Skyfire Avenue Chapter 898: Lack of success?

The Prince of Purple Red has also been staring at Jian Zhen. The feeling of weakness continued to come from him. Luo Xianni only seemed to tear him off one arm. In fact, the Almighty level of space control power was still in his favor. A door of space was opened in the body, blocking and destroying his body.

otherwise, how could he be blocked by Hua Li (splendor)‘s body with his strength just now?

Just as humans are looking forward to the completion of this Executing Immortal Sword formation as soon as possible, he also looks forward to Zihong Emperor being able to burst out of the sword formation, regain control of the situation, and kill all these humans in front of him.

This is destined to be a fierce battle. There are more than ten Paragon human beings. So far, there are only singular. This is still the case where the Lan Jue four people completely sacrificed does not have. If they are also killed, then the remaining Paragon is likely to be only five.

Limit, is it about to reach the limit? Lan Jue clearly felt that the own body seemed to collapse. The soul already feels fragmented. It’s not just him. Although Lan Qing and Pharmacist have been gritting their teeth and persisting, their status has already reached the brink of collapse.

Li Ke came silently behind Pharmacist. He didn’t do anything. In fact, he couldn’t do anything. He just looked at own‘s wife softly, and Pharmacist‘s eyes also looked at her. In her heart, she also has extremely tenacious ideas, and at the same time, she can understand the meaning in her husband’s eyes.

For Juner, hold on!

Yes, for the children, for their daughters, and for the children of thousands of parents of all human beings, they must persist to the last moment and leave the Emperor Zihong in the sword array forever.

However, the energy swallowing of the Executing Immortal Sword array is really terrible. Every strong sucking makes them face a dilemma of energy breaking at any time.

No matter how tenacious the human willpower is, there is no way to enhance one’s energy through willpower. Beyond the limit, they still want to collapse.

They have already thought of living with does not have. They just hope that they can persist for a while, so that when words finally becomes a sacrifice, the possibility of pushing the sword array to completion will increase even more.

The surviving Mecha soldiers, fighters, and each soldier of the also coalition are watching this scene. In their heart, they are silently praying for them.

The spirit of Zhou Qianlin is close to collapse. Although her cultivation is second only to Lan Jue among the four, she cultivates Goddess Transformation, which is not a battle sequence in itself, and she also inherits does not have from the ancient heritage Therefore, from the origin point of view, she is the weakest. Her soul, by no means, has been tried and tested, and there are no small gaps with Lan Qing, Lan Jue, and Pharmacist. So she was the first to collapse.

A’Jue, I ca n’t stand it.

Her in the heart silently raised this idea.

Lan Jue immediately felt, “Go, Qianlin. Wait for me over there, I will come right away. Wherever we are, we will never separate.”

A faint smile appeared on the face of Zhou Qianlin, indeed! As long as he is there, death by no means is terrible.

A faint white light began to appear on Zhou Qianlin. It was clearly a crack. The Goddess Guanyin phase that was integrated with her first began to collapse, and now she is completely coincident with the phase. When Fa Xiang collapses, her body will also collapse, leaving this world forever.

Zhou Qianlin is ready. She relaxed the spirit of own and Xuanyuan Shishi has long been silent. At this moment, they will all be put into the sword array. No matter if the sword array can be completed in the end, they will contribute own everything. .

At this moment, Zhou Qianlin suddenly felt a slight warmth flowing from his limbs into his body. At the beginning, this warmth was very weak. But as her body seemed to collapse, the warmth suddenly began to increase.

The increased warmth temporarily relieved her tendency to collapse, and even the pain of tearing her soul was slightly relieved.

Subconsciously, she opened her eyes and looked at Lan Jue in the distance. At this moment she noticed that she didn’t know when the countless fine white light spots were being used from all directions in her body. Although the power of the Executing Immortal Sword array is still very strong, how small are these light spots compared to the energy required by the Executing Immortal Sword array, but their number is sufficient and with an abnormally devout conviction, they just resist the absorption of the Executing Immortal Sword array. , Began slowly but firmly to bridge the cracks that appeared on Zhou Qianlin.

This is, this is …

The power of Belief. Zhou Qianlin quickly recognized the source of this energy. The emergence of the power of Belief even pulled her back from the edge of collapse.

However, she was excited at by no means at this time, but there was panic in her beautiful eyes.

I can survive with the help of Belief, but what about A’Jue? He can’t! He is different from himself, what should he do?

She hurried to find the figure of Lan Jue, but she was surprised to see that in the Lan Jue nearby, there were light spots, which were light blue light spots. After Lan Jue was in the body, he gradually became one with him. Through consciousness, the state of Lan Jue seemed to have stabilized a lot.

This …

Zhou Qianlin is shocked. What’s happening? could it be said …

Yes, the power of Belief.

This is the power of Belief from all humans!

When people watched the yellow army of ironemia in front of the Lan Jue four, when they listened to the impassioned voice and invitation of the Hua Alliance commentator, they began to pray, pray for the four of them, and pray for all humanity.

This strong Belief power indeed is transmitted from all human beings.

Lan Jue, Lan Qing, Zhou Qianlin, Pharmacist, human coalition, all the Paragon present, all Mecha Pilot, all fighter pilots.

They have never been fighting alone. They represent the future of all humankind, they represent the opportunity for future human reproduction, and they are fighting deadly against Reaver!

All humans are their strong and powerful backing.

The power of Belief, which arrived first, came from Angel Star, the one billion people closest to them.

From their hearts, they prayed for the coalition, praying for Lan Jue, Lan Qing, Zhou Qianlin and Pharmacist. Pray that the Executing Immortal Sword array can be completed.

Since the appearance of Executing Immortal Four Swords, this is the first time in history. All human beings hope that the first killing team in this day can arrange success.

Therefore, when the power of the strong Belief appeared, it was natural for the first killing team in the day to drag them over, not only to Zhou Qianlin alone, but also to each of them.

Artifacts are all intelligent. Executing Immortal Four Swords is an artifact of topmost level. Of course, he hopes that he can obtain the purest energy of the power of Belief.

The power of Belief can help it complete the Executing Immortal Sword array more than any energy, and even evolve to a higher level.

The four sword masters who control Executing Immortal Four Swords can get such a state of returning to the public. The satisfaction of Divine Sword itself is greatly improved. Guiding the power of Belief to repair their bodies, the Executing Immortal Sword array also began to improve steadily and continuously, changing towards the final state.

Seeing the light of the power of Belief appearing on the four of Lan Jue, the purple prince felt bad, because when the energy of the power of Belief was first started, although by no means was considered strong, with the passage of time, The richness of the light spots has become stronger and stronger, causing the sword glow on the Lan Jue four to become more and more powerful, but the originally burning fire of life has quietly disappeared.

What’s more terrible is that the breath of these four people is also increasing in a geometric multiples. Just after a while, their realm will enter the Almighty level.

On them, there is a layer of looming nine-color halo from the outside. The nine-color halo by no means comes from them, but from the Executing Immortal Sword array. The chaotic atmosphere in the sword array also gradually showed nine colorful rays at this time. It became strange and strange, but the inner purple red emperor had no sound at all, and the meaning to rush out was does not have.

How can this discovery not scare the Purple Prince? If the Emperor Zihong is dead, then Reaver will have only one of him left. With the existence of so many strong human beings, they will certainly not let themselves go.

The prince of purple red immediately made a decision, first moment made a choice, his body flickered, and then, a puff of purplish gold burst of flame suddenly burst out of his chest, he seemed to return to the heyday in an instant, with a punch. Driver blocked in front of himself.

Although Driver is guarded by Zixiao divine thunder, it also screams in the whole body’s bones.

Purple Red Prince did not dare to neglect, his body flickered, and he reached Lan Jue nearby with lightning, and banged on his head with one punch.

No one expected that Zihong Prince could even return to its heyday. The five Paragons who besieged him were the strongest that’s all, and on speed, without a person was able to keep up with him. When they reacted, the fists of the Purple Prince had already reached Lan Jue.

It’s over!

Wine Master‘s eyes are dark, and the credit is lost!

However, just at this moment, when the fist of the purple prince fell on the head of Lan Jue, suddenly, the nine-colored light was flourishing, Lan Jue didn’t move at all, his body just became illusion for a moment. Because the Zihong Prince was too hard, the whole person flew into the nine colorful lights at once, and then got into the large array of Wuxian in front of him.

The moment that turned the changes in the sky has made everyone look at it for a moment.

Watchmaker first came to his senses and shouted out loud: “Everyone prays for them, and prays that the Executing Immortal Sword array can be set up. Only when we are all together will we have a chance to turn things around.”-

Please everyone will

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