Skyfire Avenue Chapter 803: Hit and kill!

Lan Jue said: “Brother will continue to press up. You just saw that Reaver responded because of the arrival of our three space fortresss. Then, in this case, three space fortress Keep getting closer, their response should be greater. It is even possible to give up the Hell star. Because if they want to delay time, they will not fight us head-on. So, I think we will have a better chance. “

Luo Xianni, after thinking about it, nodded: “Okay, listen to you, then we will wait.”

time passed by one minute and one second. The outside Reaver seems to be constantly moving. Only the Prince Zihong has been suspended there.

Compared to the last time he saw him, the energy fluctuation by no means around the body of Zihong Prince has changed, but Lan Jue always feels that there is something more on him. To be precise, he now seems to feel more like a human.

Reaver have devoured so many human lives, studied more human genes, and should have performed a series of converts on the own body.

Lan Jue took a look at time, Lan Qing does not have told him how much it would be pressed, but gave him an accurate press of time. At the time point, the three space fortresss will retreat. also is less than an hour away from that time point.

Obviously, the closer the space fortress is to the Hell star, the more likely Reaver will respond.

time A little past, the outside Reaver has not changed much. The mother animal below is still surging constantly, and the thick tentacles are swinging constantly, exuding a strong breath.

does not have Reaver will be close to it, it seems to be fearing something, but there are many Reavers in the Purple Prince nearby.

Waiting sometimes is a kind of suffering, which is obviously the case at present. But the situation at hand must wait, waiting for the best out of the phone.

Finally, watching time coming soon, Lan Jue suddenly caught, the expression on the face of the Prince Zihong moved. The next moment, he waved his arm.

Suddenly, a large amount of Reaver around began to soar into the sky.

Are you leaving?

Lan Jue heart moves slightly.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that the two of them looked like general in essence.

“Not good!” Lan Jue gave a low drink, and the blue light on his body was loud. Luo Xianni also reacted to first moment. The pink light flashed. Six people have moved to another place out of thin air and also appeared in the space outside.

A fuchsia pierced through the parallel space where they were previously. Wherever the fuchsia light went, the overwhelming coercion had fallen from the sky.

Now it is no longer thinking about how they were discovered. The fastest response is Luo Xianni, the highest of cultivation. The pink light flashes again. The other five people have appeared hundreds of meters away from nothing.

The fist of the purple prince had already reached the front of Luo Xianni at this time, and passed through the body of Luo Xianni, but when his fist passed through, he was surprised to find that Luo Xianni‘s body was twisted a bit, and then everything around him changed rapidly. He It seemed that he was caught in a vortex in an instant. When he got out of the vortex, he was already in outer space. It was already dark.

The pink halo came from all directions in an instant, and the horrible lethality of space‘s fragmentation said that everything around his body was locked.

“Quick!” Luo Xianni sounded in the ears of five people including Lan Jue. In fact, when they watched Luo Yan and your box the Red Prince disappeared together, they already started to act.

A dozen or so huge tentacles have smashed over them. Each tentacle has a huge suction cup. The tentacles have not arrived yet. What is even more weird is that this suction by no means is sucking their bodies, but makes them feel that the amount of own life energy is pouring out in an instant, even if they want to leave.

The female beast below has already stood upright, the huge body is full of evil protrusions, and the huge purple and black tentacles are waving wildly with amazing energy fluctuations. Everything around space turned purple.

In this fuchsia area, their life energy will also be distorted.

You know, the five people of Lan Jue are Paragon, and control is extremely powerful. Even if so, their life energy volume is still pouring. It is conceivable what would happen if ordinary people changed here. I’m afraid I’ll be sucked into it by an instant.

Pharmacist snorted, a white light soared into the sky, sword glow of sharp instantly turned into thousands of light and shadows to cut around. Law followed, and the killing area was released. The surging murderous aura is like the waves general wanting surges out in all directions.

Driver also moved, and his realm was raised to be close to the heavens and the earth, which greatly enhanced his cultivation, especially the understanding of Zixiao divine thunder. After passing the real Zixiao divine thunder into the body, let him There is an opportunity for real insight.

A layer of purple grid, which looks very fine, spread out from him, covering everyone. As soon as the first few tentacles touched the power grid, they rebounded quickly, and the suction cups of the tentacles fell off quickly, as if they had encountered the strongest corrosion.

Beggar shook his body, but he had reached a distance, his hands folded on his chest, and the dragon-rohan method emerged from behind. Then, his hands turned skyward, and a golden dragon suddenly began to bloom outward from his body.

Beggar disappeared out of thin air, the golden dragon rose into the sky, the wind swelled, and in a blink of an eye it has become a giant golden dragon with a length of more than ten thousand meters. A loud dragon yelled out, shining the surrounding area into a golden color, with a strong breath, greeted the Reavers who were falling fast in the sky.

Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin look at each other and share their thoughts. Two sword glows appeared in front of them at the same time.

Lan Jue held Trapping Immortal Sword. Suddenly, the surrounding space pieces collapsed, Zhou Qianlin held Severing Immortal Sword, and thousands of blue sword glows emerged. As soon as the two handles Divine Sword came out, coupled with the crazy killing intent of Slaying Immortal Sword, the tentacles of those female beasts shivered a little, not as aggressive as more resembles previously.

The front of Slaying Immortal Sword in the hands of Pharmacist, the back of the French phase to do the same action. Her body and law phase merged into one instantly, Slaying Immortal Sword increased by a hundredfold, and a sword emptied into the air.

A brilliant white light flashed, and the sky was colored and black and white. Life and death are separated, and the Heaven and Earth color changes instantly.

Dozens of tentacles came to a halt, disintegrating in the black and white area, and the vitality dried up instantly.

The mother beast growled wildly under severe pain. However, its tentacles are also growing with amazing speed.

In the entire Reaver system, the female animal is definitely one of the top existences. As long as it has the support of life energy, as long as its body is not beheaded instantly, then it can recover.

The severed tentacles recovered quickly, but they dared not move forward. The Pharmacist cut out by one sword swayed up, the French phase broke out, thousands of sword glow soared into the sky, and climbed up from around the golden dragon, indeed million swords.

Fan Tianji Wanjianjue is no longer the same as the original Wanjianjue. Each sword glow hole penetrated a body of only Reaver. For every Reaver penetrated by sword glow, numerous fine cracks appeared on the body, and then the body slowly collapsed. They were all killed by that terrible murderous aura.

The killing field cooperates with Slaying Immortal Sword, and its terrible killing power is invincible. With the promotion of cultivation to the level of French heaven and earth, there is no doubt that the killing field of Pharmacist has also made great progress.

Two figures have already reached the sky above the mother beast.

Behind Lan Jue, a majestic light and shadow emerged, a white suit, a purple crown, and a indeed Middle Heaven Great Emperor of The North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety method.

Behind Zhou Qianlin, she is also a French appearance of a stunning woman, indeed her Goddess French appearance.

The two major laws appear, and Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin by no means are directly integrated into it, but they are holding a long sword in front of their fingers.

It’s just a simple action, suddenly twisted sharply in the sky. A touch of colorful halo spread out instantly, centered on their bodies.

Trapping Immortal Sword stabbed slowly, and the golden red sword glow emerged with golden characters, pointing out the Middle Heaven Great Emperor of The North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety method behind him. Suddenly, a blue mang shot out, landed on Trapping Immortal Sword, and Trapping Immortal Sword issued a slight buzz , Every red electric mang came out with the sword.

A faint white light mist fell from the sky. The light mist of the Goddess method engulfed the two of Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin, and the principle fluctuation of the two was instantly enhanced by a geometric multiple.

Wanliu Chaohai Yuanyuan Sword Technique!

A thousand swordsmanship!

The swords are combined, the world is invincible!

With the two swords coming out, a colorful sword glow descends from the sky, and falls with an unparalleled grandeur.

The moment the sword glow appeared, the body of the purple prince in the battle with Luo Xianni suddenly shocked. eyes reveals has an incredible look.

Luo Xianni also subconsciously looked at the surface of Devil Star, but a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

The Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin swords are nowhere to be found, and they are completely natural. At Lan Jue eyes, at this time Zhou Qianlin‘s ever-changing swordsmanship became more agile. Two people heart, only the other side, heart to heart, two swords together!

Feeling the crisis, the giant tentacles of the female animal quickly coiled together and turned into a magenta giant pillar soaring into the sky, trying to resist the sword glow.

However, where the colorful light passes, the giant pillar is broken, and it is impossible to stop the sword glow. It was a modest gesture.

Like the groundbreaking general, stabbing at the mother beast.

“Oh!” The body of the female animal was punctured instantly, and the colorful sword glow spread along with it. On the ground, every sword glow reflected so much and turned into a thousand swords .–

The hardest time has passed. After the storm, there will always be a rainbow! Thank you all for your blessings. Love you forever, holding the computer in the ward, I will not break. Because you are just as important to me as my family general.


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