Skyfire Avenue Chapter 796: control situation

The Great Emperor landed smoothly on the surface of the Angel Star, the hatch opened, and Skyfire Legion quickly rushed out to form a formation. {We do n’t write novels, we are just web text porters. –

This time, the human army landed on by no means to install the planet’s defense system on the planet, because this time the army simply then does not have carried those resources. Restoring planetary occupation is the first step, and then catching humans with genetic mutations, which is their top priority.

This work is also easier than by no means compared to fighting Reaver.

Lan Jue has just transmitted a battle picture of mutant humans, showing the extraordinary effects of these mutants.

It is difficult to kill them by no means, maybe only a laser can complete them, but they are all humans and compatriots! Where possible, it is difficult to catch as much as possible.

Fortunately, the last reconnaissance of Lan Jue brought back a lot of valuable things. Through the experiments of mutants brought back last time, the human army brought some weapons specifically targeted at them this time. The main purpose of these weapons is to capture them.

“Begin operations, there must be no less than five teams in each area, keep communication at all times, each team Captain Increase your attention. Be prepared. ” Su Xiaosu Gave an order, Skyfire Legion first moment Act, in radar Search with the help of.

The Great Emperor took off again, suspended in the sky, cooperated with Operation Skyfire Legion, and used its powerful radar to find the existence of mutant humans.

Other landing fleets have also arrived. The landing was very smooth, and by no means encountered what it was like on Monte Monte. The Reaver retreat seems to be very thorough, and they have obviously given up on the planet.

The pink in the sky is getting richer, and the figure of Luo Xianni has begun to become denser. The deep Brahma did not know when it started to sound. This sound listens to what by no means sounds in human ears, but in the Brahman singing, those mutant humans have begun to change.

When Skyfire Legion found the first mutants, it was on a street in the city, and a large number of mutants were coming in their direction.

After these human mutations, their physical abilities have increased by a factor of no more than before, and they can climb the building. Crossing various terrains, also‘s superb jumping power and powerful attack methods. Some mutants also derived capabilities similar to ability, which are very powerful.

Skyfire Legion‘s long-range attack began first, with large blocks of light orb flying out of their Mecha. After these light orbs flew out, they quickly opened up and became one by one the power grid, descending from the sky.

The mutant is shrouded by the power grid and immediately trembles violently under strong high-voltage electrical stimulation. Then lose the ability to move.

This is a very effective control method for mutant humans. It will not really hurt them, but it will temporarily lose their resistance.

Soon, under the powerful firepower of Skyfire Legion, a large number of mutants began to slump.

However, at this moment, the Brahma singing from Luo Xianni appeared in the sky.

Listening to the sound of Brahma, the soldiers of Skyfire Legion only felt that heart was peaceful and unspeakable, and the whole person was refreshed. But those mutant humans are holding their heads in both hands. Struggling in pain, then the body gradually solidified and remained motionless.

For such a situation, the soldiers of Skyfire Legion are also very surprised, but in any case, this is a great thing for them.

Soon, the Emperor captured these mutant humans.

The same situation began to appear in every corner of the Angel Star, and a large number of mutants stopped in the Sanskrit chant of Luo Xianni. Loss of mobility.

When Lan Jue learned all this through the communicator, it was five minutes later, and he looked at him sitting cross-legged in surprise, as if everything was does not have old lady. suddenly, heart can’t help but be full of admiration. It is indeed old lady! Promotions are so domineering, could it be said, can old lady control the entire planet?

However. Lan Jue quickly figured out this situation. This situation may seem sudden, but in fact, it is also normal.

He advanced from Esper to Paragon, which inspired the idea of ​​Middle Heaven Great Emperor of The North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety, and he possessed his own powerful body. Which caused the effect at that time.

old lady This is a promotion from the All-Encompassing level to the Almighty level! This is a two-level advancement. In the process of advancement, the explosion of old lady‘s strength is also normal.

Moreover, Lan Jue and by no means are clear. After reaching the level of Almighty, in the event of a full-scale explosion, what strength can the combat force achieve. He had never seen what Dad looked like when he broke out.

So all this by no means is impossible.

The fact is true for indeed. In the process of advancement, Luo Xianni quickly entered the state and discovered the wonders of Goddess Transformation, which made her old fears disappear.

She has already been on the verge of promotion. It was Absolute Emperor who helped her suppress the realm that does not have really advanced.

Absolute Emperor is the top genius for thousands of years, and finally entered the realm of Almighty. And the talent of Luo Xianni, actually by no means is much worse than him. As one of the founders of Skyfire Avenue, she was also the strongest of Skyfire Avenue. She has been working hard in these years to improve her self while looking for Absolute Emperor. She used to have a long a period of time goal to beat Absolute Emperor.

Later, I met her again. Absolute Emperor told her that she couldn’t improve her status arbitrarily. After reaching the Almighty level, she would be severely suppressed by the rules of the universe. Otherwise, at the current age of Absolute Emperor, in fact, it is still far away from aging. It is because of the suppression of the rules of the universe that his vitality is accelerated. With the help of Absolute Emperor, Luo Xianni suppressed the own realm to a certain extent, and did not dare to break through easily.

At this moment, these scruples no longer exist. She let go of her body and mind, and deeply felt own space principle. The gulf that she had never dared to cross has finally crossed.

Even mutated humans have souls, but their souls are polluted. And what Luo Xianni is doing now is to seal their souls.

After the space is ability to a certain extent, it can not only seal large space, control space changes, but even destroy space and create space. Even more frightening is that they can go to different forms of space in control, such as the human spirit space.

Every living thing has spiritual power, spiritual power exists, that is, their spirit space, the name is different, but the form of existence is similar.

From All-Encompassing‘s advanced Almighty, Luo Xianni only feels like she has entered a microscopic world. On this angel star, she can clearly feel the existence of every small space, some space are strong, some space are weak Spirit space is a kind of active being, their size is related to the strength and physical state of the owner.

Understanding all these changes, her breakthrough has come to a time of substantial change.

All-Encompassing, everywhere, Almighty, boundless.

Everything is under control. This planet, at this moment, belongs to Luo Xianni. Belongs to Photographer.

Luo Xianni is also is by no means without‘s own title of Paragon, but she has rarely appeared these years and has been forgotten by many people. The Paragon title of Luo Xianni is called the gate of space. A seemingly ordinary name. But in her day, these four words were even louder than Eye of the Future.

The gates of space are Photographer and Eye of the Future Clairvoyant. These are the two pillars when Skyfire Avenue was just established. indeed was able to establish Skyfire Avenue firmly because of their existence.

Luo Xianni by no means likes this title because it is not cool enough. But it was widely known at the time, and there was no way to change it. Her mind is not here either.

At this time, her control is not only the gate of space, but also the gate of human soul.

In space, in a dark corner.

The tall man was so quietly suspended there, and in the distance of his sight, a magenta planet stopped silently.

Just as he wanted to fly towards the planet, all of a sudden he turned back sharply and looked at a distance in space. reveals face shocked.

She’s going to be promoted? could it be, did she meet an opponent who could not fight? With a frown, he silently squeezed the tactics. At his realm, he was already able to predict some things. Soon, he was surprised at face reveals and his frown was slightly frowned.

“This disobedient woman.” He hesitated again, does not have, flickered towards the magenta planet in the distance.

When Lan Qing received the news, it was also surprised.

All-Encompassing, everywhere! The first thing he thought of was these eight words. old lady turned out to be on the entire planet control. Will she consume too much if she does this? He contacted Lan Jue on first moment, only to know that old lady had chosen to break through at this time.

This is undoubtedly the biggest help to the landing fleet.

What the landing fleet has to do now is no longer capture. Instead, it is only necessary to detain all the mutant world who have been sealed.

However, the number of mutants exceeded their original judgment. When a large number of mutants were searched out, the landing fleet was also surprised.

if not is the place where three space fortresss came this time. The mutants on this planet alone are probably the major problem of twelve Cosmic Fleet. It is difficult to take them all away.

Lan Qing connects Hua Li (splendor) and Kang Hui, and the three marshals start a temporary meeting.

“At present, Angel Star has found more than 100 million mutants. And the number is still increasing.” Lan Qing directly pointed out the point, the whole army also knew by no means.


600 votes are added, and we look forward to 900 votes for everyone. (To be continued.)

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