Skyfire Avenue Chapter 845: Army

The situation on the battlefield is always changing rapidly. One minute is enough for Lan Qing to arrange a lot of things.

The right-wing Reaver was blocked by the “Swamp”, the left-wing Reaver army was bombarded by the human coalition forces, and the large front Reaver vaporized instantly. Produced great lethality.

From the perspective of the overall strength, Reaver is still slightly superior, because the number of top level Reaver is more than that of human Paragon.

However, after the last battle, the number of ordinary Reavers, which are inferior to top level Reaver, has been greatly reduced. Humans are not too disadvantaged.

On the one hand, there is a “Swamp” barrier, and on the other hand, the human army is attacking with all its strength. The war between the two sides began, and the human side took a certain advantage.

A dark golden light illuminates on the right wing. Vaguely, there seems to be a voice shouting, “Big, big, big!” I saw that the light was getting stronger and stronger, it was actually a metal pillar, a metal pillar There are five big letters looming.

If! meaning! gold! hoop! Baton!

The giant pillar extends to tens of thousands of meters in a blink of an eye. It slowly falls in one direction and then swept suddenly!

The Reaver on the right wing has been affected by the swamp and has to bypass that area. Relatively speaking, the formation is relatively scattered, most of which are concentrated above the “swamp”.

The giant pillar swept over, and the first Reaver was broken in front of a crushing force. The other energy of that giant pillar does not have is the pure and horrifying power, the power that can make space collapse.

Sweeping thousands! Simple and straightforward.

Absolute Emperor was cold-faced, with dark golden hairs appearing on his body, and the whole body was looming. Ruyi’s golden hoop indeed attacked under his control.

From the beginning, Lan Qing knew that if it was a hard fight, it would be the same words as the previous battle. The opportunities for the human coalition will be very slim. Even if the victory is finally achieved, the remaining power may not be enough to destroy the plunder of Samsung.

So he used a completely different tactic today than before.

Reaver is also a higher intelligence creature, which is true. However, it is different from humans. Almost all of their wisdom is used to kill, devour, and elevate themselves.

Human does not have they are so persistent. But human beings belong to the own culture. In each field, human beings have different degrees of research.

For example, art of war! As early as in ancient times, Ancient China has a long history of famous military books such as Sun Yi’s art of war and thirty-six tactics. The military methods recorded in these military books, even if they are put in the present, are also outdated by by no means.

Lan Qing is using a variant version of Tianji’s horse racing method today.

Isn’t your top level strong? in this aspect. We are indeed worse than you. Then, I will use my strengths to avoid weaknesses, and attack the enemy with my strengths.

The biggest advantage of the human coalition is the attack distance. The attack distance of space fortress, even the Esper page of the Almighty level, cannot be compared. This is what Absolute Emperor told Lan Qing long ago.

In terms of the number of top level Esper, humans occupy an absolute disadvantage, and the human army has the same advantage as does not have, but at least. Judging from the comparison between the military and ordinary Reaver, the difference is as far as by no means.

In this case. The strategy formulated by Lan Qing is to first destroy its minions, isolate its strong, and then concentrate its efforts to eliminate these top level Reaver.

The main gun of the dinosaur space fortress is containment. And inside the pole number space fortress, in fact, there is only Luo Xianni one Paragon that’s all.

Absolute Emperor has long been hidden in space, waiting for opportunities. As for the other Paragon

After the round of twelve Cosmic Fleet volleys by the Human Allied Forces ended, all illusory figures appeared silently within the range of the left Reaver army.

These figures all release terrifying energy waves.

The two positron cannons exploded almost at the same time, as if there were two little suns in the universe. Immediately after, Paragons including Wine Master, Watchmaker, Terminator, Pontiff, Beggar, Driver, two major Wine God, Gourmet, etc. were shot almost simultaneously.

Releasing their power without reservation.

Facing these ordinary Reavers with the strength of Paragon is undoubtedly dominant, and can cause heavy damage to the enemy. All they consume is energy.

This series of changes has occurred in just a few dozen seconds.

When the Purple Prince and Princess Zihong reacted, the Reaver army on both sides had already suffered heavy losses.

Since the war with humans began, the early Reaver has always held the absolute upper hand, which also makes Reaver‘s estimate of humans lower. This is especially true after the battle of eight space fortress ended in heavy human losses.

This time Lan Qing led three space fortresss. At the beginning, does not have was seen by Reaver as eyes. With the development of time, although they also achieved certain results, in the view of Zihong Prince, these are among control .

It was not until the last two battles that humans were putting more and more pressure on them, and after the battles became difficult, he began to face up to this human army.

But he didn’t expect that humans would arrange such cunning tactics.

In fact, the original Lan Qing plan was a bit more complicated and could not achieve such good results. However, the Prince Zihong had some quick successes and made a powerful Reaver monster self-destruct attack, but instead gave the human army a chance.

Luo Xianni Who is that? One of the founders of Skyfire Avenue, she sent the purple-black light orb to the most suitable place, which created an excellent opportunity for the human coalition.

Under the anger, the purple prince yelled, does not have behind him joined a dozen top level Reaver who resisted the main gun of the dinosaur space fortress and quickly flew out. There were three towards Absolute Emperor, and the other group was on the other side Human Paragon flew in the direction. Try to stop their attacks.

At this time, the power of the main gun of the Dinosaur space fortress is declining, and the purple prince eyes is full of cruel and cold light. The enemy can rush into his own camp and kill the ring. Naturally, he can also rush into the human Cosmic Fleet to do the same thing.

However, at this moment, a blue light and shadow suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and six huge blue light orbs appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Sovereign of the Seas space fortress, weak water cannon!

Because of the strong light and strong energy fluctuations of the main gun of the dinosaur space fortress, these top level Reaver can’t feel the specific position of the Zhongji space fortress. The first thing the Purple Prince should do is to determine the most threatening Where is the enemy. But before he did, the weak water cannon of Sovereign of the Seas space fortress had already arrived.

Want to move? Not so easy!

The power of the six weak water cannonballs is not comparable to that of the Dinosaur space fortress gun. The resources needed to make this weak water cannonball are very high. And the amount of life energy exists in the energy itself, and the damage to Reaver is greater.

The Prince of Purple Red hasn’t slowed down yet and has to face another space fortress gun.

Because the power of the Dinosaur space fortress main gun has disappeared from does not have, he cannot dodge now. He suddenly felt that he was a bit cocoon-bound, and he should dodge when the first hit of the dinosaur space fortress, so that words, at least not fall so passively.

The main gun of Zhongji space fortress was also fired, just before the weak water gun arrived.

This time it was fired by Lan Qing‘s own control gun.

If you look closely, you will find that the outer ring of Zhongji space fortress during high-speed flight has a layer of golden brilliance, which is not the energy of space fortress itself, but the Great Sun Tathāgata phase of Lan Qing.

In human history, does not have has never been a Paragon to become Marshal space fortress, Lan Qing is the first. Therefore, only he can combine space fortress control with his own ability and principle.

The main gun issued by Zhongji space fortress is not the same as before. About one-third of the honeycomb muzzle at the front of the space fortress was mobilized, and dense orange-red beams burst out. These beams traced an arc in the air, and finally condensed a little. After the condensation, the original orange-red It suddenly turned into a very weird color.

Pink with a touch of orange and a pale golden halo. If you have to describe words, it seems to be the most appropriate to say that it is orange-gold.

Although the original orange-red light is bright, by no means is transparent. The beam formed after this condensation is only as large as the diameter emitted by an ordinary honeycomb muzzle, and is itself crystal clear. When it is emitted twice, it feels like an orange-gold crystal road.

Of all the mists known to humans, this is definitely the most beautiful.

But only those who really know it know that it is also the most devastating.

This attack has a name called Ultimate Ray!

In order to study this attack, Planet Anlun‘s middle pole space fortress did not know how much energy was consumed, and it was finally completed through a deduction of nearly ten years.

Compression without explosion, condensation and sublimation! This sentence can be used to describe the ultimate ray.

Lan Qing dares to bring the space fortress of the extreme pole to find the obscurity of plundering Samsung, naturally it must have some capital. The tactics of Zhongji space fortress are changeable, and the real power of also is his strongest reliance.

Sovereign of the Seas space fortress is made by the Vast Ocean Group. Spare no effort, spare no expense.

So, the space fortress of Zhongji is built by Hua Alliance, and it is also spared no expense! At the time, when designing and manufacturing this space fortress, because of the unique conditions of Planet Anlun, after careful deliberation and analysis by Hua Alliance scientists, it was finally concluded that this space fortress would become a nightmare of Northern Alliance . At least the equivalent of the Northern Alliance five space fortress combined strength. (To be continued.)

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