Solo Leveling Chapter 24:

I Alone Level-up: Chapter 24


Yoo Jinho placed emphasis on the words, ‘fair price’ .


‘He’s not wrong…’


Jinho’s suggestion would be the best course of option for Jinwoo to safely obtain all the magic cores .  Currently, the ownership of the magic cores was clear . No matter how greedy the man was, Hwang Dongseok could not take them with him to the afterlife .  As such, Yoo Jinho had the legal rights to all the magic cores they carried . And now, the young man was offering it all to Jinwoo . This was different than taking them by force .


‘No reason to turn away good fortune like this…’


After all, if it wasn’t for him, Yoo Jinho would already be dead or taken as hostage .  In that line of thinking, it indeed was the fair price for Jinwoo to obtain all the magic cores .


Watching Jinwoo’s expression soften, Yoo Jinho was sure that he had hit the right mark .


‘As I thought, the magic cores are the price of the blood he spilled taking down Hwang Dongseok’s party . That’s why he won’t refuse them . ’


The two men’s idea of the ‘fair price’ was completely different, but neither of them would realize this .


“Alright . ”


At Jinwoo’s agreement, Yoo Jinho’s face brightened .  The young man felt a little awe at what he perceived to be the Jinwoo’s ironclad conviction .  But then, Jinwoo’s face became cold again .


“But how would I be able to trust you?”


Jinwoo thought back on the initial goal of this conversation .  He did not frighten the young man for a material gain; he just wanted to make sure the events of this Raid would not cause him troubles in the future .


“How could I betray the hyungnim that saved my life multiple times?”


“You could always ignore the promise and go around blabbing your mouth off . ”


Well, it wouldn’t really hurt him in the long run .  Killing Hwang Dongseok’s party was 100% in self-defense .  It was eight armed men versus just him, and they were the ones who attacked first .  With the world’s laws having changed in the advent of Hunters, he would definitely be found not guilty in all of this .  Still, he wanted to avoid all that if he could . For that, he needed Yoo Jinho’s cooperation .




Jinwoo pressed his question and stared .  Yoo Jinho responded with a fierce look in his eyes .


“I wouldn’t dare do such a cowardly thing! Especially to the savior of my life!”




He realized where he had seen that determined look in Yoo Jinho’s eyes before .  It was the same eyes he defiantly stood up to Hwang Dongseok with .


‘Kid… you’re the real thing, aren’t you?’


Give and Take .


With his life on the line, Yoo Jinho chose to stand with Jinwoo .  Putting his faith in him, the young man was ready to fight eight Hunters .  And so, Jinwoo decided to return some of that faith .


Well… after putting in some final touches .


Jinwoo went over and picked up Hwang Dongseok’s shield .


“You know, I’m still **** about Hwang Dongseok’s betrayal . ”


Casually turning the shield over in his hands, Jinwoo suddenly threw the shield at the wall .




The shield became half embedded into the wall .  Yoo Jinho gulped, and his body began to sweat .


“My dongsaeng[1] won’t betray me like that, would he?”


“Of-of course not, hyungnim . ”


The Dungeon shook again, more violently than before .




Alright .  Jinwoo was done teasing the young man .  From the start, he had no plans to hurt Yoo Jinho .  He felt that he had done enough and made his final decision .


“Okay . Go grab their magic cores . We’re leaving the Dungeon . ”


“Thank you very much, hyungnim!”


Yoo Jinho stood up and bowed his entire upper body, making a 90-degree angle at the waist .  The smile returned to his face .


While Yoo Jinho went around gathering Hwang Dongseok party’s bags with the magic cores, Jinwoo went and picked the pocket of Hwang Dongseok .


‘Gotta take what’s mine . ’


The contractual wage for today was 2 million .  He was not going to let the man go to the afterlife without paying him .  In Hwang Dongseok’s wallet, he found just a little over 2 million won . He recalled Hwang Dongseok saying he would be paid in cash, right after the Raid; it seemed the man was not lying .  After all, you couldn’t cut off the tail every time . If nothing unusual like the appearance of mana crystals had occurred, they would’ve probably finished the Raid with no trouble .


“Thank you for today’s wages . ”


Jinwoo thanked no one in particular, then got up and left .  Yoo Jinho, who had gone to place the Hunters’ magic cores in his bag, panicked when he saw Jinwoo missing after coming back .




Only the corpses of Jinwoo’s victims were scattered about .




Turning blue, Yoo Jinho frantically chased after Jinwoo .



At the scene of the incident, the Association’s investigators and staff had arrived .  The protocol in the case of a death during a Raid was simple . They would have to report the incident to the Association and undergo a brief investigation .  The investigator this time was a strict-looking middle-aged woman .


“Your names?”


“Sung Jinwoo . ”


“I’m Yoo Jinho . ”


A Hunter’s death in a Dungeon was unfortunately a common occurrence, so the aftermath investigations were more or less routine .  It was just a matter of keeping proper record of everything that had happened . It would all go smooth… as long as nothing suspicious was noted .


“…Hmm, you’re telling me all the C-rank Hunters died, but you two, a D-rank and an E-rank, got out safely?”


The investigator pushed her glasses up and asked, her eyes narrow .


‘In a normal Raid, the first to die are the weak ones…’


As she carefully looked over the survivors, something caught her eye, and she spoke with a raised voice,


“Oh my!”


She approached Yoo Jinho with sparkles in her eyes .


“Isn’t this one of Maya Company’s new products? The long sword, Kallion? And oh my, this is one of master artisan Gredos’ works, the Royal Series Shields!” [2]


Yoo Jinho put on a proud expression .


“You know your stuff!”


“Hohoho, oh no . I just love looking through new product catalogues . ”


The longsword’s price was 700 million, and the shield was 500 million .  Produced from magic cores worth hundreds of million won and other expensive materials, these were powerful equipment that could raise the level of a D-rank Hunter to C-rank .  A theory of what happened in the Dungeon was created in her head .


‘If it was with these gear…’


A D-ranker just might’ve been able to defeat the boss in a situation where all the C-rankers had died .


‘The E-ranker probably survived by hiding away in some corner . ’


Of course, the truth was completely opposite .  Still, she had made her conclusion . Someone who could afford such gear would not have betrayed his comrades for few paltry pieces of magic cores .  There was also no way that the E-ranker could do anything against the C-rankers . As such, Hwang Dongseok and co . ’s deaths would be ruled as an unfortunate accident .


“Well, I think that should do it . ”


With a satisfied expression, she finished the recording of the incident .


“The investigation is now over . You are both free to leave . I know today must’ve been hard . The Association thanks you for your cooperation in this matter . ”


“Thank you . ”


Jinwoo answered for the pair .


The investigator left as quickly as she had arrived .


“Thank you as well, hyungnim . ”


Yoo Jinho bowed again in a 90-degree angle .  Even after coming out of the Gate, his at-attention-attitude did not change .  The young man probably went through a lot of scary things back there, Jinwoo thought .


“You did well, too . ”


“Eh, I didn’t really do anything . It was all hyungnim . Here, your magic cores . ”


Yoo Jinho respectfully held out a bag with two hands .  Jinwoo took the bag; it was filled to the brim with magic cores .  The highest price for a magic core from a C-rank Gate was 10 million, even the lowest would be worth at least several million .   Jinwoo tried to obtain a rough count of the magic cores he was holding and screamed inside in delight .


‘How much is all of this…?’


He had to hold back the laughter of joy .  Suddenly, drops of water appeared on the bag .


drop .


drop .


Jinwoo raised his head .  The sky that began to darken after noon was now beginning to rain .


‘Good thing I sent her with an umbrella . ’


He smiled at the sudden thought of his little sister .




Deep into the night .


The moment he arrived home, he opened his stat screen .






Strength: 53

Constitution: 30

Agility: 38

Intelligence: 30

Sense: 32


(Available stat points: 10)


He still had the 10 stat points from the emergency quest .  He was itching to use them up . It was an amount that normally required three days of daily quests (albeit missing a point) or two level-ups (but not freely distributable) .


‘First and foremost, agility . Then, sense . ’


He put 7 points into agility and the remaining 3 into sense .





Strength: 53

Constitution: 30

Agility: 45

Intelligence: 30

Sense: 35


(Available stat points: 0)


“Okay . ”


His attributes had risen quite a bit .  Agility had almost caught up to his strength, and in no time, his sense had reached 35 points .  Once agility and strength reached the same level, he planned on focusing on constitution . Leaving aside intelligence, which he still did not know the effect of, he wanted to raise his stats evenly .


“Let’s check today’s progress . ”



Name: Sung Jinwoo

Level: 21

Class: None

Title: Wolf Slayer

HP: 2600

MP: 390

Fatigue: 0



Strength: 53

Constitution: 30

Agility: 45

Intelligence: 30

Sense: 35


(Available stat points: 0)



Passive Skills

-(Unknown) (Lv . Max)

-Unyielding Spirit (Lv . 1)


Active Skills

-Sprint (Lv . 1)

-Bloodlust (Lv . 1)


What made him the happiest registered first: his level, which had jumped by 3 levels, and the newly earned “Bloodlust” skill .  Thanks to the 10 stat points, his attributes looked great as well . Just all this would’ve made a very productive day, but this was not all that he had earned today .


‘On top of the wage of 2 million,’


He opened the bag full of magic cores and started counting .


’11 magic cores from the spider . 38 from Hwang Dongseok’s team . ’


All in all, he had 49 magic cores!


At an average price of 5 million each, he would be walking away with over 200 million . [3]


“200 million in one day…”


Having collected ten, no, nine people’s shares all to himself, Jinwoo had earned an incredible amount .  It was an unthinkable stroke of luck .


‘All that’s left is to sell these . ’


It was not difficult to sell magic cores .  The demand was so high that they would be snatched up the moment they were put up on the market .  The question was where to sell them . He could sell them personally to another individual, to a Guild or through a business .  Looking at the amount he was holding, Jinwoo concluded that instead of a personal sale or using an online market, he would go to an intermediary for brokerage .


‘Wonder if I can just sell these in the shop?’


It would be rather convenient if the shop took the magic cores at face value like the junk items .  Thinking about the shop, Jinwoo put away the bag . He realized the one other progress he had made today .


‘It said I could use the buy function of the shop now, right?’


He quickly opened the shop .  The gold that he had collected in the Instant Dungeon was sitting in his inventory, figuratively collecting dust .


“Buy . ”




With that familiar electronic tone, a seemingly endless list of purchasable items appeared before his eyes .  They ranged from cheap potions and miscellaneous accessories to expensive armors and powerful weapons . Every one of them was being sold for gold .  Obviously, the better the item was, more expensive the gold cost . Some of the most powerful items cost as much as 10 billion pieces of gold .


“Whoa… 10 billion…”


His current gold was at 112 thousand .  It was far too low to purchase anything that appeared to be useful, but there was no need to rush .  He had plenty of time .


‘So as long as I gather the gold, I can buy all of this, right?’


He hummed as he continued to browse through the list of items .  He had obtained one more reason to enter an Instant Dungeon .


Jinwoo was already anticipating the reward from tomorrow’s Random Box .




Translator’s Notes:

[1]: “dongsaeng” (동생): Another super common Korean noun used to refer to someone makes an appearance .  This one is used by older siblings to refer to their younger sibling (unlike oppa/hyung, it’s gender neutral) .  Just like oppa/hyung, it’s used in general population between unrelated people as well (older person to a younger person of a relative close age) .

[2]: “Maya Company”, “Kallion”, “Gredos” (마야 사, 칼리온, 그레도스): What appears to be bunch of proper nouns .

[3]: No, not a mis translation .  Technically 245 is above 200 . . .

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