Skyfire Avenue Chapter 500: Daddy

Lan Jue lowers his head, like a child who made a mistake, “I, I have no face to return.”

The light of middle-aged person eyes suddenly flashed. Suddenly, the air in the entire room suddenly twisted violently. Lan Jue is like a bird general in a vortex. The whole person’s body seems to be accompanied by this. Twisted by the air.

The subconscious energy burst out from the body, resisting this powerful oppression, and a faint blue light overflowed from him.

But in the next instant, the pressure suddenly disappeared, and Lan Jue‘s body flickered a little, and he quickly stood still. A faint black and white halo flickered from him.

The middle-aged person nodded slightly, and said four words that Lan Jue could never think of: “Just come back.”

Lan Jue suddenly looked up. With his strength, at this moment, there was a layer of water mist on his eyes, “Daddy, I …”

The eyes of the middle-aged man seem a little lonely, and he waved his hand, “I don’t blame you, I was too rigid before.”

If he slaps himself, maybe Lan Jue will be better for heart. He once imagined countless scenes of reunion with his father, but this atmosphere is definitely in front of does not have. He would rather face the daddy who was full of violent, cold and powerful eyes, with unparalleled pressure, and would not be willing to face the vicissitudes of the daddy with peace in his eyes.

Lan Jue suddenly found out at this time, he seemed to know the old man by no means completely. This was the first time he saw the peaceful side of Dad, but he didn’t know why, he just knew that this should be the real side of Dad.

“You don’t have to dodge me in the future, I’m calling you back this time just to tell you a word.” The middle-aged man said lightly.

Lan Jue stands up subconsciously.

The middle-aged man looks up, his eyes flowing. The two looked at each other like this, making a full sound of does not have before making any sound.

Middle-aged people suddenly laughed, although in the view of Lan Jue, the dad who never laughs, the smile is really far-fetched and ugly. However, his smile made Lan Jue‘s tears burst out instantly.

own child not wrong! It’s been a long time since I went home,” said the middle-aged man with a low voice.

“Daddy!” Lan Jue screamed in tears and was about to kneel, but the middle-aged man stood up first, using his strong and powerful arms. One hand slammed him into own bosom.

“I’m sorry, Dad, I’m sorry.” Everyone has a fragile side, and only in front of this man, the fragility of Lan Jue will be released without reservation.

The middle-aged laughed. He smiled happily, “Maybe I’m really old, but I learned to let go.”

Yes, he learned to let go. With his past strength, how could he take the initiative to call Lan Jue and ask him to come back? Also indeed because of this rigid, so Lan Jue simply then dare not come back.

“Okay, don’t cry. Don’t look like a girl.” Loosen Lan Jue‘s arm and patted him on the shoulder.

Lan Jue wiped away the tears on his face, and he smiled. This tough tone is the father! But at this time, the sound that had scared him now sounded so kind.

“Dad, shall we go home?”

“OK!” The middle-aged man nodded, raised his hand and pressed it on the table. The wall behind the office cracked to the sides, exposing a shell like general. This cabin has only space for four people.

Lan Jue sat in with the middle-aged person, Lan Jue fastened his seat belt. Middle-aged people are does not have.

The hatch is closed, the next moment. A low humming sounded, then, the cabin really ejected like a cannonball general, and the horrible speed reached instantly, in the case of the does not have decompression device, the Lan Jue was firmly pressed on the seat instantly.

The middle-aged man sits there without a problem, but with a faint smile on his resolute face, he takes a cigar in his hand, and then slowly blows it out. Suddenly, the entire cabin is permeated. The aroma of the cigar.

“Daddy, you are still so luxurious. This one is really rich in 1966.” Lan Jue laughed.

Middle-aged person snorted, “I just have this hobby, don’t even think about it, it’s not your share.”

Lan Jue smiled, but said nothing.

“Talk about it.” Middle-aged man said lightly.

The smile on Lan Jue‘s face suddenly converged, and after a little groaning, he began to tell.

Middle-aged people listened calmly while smoking a cigar. Any smoke-exhausting system in the cabin of by no means was quickly filled with cigar smoke, so that their sight between them was blocked. But Lan Jue has no objection to does not have. This is the habit of Dad. He has always been like this.

The calm narration is accompanied by the calm expression of Lan Jue by no means. The story is a bit long, but it is not lacking in change.

The middle-aged man listened very carefully, but does not have asked and does not have intervened, just listening to him, it was like he was really just listening to a story.

“Om!” The pod stopped and became quiet in an instant.

The hatch opens and smoke from the cigar bursts out. Lan Jue and middle-aged man stepped out of the cabin and boarded the elevator. The elevator went up, and after a few minutes they returned to the ground.

The lift metal door opens with a wooden door ahead. The middle-aged person walked over and pushed away, and Lan Jue followed him.

Suddenly, the fresh air rushed towards me, and the scent of flowers and plants was refreshing.

This is a wooden house of does not have with a little bit of metal. The display in the wooden house is full of rustic atmosphere. If there is an antique expert here, you will definitely recognize that everything here is actually antique. Extraordinarily beautiful.

Out of the window, all the trees, grass, flowers and birds are missing. The windows are open, and the fresh air outside is here.

Looking at this familiar environment, Lan Jue couldn’t help but hesitated. He also clearly remembered that he and elder brother lived here as a kid and lived in this carefree place. Unfortunately, at that time, they, simply then does not have time and energy to appreciate what, because, since the age of five, they have received impersonal training.

He used to have a very long a period of time who was very ruthless because his life was so painful, but Dad told them that if he wants to be a man, he must suffer. The road they are going to take must not be ordinary, and he does not allow them to be ordinary.

After that, there will be Prometheus and Zeus.

Recalling now, Dad is undoubtedly right. Although his method is too simple and rude, the pain has become the accumulation now. I want in this world to live more freely and experience more beautiful things. Well, first you have to be strong. Lan Jue did not really understand this until many years later.

The middle-aged man opened the door and went out.

Lan Jue and in his behind.

A forest is in sight, yes, it is a forest.

Within a hundred acres around the wooden house, there are lawns, and further away, there is a forest. These forests are like fences surrounding wooden houses, guarding them.

The fresh air, the strong Heaven and Earth power surrounds here.

Lan Jue is very clear that these plants are grown by Dad. Since living here, Dad has been doing this, which is also his greatest leisure in daily life.

Who would have thought that the generation Absolute Emperor who once fought in the human race world, the king who once defeated the heroes in the battle of legends, would actually be an old farmer and a top-level on this little administrative star the scientist.

Dad once said that in his life, the biggest dream is to experience everything that can be experienced as much as possible. And this experience is not just to look at, but to go deeper into it.

He has tried many identities, and learned a lot with his long life. Therefore, no matter in the view of Lan Jue or Lan Qing, Dad is like a sea of ​​oceans, and he cannot see the bottom deeply. He is like an encyclopedia general that stores the best knowledge of human beings.

“I miss it so much,” Lan Jue said with a sigh.

Absolute Emperor said lightly: “Then you didn’t come back? Am I really that scary?”

Lan Jue glanced at him, “Want to hear the truth?”

Absolute Emperor nodded.

“Yes!” Lan Jue said without hesitation.

Absolute Emperor twitched at the corner of his mouth, “Since I have it, I want to pump you.”

Lan Jue smiled bitterly: “In fact, words like that, I think it’s normal, you scared me just now. But my by no means likes that feeling.”

Absolute Emperor Hehe laughed: “It seems that I can’t be a good person anymore. It turns out that you all like my bad person more.”

Lan Jue shook his head, “No, is not. I like you now. But I don’t want you to be old.”

Absolute Emperor was silent. After a short while, he sighed, “Whether it is ordinary people or Esper, who can really not grow old? Although the future time is still long, the heart will always grow old. You Do you know? When I found out that I would be scared because of loneliness, even I was shocked. Also because of this fear, indeed seemed to let go of some things I insisted on before.

Lan Jue stared at him blankly. Dad never said anything to them in the past. He was so powerful and domineering, generation Absolute Emperor.

But now, he really looks like a old person who likes to remember the past. Although he still looks so young.

“Daddy, a lot of things happened outside. If you feel lonely, you can go out and see! Human world also needs you.” Lan Jue said.

Absolute Emperor smiled indifferently, “What is needed? What is not needed? When the strength reaches a certain level, it will make people afraid. Not only the enemy is afraid, even the partner is also afraid. I still like it here, even if lonely But here, at least I am free. The people here only know that there is a pool engineer, but they do not know that there is Absolute Emperor. I am here, just Chi Bupan. I have been used to this life, save humanity, that is your young people Things. “(To be continued)

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