Solo Leveling Chapter 40:

I Alone Level-up: Chapter 40


– “Are you sure?”

“I’ll be waiting with the phone in hand . Contact me immediately if something happens . ”

– “Understood, chief . ”


Ahn Sangmin ended the call, then realized he was hungry .




‘Argh, I was too focused on all of this . . ’


It was already long past lunchtime, but Ahn Sangmin had not eaten, having waited for Sung Jinwoo .  He did not know when Yoo Jinho’s team would arrive, so he had not left the spot . Having some free time now, Ahn Sangmin looked around for a place to eat, then settled on a convenience store .


‘Not that I’m trying to save any money…’


Though no one said anything, he felt weird going into a restaurant alone .  So, he decided to just get a cup ramen at the convenience store .


He poured the hot water and waited 3 minutes, then was about to dig in when his phone rang .


ring ring


“Dammit! Who the hell? I’m trying to eat here!”


Looking at the phone, it was a familiar name .


[My Right Arm]


‘Hyun Gicheol, you son of a…’


Ahn Sangmin answered with an annoyed voice,


“Did you really miss my voice that much?”

– “Chief, that’s not it…”

“Then what is it, if you’ve called me for no reason, you’re eating cup ramen for a week . ”

– “That’s not it, chief! The two just came out!”


Ahn Sangmin, who was about to eat his first bite, froze like a still image of a video .



– “Like I said, Yoo Jinho and Sung Jinwoo just came out! Their team’s all preparing to move out!”


He checked his ears .  There was nothing wrong with them .  He quickly checked the time .


“It’s only been thirty minutes . Are they giving up on the Raid?”

– “No… The Gate is closing . ”


How the hell?!


No matter how low the difficulty of a given C-rank Dungeon was, no one could solo clear it in just 30 minutes .


“Check again! Are you sure the Gate is closing?!”

– “Yes, I’m sure . Do you want me to send you a video?”

“ . . . No, it’s okay . ”


Ahn Sangmin hung up and stared blankly into the distance .


They cleared a C-rank Dungeon that would take an A-rank Hunter 2 hours to clear in just 30 minutes .


‘Above B-rank my ass…’


Even if he took an objective look at the information so far,


“Above… A-rank…”


This was an unimaginably good fortune .




“Hyungnim, do you have somewhere else to go after this?”


“Hmm? No, why?”


“I’ve never seen you hunt this fast before . ”


Yoo Jinho was astonished .  He had always known Jinwoo was strong, but today, he seemed stronger than ever .


Well of course .


Jinwoo swallowed a laughter .


‘The magic beasts today were werewolves~’


Wolf Slayer

All stats increased by 40% against beast type monsters .


A title given to a hunter experienced in slaying wolves .


The buff of his title worked against the werewolves .  On top of all of the level-ups he had gone through, if the title buff was applied, no C-rank magic beasts could stand against him .






Thanks to that, Yoo Jinho had to go from corpse to corpse without stopping, collecting magic cores .  If he had 10 more hands, it wouldn’t have been enough . Jinwoo had to spend 5 healing potions on him because of this .  The young man even had his hunger satiated by the healing potion, so he didn’t even stop to eat .


‘Well, that’s that . . . ’


Jinwoo raised his head .  He felt a presence of someone watching him from somewhere .


‘I don’t sense any magic power, so it’s probably not a Hunter . ’


He looked around but didn’t see anyone suspicious .  Of course, if he wanted, he could find the man with effort .  But not detecting any killing or hostile intent from the man, Jinwoo decided it was not worth the time .


“ . . . ”


It could just be nothing .


As if reading his mind, the presence disappeared .


“Hyungnim, what is it?”


“ . . . It’s nothing . Let’s go . ”


They had no time to waste .  Jinwoo took one last look around the area then got in the passenger seat .




At the second Gate, he did not feel anyone watching him, both before he entered the Gate and after he left it .


‘Was I being too cautious?’


Thankfully, it appeared that it was nothing after all .


Yoo Jinho approached him and bowed his head,


“Sorry, hyungnim, this is it for today . The other Gates are too far . ”


“Nothing to be sorry about . ”


It would be a while before the sunset, but because of the two men’s efforts, all the Gates in the area had been closed, so they would have to call it a day .


“You’ve worked hard . ”

“Oh, the one who worked hard is the Raid leader . ”

“I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Thank you, you’ve worked hard . ”


After bidding the other Hunters goodbye, Jinwoo and Yoo Jinho got in the car .


“I’ll drive you home, hyungnim . ”


Before he knew it, Yoo Jinho had become a faithful driver .  The image of him holding the handle was rather fitting . Jinwoo blatantly stared at the young man .


‘To think that the young master of a rich household would become a chauffeur, just so he can become a Guildmaster…’


Stepping on the gas with a smile, Yoo Jinho suddenly realized Jinwoo was staring at him .


“Hmm? Is there something on my face, hyungnim?”


“ . . . No, it’s nothing . ”


Jinwoo pretended to not have stared and took out his phone as a distraction .




It was too early to go home .  Thankfully, there was something he had to do .


‘It was around here, right?’




“Yes, hyungnim . ”


Yoo Jinho skillfully turned the handle around a curve while answering .


“Let’s go to Mirae Mall . ”


“Mirae Mall?”


Yoo Jinho was surprised .


“Yes . ”


“Well it is right ahead… You know, you’ve been acting weird all day, hyungnim . Are you sure everything’s alright?”


“ . . . You know, you’ve been getting rather talkative these days . ”


And with that, Yoo Jinho’s face became fixed on the road .


“I will take you there with the speed of light, hyungnim . Hold onto your belt!”


Changing his attitude in a flash, Yoo Jinho drove the car without braking .  They soon arrived at Mirae Mall .




The car stopped at their destination .  As a mall at the heart of Seoul, Mirae Mall was quite a spectacle .  Jinwoo got out of the car, and Yoo Jinho followed . The young man closed the door and walked up to Jinwoo’s side .


“Hyungnim, someday, our Guild should use a building like this for our headquarters . ”


Yoo Jinho looked up and down at the mall and made a half-serious joke .  But no one replied . Noticing something was off, Yoo Jinho quickly turned toward where Jinwoo was .




Jinwoo had disappeared .




No matter where he looked, Jinwoo was gone .






As the boss was defeated, the Dungeon will return to its normal interior .


‘Two more levels from the mall’s Instant Dungeon . ’


Jinwoo’s footsteps on the way home were light with joy .  It was the first key he had seen in a while from a Random Box, usable in Mirae Mall .  He had wondered when he would go and clear it, and today, the opportunity presented itself .




Remembering Yoo Jinho call after his disappeared self, Jinwoo stifled a laughter .


ring ring


Jinwoo started to answer his phone out of habit, but stopped when he realized it was a number he had never seen before .




When he was in highschool, he was busy taking care of his little sister in the place of their mother .  After graduating, he had started work as a Hunter . Because of this, Jinwoo did not know that many people .


‘There shouldn’t be anyone I don’t know calling me…’


After a brief pause, Jinwoo picked up .


“Hello . ”


– “Hello, is this Sung Jinwoo-ssi?”


A clear and well-spoken male’s voice .


Jinwoo immediately hung up .


‘In my experience, 99% of these calls are telemarketing or loan sharks . ’


He was about to put the phone away when it rang again .


ring ring


It was the same number .


‘Hmm? Was it not telemarketing?’


Valuing quantity over quality, telemarketing calls usually did not call again after one attempt .  They knew that it’d be a waste of time .


‘Then this person might really have a reason…’


This time, he properly answered the call .


“Yes, this is Sung Jinwoo . ”


– “Ah, I had the right number . I thought I had the wrong one when you just hung up now, haha . ”


“ . . . ”


Jinwoo considered for about 2 seconds whether to explain that he had thought the clear and well-spoken voice belonged to a telemarketer .


‘Feels like apologizing for it might sound more rude…’


Soon, the business employee, or rather, the man who sounded like a business employee introduced himself .


– “Ah, I apologize . I have not introduced myself . I am Ahn Sangmin of the Baekho Guild . ”


Jinwoo stopped walking .


‘The Baekho Guild is calling me?’


No matter how he thought about it, the Baekho Guild would not have a reason to call him .  Only possible relation he had with them was the fact that they were the Guild who helped out the Association during the Double Dungeon incident .


‘But I don’t think they’re calling me about that day after all this time . ’


Curiosity was a feeling that invited impatience .  Before Ahn Sangmin could continue, Jinwoo asked,


“Why is the Baekho Guild calling me?”


– “It’s a little hard to explain over the phone, could we come to see you and explain?”


Instead of telling him to come over, they were offering to come to him .  Jinwoo had no reason to refuse . He would have some free time anyways the day after tomorrow .


‘Jinho said he had some event at home?’


Yoo Jinho had explained that there was a big event that required the attendance of the entire family and apologized for not being able to Raid on Thursday .


‘A big event…’


Imagining a chaebol’s family gathering, Jinwoo imagined a party held in some luxurious banquet hall at a top hotel, like in the dramas .  Anyways, he would be free that day .


“I’ll have some free time on Thursday . ”


– “That’s er… Are you free right now?”


Right now?


Jinwoo checked the time .  It was 8 o’ clock .


“It’s almost eight . ”


– “We’re waiting nearby . We just need a moment of your time . ”




– “It’s a french cafe . ”


Ahn Sangmin told him the location .  It was a familiar place . After all, it was the place he had met with Yoo Jinho .  Jinwoo’s eyes became sharp .


‘He knows where I live . ’

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