Skyfire Avenue Chapter 688: The glory of life!

Soon, Holmon noticed a series of data, does not have gravity? The gravitation of does not have exists on the predatory star? how can that be? Gravity is the root of a planet. does not have gravity, in the universe, the planet is about to collapse. Even if the gravity of the planet is much smaller than that of stars, white dwarfs, and neutron stars, it definitely should exist!

At this time, the Spider had already had arrows on its strings, and it was not a moment to think about it. Seeing that the collision was about to occur, Spider’s eight-handed War God knife had been aggressively cut out.

Of course, it will not really collide with the Raven Star at this time. The difference in volume between the two sides cannot make it cheap.

Holmont’s tactics are very simple. The eight-handed War God knife has dealt a heavy blow to the opponent. Doesn’t Hua Alliance‘s reconnaissance say that the Raven Star itself is a living body? That would be nice! Then I will hack it to death. After being shot, the Spider’s main gun was fired at close range. Run straight through it, then pull away and keep harvesting the life above it.

This is the most useful tactic for Spider to destroy the planet. Holmon once had a nickname, called the Star Butcher. For the benefit of Northern Alliance and hunting for resources, he has slaughtered more than one planet with a living body.

“噗 ——” Hit! The eight-handed War God knife was cut on the surface of the Raven Star almost at the same time.

However, to the surprise of Holmon, the flesh and blood he hoped to see was blurred or the soil was rolled back and destroyed, and by no means appeared.

When the eight-handled War God knife fell on the surface of the Raven Star, a magenta ray of light shone, and it was so easy to block its chopping. Then the huge mauve tentacles climbed up along the War God knife and entangled to the Spider.

Not good! Got caught.

“Main gun, fire!” Holmon gave orders immediately, though he wasn’t confused.

You know, launching the main gun at such a close distance on the planet’s surface will affect the Spider space fortress itself. However, Holmond had already ignored these. The strange situation suddenly appeared on the raven star alerted him.

The ready-made main gun is about to fire, but at this moment, suddenly, the thick tentacles are suddenly pulled, and the size of the Spider space fortress can’t withstand its pull, and it instantly turns. For the horizontal direction, the main gun fired, a dazzling white light headed away, but by no means landed on the predatory star.

All of this, as if already calculated, does not have plays any role at all.

How does it know that I want to fire the main gun? Holmond could not afford the intense dizziness, and his heart was cold.

Seeing that the Spider space fortress was under such a serious threat, of course, the Space Fighter Legion could not wait any longer, saved at full speed, with a bright light, and went straight to the Raven Star.

The attacks they launched left purple ripples on the surface of the Raven Star, the Spider space fortress itself, and the planet orbital gun was also attacking with full force. The War God knife tried to withdraw, and the power system was fully operational.

However, all of this, falling on the surface of the Raven Star, has a great effect on does not have.

How could this happen? How could its defense be so scary? This is the idea of ​​Holmon heart at this time.

However, no matter how he thinks, he can’t change the facts. One by one thick tentacles were continuously drilled from the raven star body, and more were stalking towards the Spider space fortress, and some directly penetrated into the air and swept the space fighter.

These are all over three kilometers in length, and the longest tentacles of nearly ten thousand meters have countless small suction cups. Under the sweep, a large number of space fighters were sucked by them and they were near the tentacles. Larger washing dishes are their doomsday. These washing dishes can easily smash the space fighters, or throw them out and hit other space fighters.

The Spider space fortress body is completely unable to escape under the entanglement and pulling of the huge tentacles.

Although its own planetary orbiter can still cause some damage to these tentacles, it does not help. More tentacles are constantly rising up, madly impacting and pressing the surface of shield.

How could this happen! Holmon gave a frantic command while staring blankly at the various data on the screen. Under the raid star’s crazy attack, the energy on energy shield plummeted.

He scoffed at Hua Alliance‘s investigation results. Is a planet itself a creature? how is this possible.

But at this moment, the facts are in front of you. These giant tentacles like the octopus general are grown from the raven star itself! And the protective power of the plundering star itself is even more terrifying than space fortress. Even the War God knife can’t break its defense.

“The Mecha legion is out!” Holmon’s hoarse voice issued a command that was obviously useless.

It seemed that the active Spider space fortress had occupied the battlefield the moment before, but at this moment, it had completely fallen into the absolute downwind. And even, lingering.

“Send me over!” Luo Xianni said quietly to nearby Wine Master.

Wine Master gave her a deep look, “Aunt, I’ll go with you.”

“I’ll go too,” said Watchmaker in a deep voice.

In the face of the coming Moondemon Star, they have been hesitated by does not have time. The three major Paragon and eyes all have resolute eyes.

You can imagine the energy consumed by the control planetary trajectory with human power. Luo Xianni is sure to do it, but the price she has to pay must also be huge, maybe even life. After all, behind that Moondemon Star, also is even more terrifying of the plunder star!

Just as the three Paragons were preparing for action, suddenly, Kang Hui shouted, “wait a moment.”

Everyone looked at him inconsistently. What they saw was Kang Hui‘s red eyes.

“Fleet No.1 and Fleet No.1, please respond to Commander Tianlong, what should you do, Tianlong!” yelled Kang Hui.

At this time, many people in Skyfire Avenue noticed that on the screen, a huge warship was flying towards the Moondemon Star with an amazing speed, like a moth fluttering fire general.

It can be seen from the beam emitted from the tail jet port that its power system has been turned on to the maximum extent.

It’s not just it, following it behind, a universe of airship, without hesitation, like a moth fluttering fire general, also flying in the direction of Moondemon Star.

Marshal Kang Hui! My fault, I’ll carry it. For Northern Alliance, please keep the dinosaur!” Ying Tianlong’s voice came from the communication, his voice was very calm, by no means was impassioned. However, it is full of absolute taste.

Kang Hui‘s hands clenched into fists instantly. Before today, he always knew that Ying Tianlong was convinced of his by no means. Otherwise, there will not be a case where the execution of the command just now is one step slower.

At this moment, all the gap between the two is gone in an instant. As a commander, he certainly understood what Ying Tianlong was doing now.

He took his first Cosmic Fleet, and even hit the Moondemon Star with the own body, thus creating a time for the dinosaur space fortress, so that the space fortress could survive.

It’s easy to say death, but how many people can really do it?

“Ying Tianlong!” Kang Hui exclaimed.

Ying Tianlong Haha laughed, “Kang Hui child, I’m not worse than you. Haha, Hahahaha!”

In the communicator, there was the laughter of Ying Tianlong, not just him, but the laughter of many other people in also.

Listening to the hearty laughter, Lan Jue, Pharmacist, Driver, and Paragon all stand upright with the own body.

Although Hua Alliance and Northern Alliance have always been at odds, at this moment of human life and death, they are one.

“Boom——” The first Cosmic Fleet flagship of the Northern Alliance, the headship-level mothership, with all his energy, all his artillery, and himself, ran into Moondemon Star without hesitation.

Huge firelights are blooming in space. The warship of the first Cosmic Fleet, from the commander-level warship to even a patrol ship, all slammed into it.

They are the trump cards of the Northern Alliance trump card. They are the fleet that twists into a force. They are the heroes of mankind! Heroes of Northern Alliance!

Marshal Kang Hui doesn’t know when it was already in tears. He pulled off the military cap on his head, but suddenly everyone turns to Lan Jue, “all of you, please go to the energy chamber and inject energy to the main gun.”

Under the full collision of the First Fleet, the flight speed of Moondemon Star has slowed down. The first fleet, up and down 100,000 officers and men, used their lives and blood to win the opportunity for the dinosaur space fortress and the other four Cosmic Fleet.

Wine Master glanced at the map pointed out by Kang Hui. With a wave of Time-Space Sceptre in his hand, the light flashed, and everyone had disappeared in the office of Kang Hui.

Kang Hui doesn’t even care to wipe the tears on his face, and orders are issued one after another. The entire Dinosaur space fortress began to deflect course, with four Cosmic Fleet, trying to bypass the front Moondemon Star.

At this moment, the predatory star in the distance suddenly accelerated, flying at high speed in the direction of Moondemon Star, its volume expanded again, and the central vortex swallowed to Moondemon Star again.

Dinosaur space fortress Energy Chamber!

This is a huge round open space. There are two hundred positions inside. Each position has a metal handle. Now there are people standing behind.

These people are all Esper above the Dinosaur space fortress Fifth Level . When the war progresses to a very fierce degree, they can inject own ability into space fortress to enhance their ability in one aspect.

The energy of two hundred Espers is concentrated, although it cannot be compared with the huge energy of space fortress, but it is still very significant if it only enhances the ability in a certain aspect.

For example, to enhance the attack power of some auxiliary guns, or the defense force of a certain position, this is the case.

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