Skyfire Avenue Chapter 88: Thor fights

The body of pinky ring is made of silver-white metal. The upper half is wider on one side and narrower on the other side, forming a trapezoidal shape. It is neatly inlaid with broken diamonds and sapphires, like a leopard general. In the center, there is an triangular green gemstone inlaid, which is noble and cold and full of life.

green light instantly rises, just like the strong thunder electric glow color in Lan Jue eye, his left hand suddenly waved, and a bright blue lightning flashed in the sky.

space seemed to be torn apart by general, a crack appeared, and two big and powerful hands ruptured to tear the crack. The huge body came out and came to Lan Jue nearby.

“Your Thor!” The sound of banging sounded.

Zeus can dominate mercenary world, not only by virtue of his strong ability, but more importantly, he is still a God Rank Mecha Pilot.

When Michael understood that he could not overwhelm Lan Jue‘s speed in the process of Angel’s Descent, he decisively terminated own forbidden technique, saved his ability energy consumption, and summoned the own top level Mecha Combat angel. Only by virtue of Mecha, he could not fall on speed. wind. Lan Jue naturally will not fall behind, Thor, finally appeared again.

Angel of War The whole body is covered with golden coating. The fire-red pattern fills each of its wings. The metal six wings are also the **** of controls Mecha. It is 21 meters high. The overall style is full of Former Era medieval knights. Style.

Thor is a full-body Mecha with sapphire luster. It is 23 meters high, shoulder width is 8 meters, slender body, shoulder plate is divided into 3rd Layer, 1st Layer is the widest, the tail end is upward, the middle layer is smooth, slightly shorter than the first layer. . The bottom layer shoulder plate is slightly retracted and fits close to the sides of the robot arm.

Different from metallic texture of general Mecha, its body is more like a work of art carved from sapphire, and it is the most beautiful royal blue. At some corners, also touches the looming purplish gold. In the sky, thunder and lightning reflected, it exudes a magnificent luster throughout. When chestplate was closed and Lan Jue was inhaled, it suddenly burst into a strong violet thunder glow, like a ball of lightning.

Ke’er and Lin Guoguo eyes both radiate fanaticism, murmuring its name, “Thor! Thor!”

Yes, this is Zeus’ Thor!

Two huge Mecha, which are enlarged versions of Michael and Lan Jue, confront each other in the air, Angel of War exudes a strong golden red light, waved his right hand in front of him, and a huge golden lightsaber appeared in his grasp. in.

top level Mecha is much more singular than the ordinary Mecha Combat method, because the protection capabilities of top level Mecha are super strong, general laser weapons or long-range attack weapons are almost impossible to cause them damage. Therefore, most of top level Mecha is famous for its powerful defense, super strong speed, and horrible melee attack power. Most of their fighting methods are melee. The competition is the handling ability of Mecha Pilot.

Thor As soon as I raised my hand, a light radiated from each end of the huge palm, turning into a double-stroke with a length of thirty meters battle lance , battle lance As if thunder and lightning Shape, exuding a faint blue luster.

The six wings behind Angel of War are erected, and the huge energy fluctuations suddenly bloom outward. The light and shadow flashed, and it reached the front of Thor. giant sword in his hand made a mysterious trajectory and cut to Thor. The front end of the giant sword suddenly ejected a strong golden red flame and turned it into sword glow. It was Thor near immediately.

Esper conducts its ability power through energy gem inside Mecha. The combat power of Mecha and Esper ability are still closely related, and also related to the quality of various energy gems in Mecha.

Thor‘s body moved horizontally, battle lance in the hand was a little bit in the air, a strange scene appeared, Thor, the spear by no means, was directed to Angel of War‘s golden sword, but the golden sword was sent directly up, just on the blade of the sword.

“Ding!” The crisp sound is like a sonic weapon general, spreading outward.

Gabriel, Raphael, Lin Guoguo and Ke’er, all quickly flew backwards, widening the distance from the battlefield. The battle between top level Mecha can reach a much larger range than Esper battle.

Angel of War was extremely uncomfortable with this spear. His body shook a bit in the air and was slightly unstable.

Thor shook his shoulders, his whole body electric glow flickered, and he had hit Angel of War.

Angel of War does not have dodge. Dodge at this time will inevitably fall into the downwind. It quickly lifted own‘s left arm, and the metal spikes on the elbows turned outwards. The spikes flickered in gold and red and aimed at Thor‘s shoulder.

Looking at it, the two collided together, but at this time, the Thor suddenly paused for a thousandth of a second, but it avoided the Angel of War elbow spikes. Sheng moment. Then he hit it fiercely.


Angel of War was impacted and flew backwards in the air, Thor was also affected, and it was in the air.

battle lance and golden sword also touched again. The two raging energies mixed and raged, leaving a large light in the air.

Thor has an additional dent on the left shoulder and shoulders, but the spikes on the elbows of Angel of War have disappeared, and the body is still flashing with electric glow. There was a “buzzing” sound all over.

Extreme Tremor!” Angel of Death Gabriel whispered.

Michael suffers. Extreme Tremor was used at the moment of the collision, and the strongest point of Angel of War could be avoided before. Zeus has already reached such a point with control of Mecha.”

Thor‘s eyes brightened, battle lance came out of his hand, and turned into an electric rush straight to Angel of War. It also shook itself and accelerated in the air instantly, even catching up with battle lance when it was too late, and came to Angel of War, battle lance pointed directly at Angel of War‘s chest.

Angel of War raised his head sharply, and the lightsaber cut in his hands, trying to hit the battle lance, but its movement was significantly slower. battle lance has appeared on its chest. The location is exactly the cockpit.

Even if it is a powerful Ninth Level 9th Layer Esper, it is impossible to use the own body to resist the blow of the top level Mecha weapon!

The lightsaber cut by Angel of War suddenly paused in the air. It should have contacted its breastplate first moment at battle lance and flew it, but it was a beat.

Thor‘s powerful battle lance, stepping on the dazzling thunder glow, so stiffly pierced into the chestplate of Angel of War.

But also in same time, Angel of War‘s golden red glow skyrocketed, and an extremely horrifying attraction burst out from it. Thor‘s action of wanting to hit back immediately was stopped. That golden red had been transmitted to it.


Favorite, recommend. There will be an update after 12 o’clock tonight, and tomorrow will be Oh.

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