Skyfire Avenue Chapter 750: Analysis

From the side, Lan Qing‘s face is still cold, and does not have is excited because of the loss of Hua Alliance does not have. Not only that, his brow also is slightly frowned.

“What’s wrong? What should we lose does not have this time?” Lan Jue asked in confusion.

Lan Qing nodded, “But by no means represents my command properly. I do not have has found that the enemy has the intention to blast the planet, and it has failed. if not is Dad and Juner, and we will also suffer heavy losses this time , And even lose the entire Skyfire Legion. You should know what that means. “

Simply Lan Jue heart, Lan Qing is right. If this time you can’t avoid the big bang, Skyfire Legion will undoubtedly be wiped out!

Thinking of this, he can’t help but sweat out. If Skyfire Legion‘s entire army is wiped out, it will be the biggest blow to the entire human race. From this landing battle, we can see that human beings can indeed have great damage to Reaver. The Paragon is most handy when it comes to killing those Reaver. Once these people fell into this planet explosion. The backbone of human fight Reaver will disappear, and the core strength of Hua Alliance will also be lost. Even if Reaver can be defeated in the future, Hua Alliance is likely to be stunned, and then does not have can deter Northern Alliance and Western Alliance.

Thinking of this, Lan Jue‘s face also became serious, gently nodded.

Lan Qing said: “I will sum up the lessons as soon as possible, the same problem must not be repeated. At the same time, for us, the most important thing is to figure out where the plundering of Samsung has gone. The war has just begun.”

Lan Jue nodded deeply, yes, this war has just begun. In the initial game, no one took advantage.

“Then we should immediately contact all human control executive stars to see the trace of has or doesn’t have plundering Samsung. If this time they are flying away, it is okay to say, if it is space jump leaving words, then we have previously Judgment is likely to be wrong. “Lan Jue frowned.

Lan Qing shook his head, “No, I and your views are the opposite. Instead, I think that if they leave words by space jump, this is a good thing. I believe the news brought back by Pharmacist. The planet needs space jump The energy must be extremely huge, Dad also said that above his level, it will be suppressed by the rules of the universe. Launching a space jump, itself consumes energy plus the suppression of the universe principle, it must be extremely looting for Samsung A big burden. And this battle, they are undoubtedly the best means to leave through space jump, the least easy for us to find. But two consecutive space jump, their consumption must be great, at least this time, within short time They are unlikely to make any more jumps. “

Lan Jue‘s eyes lighted, “Do you mean, if we find them again, then we will continue to siege?”

Lan Qing nodded without hesitation, “indeed is so. I am more worried now, but it is the mentality of Northern Alliance and Western Alliance. This big bang is likely to cause a lot of psychological changes. The biggest problem it can bring. “

Lan Jue‘s face changed, and he immediately understood what Lan Qing meant.

If such a mentality change really occurs, it will be a disaster for the entire human race.

Any alliance, now does not have is facing Reaver‘s strength independently. Only when everyone joins hands, can there be a chance of winning. If Northern Alliance and Western Alliance give up to continue fighting, then the cooperation of Three Alliances will end, which means that without a person can face Reaver again.

“It must not be allowed to happen.” Lan Jue resolutely said.

Lan Qing nodded, “I hope they can survive it. Western Alliance side, it seems that does not have retreats in time, this time the loss should be the biggest. Please contact me later, I will confirm.”

Lan Jue frowned, “If it’s just Western Alliance that’s a problem, it’s better, the key is that there should be no problem with Northern Alliance. I’ll see Marshal Kang Hui?”

Lan Qing shook his head: “Never use it now. Although Marshal Kang Hui is the commander, he can’t be the master of Northern Alliance. This time all four executive stars are Northern Alliance, the executive star exploded directly, and the blow to Northern Alliance was also Equally huge. “

Watching it change, this is the only thing they can do now.

After an hour of time, Three Alliances communicated with each other.

When the war damage of Northern Alliance and Western Alliance came, even if the brother of Lan Qing and Lan Jue had been prejudged, they were still surprised.

In terms of Northern Alliance, although most warships have returned in time, some of also‘s losses are detached later. A total of three Commander-class giant ships, five capital ship, plus more than twenty battleship, fell. Landing operations retreated less than a third of the army. Fortunately, Terminator and Chu Cheng all retreated.

The Northern Alliance has suffered heavy losses, but relatively speaking, it is still within an acceptable range. by no means hurts. But the situation is much worse for Western Alliance.

Western Alliance Because the two space fortress by no meanss took the initiative to meet the own army in accordance with the recommendations made by Marshal Kang Hui, they caused great losses to Cosmic Fleet. There are good reasons why they did not step forward. Western Alliance These two space fortress are not famous for defense, but for Western Alliance, the mainstay general does exist and it is absolutely impossible to lose. Therefore, the commander of Western Alliance resolutely decided to stay within the safe range.

So, Western Alliance In terms of flying only the fastest part warship To avoid the big bang, does not have Wrapped directly by the Big Bang. But their Cosmic Fleet But suffered heavy losses, more than half warship Falling down, the landing combat troops were almost annihilated. Few people fled back. This includes Demon King Satan ,as well as Dark Citadel Some people escaped under his strict order. also Some are particularly greedy and stay on that planet forever.

The more serious loss is Pontiff Citadel. In Pontiff Citadel, because he was too attached to the crystal of life, he didn’t start to escape until he finally found something wrong. But only a few people escaped in the end. Including Pontiff, there are Milenda and several Archangels who have wings that are good at flying, so they barely escape from the sky. Pontiff In order to improve speed cover they have also been hit hard. Temporary loss of combat effectiveness. At his age, it is unlikely that he will be able to recover in a while.

The battle is temporarily over. Looking around, the place where the four planets were originally located has become empty, and only some meteorites left by the explosion are floating in space. Where is the trace of plundering Samsung?

Lan Qing first moment contacted Marshal Kang Hui. Expressed own views.

“Sorry, Marshal Lan Qing, I received an order and must first moment to rush back to Planet Luo. Planet Luo, I cannot afford to lose anything.” Kang Hui gave this answer after a long silence.

Yes, Northern Alliance is scared, or already scared. Loss of four executive stars. So what about Planet Luo? Planet Luo is the core of the entire Northern Alliance, centered on Planet Luo, and there are more than a dozen executive stars over there. Once that area fell out, Northern Alliance was over.

Marshal Kang Hui, can you please inform all executive stars as soon as possible, and observe the space, and first moment will notify us if we find the predatory Samsung.” Lan Qing Shen Sheng said.

Kang Hui sighed, “I have ordered this matter. I believe that Western Alliance will do the same. But the situation is that the area we want defense is too large, and plunder Samsung is only lonely that’s all, they We ca n’t do what we can do. The next time they show up again, what if space jump? We are completely passive.

Lan Jue said in a serious voice: “But if Three Alliances are all passive defense, but defense words, can fight be Reaver? If they appear in Northern Alliance this time, what will Northern Alliance do?”

Kang Hui silent a while, said: “I know you’re all right, but this matter, I can’t be the master. Now Northern Alliance is very chaotic. After the news of the big bang goes back, I am afraid it will be even more chaotic. . Now there are many big families, they have begun to flee Northern Alliance and use them own airship to explore outer space. These big families will continue to take away the resources of Northern Alliance. Once such a chaos completely erupts, I am afraid … “

The pupils of Lan Qing contracted a little, “So, the time given to us is not much anymore. Marshal Kang Hui, as a soldier, our most important duty is to defend the own homeland. If this is not possible, then we will pass the by no means .If you agree with me, I hope you can support my proposal. “

Kang Hui gave a slight nod, “Your analysis is very rational and the possibility is also very high. I personally support it. You can rest assured that I will fight the Northern Alliance military side, but I have only one person. I’m alone and I need more support. If you can try to persuade Terminator adults, there should be better results. After all, Terminator adults have a huge influence on the entire Northern Alliance. If he supports them, then, maybe It will be easier to convince the Northern Alliance official. “

Lan Qing nodded, Kang Hui can say these things, it can be regarded as heartfelt. With his status, more is impossible to say.

The army over Western Alliance even greeted does not have. The two space fortresss slowly headed for Western Alliance airspace. This time their loss will undoubtedly make Western Alliance a bird of surprise.

The situation is worse than expected. Not only did does not have succeed in the first battle, but it made the situation worse. Four administrative stars exploded, and all the people on the original administrative star were annihilated. This affected not only Northern Alliance but also Hua Alliance.

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