Skyfire Avenue Chapter 830: Go all out

The war between Paragon, only Paragon can really participate in it. The Paragon on the human side also added does not have to it, in fact, only Lan Qing, Hua Li (splendor), and Chu Cheng remained. All three are under command of war here.

Lan Qing frowns, Hua Li (splendor) nearby has a different voice, “No, you can’t go. You are our spiritual symbol, if something goes wrong, Sovereign of the Seas space fortress will collapse inside.”

No doubt, the sound comes from Mo Xiao, even if it is Lan Qing, you have to admit that Mo Xiao is right. Just like Zhongji space fortress must have him to take command. As a contemporary Sea Emperor, if Hua Li (splendor) leaves Sovereign of the Seas and there is a problem, then the army on the side of Vast Ocean Group will probably have a major problem.

Mo Xiao is right, you can’t go.” Lan Qing said in a deep voice.

Hua Li (splendor) anxiously said: “There is no finished egg under the nest. If there is a problem over there, can we withstand could it be? I have to go, A’Jue, they have been under too much pressure. I am It’s useless here. Mo Xiao, you keep a secret, don’t let anyone know that I left. “After saying this, Hua Li (splendor) hung up the communication.

Sovereign of the Seas space fortress.

“No, you can’t go!” Mo Xiao grabbed Hua Li (splendor), does not have was strong in his eyes, but full of begging.

Hua Li (splendor)‘s eyes were very firm. “I have to go. At this time, how can I abandon my brother? Also, whether this battle can win the final, our Paragon is very important. One more of me, said Maybe it’s the last straw that overwhelms the camel. “

Mo Xiao has nothing to say, but the Hua Li (splendor) she is holding has turned into a blue halo, and then it disappears in front of her.

Tears, surges out from Mo Xiao‘s beautiful eyes from control. In the depth of her eyes, there is a touch of deep sadness and unwillingness.

“Why? Why are you doing this to me? I’m already your wife!”

Sea Emperor was dispatched on this side, and on the other side, another person who had almost the same mind as him flew out at the same time.

One blue and one red, two figures appear in space the next moment.

ashen flame spurted out, the red figure just killed a blood path and flew into space. On the Hua Li (splendor) side, because of the power of the previous weak water cannon, the obstacles encountered are even smaller.

“I knew you couldn’t help it.” Hua Li (splendor) couldn’t help Haha laughing when he saw someone.

Chu Cheng snorted, “What can’t help it? This is the spirit of fearlessness. Don’t you think my brother is a hero?”

Hua Li (splendor) said disdainfully: “A hero or a bear, let’s talk on the battlefield. Come on!” The two turned into light and went straight to the battlefield on Paragon.

Although they are both Paragon at Law of Nature level, two more people can always share some pressure for themselves.

At the same time they left, the space fortress of Zhongji has changed again, but five minutes of time, 15,000 space fighters have once again appeared on the battlefield.

In the war just now, the space fighters of Zhongji space fortress lost more than one tenth, so the current actual number of also is about 13,000, even if it is such a quantity, it is so nervous. It can also play a nearly decisive role on the battlefield!

The reason why it is said to be fifteen thousand, because in addition to them, also and more than one thousand Mechas appeared on the battlefield at the same time.

Long distance transmission, it’s not just the Paragon who arrived, at the same time, also Skyfire Legion!

For this victory, the coalition has already deployed all available combat power. Skyfire Legion After the battle with Angel Star, less than an hour of rest before and after the teleportation here, continue to participate in this battle. But they have high morale. Finally, there is a place to use it. As long as they can go back alive, they will be human heroes in the future.

Skyfire Legion, the main force of Reaver that can block sneak attacks on the other side of the battlefield, has fully demonstrated their combat effectiveness. Although coming here, there is no longer the support of Paragons, but their combat effectiveness is not weak at all. With the space fortress, the situation was quickly stabilized. Make Reaver unable to rush into their own camp.

Lan Qing gave them a very simple order.

Although the firepower of the human coalition is intensive, it is not possible to block all Reaver. There will always be Reaver inrush. Once close, they are undoubtedly destructive. What Skyfire Legion has to do now is to use squads as a unit to intersperse the battlefield to eliminate these missing fish.

This fighting method is undoubtedly the most suitable for them. The individual combat power is strong. In fact, by no means is suitable for frontal battlefields. The Reaver to deal with these orders is like a fish.

So, with the addition of Skyfire Legion, the battlefield suddenly stabilized.

When Marshal Kang Hui saw that the space fighter over Zhongji space fortress had recharged into the battlefield with only five minutes of time recharging, it exclaimed directly.

“How is this possible?” It took more than twenty minutes for the space fighters on their side to re-enter the battlefield. Although the situation at the Vast Ocean group is unclear, it should also require a certain time. But why does the space fighter of Zhongji space fortress only need such a short time for charging? This has exceeded his knowledge of current technology.

This is a secret belonging to Hua Alliance. Of course Lan Qing cannot tell him. In fact, there is no way to copy the space fighters on the Zhongji space fortress, because each small space space fortress space fighter is equipped with a small ink element reactor, which absorbs the ink element inside space fortress as the driving force , Flying and fighting.

The ink element reactor itself cannot produce ink element, but it can use the energy of ink element to the maximum. The reactor itself cannot be stored for a long time, and the ink element will flow in it.

Simply speaking, these space fighters can only have combat effectiveness in the Zhongji space fortress. Once they leave, the combat effectiveness will disappear. Will become waste.

So, even Hua Alliance, there is no way to copy this way.

However, in the middle pole space fortress, they are effective killers. The missile is not equipped because the missile is affected by the ink element, which may cause unstable and may explode at any time. The radiation of the ink element is too strong.

But the speed charged by the Mo element reactor to the Mo element reactor is indeed far beyond the time of a normal space fighter. The entire charging process only takes three minutes, plus the space fighters fly back and then fly out, and the whole process is naturally enough in five minutes.

That’s what made this shocking scene.

Kang Hui was completely stunned for several seconds before returning to normal. In his heart, subconsciously increased the combat effectiveness against the pole space fortress. The space fighter can continue to be put on the battlefield. This kind of combat power is not the ordinary three-seater space fortress capable of fight. More do not say Lan Qing unpredictable tactical arrangements.

When the space fighter flew out again, the Zhongji space fortress also started to operate.

Now, it is the best time for the human coalition. The Reaver strong is divided into two parts, and some of them return to does not have after a sneak attack on Angel Star. The other part was temporarily entangled by human Paragon. For a while, he couldn’t put himself on the battlefield.

Although there are many Reaver on the battlefield at this time, the individual strength of does not have is too strong. In this case, indeed gives Reaver a great opportunity to make a big hit.

Lan Qing issued a command through the own special channel, “Battle Star status is on!”

In the space fortress, a harsh siren sounded suddenly, all personnel, all in place, if anyone can see the situation inside the Zhongji space fortress at this time, they will find that in this space fortress, everyone All were buckled onto the seat by metal seat belts. Not more resembles previous case.

Zhongji space fortress began to tremble slightly, and the inner ink element energy core began to emit huge energy fluctuations under special stimulation. The energy breath of unstable can be seen from far away.

The whole space fortress is constantly flashing orange-red unstable. The honeycomb muzzles slowly retracted, but the surface of space fortress was gradually covered with a layer of orange-red, which looked like the situation after the mid-pole solar cannon had erupted.

Mo Xiao, please Sovereign of the Seas space fortress also go all out to attack. If you want Hua Li (splendor) to come back safely, we must get enough results on our side.” Lan Qing‘s cold voice was accurately transmitted to Mo Xiao in the ear.

Mo Xiao coldly gave him a glance. She has always disliked the two brothers of Lan Qing and Lan Jue. But at that time, her personal grudges were able to become the helm of the Vast Ocean group. She had enough wisdom. And Lan Qing is right. If they want Hua Li (splendor) to return safely, then they must win.

Sovereign of the Seas space fortress, Trident mode is activated.”

Sovereign of the Seas space fortress shook slightly, and then, space fortress itself began to have wonderful changes. The original spherical space fortress began to expand outwards, and then the overall shape began to change.

This is a space fortress! Its changes are really noticeable.

Kang Hui is a bit silly inside the dinosaur space fortress. As the most traditional space fortress, the overall ability of the dinosaur space fortress is very balanced and has almost all the elements of the traditional space fortress.

However, the two space fortresss presented to him at this time are obviously by no means traditions. Zhongji space fortress doesn’t know what it is doing, but Sovereign of the Seas space fortress has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

In the process of continuous change, Sovereign of the Seas space fortress has gradually turned into a humanoid appearance, and a huge weapon appears in the hand, a golden trident-

To accompany my wife to the hospital for a review today, a lot of trivial things made me confused. I forgot to update in the afternoon. Fortunately, Nana reminded me, I am really sorry!

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