Skyfire Avenue Chapter 517: Suggestions for Lan Qing

How do pirates fight? Lan Qing is naturally speaking of Star Trek. Isn’t there just one person in this field?

Lan Jue quickly appeared in the mind of Su Xiaosu. Since she went to Shattered Chaos Star Territory, she has never contacted Lan Jue and does not know what is going on.

Lan Qing continued: “also a little. In fact, you don’t have to worry about too many Esper. Between Esper, the strength is also high. In world of Espers, in fact, more attention to strength, strong strength, naturally can make people Convincing. So, as long as you actually grasp the hearts of those High Step Esper and let them fully trust you, then each team will be their Captain, unified management, and naturally control will be much easier. “

Lan Jue eyes light up, indeed! Lan Qing is right, simply then does not need control owners, as long as each team’s Captain can obey their orders, their own team will be under their control. In this way, fewer people need to be in control.

For example, over Special Training Class, fifty people can form a squadron-level Mecha team, which is commanded by Tan Lingyun and Wang Hongyuan together. It has does not have on all issues. No, there are a few strong ones out there, and then command some teams. As far as possible, let those who are familiar with themselves and have full trust in themselves serve as the small Captain of other teams, so that the overall control will be much easier.

Looking at the Lan Jue reveals thoughtful look, Lan Qing does not have goes on, they are too familiar between brother, Lan Jue‘s mind is absolutely sufficient, he is convinced.

Chu Cheng touched Lan Qing slightly and whispered: “Boss, look, our Zeus won the Esper Competition championship, don’t you plan to challenge him? The victory over the championship must be very good, and, I think you should also test your strength of younger brother. “

Lan Qing glanced at him and said nothing.

Lan Jue looked up. Looked at Chu Cheng with bad intentions, “A’Cheng, is your skin a little tight, do you need me to help you loose?”

Chu Cheng Hey smile. “I’m afraid you can’t do it? I’ve made rapid progress recently.”

Lan Qing looked at Lan Jue with a little confusion, and said, “The energy fluctuations on your body now seem to have weakened a lot compared with those in the finals, and even the also point is not as good as before, what’s going on?”

They don’t know much about Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin.

Lan Jue groaned and said, “I have some problems with me. It’s like this …” At the moment, he briefly said about himself and Zhou Qianlin, and told him that he had to merge with her so that cultivation could reach The peak of Ninth Level , and the two people practice together better.

Listening to him, Lan Qing‘s faces couldn’t help but be shocked by reveals, especially Hua Li (splendor). Looking at Lan Jue blankly, suddenly seemed to be a little mental.

“This is also possible? Rebuilding? Esper can still be rebuilt?” Chu Cheng said in surprise: “No wonder I think you are not in the right situation. I thought you had hidden strength before. This turned out to be the case, you Cheating! I’m going to sue you! “

Lan Jue glared at him angrily, “You go.”

Chu Cheng snorted, “Why can’t I meet such a good thing, no wonder you were with her every day. What about her? Why wasn’t she?”

Lan Jue said: “There is a little problem between us, she is temporarily absent.”

Chu Cheng smiled, “So, if I play words with you now, you can only fight me?”

Lan Jue raised her eyebrows, “Do you think I can’t beat you like cultivation before?”

Chu Cheng‘s face said it as a matter of course: “That’s it. does not have is enough cultivation. How could you be my opponent! Go, let me teach you ancient martial-arts!”

Lan Jue smiled slightly, “Okay, then you try. Brother. Let’s all together?”

Lan Qing nodded.

After all, watching a game is not the same as being physically present. Lan Qing also wants to see how much younger brother has improved in this period of time.

They waited for cultivation to make a test, naturally they had to go to Sparring Arena of Wine Master. Lan Jue is not afraid of causing trouble for Wine Master at all, because Wine Master has caused him too much trouble.

The four came out of Zeus’ Jewelry Store, and Lan Jue allowed Xiuxiu to close the store and go together. Observing their level of battle is also very beneficial for their growth in Xiuxiu.

When I came to Old Gothic Winery, Lan Jue found Wine Master directly.

“You are all here.” Wine Master put down the red wine in his hands when they saw the Lan Qing and said with a smile.

Lan Qing nodded to Wine Master, “Hello, Time-Space Sceptre Eminence.”

Wine Master said: “Marshal has worked hard all the way, I will let you arrange accommodation for you.”

Lan Qing said: “No need to worry, we have already arranged the accommodation, we want to borrow your Sparring Arena, please trouble you.”

Sparring Arena?” Wine Master‘s eyes instantly fell on Lan Jue‘s face, and his facial expression became weird.

Lan Jue said positively: “As the future corps leader of Skyfire Legion, I think that own cultivation is still far from enough, and consulting with Esper of the same level will help me improve. Didn’t you say that the establishment of Skyfire Legion is all funded by Skyfire Avenue This is also my official business. Not to mention, I can also consult with Marshal Lan Qing. So, Sparring Arena does not need to collect money. “

Wine Master said ill-humoredly: “If you do n’t take money, do n’t take it. If you do n’t want to give it, do n’t you just say so?”

Lan Jue sighed, “Isn’t this all learned from you?”

Wine Master knows his heart is a little bit resentful, some helplessly said: “Okay, I’ll go with you. Good to ensure that my Sparring Arena will not be demolished by you.”

Under the personal leadership of Wine Master, everyone took the elevator directly to the underground Skyfire Avenue and went straight to Sparring Arena.

Sparring Arena‘s recent business is also quite good. Many Espers have chosen to learn from each other here, confirming each other’s cultivation to promote themselves.

Wine Master flashed silver light, Time-Space Sceptre appeared in control, and a faint silver halo filled the corridor of Sparring Arena. A silver gate appeared in front of it.

There are many independent spaces for Esper. Lan Jue has not come here more than once. However, he saw this silver gate for the first time.

This is a double door. The silver door is engraved with various quaint decorations. More importantly, the space energy contained in it is even thick and thick.

The Time-Space Sceptre in the hand of Wine Master is slightly toward the door. Suddenly, the door opens to the inside, revealing a portal with a twisted halo.

Wine Master turned and nodded to everyone, “Come with me.”

Passing space, the light was slightly twisted, and the next moment, they came to another place.

It is different from the Sparring Arena that Lan Jue has seen before. When he stepped into this space, his first feeling was the authenticity of this space.

Other Sparring Arena will always give people a sense of illusory, there is a particularly obvious separation of space phenomenon, but in front of this space is very stable, similar to what they usually live in world by no means what is too big a difference.

The huge space looks no smaller than the Great Conclave sports center, but it is more empty.

“Who disturbed me?” At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded.

Wine Master heard this voice and suddenly hesitated. Then reveals smiled on his face, “Aunt, how are you here?”

Lan Jue Of course knows who his aunt is, but others do n’t know! Even the Lan Qing, which has always been in front of Mount Tai and has not changed its color, is a slight glance.

Wine Master is a generation of Paragon, Time-Space Sceptre Eminence. Although he is not as old as Clairvoyant, Keeper, it is definitely not too young. He was also an aunt, and he sounded like a young woman. What’s happening here?

When the light flashes, a figure appears in front of everyone, isn’t it indeed Luo Xianni?

Luo Xianni‘s eyes does not have stayed on Wine Master, they looked directly at Lan Jue, and immediately said with a smile: “Well, son, are you here to see the godmother? It’s so lively with so many people Which of these little girls is your wife? Or are they all indeed? “

Her series of questioning immediately caused Zeus’ Four Maidservants to blush, but they were also curious looking at the beauty who looked like she was in her thirties.

God son? When did Boss have such a godmother?

What’s more shocking is Lan Qing. He was not shocked by Luo Xianni words, but by cultivation of Luo Xianni.

In addition to Time-Space Sceptre Wine Master, the highest cultivation present was Lan Qing. When Luo Xianni appeared, his perception fell on her and felt her energy changes.

Then Lan Qing was shocked to discover that with his cultivation, it was impossible to detect the strength of the person in front of him, which meant one thing. The woman in front of him was also an Paragon. Only the existence of the Paragon level can make his perception invalid.

Skyfire Avenue even also such a Paragon exists?

Luo Xianni seemed to feel his thoughts, turned his head to look at Lan Qing, and made a snoring gesture, “Keep Oh secret. Hey, how do you look so much like my son? You won’t be Chi Bupan The other son of the old guy, right? The old guy was so proud when he mentioned you. “

Lan Jue is afraid of Lan Qing saying something wrong, and hurriedly said: “old lady, you guessed it. This is my elder brother Lan Qing. Brother, this is our dad’s confidant, that is our godmother.” Therefore, Lan Jue winked at Lan Qing. (To be continued.)

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