Skyfire Avenue Chapter 778: Save the angels

“Hey!” Tang Xiao smirked, “teacher, we just want to show you that we this period of time by no means are lazy! We all blame the guy Jin Tao, who didn’t care about the shot, and actually hurt teacher Mecha.”

Lan Jue also laughed, “Let ’s come to this set. To tell you the truth, Jin Tao Mecha‘s front paw can escape the attack, did you suggest him?”

Before Tang Xiao opens, Jin Tao is already said without hesitation: “Always wise.”

Tang Xiao immediately called Qitianquan, “teacher, I ca n’t do anything bad!”

Lan Jue said ill-humoredly: “Who else can you not have? Yes, your strengths have improved very well. Frankly, how can I be qualified for this teacher by no means, and then I have been a little inadequate in teaching you. Wait for a while out, I will personally guide Just look at your ability practice. “As he said, the corner of his mouth already had a sinister smile of reveals.

do not say Tang Xiao, even the tough Jin Tao shivered smartly. “teacher, we still have to train, we leave first.”

The two turned and ran. The other Espers are also non-stop. The name of Lan Jue Devil Instructor is widely spread in Skyfire Legion.

Looking at the figures as they left, the smile on Lan Jue‘s face became richer. He did think of does not have. Now even the strength of Tang Xiao and Jin Tao is so strong.

This is really surprising!

Boss.” Su Xiaosu came to Lan Jue with a smile, “Are you satisfied?”

Lan Jue looked at her and said, “They are a team?”

Su Xiaosu put out his tongue and said, “Captain of ten teams. No way, as soon as I said you were here, everyone was clamoring to come and discuss with you. You can only choose a representative. Their cooperation is not Too tacit, makes you laugh. “

Lan Jue said: “Their actual combat experience is good. I am more at ease.” No doubt, these people just started to cooperate, but. Although it is not particularly tacit in the course of combat, it is basically that General has played their respective advantages. The rhythm of the battle cannot be fake.

So. Lan Jue is quite satisfied with them. Skyfire Legion If each team’s Captain has this level. Then, the overall combat effectiveness of Skyfire Legion is too considerable.

Lan Jue said: “Let’s go and see everyone’s training.”

Under the leadership of Su Xiaosu, Lan Jue entered a battlefield. This time he participated in does not have, but watched the Skyfire Legion fighters being trained from the perspective of God.

Every ten-man squad has gone deep into the bone marrow. What surprised Lan Jue is that this battlefield actually looked like indeed when they were on Monte Star, even Reaver was very similar.

Such actual combat exercises. It is undoubtedly very meaningful for Skyfire Legion. In that battle, Skyfire Legion should have specifically recorded battlefield data, including analysis of Reaver. This can make such a simulation battle field.

The time, which is only a few days old, can be completed to such a degree.

The situation on the battlefield is in full swing, and there are a lot of Reavers in all directions.

Skyfire Legion is not confusing. It operates as a team, and the team and the team cooperate with each other. Melee and long range coordination. also various assistance. Together with the advantages of various weapons, Mecha. Constantly resist attacks from Reaver.

“It seems that the number of Reaver is more than when we first attacked Monte Star!” Lan Jue found a problem after a while.

Su Xiaosu said: “It’s more. And it’s much more. This is necessary for the exercise. Only by giving everyone enough pressure can they better squeeze their potential. After all, when our decisive battle begins, no one I dare not say how many our enemies are. What we are practicing now is how to allow everyone to exert as much combat power as possible under the limited energy supply. Under the siege of powerful enemies far beyond ourselves, how to persist Long time. I think such training is quite meaningful. “

Lan Jue nodded, “Very good. It is also very beneficial to everyone familiar with the Reaver‘s combat methods. You are really interested.”

Su Xiaosu looked at Lan Jue with a smug look. Obviously, the idea came from her handwriting.

Lan Jue said: “The total attack will start after forty-eight hours. The last twelve hours allow everyone to rest fully and stop training. Maintain sufficient physical strength. Face the battles that follow. Protect yourself as much as possible. The key to the final victory. Xiaosu, I will not be able to fight with everyone in the early stage, the responsibility of command will be left to you.

“Yes, Boss!” Su Xiaosu agreed solemnly.

Lan Jue does not have alarmed anyone and quietly left the training ground. He is very satisfied with this trip, and the actual combat ability of Skyfire Legion is stronger than his judgment. This gave him more confidence in landing operations.

Lan Qing‘s battle plan, he also knows by no means, he is clear about the landing operation part, the space operation part, Lan Qing by no means told him. What does that mean much to he by no means.

The immediate priority is to complete the part of the own battle plan first.

Back to the room, the expression on Lan Jue‘s face relaxes.

Zhou Qianlin is sitting in bed, meditating silently. There was a faint white air stream on her body.

How strong is the airflow by no means from Zhou Qianlin, but it is full of fairy spirit, just like a fairy.

Lan Jue came to her nearby and sat down, by no means started own meditation, but just looked at her like that.

Step by step to today, he actually felt that all of this was driven by destiny. Everything Clairvoyant said seemed to be continuously fulfilled. His words, the only thing that was not sure was the final one. the result of.

Whether he can get the best ending in the end, which is what he is going to do now. For relatives and friends, but also for Qianlin. In the end, try hard anyway.

Qianlin was brought into this whirlpool after all, but all human beings have gone deep into the whirlpool. without a person can stand alone and only follow its own nearby, which will be safer.

Sitting across the Zhou Qianlin, Lan Jue has also begun to enter the own meditation state. In recent days, he has stopped practicing with Zhou Qianlin because they have reached the edge of the last breakthrough and continue to practice together. Maybe unable to control. Can only be their own stable cultivation, waiting for that moment to come. A moment of depression is also good for their accumulation.

Two days later, time passed quickly. Forty-eight hours, the entire human army was in a very calm state.

In contrast, the Reaver side seems to be constantly mobilizing its forces. The surface of the planet is once again at the forefront. The planet chosen by Lan Qing belongs to the medium of the seven planets outside Planet Od, which is not considered. Too big is not too small.

He only chose one goal in this way, that is to confuse Reaver, so that Reaver could not be fully prepared in advance.

A large number of Reaver are hidden on the back of the planet. if not was personally scouted by Lan Jue. without a person can think of what would happen on the back of that planet.

Forty-eight hours of preparation time looks long, but it is actually just a fleeting that’s all. The most important news of the human army’s secret transfer is that it is delivered directly. It is impossible for Reaver to detect through mental waves.

Even within the army, every department and each army is only responsible for its own part of the combat plan. In fact, only a few talents know about it.

Zeus-1 quietly flew out of Zhongji space fortress. Inside space fortress, it has turned on the stealth device.

On Zeus-1, all Paragons participating in this operation, plus Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin.

Responsible for driving Zeus’ Four Maidservants of airship, indeed Lan Jue.

The expression on every face is sober. No wonder they will. This battle is extremely important. Their mission is even more important than the entire army’s offensive.

The army can advance and retreat, but they, but does not have retreat.

Their success action determines the lives of hundreds of millions of fellow citizens. Only by killing those mother animals will it be possible to save more people.

It has been several days since the last reconnaissance, time has passed. Now it is difficult to say how many people are alive at also, but Lan Jue has a hunch that there will not be too many people alive.

These people will be taken hostage by the Reavers, and they will also provide enough genes for Reaver. Even those humans who have been genetically modified by converts may be rescued as long as they are alive.

Zeus-1 quietly flew towards the side of the planet. If you rush forward now, it is obviously impossible to achieve landing. So many Reaver gather there, and the entire planet is covered by complex mental waves.

This planet has a nice name, called an angel. Because the air on the planet’s surface is cold, there are many places covered by snow and ice. One of the main continents is like an angel spreading wings. Therefore, this planet is called Angel Star.

Unfortunately, the Angel Star has now become purplish red, completely covered and infected by the color of Reaver.

This time, the second step of the Lan Qing battle plan is called: saving the angels.

Zeus-1 flew to a position of about 45 degrees on the side of Angel Star, and then stopped slowly. All electronic systems were silent. Waiting quietly. Waiting for the opportunity to log in.

Absolute Emperor by no means is on Zeus-1. With his cultivation and simply then, airship is not required. He himself was responsible for the three planets, and had already left space fortress early and went straight away. No one knows how he will act, but everyone has confidence in him. (To be continued.)

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