Super Dragon Slaughtering System Chapter 1465: Dragon Eater City


The first thousand four hundred and sixty-fifth chapter Dragon City


The eight-legged strange beast uttered a roar again, and then, behind it, a huge wave of flames as high as thousands of feet was set off, and it swept toward everyone. In a short time, the slowest monks were no matter whether it was a catastrophe or a second. The creator of the robbery let out a miserable howl before dying, and then a huge wave of flames washed over them, and when it reappeared, only one withered bone was left!

“It is the mighty power of the field of good fortune here!”

Everyone was terrified. They used all kinds of forbidden techniques to overdraw their vitality to increase their speed at the moment. Soon, Gongsun Ziyun and others were at the end.

“Not good!”

Shen Bai’s face was a little livid. They ran the slowest, which meant that they had been spotted by the eight-legged monster! Although he didn’t look back, he could imagine the hideous appearance of the eight-legged strange beast and the heat wave behind him.

When Ning Qi saw this, he planned to deal with this strange beast without hiding his strength, but the opponent’s footsteps suddenly stopped, standing in place and looking at everyone coldly, but he stopped chasing after him.

An hour later, everyone was sure that the eight-legged strange beast had not caught up, and then stopped panting. Only Ning Qi looked calmer and lighter, his face was not flushed or panting.

Zhao Lang and You Feng looked at each other, but in their hearts they became more interested in Ning Qi’s body style.

“The strange beast just now was transformed by the resentment of Emperor Dragon Devouring Pill? Is it the strongest here?”

Shen Baixin has lingering fears.

Gongsun Ziyun shook his head and said faintly: “This time it is the remaining domain of the Creator of the Nine Tribulations. In this, the great monster transformed by the strongest resentment should be at least the strength of the Creator of the Eight Tribulations.”

“The Creator of the Eight Tribulations? So powerful?”

Shen Bai was taken aback.

“It’s nothing strange. In your creation realm, can’t you also evolve a tribulation creator? But after all, it’s just illusion. It’s impossible to leave here and go to the outside world, but we are now in the creation realm. Here, for us, it’s real.”

Gongsun Ziyun said.

“The strange beast suddenly stopped chasing, will we enter a terrible place?”

Shen Bai said in a low voice.

The mountain and the mountain were shocked when they heard this. Their current state is extremely different, and they may not be able to win the battle with Shen Bai. If there is another big monster transformed by resentment, then they are likely to die in the first place. Batch!

This idea was not thought of by Shen Bai alone. Almost all the monks present thought about it after calming down, so everyone looked at Zhao Lang and You Feng, intending to hear their opinions.

At this moment, the two of them are gathering their disciples. Their expressions are a bit ugly. Zhao Lang’s Happy Demon Sect originally had nine disciples besides him. One Li Chengtian was missing, and three more were eaten by eight-legged creatures. , Now with him, there are only six people left.

The Heart Demon Sect is better, plus there are eight people on the upper peak, two of them died in the chase just now.

“Brother, what should we do now?”

The remaining men and women of Huanxi Demon Sect looked at Zhao Lang.

The disciples of the Heart Demon Sect looked at You Feng.

“It is impossible to turn around and go back. If the eight-legged alien beast is still there, the two of me will not be sure to deal with him together. There are three directions left, which one to go, You Feng, what do you think?”

Zhao Lang analyzed it and looked at You Feng.

“I think it’s better for everyone to get together and find a direction to explore at will.”

You Feng Road.

“It makes sense.”

The rest of the people think this method is feasible.

Finally, the two discussed a direction and headed east!

The six of Ning Qi followed at the end of the team, appearing a little low-key. After this walk, after about half a month, suddenly an alien monk’s complexion changed.

After hesitating for a few breaths, he stopped and shouted at Zhao Lang and You Feng: “There is a city 30,000 miles ahead!”

“Is there a city?”

Everyone stopped and looked suspiciously at the alien monk.

Ning Qi discovered that the opponent has three pupils, the largest in the middle, and a small pupil on the left and right sides.

“The eyes of the monks of the Demon Eye Race are really good, but are you sure you see a city 30,000 miles ahead?”

Zhao Lang suspiciously.

The demon-eye cultivator nodded: “I’m sure, if I’m not afraid of any miracles in it, I will pass by myself first.”

When everyone heard this, they suddenly believed in their hearts.

“This place is the realm of the dragon eating pill emperor. Since there is a city, it is probably also transformed by his remnant thoughts. It is either a big monster or the inheritance of the alchemy. The most unhelpful, maybe you can find some alchemy. Fragments!”

You Feng said calmly.

“Then shall we go or not?”

Zhao Lang hesitated. If it was really a big monster, he was a little bit undecided about the behavior of the eight-legged monster before.

“Go, why not! You are here, just for this, don’t you go and see if you are willing?”

You Feng sneered.

Zhao Lang smiled, “Okay, let’s take a look!”

Ning Qi saw that Shen Bai was eager to move, and he didn’t seem to be afraid of the existence of demons in that city. It was really charming with gold and silver, and the wealth was touching.

Thirty thousand miles is not too far for everyone. Soon, everyone stood in front of a city. There was a plaque on the city gate with three characters: Dragon City.

“Dragon Eater City? If I remember well, when the Dragon Eater Alchemy Emperor was still alive, he lived in the Dragon Eater City! The true alchemy inheritance is likely to be there!”

An alien monk opened his mouth.

“Who are you interested in getting in first?”

Zhao Lang glanced at everyone with a smile, except that he and You Feng were the creator of the Three Tribulations, and the others were either the creator of the Second Tribulation or the Creator of the First Tribulation. There were even half-step creations. indivual.

At this moment, the few half-steps of good fortune were shocked. He didn’t want to be regarded as abandoned sons to test the city. One of them suddenly pointed to Ning Qi and said: “This person is a monk in the realm of Dharma, let He goes in to find the way!”

Everyone looked at Ning Qi.

Wu Donggang wanted to speak, but was stopped by Ning Qi’s voice transmission. His expression moved slightly and he gave Ning Qi a thoughtful look.

“Well, yes, brother, why don’t you go in and find the way.”

Zhao Lang smiled and nodded.

You Feng hesitated for a while, and finally did not speak. Ning Qi is very qualified, so what? Who made him choose the Alchemist Alliance instead of choosing his Heart Demon Sect.

“It’s good, but if there is an inheritance of the alchemy in it, it would be disrespectful to me.”

Ning Qi gave a faint smile and walked directly into the city.

Shen Bai and Gongsun Ziyun hesitated, then followed.

Wu Dong glanced at the mountain and the mountain, and then raised his heel.

“His grandma, what shall we do?”

The mountain and the mountain two looked at each other.

“Forget it, follow up, lest this child find an excuse to kill us, but there is something to be done, he is high-topped, his combat power is extraordinary, even if he encounters the Four Tribulations monster, he may not be unable to resist it!”

After discussing a few words, Shan Yi Shan Er followed.


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