Skyfire Avenue Chapter 779: The main gun is bright again

Lan Jue sat there calmly, looking at Angel Star in the distance through the porthole.

Zhou Qianlin sits in his nearby, still looks a bit sluggish, but occasionally looks at Lan Jue. Although she is still does not have now, she has been relying on Lan Jue for a long time. If Lan Jue is not in her nearby, her emotions will look a little fretful.

The third group of Lan Jue is led by Photographer, plus Dragon Lohan Beggar, Driver, Sword Sword Fairy Pharmacist, Nether Watch Gourmet, he and Zhou Qianlin. A total of seven people.

Zeus-1 will send them to Angel Star first, and then send another batch of Paragon headed by Terminator to another planet.

Because Angel Star is the main target of attack, they need to take the lead. Now it’s time to wait for a landing opportunity.

Driver came to Lan Jue nearby and whispered: “Are you nervous?”

Lan Jue glanced at him, “What about you?”

Driver smiled and proudly said: “Don’t forget my title. I’m Driver. My favorite thing in my life is stimulation. Being able to participate in such exciting things is more important to me than anything. This But great thing, of course I ca n’t be happier. If you are afraid, I can help you troubleshoot. “

“Go ahead!” Lan Jue said ill-humoredly.

Driver sat down on the other side of him. “Speaking of it, the only regret I have is that I still have a wife of does not have until now. I love to pursue excitement so many girls keep me away. Hey …”

Lan Jue said: “Afraid not to come back?”

Driver shook his head, “It doesn’t matter if I can’t come back, but I have always wanted to have a son. I taught him to drive a car from an early age, and I must train it to be the best Driver. I don’t know if it will be a day like has or doesn’t have. “

Lan Jue said: “Why does not have? Of course you have. Have you ever thought that you could become Paragon? Isn’t it now?”

Driver laughed, “The same is true. Speaking of which, you subordinate are very nice girls! When will you introduce one to me?”

Lan Jue gave him a glance, “I have the ability to chase after myself, but I don’t care to introduce him.” Introduce boyfriend to Zeus’ Four Maidservants? He doesn’t want to live? Originally, these girls had no small grievances against him. Lan Jue now dare not offend them at all. If this war finally wins, then try to solve the problems of the girls. He had a headache when he thought of it, and it is not the era of Former Era‘s three wives and four concubines. Can’t you marry at all? He was never a fancy person.

At this moment, Luo Xianni also came over.

“What do you guys say?” From the appearance, Luo Xianni is about the same size as them, but the tone is different.

Driver, when she saw her, hurried to laugh: “Auntie, we are discussing the problem of having children.”

Luo Xianni‘s eyes light up, “Having a child? Good to have a child! A’Jue, are you planning to have a child? Hurry, you can have as many as you want. I will bring you a child when I look back. I have no children and have longed for There is such a chance. “

Lan Jue glanced at old lady, heart was silent for a while, “Okay, okay, we will talk after the end of the war.” He didn’t dare to tell Luo Xianni, I’m a bit uneasy about bringing children. If this is said, it is estimated that Luo Xianni can turn his face on the spot.

Luo Xianni: “Well, are you starting?”

Lan Jue fixed his eyes, quickly got up, came to the porthole and looked outside. His first look was his own.

Sure enough, with the Luo Xianni words sound not falling, on the human side, the twelve Cosmic Fleets have been slowly discharged, and their by no means is forward, but slowly spread out. The Zhongji space fortress took the lead, flying in the forefront, and its huge volume was particularly noticeable in the night sky.

With its forward flight, the previously diffused Cosmic Fleet followed slowly and pushed forward.

The other two space fortresss have also moved, Sovereign of the Seas space fortress and Dinosaur space fortress are moving forward simultaneously, the three space fortresss are in the shape of a character, flying in a relatively forward position, and the Cosmic Fleets fill the gap between them.

The overall flight of the human army speed is not fast, it can be said to be slow, but it is firmly approaching in the direction of Angel Star.

This gives people a sense of oppression, it seems that they can crush the other party into pieces at any time.

The Reaver side of the Angel Star also made a certain response. A large amount of Reaver slowly poured out from around the Angel Star, and also formed a formation. Then a strange scene appeared.

Deep fuchsia smoke sprayed from these Reaver.

It looks like puffer fish general Reaver, they fly big belly into the air, and then spit out the fuchsia smoke.

The fuchsia smoke diffuses in the air and spreads quickly, covering a large area, a large area of ​​space, and covering all the Reaver behind.

Keeper frowns slightly, “These smoke should not only block the effect of vision. It may interfere with our radar.”

Now the Zeus-1 has to be silent, so the radar itself cannot be turned on, but from the current situation, Keeper has made the most likely judgment. With the slyness of Reaver, we will never miss the target, and do meaningless things, these fuchsia smoke will definitely have an effect when released.

time is not long, even the Angel Star seems to be shrouded in that fuchsia show, and the deployment of Reaver can no longer be seen clearly.

But the advance of the human army has no intention of stopping by no means, and it still maintains a slow speed pressure.

The front-most Zhongji space fortress once again exposed the honeycomb muzzle at the front, and the internal light was looming.

It has performed once before. With this honeycomb muzzle, it can suddenly accelerate at first moment and leave the battlefield. At this time, behind it was an open space, the human army swallows lined up, and any fleet of by no means directly behind him blocked its way. In other words, the current space fortress is a pair of retreatable.

The fuchsia smoke on Reaver is still being produced, and there is a growing trend. It is like a large fuchsia cloud in space, which directly covers the planet.

Reaver did show a lot of cards. This situation has never happened before in does not have. They obviously know that their range is not dominant, otherwise words will easily suffer.

Now humans cannot see the deployment of Reaver, and there is no way to lock in. The advantages of long-range attacks are naturally greatly reduced.

“Report! Marshal, our various long-range reconnaissance equipment has failed and we cannot lock in the opponent.” Soon, Lan Qing received a report from the radar unit.

Lan Qing nodded slightly, “Keep reconnaissance. Act as planned.”


Lan Qing is sitting behind the own control platform. There are hundreds of people in the entire control warehouse. The space fortress is different from the traditional space fortress. As Marshal, he not only makes the final battle decision, but also participates in many subtle control. Therefore, this main control room appears particularly large, concentrating many functions of space fortress in it.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and all human warships have clearly begun to be charged. The war seemed to be about to start.

The dense fuchsia smoke has made it impossible to see the existence of Angel Star from space.

Lan Qing through special command channel, said in a serious voice: “Start!”


With a low response, the honeycomb main gun of Zhongji space fortress has begun to have orange glow, just like the last time it threatened to chase Reaver.

Reaver does not have any movement, they are Angel Star as a barrier, simply then is not afraid of humans with the space fortress main gun. The main artillery bombarded, the first was the executive star. And a big explosion of the administrative star will affect a wide range of star territory.

What’s more, Reaver is already accurate, and humans will not easily operate the own administrative star.

Zhongji space fortress has such a huge scale that its main gun might be able to destroy a planet. Reaver is convinced of this judgment. That’s why they still use the planet as a barrier.

Even if humans really destroy this administrative star at all costs, their army will have the confidence to withdraw. Reaver by no means is afraid that the human army will penetrate this airspace. There are so many executive stars to rely on. Humans also by no means can certainly plunder Samsung where it is now. After entering the enemy, it is likely to be siege. The plunder of Samsung’s combat power has not been demonstrated once or twice.

Zhongji space fortress, which has been flying forward, finally stopped, and its pause position is a little farther than the last time the twelve mother ship main guns volleyed. No doubt, this distance is absolutely within the range of Reaver attack.

Reaver is not in a hurry to launch a full-scale attack, they are waiting for humans to approach.

If humans recede because of the fuchsia mist, of course, they will naturally not rush to chase. For them, fighting for time is the most important. This is also why humans do not launch an attack, and the Reaver side is does not have at all.

At this moment, suddenly, the space fortress of Zhongji lighted up, to be precise, its main gun lighted up. The orange-red light burst out instantly.

This time, any sign of does not have. The orange-red light indeed spewed from the honeycomb muzzle, not a continuous beam of light, but a huge orange-red light orb, flying straight in the direction of the Angel Star.

Looking at the volume of light orb, it is definitely a hit of the space fortress main gun level.

Do humans really disregard their executive stars?

Zeus-1 is on the side of Angel Star, so from this angle they can vaguely see the situation behind some clouds. Along with the orange-red light of the space fortress, the Reaver was moving fast.

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