Skyfire Avenue Chapter 629: Not a level

The strong sense of distortion causes a strong discomfort. Fortunately, it only recovers after maintaining the short-term time. The strange feeling suddenly changed and disappeared, and everything returned to normal. Zeus-1 has calmly appeared on the asteroid used as a transit.

Lan Jue The eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, resisting the discomfort, the energy in the body is running, a faint coolness suddenly surges from the chest, and the body quickly returns to normal.

Except for a few Paragon, the expressions of Zeus five waiters are different, Lin Guoguo is the best one, and almost everyone else is reveals‘s painful look.

The original sense of oppression from the outside world completely disappeared, and the universe became silent.

Lan Jue slowly exhales, it is still worth paying a s-class space attribute energy treasure, can be out of the battlefield in such a dangerous situation instantly, protect everyone’s safety, and the situation is almost as imagined.

I don’t know how my father is doing. Lan Jue heart is slightly worried, whether he or Lan Qing, in fact, does not have has actually seen the strength of Absolute Emperor. The strength of Absolute Emperor is usually impossible to show to them, only they can feel it silently. Whether before or now, in their heart, Absolute Emperor is always unparalleled and powerful.

“Relax, he will be fine. It ’s almost impossible for the guy outside do not say to win him. Even if he can beat him. He can definitely run away.” Luo Xianni patted Lan Jue on the shoulder, calm. Said.

Lan Jue turned her head and looked at her. Although Luo Xianni said very calmly, Lan Jue noticed clearly that in her eyes, there was a clear flash of anxiety.

However, at this time, it is not suitable to say some discouraged words. And he also believed that Dad would be fine.

The emotions of other people are obviously much better, especially Wine Master. This operation has gained a lot. Not only did it detect the situation of plundering Samsung, but it also fought with a large number of Reaver and retreated. Also wiped out many enemies. In order to get a lot of life crystal. The value of these things must not be measured simply by money.

Jeweller, when Absolute Emperor returns, can we return?” Wine Master said to Lan Jue.

Lan Jue nodded, “I think so too. Our gains this time are already quite big. It is the most important thing to bring back the information we have obtained. Although it is not certain to plunder Samsung’s true strength, at least We have seen a lot of Reaver this time. It can also be confirmed that Reaver is indeed more afraid of our ability of Esper, and they are also invincible by by no means. However, another High Step Reaver appeared on the other side. Since the father has evaluated its strength and Dad is a level. Then, it may be more powerful than the Princess Zihong we encountered last time. Perhaps, in the future battlefield, we need to go to fight and beware. These are High Step Reaver. “

Wine Master nodded deeply, they have all seen the power of Absolute Emperor with their own eyes. If the strength of Reaver is at the same level as him, it means that Reaver also has similar strength, which is extremely terrifying.

This level is strong. The vast majority of modern weapons are useless to them, and they can produce powerful destructive power whether they are infiltrated or attacked directly. That is destruction that can destroy the planetary level.

Accountant is now recovering from the previous vertigo. He is the busiest one, because he constantly collects data, analyzes data, and then aggregates everything. When he was preparing to continue working in own, suddenly, his eyes staring at the screen changed slightly, “There is a strong energy wave in the direction of Shattered Chaos Three Stars.”

Hear him. Everyone’s face changed greatly, although they were still in Shattered Chaos Star Territory. However, how far is the range from the original Shattered Chaos Three Stars? From here airship can feel the strong energy waves. How strong would it be!

The Luo Xianni, which has always been relatively calm, also has a slight complexion. Is this horrible energy fluctuation coming from Absolute Emperor or from Reaver?

Lan Jue turned his head to look at Luo Xianni, “Mom, Dad …” The question he asked was very clear, could Absolute Emperor have such a powerful power to transmit its own energy fluctuations to such a distant place.

Luo Xianni shook his head, “I don’t know, maybe, it’s not just his strength, but in any case, he won’t have any problems coming back alive.” Dan

Lan Jue takes a deep breath. Of course, he knows that Luo Xianni has a strong emotional factor in it. by no means is a calm judgment, but at this moment, they can only choose to believe in the emotional judgment of Luo Xianni. .

The other people’s moods are also a bit heavy. What is the existence of Absolute Emperor? The first human being! It is the real mainstay-level power of fight Reaver in the future. If Absolute Emperor falls directly into this reconnaissance, the blow to human Esper can be imagined. By no means was any of them wishing to see it.

But they can’t do anything at this time, they can only wait for the return of Absolute Emperor. Lan Jue, as the leader of this operation, he kept himself as calm as possible, but his hands were still subconsciously clenched into a fist. If he is only one person, following Absolute Emperor and Absolute Emperor, then first moment will go directly to find Absolute Emperor and die with his father. However, this time he came with a task, and with so many partners of also, he couldn’t influence the whole team with the idea of ​​because of oneself alone, so he can only wait now, and can’t wait too long time, Absolute Emperor at a certain time When does not have returns to words, he can only choose to take everyone back first, because sending the news back is the most important thing.

But he also believes that own Dad will definitely turn his back on safety. This is a belief, a belief in the strongest man in the world.

time passed by every minute, everyone’s emotions were agitated in peace.

Suddenly, when the golden light flashed and everyone didn’t respond, there was already one more person in the airship cabin, indeed Absolute Emperor.

“Daddy!” Seeing the Jedi, Lan Jue was overjoyed and hurried to welcome him.

Absolute Emperor looks like everything is normal, what’s the difference from the previous by no means, but there is a little look of ponder in the eyes. He nodded to Lan Jue and said: “Let’s go, return.” After saying this, he turned and left, and went back to the own cabin.

Lan Jue nodded to Su Xiaosu. The next moment, Zeus-1 rose into the air, flying to the periphery of Shattered Chaos Star Territory with the fastest speed.

Lan Jue glanced at Luo Xianni, Luo Xianni has quickly followed the figure of Absolute Emperor. Lan Jue hesitated a bit, but also does not have followed. If Dad wants to say, he will tell himself, he doesn’t say, there must be his reason.

“How?” Luo Xianni followed Absolute Emperor back into the cabin and asked in a low voice. She is the most anxious of all, because only she knows the true physical condition of Absolute Emperor.

Absolute Emperor shook his head, “does not have success. That Reaver really exists at the same level as me. If it can get its life crystal, it will definitely help me. However, he is not the strongest among Reaver. At that time, I was about to succeed, but the Raven Star sent a stronger breath than him. I had to leave immediately. “

“Better than you?” Luo Xianni asked in surprise.

Absolute Emperor glanced at her, said in a serious voice: “It’s not a layer of existence. So just in front of them I do not have said, this matter is better kept secret for the time being.”

Luo Xianni has been shocked and speechless at this time. Even Absolute Emperor said that he is not on the same level as the other party. How strong is the other party ’s strength? Isn’t it really like the legendary fairy general?

Absolute Emperor said: “But this time it is not a complete does not have harvest. I got some news from the exchange with that purple prince. Now I am almost sure that they simulated humans for better evolution. The human body, At least among the currently known cosmic lifeform is the most suitable for evolution. This is why they have to learn from us. And they learn quickly, we talk and behave, some knowledge of humans, our language, these High Step Reaver are learning . I doubt that they must take us as a goal, not only to plunder the amount of life energy, but also to better learn us, and even to obtain our genes in the future, integrate them into their own genes, and complete a larger one. Evolution. “

Luo Xianni frowned. “It seems that this war is inevitable and it will be very difficult.” She is Paragon at the level of All-Encompassing. Naturally, she knows how destructive the power of this level is. terror. It is even more powerful than Absolute Emperor. How many technological weapons can humans have fight?

Absolute Emperor said: “This thing really needs to be considered in the long run. After really facing it, I know the troubles of these guys. However, it is indeed an opportunity.”

The return journey was very smooth. Although I also encountered Reaver, in order to return faster, through evasion and the mental simulation of Lin Guoguo, they does not have played against their opponents again. Passed Shattered Chaos Star Territory smoothly and returned to human world.

Lan Jue first moment turns on the remote communication signal. The sooner the message is transmitted back, the better it is for human beings. The primary communication partner he chose was naturally Planet Anlun. Planet Anlun has extremely powerful remote permitting capabilities, and Lan Qing is someone he can absolutely trust.

“Come back?” Lan Qing appeared directly on the screen. Although he seemed calm, his eyes still glowed with joy. The most terrible part of Reaver is their unknownness. Therefore, Lan Qing still has some concerns about their safety. Now connecting the communication, at least it proves that they have left the Shattered Chaos Star Territory range. (To be continued)

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