Skyfire Avenue Chapter 577: Meeting

Their tasks have been basically completed. Most of the airships in the airship base are trapped in the sea of ​​fire. The other battleship, which was bombarded by the main gun of the does not have, was also completely tilted by the shock wave due to the large explosion of battleship next to it. . Alas, the repair of airship and does not have in this state in a few days is impossible to put into battle.

The various protection systems below cannot be turned on at all. Such a violent explosion has destroyed most of the defense system.

At this time, Moon City and Moondemon Palace have already launched a comprehensive battle.

Lan Jue and Driver first moment controlled main control room. At the next moment, they issued a command for a comprehensive attack. At the same time, they were not idle here.

Lan Jue immediately connected to the control center, and connected to the Great Emperor at the same time for system deciphering.

Because Su Xiaosu has provided a lot of information to Accountant before, it is relatively easy to decipher.

“Decoding is complete.” Accountant voice came.

At this time, a distant roar has begun to faintly start in the distance, and the alarm sound is even more frequent on the side of Room control.

Moondemon Palace‘s main control room is based on the control planet defense system, and all satellites and large radar control hubs are also here. Therefore, after those airship bases were attacked, first moment could get news here.

A slight smile on reveals on Lan Jue‘s face made a gesture to Driver. Driver nodded, indicating that he was ready.

Xiaosu, how are you over there?” Lan Jue asked own interstellar communicator.

The voice of Su Xiaosu came immediately, “All enter the secret road. Okay.”

Lan Jue said, “Okay, let’s get started.” He turns to main control screen. “Great Emperor. Open the comprehensive protection system of Moondemon Palace.”

“Yes!” In the face of such an important battle, Accountant became meticulous. The whole person was like the same machine general, and the data stream in eye was flashing madly, making him look like a whole body. A faint glow.

Moondemon Palace outside.

A deep roar slowly sounded, and the ground shook like a general earthquake. Nearby buildings began to fall dusty. Immediately afterwards, huge metal walls slowly rose from below the ground. The entire Moondemon Palace is also slowly rising in the shock.

The searchlights also began to shine from inside Moondemon Palace. Moondemon Palace has also seen earth-shaking changes. Various alloy metal walls rise. A layer of orange-red shield shines from the outermost side of the entire Moondemon Palace.

In just a few minutes of time, the entire Moondemon Palace has stood up. Fully covered by alloy metal walls and anti-shield, it quickly became a war fortress.

What’s more terrible is that at the top of Moondemon Palace, a giant artillery slowly rises, and the giant artillery slowly rotates during the rise, showing its horrible form of attack without dead ends.

Within main control room, Lan Jue said to Driver: “You go to the Star Rail Cannon. There is me here.”

Driver froze for a moment, “Don’t say I’ll stay here, will you go there?”

Lan Jue smiled, “I feel the breath of an old friend. So, I’m here. Hurry up. Don’t delay.”

Driver also knows that this time is not the nonsense time. Although he did not understand why Lan Jue suddenly changed the plan, he quickly left Lightning Conversion.

Skyfire Legion‘s war intent map is very direct, occupying Moondemon Palace, and turning on external defense shield. With all the first and second brigades infiltrating, all the enemies in Moondemon Palace were quickly resolved, so as to take control here and attack the remaining pirates with Moondemon Palace as the center. With all the airship bases resolved, as long as the time holding them in place, the balance of victory and defeat in this war has been completed.

Of course, it is simple to say, but in practice it is very cumbersome and requires coordination and cooperation from various aspects. All airship bases must be resolved within the shortest time, and no warship can be launched. Otherwise, the combat effectiveness of warship will have a huge impact on Skyfire Legion.

Secondly, the attack on Moondemon Palace must not be missed, and the enemies in Moondemon Palace are undoubtedly the strongest and most numerous. All are true core members of Moondemon Pirates.

It’s not easy to occupy here and try to avoid damage.

Then the Great Emperor in space, can it contain the auxiliary star of Shattered Chaos Three Stars, and can also Photographer contain another. Only when all of these are completed can this mission be completed.

Lan Jue has a slight smile on reveals on his face, his hands are folded on his chest, and every time the light of eyes flashes, the air will twist slightly. He leaned back in his chair, and the whole man seemed very laid back, seemingly waiting for something silently.

At this moment, suddenly, a golden light flickers, and there is one more person in main control room.

Seeing this person, Lan Jue smiled.

“Old friend, long time no see,” he said calmly with a smile.

When Gabriel saw Lan Jue, he was all alone. He never expected to see this person here. At the same time my heart sank.

The sudden alarm sounded him from the practice, and then, an indescribable sense of fear and depression spread throughout his body.

This feeling Gabriel has been does not have for a long time. He didn’t even know what happened.

After contacting Redbeard, Redbeard told him that main control room seemed to have been attacked. The protection system of the Moondemon Palace was forcibly opened. It is necessary to retake the control rights of main control room first.

So Angel of Death Gabriel first moment came over here.

However, he thought that does not have would meet Lan Jue here.

At first, he besieged Lan Jue in Moondemon Star and Angel of War Michael and Cherubim Raphael, and nearly killed him. But he couldn’t think of it anyway. Feng Shui took turns, and today he turned to find himself. Shouldn’t he be in Skyfire Avenue? Why is it here?

After Esper Congress held in Great Conclave, Gabriel has deeply realized the horror of this man in front of him. He knew that he was by no means an opponent of Lan Jue.

A sacred light lighted up, and he first turned on protection.

“Why are you here?” Gabriel said in a serious voice.

Lan Jue smiled slightly, “Why are you here? We and Weiguang Zhengdaquan’s Pontiff Citadel Archangel are at the core of a pirate planet, isn’t this a bit strange? If you let your followers know, no Know what to think. “

Gabriel eyes flashes, coldly said: “Did you come against me?”

Lan Jue shook his head, “You look at yourself too high. You are not worthy to let me run this trip.”

Gabriel The pupil contracted suddenly, but he still squeezed his anger, “What do you want?”

Lan Jue said indifferently: “I have a clean habit, especially like clean, everything that is not clean, I always want to wash it out. Originally Moondemon Pirates is fairly clean, but after being occupied by some people, it has become Something is different. “

Gabriel‘s mind flashed suddenly and lost his voice: “Those pirate group have been your poisoned hands? You …”

Lan Jue frowned, “What is a poisonous hand? Eliminating evil means promoting goodness. Has could it be your Pontiff Eminence does not have taught you? In this case, I will teach you.”

Gabriel‘s breathing suddenly became a little rapid, both eyes stared at Lan Jue, “You are here, nothing more than our goal. Since Skyfire Avenue wants to share a cup, by no means cannot talk. Now we They all have a common goal. Three Alliances has issued a joint statement that it is necessary to unify the external, common fight Reaver may appear at any time. But you kill each other internally, this is what Skyfire Avenue does? “

Lan Jue smiled and said: “Are you afraid? What you said has no meaning to does not have for me. I only know that if you expect to be outside, you must settle in first. These tumors of Shattered Chaos Star Territory do not give a heavy blow. When we When facing foreign enemies, they will only rise. You are right, now is the time to fight against foreign enemies. If you stand here honestly, do nothing. After the matter is over, I can let you go Back to Pontiff Citadel. “

Gabriel flashed, eyes flashed, “You are so confident? Here is Moondemon Star! Do you know how many troops Moondemon Pirates has? According to our investigation, you can only bring up to three battleships!”

Lan Jue smiled slightly, turned around, turned his back on Gabriel, and clicked on the keyboard a few times.

Multiple screens in the center of control light up at the same time. What appeared was almost a sea of ​​fire.

Gabriel is also not short of time. He is familiar with everything about Moondemon Star. As soon as he saw these places, his face changed immediately.

Just as he was about to say something, a dozen people rushed in quickly outside, and almost everyone released a powerful breath. For the first person, a red-faced beard full of anxiety.

“Master Gabriel!” Upon entering the door, seeing Gabriel, Redbeard was clearly relieved. When he was about to say something, he immediately saw Lan Jue again, his eyes were frozen, his face changed instantly. Because he also saw the scenes on the screen, compared to Gabriel, of course he was more familiar with it, and he had just received news of the attack on the airship base.

“Take him down!” Redbeard sighed loudly. The dozen or so people who rushed in with him immediately rushed out of the four and rushed straight to Lan Jue.

Moondemon Palace suddenly turned on full defense, Redbeard was shocked, but he was used to leisurely life, but does not have Red Spider was so alert. It was the message from interstellar communicator that really woke him up. He immediately issued a full martial law order and notified Gabriel. After consolidating a group of powerful subordinates, he came to the main control center. (To be continued …)

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