Skyfire Avenue Chapter 643: Phantom of the Starry Sky

They can also be regarded as old opponents. Astral Phantom‘s ability to understand Lan Qing is quite well understood. The ever-changing wind attribute ability of Lan Qing, the explosive extremely powerful ancient martial-arts, and the superhuman first-class wisdom, he can escape many times. Important factors for Astral Phantom sniper. But now in this space, in the case of one against one, many methods cannot be used. For the safety of own, Astral Phantom by no means is too worried. After all, he is a well-known Paragon. Although by no means can be promoted to Paragon level 2nd Phase, he has many ways to save his life. Even if you ask yourself, you will be able to rush out with 20-30% confidence. The Paragon itself controls principle, and principle has been integrated with Heaven and Earth. Therefore, the promised things must not be changed easily. otherwise is easily gnawed by principle. This is why even Astral Phantom cannot easily betray his faith.

What about promotion to Paragon? What about naturally gifted? He didn’t believe he couldn’t defeat such a newly promoted brat. Unfortunately, I am afraid that he cannot be killed today, otherwise, that huge return can also be obtained.

Astral Phantom moved, his speed looked how fast by no means, his body was flying in the air, and rushed straight to the direction of Lan Qing. There was also a dark purple halo on his body, making him look a bit more mysterious. The strength of Astral Phantom is in today’s Paragon, and it is no longer the bottom, after all, there are some new Paragons. His cultivation is also above Gourmet, Bookworm and Beggar. Although it is very difficult to break through the Law of Nature and enter the level of the French heaven and earth, but for many years of fame, he has already mastered his own abilities.

Lan Qing The body squatted slightly, with both hands slowly arcing on both sides of the body, virtually, the breath of principle gradually appeared. The blue light around his body dangled into a faint soft green light spreading out, covering the vast space.

Sure enough, it is the new rookie of Paragon. Is it possible to release the own field so quickly? Astral Phantom thought of some disdain. His body suddenly accelerated, and he couldn’t avoid it, so he rushed into the field of Lan Qing.

A strange scene appeared. When he rushed into the cyan field of Lan Qing, the blue light automatically lined up on both sides of his body, as if it was cut off by him. Absolutely shocking, seeing this scene, everyone around can not help but hold their breath subconsciously. Good power.

Astral Phantom has a residual image behind him, a total of six, plus his body is exactly seven. In my hands, I don’t know when a pair of black daggers have been added. Because they are not reflective, they can only be seen at some special angles.

This is the Paragon weapon Astral Phantom is famous for, Soul Eater. The pair of soul daggers did not know how many lives had been plundered.

The purple light suddenly flashed, everyone only felt a flower in front of them, Astral Phantom and the six afterimages behind him suddenly separated, and then shoved inward, and the seven figures merged inward from seven tricky angles, and attacked the Lan Qing body Different angles around. The **** realm of Lan Qing to him is like an empty general, and it has no effect at all.

Seeing that the soul dagger is about to pierce the body of the young man in front of them, everyone in the battle can’t help holding their breath one by one. Anliu is almost exclaimed, the eyes are full of fear. However, the Astral Phantom heart in it was a sudden hit. so easy.

How could it be so easy? He has played against Lan Qing many times. Although he always has the absolute upper hand with the strength of Paragon, Lan Qing has a lot of wisdom and can always escape the ascension under impossible circumstances. Will such a guy called God of Wisdom be so easily stabbed by himself? Even does not have reacted, and his field was too fragile.

He looked up and looked at Lan Qing carefully. What he saw was mocking eyes.

No! Astral Phantom believed the own judgment even more. He paused without hesitation. Only three clones rushed to Lan Qing, and the other three clones were thrown in four different directions together with the body.

Cyan light flashes, a huge cyan vortex does not know when it appears around the body of Lan Qing. This cyan vortex looks clear and transparent, exuding blue and blue light full of life, in the vortex, silent. However, after the three clone of Astral Phantom were put into it, they were cut and crushed instantly. No traces can be seen anymore.

How is that possible? What the **** is this …

The Astral Phantom who fled away looked at this scene in shock, because clone fell into it, and he could clearly feel the horrible energy that erupted in the whirlpool. That is principle of the wind, and it is clearly the principle of the wind that has fully grasped the true meaning of the wind and fully integrated into it. It perfectly simulates the energy fluctuation of cosmic turbulence, and fully expresses the meaning of swallowing. Let his clone escape.

Why is a person who has just entered the Paragon level so powerful? Astral Phantom puzzled. But at this time he could not think too much, because the flash of blue light, Lan Qing had caught up behind him.

Countless cyan wind blades suddenly spread out, and the next moments close again, blocking all the routes that Astral Phantom can escape. These wind blades are all condensed by cosmic turbulence, which is filled with the principle of the wind in the universe. Even Paragon didn’t dare to go directly.

Astral Phantom was surprised, but not panicked. In the face of Lan Qing, which is a little unpredictable, he reconciled. The body in the flight paused suddenly, and the soul-stealing dagger waved like lightning. Just hit the center of power of a wind blade. The wind blade collapsed and disappeared into wind element. Immediately afterwards, Astral Phantom flickered quickly in a small area, and the wind blades were often a distance from his also, and they were already annihilated in the air.

As for his three clones, they disappeared into the universe silently, as if they had disappeared.

Lan Qing suspended in the air, the wind blade kept releasing from him, and then covered Astral Phantom. Every blade of wind appeared just right. It seems that Astral Phantom is shrouded in a huge cyan light orb. No matter how he rushes left and right, he cannot break through. The two sides even temporarily formed a situation of attrition.

Terminator looks at Keeper, “Congratulations! Hua Alliance has one more Paragon. Why do we have such luck with Northern Alliance as does not have?”

Keeper smiled a little, “That ’s because the direction you chose was originally wrong. The mystery of the human body, by no means can be simulated by relying on technology alone. I want to really find the source of that mystery and be detached. More is still necessary. Relying on own diligence, go step by step. Of course, Converted Esper, Acquired Esper can be stronger than Innate Esper in the early stage, and cultivation speed is also much faster. However, after Ninth Level , the growth of speed will be reversed. What you want is quantity, and we What matters is quality. It turns out that it still seems our choice is right. “

Terminator smiled slightly, “Maybe. But it’s also because today’s technology is still perfect by no means. If one day, science can perfectly explain all the mysteries of the human body, then everything will be different. And When that day comes, maybe we can directly make Paragon. Only then will humans have the possibility of truly dominating the universe. “

Keeper does not have discussed with him again. This is a completely different idea. Both sides know that it is impossible to persuade each other. Everyone has a reason.

In the reduced or enlarged universe, the battle between the two sides has reached a fever pitch, and the phantom of the starry sky has turned into a purple light. As long as the cyan wind blade collides in the past, it will be destroyed, but a large number of cyan principle wind blade Also prevented his breakthrough, leaving Astral Phantom unable to ask the entanglement of Lan Qing. Both sides seem to be constantly consuming.

Although Paragon has controlled some of the universe ’s mysteries, letting Heaven and Earth principle be used by itself, but their power is also is by no means without to the limit, and it is not able to continue to consume the end of does not have.

In the eyes of outsiders, if you continue to consume this way, it should be that the old-fashioned Paragon Astral Phantom is even cheaper. After all, he has a longer time and a deeper cultivation. But the real strong eyes present, this competition has just begun, everything in front of them is just the that’s all of the two sides.

Astral Phantom has now understood that the previous cyan simply then was not in the field of Lan Qing, only the cyan swirl was. It is indeed a generation of geniuses. It has just become Paragon, and the field is so powerful. But similarly, by trying, Astral Phantom also gradually felt that Lan Qing should be because of the reason of just being promoted shortly, and the fighting method was relatively simple.

Paragon requires own principle to be fully integrated into combat skills. It takes a long process. Astral Phantom has gone this way, so he knows it well. In his opinion, Lan Qing is still too tender after all. From the beginning of the fight to the present, he has been suppressing the strength of own, and does not have broke out in all directions.

Astral Phantom fights like a poisonous snake. If you look for opportunities, you will get a hit. It doesn’t matter, it must be a shock.

In this regard, both Lan Qing and Lan Jue have been profoundly instructed, Lan Jue even survived his attack.

Almost! It’s time to give him a terrific look. The cold light flashed in Astral Phantom‘s eyes, and the soul dagger suddenly turned into two purple lights in his hand, one point towards the surrounding. That purple light changed its previous shortness, suddenly expanded, and turned into two handles of heavenshaking giant blade, as if to cut the entire universe, and cut it out instantly to both sides-


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