Skyfire Avenue Chapter 793: Silly Jiugua

However, Lan Jue found that Zhou Qianlin suddenly experienced severe emotional and mental fluctuations. So he quickly integrated with Zhou Qianlin.

Obviously, after the advanced, the body of Zhou Qianlin has changed. It may be that the memory is restored, but it is also possible that does not have is completely recovered, and even also may be worse. At that time, he did not dare to let Zhou Qianlin be outside. Once bad results appeared, it would affect everyone. At that time, the situation of the war was does not have established.

At this time, the human race finally won in this battle, but how will he face Zhou Qianlin? Does Zhou Qianlin really restore memory? Not to mention, since he learned the relationship between Zhou Qianlin and Hera, In his heart, why is does not have more complicated emotions?

At this moment, it’s really not a good time for him to help her regain her memory and even discuss the relationship between two people.

In this case, what is more important for does not have than to defeat Reaver, but if not made everything clear and could not let her really recover. They simply then cannot even use the two swords together. In the face of plundering Samsung in the future, I am afraid they will have a little chance to does not have.

Taking a deep breath, Lan Jue‘s eyes finally firmed down. In any case, all of this must be faced, and it is impossible to escape. In this case, face it bravely.

Thinking of this, Lan Jue took a deep breath, eyes flashed, a lilac light flashed behind him, and a white figure had separated from him.

Unlike before, the previous separation, Zhou Qianlin will not have clothes, but this time, she has a white long dress that appeared after the promotion, she is like a fairy general touching.

I don’t know why. Lan Jue didn’t even want her to regain her memory at this time, because he was very afraid of facing Zhou Qianlin, and he didn’t know what attitude Zhou Qianlin would take towards herself. It was too important for him.

does not have Zhou Qianlin before regaining memory, and he has been very tacit understanding, at least they use the two swords together. What will happen to her after recovery?

Zhou Qianlin stood silently. What looks different from the previous by no means, except that the energy fluctuations have been greatly enhanced, everything seems very normal, normal as before no promotion.

Does does not have recover memories? A strong sense of loss also appears in Lan Jue heart. More accurately, it is heartache.

Qianlin.” He called to her softly.

Her gaze looked at him, calm and indifferent, what was different from the previous by no means.

Lan Jue looked at her blankly, her mood does not have fluctuated, and spiritual power, which had experienced sharp fluctuations in the promotion before, had completely restored peace. He calmed his heart.

two pairs of eyes meet, Lan Jue eyes gradually raised the water mist. The long-awaited hope has finally been turned into a bubble, and everything does not have is like he imagined.

Although he knows that Zhou Qianlin can be combined with his two swords in this state, but how can he want her to continue like this

Take a deep breath. Barely calming down his inner emotional fluctuations, Lan Jue took a step forward. Carefully carried her into own bosom.

Her delicate body exudes a faint fragrance, an unspeakable taste, very soft and very comfortable. Holding her, Lan Jue only felt that the energy in her body seemed to be moving, because principle was agitated because she had just broken through. It calmed down in an instant, as if it had stabilized cultivation.

This should be the ability of Goddess Transformation Esper to become Paragon. However, he would rather have all the capabilities of Zhou Qianlin does not have, he just wanted her to recover.

Qianlin, I’m sorry. I haven’t been able to help you restore your memory. Do you know that my heart really hurts, it’s all because of me, because I made you like this. Rest assured, I will never Will leave you nearby, only you will be my wife. Hera is gone, I am only you, I will always be at your nearby, take care of you, accompany you, love you. If one day, I am about to come to life At the end, I will definitely help you to end your life first, and then leave this world with you, so words, in this world, no one can bully you because of my departure. Qianlin, no matter what you become, I Love you all. “

In the end, Lan Jue has been sobbing. The expectations for many days have been missed. Zhou Qianlin does not have resumed, and the blow to him was too big and too big.

Zhou Qianlin‘s hands, do not know when it has been lifted subconsciously, holding his waist, his face resting on his shoulders, everything is so natural.

“Do you really want a woman who has deceived you?” A soft, husky voice sounded.

“Yes, of course. You have never fooled me by does not have, and, even if there are, it is a good-faith lie. When Clairvoyant told me everything, I already figured it out. I am right The love of Hera is unreserved, and after that, my love for you is the same. Your by no means is a replacement of Hera, and by no means is “Lan Jue, a little excited to distinguish, but suddenly, his voice came to a halt, he fiercely Standing up, grabbing Zhou Qianlin‘s shoulders with both hands, looking straight at her face.

Zhou Qianlin looked at him blankly, still expressionless. What seems to be different from by no means before.

“I heard the sentence just now, she didn’t say it.” Lan Jue froze, followed by a smirk on reveals on her face, “Maybe it’s because I miss her too much.”

“Fool” Zhou Qianlin suddenly spit out two words, then raised his arms sharply, pinched his neck, kissed fiercely.

When the lips touched, Lan Jue felt that her trembling and somewhat cold red lips, also‘s indescribable Peng Yue feelings.

For a moment, he just felt that the own spirit world had completely exploded, and his brain was blank.

She kissed him very fiercely, as if she wanted to vent everything.

And in her mind, he always echoed his words. If one day, I am going to the end of my life, I will definitely help you to end your life first, and then leave this world with you, so that words, in this world, no one can bully you because of my departure.

What a wonderful love story, by no means, but this sentence melted her heart.

Lan Jue gradually recovered from the blankness of the brain. He began to turn passive into active. All acacia, love, and pain seemed to erupt completely at this instant. He seemed to want to integrate her into his body again. Kissed her lips frantically, without reservation.

And this time, their by no means merged again, by no means became one again, and some, just the outbreak of that feeling.

All the unhappiness, all the misunderstandings, all the scruples seem to gradually fade away in this kiss. Their body does not have re-dissolves into one, but at this moment, their hearts are perfectly fused. All of this has become unparalleledly beautiful. Beautiful and enchanting.

I don’t know how long time has passed, and a cough cough suddenly appeared, so that the two who were drunk in a kiss immediately separated.

Luo Xianni looked at them with a smile, “Well, are you two so stable?”

Zhou Qianlin is so ashamed and flushed, and dares not to look at her with her head down.

Lan Jue is also red on his face, but his hands are still holding Zhou Qianlin tightly, it seems that he will disappear when he let go.

“Mom. My realm seems to be very stable.” Lan Jue said a little awkwardly.

Luo Xianni said ill-humoredly: “That’s a solid mood. Okay, don’t bother you both. You continue, yeah” She was turning to leave, suddenly, in a panic, and then came to Zhou Qianlin nearby.

Lan Jue was startled, “Mom, what’s wrong with you”

Zhou Qianlin also looked up. Although she was blushing and blushing, the dusty beauty also made Luo Xianni, who is also a woman, look at it.

“This is the breath on you” Luo Xianni looked at Zhou Qianlin thoughtfully and muttered.

Lan Jue said: “I just felt it. Qianlin has a very soft breath. You can feel it when you are close to her. And it is very comfortable. I said that my realm is stable because of my principle. The restlessness became calm after feeling the breath on her. This should be a stable state, I have heard from my father before. “

Luo Xianni nodded, “Yes, your principle fluctuations are very stable. It’s strange. After this Goddess Transformation advanced, there will be such changes, which seems to be non-existent in history. After all, It seems that by no means has appeared Paragon evolved from Goddess Transformation. Child, can you feel what ability you have? “

Zhou Qianlin said in a daze: “I don’t know.” She had just recovered her memory and was integrated into her body by Lan Jue. In this period of time, she can imagine the complexity of her mood, and her head is full of Lan Jue Figure, how can I think of other things? She just feels that she has become more powerful, and has changed dramatically for all the outside professions. In addition to this, what is does not have other.

At this time, after reminding by Luo Xianni, she slightly felt that she had become a little different from before, with wonderful principle fluctuations around her body.

Lan Jue and Luo Xianni are also Paragon. Zhou Qianlin can feel the principle breath emanating from them. However, as soon as their principle comes into contact with own principle, they will suddenly become particularly soft. This situation is unknown to her Why, but it seems that within a short time, principle on Lan Jue and Luo Xianni has a feeling of being assimilated by her.

Ask for a recommendation again. To be continued. .

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