Skyfire Avenue Chapter 877: Turn the world

The fuchsia light appeared behind Lan Qing almost immediately. The fuchsia prince cut off with his right hand and went straight to the back of Lan Qing.

With his Almighty level cultivation, if this palm is hit, Lan Qing will be ignored.

Luo Xianni was chased after the next moment, and her attacks followed. The Purple Prince only has a momentary effort, and in the case of Luo Xianni looking for it slightly, if he insists on hitting Lan Qing, he will definitely encounter a heavy blow from Luo Xianni.

However, at this time he couldn’t help it, and taking away Divine Sword was the most important thing.

This sudden change was anticipated by does not have.

When Lan Qing felt that behind him was wrong, the huge power in the field of birth and death had been extremely powerful in his behind, and his body locked could not move at all. The gap between cultivation is too large, and it is impossible to break free.

At this moment of extreme danger, Executing Immortal Sword in the hands of Lan Qing suddenly turned into a glaucoma, which was immediately behind him, with the blade outward, and the cyan sword glow spurted out. Although there is only one, but the strong sharp atmosphere, but can not help but change the purple prince.

Executing Immortal Sword is not only Lan Qing capable of control, but also Sword Spirit Li Ke which is truly integrated into Executing Immortal Sword, it can also be control.

Li Ke and Jun Yongye are different. Jun Yongye and them are the sword spirits born from Divine Sword itself. They are more of a consciousness and are part of Divine Sword. Relatively speaking, they are still Divine Sword control, mainly Divine Sword.

However, Li Ke itself was a human. The existence of the soul imprint of also. After he integrated into Executing Immortal Sword, his soul imprint will gradually disappear and merge with Executing Immortal Sword. But before that, he had been the Executing Immortal Sword master after all, and he was quite strong against Executing Immortal Sword. Control.

This control was just revealed. At the most critical moment, controls Executing Immortal Sword flipped. At the same time, he directly used Executing Immortal Sword to extract the energy in the Lan Qing body, shot sword glow out, and unicomed the idea of ​​Lan Qing.

The purple red prince has already made a decision, and his body flashed away from the front. After all, this palm was shot by does not have.

Although it will inevitably hit Lan Qing, Executing Immortal Sword is too sharp. He will also be injured, and it is impossible to capture Executing Immortal Sword. The full attack of Luo Xianni in the back is too powerful, which will cause irreversible damage to him. In the balance, he had to opt out temporarily.

Even with the calmness of Lan Qing, he can’t help but sweat in the back. He knows that he is hovering around the edge of life and death.

However, he is a generation of handsome men. The pressure that danger brought him quickly turned into power, his eyes flickered, his lips buzzed, and his voice began to flow.

Don’t forget, he is not just the marshal of space fortress, nor is he just a Hua Alliance general. At the same time, he was also one of the Four Divine Monarchs.

In the beginning, he led the Stellar Alliance led by Four Divine Monarchs and Clairvoyant in the Mecha battle. In the end, he almost won the battle. The fundamental reason is to control the battlefield. His intelligence and commanding ability can be used on the battlefield at any level.

There is a sudden change in the battlefield on your own side. The Driver and other people who were entangled with the purple red emperor Almighty level clone suddenly retreated. The battlefield over there was vacated.

Two positron cannon swept past, making the slightly dazzling Reaver dull. Human beings Paragon also took advantage of this opportunity to gather together.

Lan Qing is surrounded by everyone, not only to protect him, but also to make him better deployed.

“Supreme Charm!” The Lan Qing mantra changed again. The Great Sun Tathāgata mantra merged to make his body swell quickly. The power brought by the Dharma has made the surrounding areas of life and death become illusory.

A big clock appears on the palm of Great Sun Tathāgata, the color halo spreads. time flow rate suddenly changed wonderfully.

At this time, they have only four opponents facing Paragon, a Almighty-level purple red emperor clone, also three All-Encompassing-level plunder Samsung clone, and one of them clone was injured.

On the other side, Luo Xianni has entangled the Purple Prince again, and the battle between the two sides has entered a more intense state.

The four predatory Samsung clones are all at ease. Looking at so many human powers on the opposite side, they all slightly retreated. However, in this battle, they cannot retreat, and plundering Samsung has given a death order, and they must recapture Divine Sword.

The purple red emperor clone at the Almighty level turned the palm of his hand, and the light on his body gradually changed to purplish gold. The other three clones flew towards him. The gathering of the four major clones is also full of breath.

But at this moment, human Paragon moved. First launched, by no means is Lan Qing, not Pharmacist. It’s Driver.

Driver‘s Paragon title is directly used by his original Mecha name, the electric **** magic wand, he has always liked this name, eye-piercing purple thunder electric glow mang heavenshaking, magnificent. When this electric glow bursts, the breath of Zixiao divine thunder spreads to a great extent.

The four looters Samsung clone only felt that a strong oppression was coming, and their breath was affected to a considerable extent.

The expansion of Zixiao divine thunder is huge. It seems that by no means is for attack, just to cover them that’s all.

Lan Qing and Pharmacist flew out to the forefront of Paragon. It seems that they are a bit like two to four.

A soft blue halo fell on them, and the breath of both of them rose, which was an increase from Sea Emperor. At the same time, the blue halo also appeared immediately after Zixiao divine thunder, but this blue halo appeared at the feet of four predators Samsung clone, making them seem to be trapped in a muddy swamp general, speed subject to influences.

Even though their cultivation has been affected by by no means, it has been affected by several Paragon fields, making them heart uneasy.

The Almighty level Reaver finally couldn’t help but take the lead.

He punched out very cautiously, the condensed force of life and death turned into a ball of light the size of a bowl, went straight to Lan Qing, and Lan Qing had the Divine Sword they wanted, and they knew that. The Purple Prince has told them through spiritual thought that they will cooperate with each other and take this Divine Sword, and then leave the battlefield.

So, his attack went straight to the Lan Qing, weakening the enemy first, and it will work best when he is fully engaged.

With the flash of silver light, strange changes suddenly appeared on the entire battlefield. The human Paragons, which was originally focused on the front, suddenly disappeared without warning, all disappeared, and disappeared completely.

Because of prudence and being weakened by various fields, the attacking purple red emperor clone locked Lan Qing, but by no means used his full strength.

When the silver light flashed, he clearly felt that the own lock was being acted on by several forces at the same time, and it was erased directly.

The target does not have, his attack naturally fell into the air. When silver light lights up again, the public Paragon has shown a ring shape surrounding them.

Countless vines suddenly emerged from the void, rushing frantically to four looted Samsung clone, led by clone, the vines shattered.

The form of siege is obviously the last thing they want to face, it is almost subconscious. He immediately rushed in one direction with three All-Encompassing level clones. He must break through the siege first.

He is also very confident. Although these humans are not weak and in large numbers, they can never stop them from breaking out. Therefore, their encirclement should be does not have in any sense.

As they started, the entire interior suddenly changed into a halo, and red rays of silk were densely scattered in this area. At the same time, mud was sinking under their feet. Numerous silver space crack and those red rays of silk appeared. The color halo also shrouded over them, making their speed slow.

Almost instantaneously, more than seven kinds of field capabilities of control weaken, block and appear in this space.

Although the four top level Reaver are amazing in strength, in this case can not help but be a bit slow. Only by relying on his strong field of birth and death to break the blockade.

The removal was smooth, but their speed breakthrough was naturally limited.

The purple-red emperor clone eyes in the Almighty level has completely turned into purplish gold, and he has made a strong attack. His cultivation is absolutely second to none in this area of ​​the warring parties. Anyone in does not have can compete with him. Although there were obstacles in front of him, he still rushed out.

Finally, the whole body was light, and the barrier in front completely disappeared. He rushed out first and turned into a purplish red light burst out ten miles in an instant. First, he opened the distance from those human Paragons, then It is the second and third.

Um?” The purple red emperor clone suddenly felt wrong, and he turned back suddenly.

Human Paragon by no means is still in the same place, but his partner has been changed from the original three. I do n’t know when it will become two.

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