heart fiercely. He had been struggling to death, only he knew it. In fact, I knew it was impossible, so I said it in front of Lei Yutao. It’s like borrowing Lei Yutao’s hand to stop his last thoughts. It’s like a terminally ill patient who has been tortured by the pain of cancer for too long. He used to endure that, even when the headache was about to split, he could still endure it, but he couldn’t help this despair. After all, he forced her to say a word to stop her dreaming.

He released his hand, looked at her in relief, and finally smiled: “Then change to a better hospital. It is not safe to operate in a small hospital.”

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