Skyfire Avenue Chapter 531: New Ten Paragons

Yes, he has to be strong. If a man can only escape, it is cowardly. What has happened cannot be changed, and even Clairvoyant, which has done everything, cannot be changed. Hera is dead, all he has to do is avenge her. Zhou Qianlin is still alive, all he has to do is take good care of her and wake her up.

Paragon level is a brand new world. He believes that if one day he can become Paragon with her, then she will definitely wake up. From now on, he will work hard in that direction.

Bloodline so that they don’t distinguish each other, she will always be part of his body. He will not let her leave himself, he will take good care of her until the day she wakes up and let her be a own wife.

Out of Skyfire Museum, Lan Jue finds that the sky outside has turned dark. Obviously day, but night.

A bright starlight dragged tail flames and flew towards the distance.

Wine Master, Keeper, Bookworm, Gourmet are all looking at it from a distance.

On Skyfire Avenue, I don’t know when it was full. But without a person spoke, and they all looked at the sky in silence and saw him off silently.

Ten Paragons once ranked third, Eye of the Future, Clairvoyant! The greatest predictor of mankind, the creator of Skyfire Avenue. fall from the sky!

A day later, Skyfire Avenue has become a white ocean, both above and below ground. All stores are closed for one day. All members of Skyfire Avenue reflect on their own minds and silence. The whole Skyfire Avenue became silent.

Dark Citadel.

“He’s gone.” Satan said to himself silently, with an indescribable sorrow in his voice.

“I should be happy, but why. But I feel so uncomfortable. Why did he go away, but I was like the backbone of didn’t have. Clairvoyant, you bastard that can only escape, why do you leave at this time? Is this going to be sneaky? “

The next long a period of time, Demon King Satan became extremely irritable. The whole person was weird. does not have dare to contact him in any Dark Citadel.

Pontiff Citadel.

Pontiff holds a scepter and looks at the stars. “Everyone will die and they will go to another world. Is it heaven or Hell? No!”

Great Conclave.

Terminator and Paragon Time-Space sit opposite each other.

Terminator frowned, “He’s gone.”

Paragon Time-Space said lightly: “I know.”

Terminator smiled bitterly: “Isn’t you supposed to be sad? Why do you react to does not have at all? I hope you can cry.”

Paragon Time-Space stood up. He shook his head, “Sorry, Davis, I want to go back.”

Terminator stayed, “He used to let you go back to send him the last trip. You are both doesn’t agree, why do you go back now?”

Paragon Time-Space smiled suddenly, “I won’t go because I don’t want to see him for the last time. I don’t want him to evoke my sad past again. Since I decided to completely forget that acacia, I do n’t want to The opportunity to remember for myself. But now I want to go back, I want to go back to Skyfire Avenue, he is gone. I am still Watchmaker of Skyfire Avenue after all. “

Terminator eyes suddenly shines, “You!”

Paragon Time-Space said lightly: “I told you when I first came, if one day I want to go. Don’t stop.”

Terminator said suddenly: “Are you really going? I thought this day would never come.”

Paragon Time-Space said indifferently: “I have missed a lot, there are some things that I don’t want to miss again. I want to go back. I still belong there after all.”

Terminator said a little irritably: “But they may not think so. When you go back, they may not accept you!”

Paragon Time-Space smiled slightly. “Accept or not, is it really important? I have to go back. Because I want to go back, so. I go back.”

Ziluo Star.

Chi Bupan drank whisky in the glass and stood up with a cigar in his hand.

Zealot is gone, respect you!”

three days later, the ranking of Paragon has changed.

The dry Tiandao Zun that disappeared for many years was disqualified, and Eye of the Future fell. Therefore, the current Paragon ranking is, first, Absolute Emperor, second, Terminator (power), third, time Paragon (time), fourth, Pontiff (Belief), fifth, Satan (Dark Belief), sixth, Arcane Monarch (Science), seventh, Time-Space Sceptre (space), eighth, Astral Phantom (speed, poison), ninth, Good Fortune Scholar (science), tenth, Nether Watch (Death Belief).

It is still Ten Paragons, but it has become different.

In Ten Paragons, Skyfire Avenue has the fourth, seventh, ninth, and tenth positions. There is one more person, but the overall strength has declined.

A week later, Paragon Time-Space returned to Skyfire Avenue and reopened the watch shop. Ten Paragons, Skyfire Avenue has its fifth, once again occupying an absolute advantage.

Wine Master has quietly occupied the door of Old Gothic Winery for a long time. But he always went out with does not have. The wine glass on your hand has gradually changed from the original round white wine glass into a red wine glass, and then into a cognac glass.

The more and more the wine is drunk, but his people still stand there.

Across the road is Zeus’ Jewelry Store. But on the other side, farther away, the shop that looked by no means was the focus of his eyes.

She is back, and she is back then.

does not have explained one sentence, does not have any sentence, but she returned.

She left because of Clairvoyant. Now Clairvoyant is gone, but she is back.

without a person questioned, because the Skyfire Avenue four big Paragon does not have questioned, let her enter the watch shop that has been closed for years.

Wine Master saw her the day she returned. She opened the shop door and used the simplest and ordinary cleaning tools to clean the dusty watch shop.

Watchmaker is back, there are more colors in eye of Wine Master.

He wants to go, just like he did decades ago, to invite her to a drink and chat. Instead of talking about cultivation, just talking about wine and clocks, it is natural to spend a pleasant half-day.

Every time I think about it, I think he used to be a little bit nervous.

Or, since he last saw her in Planet Luo, his spirit has been lingering.

He used to think he could forget, but really goodbye, but found that the forgetting was just a suppressed volcano, and it was even more out of control when it re-emerged.

Clairvoyant is gone, she is back. The impact on Wine Master is even greater. If Clairvoyant is still there, maybe he will become more brave, but now, didn’t have opponents, they are more at a loss.

“What are you looking at?” Just then, a peaceful voice sounded in his ear.

No need to look back, Wine Master knows who newcomer is, “Are you still so free?”

Lan Jue walked to his nearby, “is preparing to go to Western Mountain, why do you want to relax? If you think about it in the past, it will pass. You look like this now, but it is different from Wine Master in my impression.

Wine Master pretending to be unknown: “What do you want to pass?”

Lan Jue said: “Is it interesting?”

Wine Master is silent.

Lan Jue patted him on the shoulder, “I’m busy, you take care of it yourself. After that, I will always be busy, no time will take care of you. Only when I’m alive will I have the opportunity to cherish.” In a word, a deep pain passed over his eyes.

Clairvoyant is gone, he closed his own door for three days. Watching those videos every day, watching Hera, watching Zhou Qianlin.

After three days, he walked out of the door, and it seemed that he was completely new and peaceful. At least on the surface.

At home, he takes good care of Zhou Qianlin, dresses her, massages her to keep her body alive, bathes her, and feeds her.

When you go out, integrate her into yourself and make her a part of your body. His heart seemed to be calm in this state.

From this Heaven Opening, life has changed. Busy start!

Special Training Class has no one to withdraw, all join Skyfire Avenue and become part of Skyfire Legion. At the same time, it took another three days for time to complete the confirmation of the final number of Skyfire Legion.

A total of 823 people. More than expected. Including a Paragon, Gourmet! also Pharmacist this quasi-Paragon. also many familiar faces. suddenly, the entire Skyfire Legion concentrates almost all the elite of the young generation of Skyfire Avenue.

The Hua Alliance National Academy Western Mountain base was specially vacated for them. A total of 1,000 new Simulation Cabins have been delivered. All new entrants have begun to tailor Mecha.

The next Lan Jue will be an internal assessment through Simulation Cabin. It’s actually an internal game. He must understand the capabilities of everyone before he can proceed with the training plan. All are Esper, this is the most troublesome. Because almost every Esper‘s ability has characteristics, you need to understand. At the same time, different Esper has different control and understanding of Mecha, which also needs to be understood.

Combining these data can make a training plan. This process is undoubtedly tedious.

Fortunately, he is not fighting alone.

Accountant was forcibly summoned into Skyfire Legion, and everything about data calculation and deduction was left to him.

The internal competition is about to start soon. ability is not detected, and Mecha fight in Simulation Cabin is directly played. Officially by Hua Alliance, DreamNet specially approved. All members of Skyfire Legion are equipped with the same virtual Mecha as they are tailor-made. Of course, these virtual Mechas can only appear in specific areas, and cannot enter the public area of ​​DreamNet, which is designed to test and train them.

With these conveniences, indeed gives Lan Jue some confidence in training these people.

The previous DreamNet data input and Mecha ordering work have finally been completed. Today, we will start the Mecha simulation battle, that is, internal competition and selection. (To be continued)

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