Skyfire Avenue Chapter 821: Skyfire meets

The Purple Prince snorted and waved again. This time, a large number of umbrella-shaped Reavers were scattered toward the surroundings, and then a tortoise-shaped Reaver was released, and it was slowly pressed towards the Skyfire Legion side.

The Prince of Purple is also very clear. It seems that these humans are not many in number, but their fighting power is not weak at all.

Lan Jue quietly issued an order.

The next moment, in the direction of the Angel Star, white lights suddenly rose and turned into huge beams of light, penetrating into space.

Planet orbit gun, launched for the first time!

Hundreds of hot rays passed through the air and headed straight for the Reaver army.

However, the Prince of Purple is also well prepared. The huge body of the giant monster under him swayed a little, and then a domineering thought burst out from it.

The surrounding Reaver seemed to be blown away instantly, spreading around. White lights rose up into the sky, but most of them fell into the air. Aiming and locking seemed to have any effect on these Reaver by no means.

Only a few rays fell on the tens of thousands of meters of beast, but there was an extra layer of **** general on the surface of the body. It stiffly blocked the bombardment of the planet orbiter, and simply then was not harmed. It’s like being tickled.

The enemy is unexpectedly powerful, but Lan Jue is called by by no means. Facing those tortoise-shaped Reaver, Lan Jue eyes narrowed slightly, nodded in one direction.

Skyfire Legion moved in the next moment, Skyfire Legion of more than a thousand people suddenly dispersed, and greeted them towards the turtle-shaped Reaver. This time, on the contrary, their own Paragon did not move, and the purple prince and Princess Zihong in the distance required it. Confront.

Tan Lingyun also commanded a team and found a turtle-shaped Reaver.

The Reaver‘s own attack capability by no means is too strong, but the defense power is extremely scary, and it can even bombard with the main gun of defense capital ship.

They are huge and slow in movement. Only defense is stronger, which is its characteristic.

Behind these turtle-shaped Reaver, there is a piece like 蜈蚣 general Reaver, and Skyfire Legion has just started to act. These 蜈蚣 Reavers are also launched at the same time, and eye-piercing purple-red rays are emitted. The angles of these rays are very tricky. Each light has a diameter of several meters, but it can accurately find a Mecha.

At this time, the combat power of Skyfire Legion was revealed.

Tan Lingyun controls own Mecha flew in the forefront, Mecha‘s toes were a little bit on the turtle-shaped Reaver, and it was already flying. Folding the weapon, Mecha draws two arcs in front of his hands, and suddenly, a turquoise light spread out. The light seemed very soft, but when it appeared, a turbulent flow suddenly appeared in this airspace. This turbulent flow was very strange. When the fuchsia light penetrated into it, it was actually refracted instantaneously, and many fell on the side of the turtle-shaped Reaver, but does not have fell a little on her side.

It’s not just her side, the other teams are also showing divine ability. For example, the team of Tang Xiao, his own controls Mecha directly turned into a shield through metal alienation, and funnyly, the shape of this shield actually resembled the shell of the turtle-shaped Reaver, so it blocked the attack of Reaver.

A lot of these Reavers attacking in the front are huge, and the attack and defense are very strong. But this strength is also limited to a certain range. They are very effective when faced with warship, but not with Skyfire Legion.

by no means is a hard block for each team. The also has some team’s response is more intelligent.

The diameter of the tortoise Reaver is over 100 meters. Although heavy, the defense force is extremely amazing. The largest human Mecha is more than twenty meters high.

Lan Jue Seeing, a team of ten Mecha rushed forward, overturned a tortoise shell Reaver, and used its body as a shield to block the Reaver attack.

The most powerful part of this turtle-shaped Reaver is the crustacean defense. It is not easy for humans to break. Why is Reaver itself?

The turtle’s shell is very hard, but by no means means that all parts of the body are hard. The carapace has holes. It is like a turtle and naturally has limbs. This is the flaw and the crux.

Skyfire Legion‘s action is very fast. It seems that in space only flashes of light of different colors, but only for a while, the turtle-shaped Reaver in space has been unable to fly, and their bodies are suspended there. Many turtle-shaped Reavers have lost their lives. Many life crystals have even been pulled out. More tortoise plundering and being used as a shield by Skyfire Legion, simply then does not fight with those 蜈蚣 Reaver, 蜈蚣 Reaver‘s attack will not be tricky, and it will not turn. Take them does not have in any way.

Hundreds of turtle-shaped Reavers have been solved in this way, and the face of the Prince Zihong has become a bit ugly.

These humans are really a bit embarrassing.

Seeing Lan Jue, he was actually a bit jealous. When Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin broke through, he clearly felt the terrible atmosphere. Even now, there are still fears.

So, his does not have is anxious to attack, but now it seems that ordinary Reaver is very difficult to attack the opponent. When did the defense of the tortoise Reaver become so vulnerable? Even if they are not carapace, are their bodies defense so bad?

The defense of the tortoise Reaver is certainly not bad, but what they encounter is the combination of human Esper, ability and Mecha. The destructive power of energy is most suitable for Reaver, a creature that depends on the amount of life energy. Much better than pure energy attacks.

It is for this reason that these turtle-shaped Reaver simply then does not have play their due role.

Fuchsia Prince finally moved. With a big wave of his hand, a layer of fuchsia light burst out from him, and all the surrounding Reaver were shrouded in this light. Under the shroud of light, the eyes of Reaver have become deeper purple, one by one, the volume is even slowly expanding, and the fierce gas has become stronger.

Does it increase?

A smile on reveals in the corner of Lan Jue mouth. could it be we will not?

Needless to say at all, Zhou Qianlin has released a white halo on his body.

this period of time, she has always been in a dilemma where the power of Belief is too huge. Can’t wait to release some energy.

The power of Belief is a rather pure energy. It is very difficult to compress it. If you change it to Pontiff words, I would like to have so much Belief power to improve myself cultivation. However, the power of Belief that he obtained before is far worse than that of Zhou Qianlin now.

For Belief of Pontiff Citadel, people are more at ease, but they are completely different for Zhou Qianlin. It is a life-saving grace, and it is like the savior general exists! In this case, they gave their utmost sincerity to this Belief, how can they not let the cultivation of Zhou Qianlin soar sharply?

The white halo is covered, and the closest 蜈蚣 Reaver is also covered to some extent. Suddenly, their bodies seemed to be immersed in the oil pan general, and in a harsh scream, a large amount of purple-red air began to evaporate from them, and they quickly turned around and ran away.

Even if it is the order of the Purple Prince, there is no way to order them at this time. Completely instinctive in reaction and fear.

On the human side, after Skyfire Legion is shrouded in Goddess Domain, everyone obviously feels that the energy consumption of own is rapidly recovering, and even a wonderful feeling of also. It seems that there is nothing in the space that is related to their power. And interact with their ability. An unprecedented powerful feeling appeared to them instantly.

The stronger Esper of cultivation all vaguely understands that this seems to be the legendary principle, and they feel the change of principle that belongs to own. Although it is very rare, it is the best increase for them at present.

Just like when Lan Jue had the God King Transformation God King spirits, they were able to challenge them, and now they are in this state. Comprehensive and substantial increase!

Lan Jue proposed to let Skyfire Legion engage in space warfare, of course. Skyfire Legion Now the Captain of each team has reached the level of Ninth Level Esper, Mecha is tailor-made, and can cooperate with their ability to produce a strong enough combat effectiveness. In the face of most Reaver, it can still play a role.

But this is second. With the combat power of Skyfire Legion, it is undoubtedly impossible to block the Reaver army directly. How powerful the Reaver army is, even if a few Cosmic Fleets are left behind, they are even more do not say.

The planetary defense system can play a very important role, no doubt, but if the force of the positive resistance is too weak, it will still have no effect.

The public Paragon is the real main force. In a sense, the role of Skyfire Legion is to assist the public Paragon. So, whether they can survive is very important.

Lan Jue made Zhou Qianlin try her domain’s influence on ordinary Esper before she proposed to Lan Qing for Skyfire Legion to conduct space warfare.

Surprise! At that time, the answer obtained by Lan Jue was these two words.

Under the role of Goddess Domain, ordinary Esper can temporarily feel the principle belonging to their ability. Although it is impossible to master, they can also greatly improve their strength. The control of principle allows them to improve their combat effectiveness in an instant Thirty percent is no problem.

At the same time, recovery capacity has also been greatly improved. It can be said that the existence of Zhou Qianlin is equivalent to providing an amplification system and a logistics support system for the entire Skyfire Legion. In this case, the legion’s survivability was greatly improved.

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