Skyfire Avenue Chapter 735: Strategic arrangements

“I have no problem with it,” Lan Jue said in a deep voice.

The speeches from the conference keep coming, all of them are how Three Alliances will coordinate with each other.

This battle is currently divided into three steps. The first step is to conduct comprehensive air operations. The entire airspace of control is prepared for landing operations. After the control airspace, reconnaissance of the predatory Samsung will also be carried out to confirm their condition.

The second step is to conduct a landing operation. Use the fastest speed to regain the control rights of the administrative star, and rescue the humans that are still alive on the administrative star.

In the third step, all space fortress and Cosmic Fleet encircle and plunder Samsung and launch a comprehensive attack. Completely defeat them in this star territory to complete this war.

This is the general direction, and then there are some details of cooperation, how Three Alliances‘s troops are deployed.

According to these three steps, we have also started to divide up small headquarters to carry out different battle plans.

Lan Jue On their side, they were divided into a command. He is in charge of commanding here. The goal is to regain the control power of an executive star during the landing battle.

As long as they clear the Reaver on that administrative star, they can be handed over to the military on the Hua Alliance side and build the planet’s defense system at the same time.

This time, Northern Alliance brought a large number of planet orbit guns. Once the executive star is recaptured, it will become the base and reserve of the human army. Thoroughly siege the Samsung inside.

From the current estimates of the enemy and ours, the first step of the entire combat plan is the easiest to implement, although Reaver‘s strength is strong, but in the case of does not have plundering Samsung directly participating in the battle, their fighting power cannot always be comparable to human Compared with such a huge army.

The landing battle is the most difficult. Because does not have space fire support. Therefore, Lan Jue their task is very difficult.

The Three Alliances Combat Command also conducts deductions of other possible situations. For example, what if the predatory Samsung appeared on the battlefield during the first battle plan and how to deal with it. Those space fortress deal with that raven star. All of these require detailed planning.

From the Planet Luo side to the battlefield, it will take a few days for time. In these days, the entire human military is running crazy, all for this is about to begin, and determines the future of human destiny Prepare for battle.

Lan Jue participates in meetings with Lan Qing every day, listening to the progress of the battle plan. The battle plan was continuously improved, and gradually, even Lan Jue could not find the problem.

The reconnaissance meeting for sabotaging Samsung will be carried out after control airspace. Now it seems that by no means is also late, and it is much easier. Northern Alliance has a detailed plan in this regard.

At the same time, through these days, Lan Jue also understands the existence of Zhongji space fortress.

Actually, it’s not exactly true that it is space fortress, it is still a planet itself. And this Planet Anlun has always been the biggest secret of Hua Alliance.

When Hua Alliance discovered and occupied the planet, it surveyed it. Then I discovered that this planet is not suitable for human survival, but it has abundant resources, especially mineral resources. Produces a variety of rare metals.

Hua Alliance soon began development on this planet. At that time, because the Planet Anlun and Northern Alliance control areas were close, and Planet Anlun was rich in resources, it was Northern Alliance. Therefore, Hua Alliance arranged a heavy soldier defense here.

With the development of Planet Anlun, the Anlun army also appeared.

A large part of the mineral resources developed from Planet Anlun is also used for the construction of Planet Anlun. Because even if the planet is completely mined in the future, its geographical location makes it a very crucial piece of Hua Alliance fight Northern Alliance.

Therefore, Hua Alliance has always wanted does not have to abandon Planet Anlun‘s intention, but to continue to develop and build it.

With the deepening of development, one day, a geological survey expert in Hua Alliance suddenly made a new discovery in Planet Anlun. Planet Anlun There is a special material deep in the huge mineral resources.

This substance is actually full of dangers, a bit like the element that humans used to make nuclear weapons in the first place, but the energy produced by this unstable element is also huge. indeed formed the core of the entire Planet Anlun from it.

When this was discovered at the time, the geological expert was actually extremely scared and immediately put forward a proposal, asking Hua Alliance to terminate the development of Planet Anlun and immediately withdraw from all hands. This kind of element is too dangerous inside Planet Anlun. One is not good. The big explosion words will destroy the entire Planet Anlun, and even affect the nearby administrative stars. Its internal energy makes it a time bomb. Once the internal energy is unstable, this bomb may detonate.

Hua Alliance is also a big surprise, but Hua Alliance‘s investment in Planet Anlun is already too large. If it is withdrawn in this way, it is really unwilling, and does not have Planet Anlun as a barrier is also very unfavorable to the overall situation. Therefore, Hua Alliance sent a large number of scientists to evaluate the internal situation of Planet Anlun to confirm the final direction.

The survey and research used time for more than two years. In the end, this energy was rated as an available unstable element. And this availability means that Planet Anlun can be retained.

Hua Alliance officially approved a large amount of funds to continue to study this element, and named it after the geological survey expert who originally found this element. Although it is very unstable, it can generate huge energy under certain conditions. How to stabilize these energies without causing damage to Planet Anlun was a problem for the original scientists.

With the deepening of research, scientists have found that it is too difficult for these energy to stabilize by no means, but it just seems to be too wasteful to just stabilize them. So scientists began to try to guide and use them. Make this energy available to them.

After using time for five years, I finally found the possibility of using the ink element. The core of Planet Anlun is all composed of this ink element, and its energy is far beyond imagination. After a series of research and design schemes, the prototype of Zhongji space fortress finally came into being.

The weakness of Hua Alliance in the military has also made them determined to implement this plan, because once success is planned, then Hua Alliance is likely to have the most powerful space fortress of the entire human world.

Initially, this project was named Anlun Battle Star Project, which is the highest level secret of Hua Alliance. Only the military’s few big men and speakers know.

This plan has been going on secretly. Even the Anlun army, only the core seniors know. The Anlun army’s review is so strict and it is directly related to this plan.

The Anlun battle star program continues. The first thing to do is the control ink element, so that the ink element becomes the power source of this new space fortress.

It is found through research that the ink element cannot be called too much at one time, otherwise it will affect its overall stability. But it can be stored by mobilization, and the stored energy can be transformed into stable energy.

So, the scientists almost hollowed out the entire Planet Anlun, separated the core, and then built a conversion base station around the core to convert the energy of the ink element, and the converted energy was stored as Planet Anlun For construction. At the same time, it is also preparing for the future Planet Anlun to become space fortress.

In this way, this unprecedented space fortress has begun to take shape.

When Lan Jue went to Planet Anlun, space fortress construction had entered the final stage. This is also an important reason why Lan Qing requires Skyfire Legion to only operate in designated areas.

Zhongji space fortress‘s biggest advantage at present is its power. With the huge energy provided by the ink element, it can fly and fight stably at high speed. The rock layer on the surface of the planet has become a protective layer of space fortress, which does not need to be removed at all. Because the huge energy source determines that it will not be affected at all.

There are also abundant mineral resources in these rock formations, which can be continuously developed. The internal ink element, from the current situation, is enough to provide this space fortress with a thousand years of power. Still under continuous flight conditions.

This development has also become the most success technology case in Hua Alliance history. When Zhongji space fortress appeared near Planet Luo, didn’t it shock the entire Northern Alliance?

Unfortunately, they by no means knew the existence of the ink element, and they didn’t understand the strange existence of Zhongji space fortress, also known as Zhongji Battle Star.

Zhongji Warstar can be said to have concentrated the current Hua Alliance‘s highest technology. The number of planetary orbiters carried on it is sufficient compared with the Terminator space fortress that has fallen, but the number of space fighters is much smaller. After all, developing this space fortress consumes too much and too many resources of Hua Alliance. Even the other space fortress under construction was false at all. It’s just for covering up that’s all.

In terms of Hua Alliance, the bet is completely pressed on this space fortress, it is hoped that it can reverse the reason of Hua Alliance‘s military weakness.

Lan Jue also learned from Lan Qing that inside Zhongji space fortress, there are a large number of Hua Alliance human genes and animal and plant genes. And some important things from Hua Alliance. Once the war with Reaver really failed. Then, this space fortress will also become the tinder of Hua Alliance, and it can develop in other corners of the universe in the future. At this point, what is the difference between the ideas of by no means and Hua Alliance and Vast Ocean Group.

Vast Ocean group by no means directly participated in this battle, they also launched does not have action. But privately, a final agreement has been reached with Hua Alliance.

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