Skyfire Avenue Chapter 616: What is the legal aspect of Lan Jue?

Wine Master benefited the most, and finally he had the idea of ​​coagulation method. As long as there is a precipitation of a period of time, after returning to Planet Skyfire, he can try to start the condensation phase.

Skyfire Legion and the Esper of Hemophilus Army all realized that principle is already seven days later.

The benefits of Skyfire Legion are much larger than those of Hemitis Yellow Army. Because if you want to feel principle, first of all, you must have enough strength. If you do n’t have enough strength, you wo n’t be too deep.

The requirement for joining the Jeremias Yellow Army is a minimum of Fourth Level Esper, while Skyfire Legion is all above Sixth Level , and the level difference is quite large.

However, because Great Sun Tathāgata Buddha light shines, each Esper still benefits a lot.

Sitting on the bed cross-legged, Lan Jue has been meditating for three full days. Dad’s instructions opened a brand new door in front of him.

Legal phase is feedback from principle. What kind of law phase is condensed can feedback the change trend of principle.

Lan Jue had never considered this aspect. It only believed that Paragon should be promoted step by step. You must always become Paragon before you can continue to think about the issue of the law.

But the direct breakthrough of Lan Qing brought him a lot of excitement. He then knew that the original Fa phase could be coagulated through this situation.

How much time is saved if you step into the sky in one step! Control the changes of principle born from promotion principle without wasting the slightest waste. This is the real Kangzhuang Avenue.

However, it becomes extremely important to condense what aspects.

Lan Qing‘s Great Sun Tathāgata method certainly has some Absolute Emperor bad taste, but it is also because he has such a talent, with the Buddha’s nature passed down from ancient times, and can finally be success.

After having the Great Sun Tathāgata method phase, the future improvement of Lan Qing can be imagined. The strength of the law phase is the most important for Paragon competition.

generally speaking, Paragon The most condensed method is yourself. Many Paragons have done this in history. In doing so, it can directly cause qualitative change and sublimation of its own ability. Become more powerful.

However, this will make the future space smaller, and it is too difficult or too difficult to continue to appreciate the changes.

The reason why Absolute Emperor can become Absolute Emperor is because he had a very powerful law. What he has, the indeed Qitian Dasheng heritage. After fighting success over Dharma, Absolute Emperor will advance to All-Encompassing in just time in ten years, and Almighty in five years!

Absolute Emperor After Lan Qing reached the peak of Ninth Level , he began to teach him the method of coagulation. This is the reason why Lan Qing has been accumulated for three years, and it has been brewing for three years.

Lan Jue has not yet reached the peak of Ninth Level , but he has a lot of principle perceptions, and there is a birth and death divine thunder brought by thunder essence. Absolute Emperor, after careful thinking, also helped him to come up with a method that suits him best. Not only related to the Taoist Taiji he practiced, but also related to the Thunder. Coupled with the fairy spirit in thunder essence, it forms the basis of the Fa phase.

Lan Jue The biggest problem encountered in the recent practice is that principle can’t find any direction. Too many adventures make him unable to see the road ahead.

In this case, Absolute Emperor took time for three days, and smoothed the road for him, which will make the future practice of Lan Jue smoother.

In just three days, Lan Jue‘s vision suddenly opened up. This is the advantage of having a super strong man pointing, so that he has not taken too many, too many detours. If he was allowed to explore it by himself, it would be impossible for him to think of such a law. Also does not have for any reference. But Absolute Emperor is different. Absolute Emperor is a childhood adventure. It is derived from ancient traditions. also has many precious materials. These materials may be of great use to does not have for ordinary people, but they have an unimaginable effect on Esper advanced Paragon.

eyes‘s clear blue light blooms, reflecting the entire room into blue, with a bit of silver awn mixed in it, the wonderful birth and death atmosphere rotates. Although only a small part of thunder essence has been absorbed, ability of Lan Jue has undergone qualitative transformation. Although time is still required for complete conversion, with the fusion of yin and yang, the process will become much shorter.

Once Lan Jue replaces its own Thunder with a yin and yang double thunder, the speed that absorbs thunder essence will increase significantly. The shock Paragon is just around the corner.

What surprises Lan Jue is that although Goddess Transformation of Zhou Qianlin is not offensive, it has the characteristics of tolerance. The two practice together, no matter what kind of energy is generated, it will not affect her own improvement. This allows Lan Jue not to worry that her cultivation may not keep up.

eyes Lan Mang gradually faded away, everything turned back to normal, Lan Jue rose up, and moved own body.

Even if it has been several days, but now think about the Great Sun Tathāgata phase of Lan Qing, Lan Jue can’t help but admire it. The foundation of the French phase is there. Once Lan Qing can be fully used, I am afraid that no one at the same level of Paragon can compete!

To what extent would the Prajna Three Curse be used by Great Sun Tathāgata?

A’Cheng and A’Li should be stimulated, not me alone.

Yes Chu Cheng with Hua Li (splendor) , Lan Jue Is totally trusted, he by no means think Lan Qing Breakthroughs need to be hidden from them.

Dialed interstellar communication number of Chu Cheng, and soon came the voice of Chu Cheng, “Hello, my name is Chu Cheng. I ca n’t answer your call temporarily due to retreat, I have a message. But within the short time, I am afraid I ca n’t Processing. Sorry.

Retreat? Is A’Cheng still being closed?

Back to Planet Skyfire, Lan Jue had not had time to contact Chu Cheng and Hua Li (splendor). I did not expect that he was still retreating.

Instead, I dialed the number Hua Li (splendor), and the sound came from the same.

Lan Jue can’t help but be a little funny, could it be said that everyone has a sense of mind? The boss broke through, and they all worked so hard. It really makes me feel full of crisis!

Unfortunately, you ca n’t stay here for cultivation. The plunder of Samsung is of great importance. You must explore the situation there as soon as possible.

After six days in Planet Anlun, time is not short. He didn’t feel relieved without first going to plunder Samsung.

Out of the own dormitory, Lan Jue first contacted Wine Master and Su Xiaosu.

Lan Qing is still closed and cannot be contacted.

time is not long, all the Paragon, including Absolute Emperor and Luo Xianni are gathered together.

“Ready to go?” Absolute Emperor asked.

Lan Jue nodded, “We are going to investigate the plunder of Samsung and bring the news back as soon as possible. We must always monitor them to respond to first moment when they attack us.”

Su Xiaosu is a must-go. She is familiar with the Shattered Chaos Star Territory starry sky. With her here, it will be much easier to go or escape. Lan Jue‘s Zeus’ Four Maidservants naturally follows him, plus a Accountant that is good at various electronic facilities capabilities. This is their most basic lineup.

Wine Master and Watchmaker promised to go with him. The two major Paragons are a guarantee of security.

Beggar said before that he also had to go before he was promoted to Paragon, very eager to fight.

“Mom, just don’t go, stay here with your father.” Lan Jue said to Luo Xianni.

Luo Xianni doesn’t know what method was used, or Absolute Emperor figured it out. Anyway, these two are out of the right pair and look intimate.

“How can I do that? I’ll go with you.” Luo Xianni said without hesitation: “Those Reaver are really dangerous, I don’t worry about not following you nearby. You can’t let you call me this mom I’m not as irresponsible as some people. “

Absolute Emperor said: “Aren’t you ironic that I will die?”

Luo Xianni looked at him provocatively, “You have the ability to stop my mouth!”

Absolute Emperor is angry, and he also knows that there is no possibility of winning the fight with Luo Xianni. There is really no lower limit on this, and you dare to say anything.

“I will go with you too.” Absolute Emperor said in a serious voice.

“Ah?” Lan Jue looked at Absolute Emperor in surprise. He didn’t expect that Dad was going.

Absolute Emperor said: “A’Qing has been completed and there is no problem in self-protection. I don’t need it here. I’ll see how strong this predatory Samsung can be.” The eyes of the strong flashed. The powerful momentum shocked everyone in the audience.

Wine Master and Watchmaker are overjoyed. With Absolute Emperor following, their safety need not be considered. They have only heard of it, but have never seen what the true strength of Absolute Emperor looks like. But in the legend of the year, Absolute Emperor was a horrible existence that could easily destroy a planet. If this is really words, maybe Absolute Emperor will be able to wreak havoc on Samsung.

Lan Jue is naturally even happier. My father and mother are accompanying me. Although there are few people going this time, the strength is absolutely unprecedented. It is absolutely impossible to form such a squad in human world.

One Almighty1765A other Paragon, one All-Encompassing, one French heaven and earth, plus two Law of Nature. And they these Ninth Level Esper. In terms of individual combat effectiveness, it is really enough to destroy the planet.

“Don’t leave me, I’ll go too!” Driver didn’t know how to get the news, and it turned into lightning speed from a distance.

Lan Jue said: “Don’t go there. We leave, there must always be someone in charge of Skyfire Legion.”

Driver said firmly: “No, I want to go with you. Here are also Coffee Master and Bartender. It is enough to have them in command. Anyway, stay here to study and exchange ideas with the Anlun army.” Of course he is going Absolute Emperor has pointed out his cultivation these days, and he has benefited tremendously. He will never let go of such a good opportunity. Not to mention that he and Lan Jue‘s yin-yang fusion divine thunder also needs time to continue training. This trip to Shattered Chaos Star Territory time will not be too short, maybe divine thunder conversion can be completed-


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