Skyfire Avenue Chapter 570: Encountering awesomeness again

Coffee Master and Bartender nodded at the same time and accepted the order.

Lan Jue looks at Driver, “Let’s lead the first and second groups to attack Moondemon Palace. Be sure to occupy it within the shortest time.”

Driver nodded and said to Su Xiaosu: “How many people do they have over Moondemon Palace?”

Su Xiaosu said: “The surface of Moondemon Palace looks like citadel. In fact, it is a fortress. There are many defense facilities hidden in the ground. It can accommodate more than a thousand Mechas for defense operations. At the same time, on the top floor of Moondemon Palace, A small planet orbit gun is also installed. The radiation distance is 10,000 meters, and the destructive power is one third of the power of the planet defense system orbit gun. “

Driver suddenly widened his eyes, “You do n’t have to use such an exaggeration! Install a planet orbit gun in own citadel, are you crazy? So huge energy, radiation alone can cause considerable harm to the human body.”

Su Xiaosu is a little embarrassed and said: “It is enough to radiate defense. I am confident in this. It was also for the invasion of defense foreign enemies. Therefore, we must not attack Moondemon Palace. That would be very costly.”

Planet orbit gun, that is the attack method of almost all planet defense system. Even the space fortress is actually mounted on various planet orbit guns of different calibers.

Lan Jue once experienced the power of the planet ’s highest-tech orbital gun, which was the Northern Alliance Spider space fortress. The power generated at that moment is do not say. Even if Absolute Emperor is hit positively, it is impossible to escape.

Of course, the planetary orbit gun of the ordinary planet defense system is far more powerful than does not have, but a normal caliber main gun can defeat a shield of a battleship in one shot. A maximum of three artillery hits can turn a battleship into cosmic dust, and its power can be imagined.

This level of stuff is used directly on the surface of the planet, and its power is not much worse than the nuclear bomb when humans first started high-tech development, nothing more than the side effect that’s all of the does not have nuclear bomb. On Explosive Power. It has never happened before. Mecha was bombarded in the front, and the world would evaporate directly.

One third of the power of the planet ’s orbital guns is equally terrifying! If bombed in a Mecha Pilot regiment, most of it will lose most of its combat effectiveness. Of course, this is a situation where the opposing formation is very concentrated.

The planetary orbit guns of the planet defense system are strictly forbidden to use on the surface of the planet, because if a certain number of planetary orbit guns bombard the surface of the planet at the same time. It is likely to destroy a planet. Therefore, when the planet defense system was established, all planetary orbital guns must be unanimously outward, and the muzzle can only face the universe remotely, and it must not be allowed to turn around and point at the surface of the planet.

Su Xiaosu‘s boldness can be imagined. Although she installed a real planet orbit gun on top of Moondemon Palace, does not have reduced its power. But in fact, on the entire Moondemon Star surface, the attack power of does not have can be compared with it.

Lan Jue said: “Leave this planet orbit gun of Moondemon Palace to me. I am responsible for occupation.”

It is naturally safest to take his shot. He is the third strongest player in the whole army except Gourmet and Pharmacist. Of course, this is on the premise of not counting the power of that Photographer.

Su Xiaosu said: “The first wave we sent in must be strongest, penetrated. After entering, we want control to live at these points …”

Now, she quickly marks on the electronic map in front of her. The electronic map is directly connected to everyone’s interstellar communicator, so everyone can clearly see it.

This war is compared to when the other pirates were killed. Obviously more nervous. Almost all the power of Skyfire Legion was used.

Of course, this is also the case where Lan Jue and Su Xiaosu are relatively conservative. If the words is calculated entirely based on individual combat effectiveness, some actions are not necessary to complete as a team, and personal strength is sufficient. After all, the destructive power of a Ninth Level Esper driving Mecha is extremely scary.

However, for security reasons. The crowd still decided that all operations were still carried out in small teams. Make sure everyone is as safe as possible.

Security comes first. With sufficient staffing, there is no need to take risks.

The combat meeting runs late into the night. Perfecting every detail, deducing over and over again.

This war. This will be the biggest test since the establishment of Skyfire Legion. A problem in one link is likely to cause a full collapse.

Until the early morning, the people ended the meeting and began to rest.

The third and fourth brigades took the lead in purchasing clothing separately and then left the bow Moon City in batches. Then came the first and second brigades.

Even if the planet is a pirate, there is public transport between cities. Transport ships are rare in other pirate groups, but they are here. Of course, it is only used to fly inside the planet and will not fly out of outer space. After all, in Shattered Chaos Star Territory, the pure transport ship radically is wants everyone to take a bite of fat.

The fare of the transport ship is ridiculously expensive, which is specifically used to restrict those who are not pirates. Pirates are free to ride.

The first and second brigade added up more than 500 people, divided into more than 20 batches, and it took a full day of time to reach Moon City from bow Moon City.

Compared to Gong Moon City, Moon City is much more prosperous, and metal houses are rarely seen in the streets and lanes, which are almost the same as human Three Alliances normal cities.

However, the crime rate on the street is still high. Lan Jue and Su Xiaosu walked two streets together and encountered three fights.

Su Xiaosu is wearing a hoodie, covering his head, and wearing a mask on his face to cover as much as possible own.

“The order is much worse than before,” she whispered to Lan Jue.

Lan Jue smiled indifferently, “Soon they will have nothing to do with public order. Your Majesty Empress will return to Moondemon Palace soon. What do you think?”

Su Xiaosu whispered: “Boss, you laughed at me again. What can I think, I just hope that the place I built in the first hand can be ruined in my own hands. It is better than to help me. Formerly, I The education received in Pontiff Citadel is about how and how evil Dark Citadel is. But in fact, we all know that the hypocrisy of Pontiff Citadel is more terrible than Dark Citadel. Their evil does not have is a sign that is hidden under the light. To be evil is even more terrible. “

Lan Jue nodded and said: “Don’t think so much, I hope that this time we break Moondemon Pirates can give Pontiff Citadel a heavy blow. if not is because Reaver may appear at any time. Now it is not the time of internal expedition. I have long been Announce what they have done. “

Su Xiaosu shook his head and said: “It’s useless, I know them too well. They must have prepared early and transferred those who have undergone the experiment. They will not be caught.”

Aside, they have come closer to Moondemon Palace. In the distance, the towering Moondemon Palace stands proudly in the center of Moon City. The terrain around Moondemon Palace is empty, so they can see clearly.

Su Xiaosu spoke to Lan Jue: “Once the defense system inside Moondemon Palace is turned on, it will lift up to 100 meters as a whole. These open areas around are all layers of protective belts, and each layer can be stationed at Mecha. Also equipped with There are various defense weapons. The small rail gun will be above the Moondemon Palace spire. “

She explained to Lan Jue some of her original designs for Moondemon Palace.

“I set up an escape channel at the beginning, I will check to see if it has been destroyed. It would be great if it can be used. It can directly lead to the core area inside Moondemon Palace.”

“Okay.” Lan Jue nodded, “Do I need to go with you?”

Su Xiaosu shook his head, “No, I’ll just go by myself. Wait for me near here.”

After speaking, she walked to a side alley and disappeared quickly.

Lan Jue does not have continued to watch Moondemon Palace. He walked to a nearby store and asked for a cup of coffee. Everything here is expensive. Because most of the supplies are delivered from the outside.

The taste of coffee is a bit dull. If Coffee Master is here, I’m afraid I can’t even swallow it. But Lan Jue has to behave normally and can only barely drink.

This is the afternoon. How good is the coffee shop business by no means, with only a few scattered customers. Lan Jue is also happy.

Suddenly, his eyes were frozen slightly, and a figure walked slowly across the street.

Is she?

The woman who walked by, impressively indeed. He and Su Xiaosu who had seen beauty in Bow Moon City not long ago.

The whistle sounded the next moment. Through the glass, Lan Jue just saw a few pirates round the beauty. Blocked her way.

You can feel their bad intentions without looking carefully.

Lan Jue frowns, this girl is really uncareful(ly), even if she has a very hard background, but this is world of pirates, but not all pirates will care about everything, in case of encountering those arrogant personality, it is likely to suffer !!

Three pirates opened their hands and blocked the way of young girl. tall and slender young girl turned around and walked to the side, trying to get around them.

Where will the three pirates give her a chance, she leaned over and stood in front of her again, making strange laughter from time to time, plus some obscene words.

Since Moondemon Pirates changed hands, this situation is also a frequent situation on Moondemon Star, and naturally no one will care about it-

Support for monthly tickets and recommended tickets. Oh three tomorrow. (To be continued)

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