Skyfire Avenue Chapter 734: Before the war

Lan Jue frowned, “Now the enemy situation by no means is clear, will it be too anxious. I just talked to Watchmaker again, we should let us investigate further to see if there are some new discoveries and confirm the situation It’s safer to attack again. I always feel that something is wrong, they shouldn’t just be there to make us attack aggressively. “

Wine Master sighed, “Now there is nothing you can do. The pressure on Northern Alliance is too great, billions of people! Within Northern Alliance, there is already a chaos. This battle must be carried out, otherwise Northern Alliance official will not be able to support it. Although there is little possibility to rescue the people, but the action is also hope, this is the voice of the people. Northern Alliance can be said to go all out this time. Also does not have completely rested The Dinosaur space fortress was directly put into battle. In addition to the other four space fortresss. A total of five space fortresss played. In the Western Alliance, two space fortresss were added, plus our Zhongji space fortress. And a total of eight space fortress. The size can be It ’s unprecedented. In addition, there are twelve Cosmic Fleets in also. The total strength has exceeded five million people. And it has concentrated more than two-thirds of the entire human force. It is to make it work in one battle! “

After listening to Wine Master, Lan Jue immediately understood the current idea of ​​Northern Alliance. Because the four executive stars were occupied, they were under too much pressure. Now Northern Alliance is the core and has concentrated most of the current human military power. . If you can’t beat Reaver in this situation, then it is useless to say anything.

No matter what the conspiracy of Reaver, under the advantage of absolute strength, there should not be too many problems.

That’s eight space fortresss! And also has a lot of Cosmic Fleet daemons. Here is not Shattered Chaos Star Territory, there are terrains that can be used. No matter how strong looting Samsung is, it is impossible to face fight with such a huge force.

In the case of Northern Alliance, the most worrying thing is that plundering Samsung will flee through space jump. Therefore, the sooner you launch a full-scale attack, the smaller the possibility of plundering Samsung space jump.

But Lan Jue always feels too anxious.

“After an hour, Northern Alliance‘s space fortress has taken the lead first.” Wine Master said.

Lan Jue nodded, “When are we going to fight?”

Wine Master said: “When you come to indeed, the Three Alliances military video conference will be held soon, and we will also participate. This time the commander of Hua Alliance is Marshal Lan Qing. He has already gone to the conference first. Let us That’s it, too.

“Okay.” It can be said that this scale of battle is the first time in the history of mankind. What a huge scale it is in commanding, cooperating, and deploying resources! There are too many things to involve. Lan Jue is very clear that it is too late to say anything. The Northern Alliance, as the leader, has confirmed the combat time, and it will not change easily, let alone because of his own opinions.

Lan Jue greeted everyone Eminence, followed Wine Master, boarded high-altitude flying vehicle, and flew straight to the video conference.

Grandma Beth was convinced by you? What about Aubert de Villaine?” Lan Jue asked Wine Master.

Wine Master said: “Master Aubert de Villaine is also fully awakened now, but he is too fond of wine, he is reluctant to leave Planet Barrow. Planet Barrow itself has been abandoned by Western Alliance, after all, the vitality there is too strong, it is easy Under Reaver attack. Aubert de Villaine decided to stay in the own vineyard, and came out with us does not have. Beth originally planned to stay with him, but he persuaded to come with me. His reason is very simple Someone has to inherit it. They are too dangerous together.

Lan Jue did not expect that this would be the case. Whether it is La Robés or Aubert de Villaine, they are not only masters, but also real craftsmen, who have dedicated their lives to the things they love the most. In their mind, life is far from does not have. This technology is more important.

Wine Master said solemnly: “At the same time, Master Aubert de Villaine also asked me to bring back a large number of wines, saying that if we save them, it will be better to pass them on.”

Lan Jue swallowed a mouthful of saliva, drinking for a long time does not have, in fact, he simply then does not have time, listening to Wine Master said, the maggots suddenly felt a little hooked.

A smile appeared on Wine Master‘s face, “When the war is victorious, let’s celebrate together with wine. At that time, we can have a lot of good wine, I believe the two Wine God will not be stunned.”

“Okay! Listen to what you said, I can’t wait for this war.”

Wine Master said: “From the current situation, this battle, the planet landing war is definitely going to take place. Northern Alliance has sent us an invitation before, please Skyfire Legion to start the planet landing war.”

Lan Jue said: “What do they mean?”

Wine Master said: “From the current situation, the four occupied administrative stars have become the replenishment stations of those Reaver, and they are also the basis for them. Although we by no means are fully aware of how they are replenished However, whenever Reaver returns to the planet and reappears, their combat power can be restored. According to Keeper‘s estimation, it should be that the life energy of these occupied administrative stars can supplement the consumption of Reaver. Therefore, I want to To win this war, we must first recapture these executive stars.

“Compared with comprehensive strength, we humans must have an advantage. Therefore, Northern Alliance‘s tactics are also steady, first recapture the executive star, and then pass the executive star to launch a comprehensive offensive against the plundering Samsung. Surround all sides and let them Nowhere. “

Lan Jue nodded slightly. Although Northern Alliance appears to be over-tempered in this battle, the tactical arrangement is still fine. It is really important to recapture the executive star first, otherwise, these four executive stars are the barrier to plunder Samsung.

Administrative star aggression will definitely have the existence of Reaver female beasts, destroy these female beasts, regain the rights of the planet control, maybe it can really save some lives. After all, Reaver needs time to devour life.

“I don’t think this is a problem.” Lan Jue nodded.

flying vehicle stopped, Wine Master and Lan Jue came to the main control area of ​​Zhongji space fortress, and after a series of inspections, they entered it.

Lan Qing is already starting a video conference. Lan Jue came in and sat down in his nearby.

In this meeting room, there are a total of six large screens, each displaying the person who is speaking, mainly Three Alliances representatives.

Lan Qing is on one of these screens.

Lan Jue asked Lan Qing: “What’s the situation now? How are the tactics arranged?”

Lan Qing said: “The chief commander of this war is Marshal Kang Hui. After all, he has experience in combating Reaver. At present, the tactical arrangement is reasonable. The initial attack will be based on Cosmic Fleet, and the twelve Cosmic Fleet will be scattered to launch a comprehensive attack. .Kill those Reaver as much as possible, and at the same time, make the preliminary preparations for landing operations. space fortress subsequently pressed down as a deterrent effect. All the main guns waited for the opportunity and did not easily launch, leaving them to plunder Samsung. Once plunder Samsung appeared, they Only then will they go all out to attack. “

“When we are in controlled airspace, we will launch a landing operation. Northern Alliance is responsible for the landing battle of two administrative stars. We are responsible for one and Western Alliance is responsible. For us, Northern Alliance requires Skyfire Legion to participate in the battle and is responsible for landing. Battle. “

Lan Jue nodded slightly, “This is no problem, Wine Master has already told me just now, this is what we are good at. I need air fire support.”

Lan Qing said: “This is also one of the important issues we are currently facing. Northern Alliance requires that the surface of the planet cannot be attacked with air fire.”

Lan Jue froze for a moment, “Why? If that’s the case with words, our combat difficulty will be greatly increased!”

Lan Qing said: “This is also no way out. Just now, the long-range space telescope found that the four administrative stars also were alive. That is to say, among the billion people, also is alive. This is for Northern Alliance is too important. Northern Alliance internal public opinion is already in a state of madness. When also people are found alive, if they attack the surface of the planet with space artillery, there will be some injuries. This is completely unacceptable to Northern Alliance. So, Space artillery can only be used in control airspace. All battles on the surface of the planet rely on landing operations. I hope more people can be rescued.

Lan Jue frowned, “This way words, the difficulty will increase. We are likely to have casualties. No one knows the existence of the administrative star fully occupied by Reaver. Once there is the combat power of the Purple Prince, Princess Zihong , You know its terrible degree. “

Lan Qing nodded, “This is also the reason why Northern Alliance requires Skyfire Legion to play. They hope that Skyfire Legion can cooperate with our Hua Alliance side to occupy an administrative star with the fastest speed first, and then cooperate with them to go to control other administrative The surface of the star. “

Lan Jue said: “We can only do our best.”

Wine Master said: “This can only be the case now. On our side, all Paragon will be put into battle. It should be an administrative star in first moment control. The premise is that does not have is particularly powerful Reaver. If there is Absolute Emperor Eminence, if it is true It is not necessarily a bad thing to encounter Princess Zihong and the Prince of Purple. “

When Lan Jue heart moves, Wine Master also makes a lot of sense. Reaver will produce life crystals, and now Daddy ’s vitality is exhausted. If there is a life crystal at the same level as his help, it will undoubtedly affect Daddy ’s body. It’s great.

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