Skyfire Avenue Chapter 591: The sadness of Beautician

Four warships landed slowly at Planet Skyfire Skyfire City Public Airship Base. Although the two pirates warship are warship, they can only land here first.

There are Skyfire Avenue mediating in them, their identity is not a problem. In addition, Skyfire Legion and by no means need this common battleship, which is directly delivered to Skyfire Avenue for processing. The resources obtained naturally belong to Skyfire Avenue and Skyfire Legion.

The doors of four airship hatches have been opened one by one. The soldiers of the four groups of Skyfire Legion ordered airship in an orderly manner, and arranged the formation according to the formation of their own group.

After this trip to destroy the pirates, these powerful Espers have a full understanding of the capabilities and strengths of the legion commanders, and they are more convinced than before sets off.

Lan Jue struck down the powerful Reaver with Trapping Immortal Sword, leaving them deeply impressed.

To Lan Jue‘s surprise, Wine Master personally came to Public Airship Base to pick them up.

“Why did you come here in person?” Lan Jue greeted him, speaking in surprise.

Wine Master‘s face looks a bit heavy, “I ca n’t help but come here. The Hua Alliance House will invite you to the meeting and I will accompany you. The information you send back is too important. Once the authenticity is determined, it will affect Hua Alliance and even humans. Three Alliances has made a huge impact. Can you be sure? “

Lan Jue smiled bitterly: “How I hope all this is fake! You wait a moment, I will let everyone dismiss and go back to rest before talking. Then the things brought back this time must also be organized and compiled, which our army can use , Back to arm everyone to the teeth. “

Wine Master bowed slightly, “You don’t need to worry about it. I will arrange it. As long as you can prove the authenticity of the news this time, you have made great contributions to Hua Alliance. We received the news on first moment, although we have all confirmed by does not have, But an space fortress has been dispatched to the Shattered Chaos Star Territory border. Ready to respond. “

Lan Jue sighed and said: “It’s useless. If the plunder Samsung can really carry out space jump at will, then they can appear at any time and attack on any of our Three Alliances. Staying on the periphery is not a solution at all.”

Wine Master smiled bitterly: “I know that too. But now we are basically does not have other. Guarding at the border, at least will not cause panic. If space fortress directly enters the galaxy, what association will our people have?”

Lan Jue frowns and plunders Samsung’s sudden appearance, which brings many problems.

“You wait a moment, I will let everyone dissolve and go back to rest. Then follow you.”

Skyfire Legion is not a real army after all. Everyone has worked so hard for a long time and always have to relax after coming back.

Lan Jue returned to the front of the four brigades after the assembly. “time in the past few months, everyone has worked hard. We have achieved a brilliant record and given you a week of rest time. Your military achievements will be recorded. Our gains will also be registered as soon as possible, and will be disclosed to everyone afterwards. We will gather later in a week. We will be late. We will deduct military power directly. OK, dissolve. “

You can take a week off. Espers who have become accustomed to militarized management can’t help cheering, but they still leave the airship base in orderly units.

At this time, Lan Jue saw someone.

The beautiful Beautician stood there, looked around, and found no own target for a long time. She hurried towards Lan Jue.

Jeweller, do you see Barber does not have?”

Lan Jue is silent, following Lan Jue nearby Driver is also silent.

Barber belongs to the First Brigade, which is the subordinate of Lan Jue.

Beautician originally smiled like a flower, but looking at their expressions, the smile on their faces gradually disappeared, “What about the little scissors?” She asked again.

Lan Jue took a deep breath and wanted to say something, but found himself unable to say simply then.

Driver said solemnly: “Barber he …, sacrificed.”

Beautician paused, the next moment, the blood on his face suddenly faded, “No, it’s impossible. Hasn’t he been with you all the time? Our battle on Moondemon Star is so smooth, how can it be possible with his strength How is that possible? You are united with him to lie to me, right? This is not funny at all, let him come out, let him come out to see me. Otherwise, I will never ignore him! “

Lan Jue‘s eyes darkened, Driver couldn’t speak.

At this time, Wine Master also came over, and he had received news of Lan Jue before Lan Jue they returned.

Beautician, we are all sorry, but Barber is really …”

“No!” Beautician suddenly yelled, tears were not flowing from control, “No, no, no, impossible! Little scissors are so strong, how could he die in the hands of a pirate? Impossible, You lied to me! You all lied to me. Abominable little scissors, you gave me out, did you not ask me to marry you that day? Did you just treat me like that? You still want me to agree to this attitude You? Stop dreaming. I will ignore you in the future. Come out and hear does not have! “

Listening to her screaming exhaustion, some of the teams far away from does not have stopped, and invariably gathered here.

They have no idea what happened.

Lan Jue raised his hand and held Beautician‘s shoulder, “Beautician is sad.”

Beautician shakes off his hand sharply, “Sorrow? What’s sad? You are not good people. You all lied to me with him, right? I wo n’t forgive you, I wo n’t forgive you. I do n’t believe it He will be killed by pirates. Little scissors, you come out, you insidious little scissors, I warned you for the last time, and if I do n’t come out, I will never ignore you! “

Su Xiaosu has always been behind Lan Jue, her eyes can’t help but a little red.

“Head, what happened?” A team of Captain could not help asking.

At this time, almost all the Skyfire Legion squads came together, including those who had previously left first. At this time, they also received news.

Lan Jue sighed and nodded to Su Xiaosu, “I’ve come back, tell everyone.” On the return trip, in order to stabilize everyone’s mood, return as soon as possible, concealing the news. And now. He can no longer hide it.

Wine Master said in a serious voice: “Jeweller, this is an alliance secret.”

Lan Jue looked at him seriously and said: “My brothers has the right to know the truth of the matter. I ca n’t tell them without telling them. The first brigade, block the surroundings. Skyfire Legion belongs. Collection. Accountant , group video Go to everyone’s interstellar communicator and set the file to be automatically destroyed after five minutes. “

“Yes.” Accountant nodded sadly.

Soon, this area was blocked by Skyfire Legion, and then everyone received a message on interstellar communicator.

interstellar communicator The screen is not large, but you can project a picture in front of yourself in the way of projection to see the content more clearly.

Gradually. Everyone’s breathing began to become heavy. His eyes began to startle.

Until now they knew why the Legion Command was so eager to order everyone to evacuate. Even Coffee Master and Bartender, which are big Captain, have just been known.

Cold sweat, appear on most people’s clothing.

What a danger? If evacuation is a little slower, they will likely stay there forever.

Wine Master does not have is blocking Lan Jue, just standing there silently.

Suddenly, Beautician fluttered slightly, and Su Xiaosu hurried forward to support her, so that she would not fall to the ground.

The tears are not affected by the majesty of control. Beautician‘s red lips are constantly buzzing, and the eyes are full of endless sadness.

“Why? Why is this? Why are you must rush over. Why?”

“Do you know why I didn’t agree to your proposal? Because our age gap is too big. I’m so much older than you! Your future is brighter than me, and I don’t want to drag your back. But why You left me alone and just left? Why? “

Beautician sounded like a cry, making everyone in the room cry. Barber was the first person to fall from Skyfire Legion, but it was his own fall that has caused the entire Skyfire Legion to fall into deep sadness.

The words Reaver appear for the first time so profoundly in Skyfire Legion heart.

They once faced Reaver on Storm Star. On that occasion, although Reaver was also very strong, it failed to cause any damage to them. In their opinion, Reaver is just a stronger beast that’s all.

However, this time they really felt the power of Reaver, Barber, a Ninth Level 3rd Step, and a strong player close to Ninth Level 4th Step. In front of each other, they could not even resist the blow.

Three huge Reaver planets can directly devour Shattered Chaos Three Stars. How powerful is this? How fierce.

“We must avenge Barber!” I don’t know who shouted first, and the next moment, Skyfire Legion was excited.

The sound of revenge rang through the entire Public Airship Base.

Lan Jue came to Beautician, “Do n’t cry, he wo n’t be able to live back. What we can do now is turn grief into strength. We will do everything we can to avenge Barber!”

Beautician slowly raised her head and wiped away the tears on her face. Her eyes gradually changed. The eye, which had become blank and sad because of crying, was suddenly filled with unparalleled killing intent.

Barber‘s death was too unexpected for everyone. No one could think of such a beautiful-looking woman who possessed such terrifying strength and killed him mercilessly. ——

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The Douro series has always been the most important part of my creation. When Skyfire is finished, it will open “Douluo Daluiii”.

In the new world, what opportunities and challenges will there be, unwillingness and blood, legends and miracles?

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