Skyfire Avenue Chapter 499: Ziluo Star

A bit of blue light gradually zoomed in, but Xu came to Thor and stopped nearby, Zeus-2 returned by indeed.

Thor returns and returns, time is not long, Zeus-2 slowly flew over the huge magenta biological body, a silver-white beam dropped from the sky, covering that purple-red lifeform, and the next moment, the huge body of purple-red lifeform suddenly disappear .

In order to be able to carry more resources, the Zeus series warship is equipped with a storage array made by space storage energy gem of topmost level, which can store huge resources, which is just the right time to use. Of course, there is no way to store living things. Usually used to store resources, ore and even Mecha is most suitable. This is also the best way for small and medium top level warship to carry a large number of Mecha. Of course, the value of this storage array is so high that it is equivalent to the value of a battleship, but not everyone can afford it.

This monster that can fly in the universe and has considerable combat power is still different from what we saw on Taihua Star. Although its strength is not as good as that of the female on Taihua Star, it is also much worse than by no means. . Moreover, such crystals can also be found from it, which is very helpful for further study of these Reaver.

Zeus-2 continued on the journey. With this experience, Lan Jue also became more careful, no longer practicing, but always watching the movements in space.

According to his guess, the monster just now is probably a reconnaissance beast that has plundered Samsung] [Long] [Baifeng] [Baiwen] [Study], [T] and the like, have certain fighting power, and have high-speed flight Ability. Used to scout the outside world and return information to the looting Samsung.

This is only a temporary estimate. Then more research is needed to make it clear. To know. Here is star territory which belongs to human world. Already able to see this kind of creature, which means that plundering Samsung is getting closer and closer to human world, and they already have a way to break through the human blockade and quietly enter the human world internal star territory. After all, the universe is so vast that it is impossible to completely block it. These Reaver are likely to have quite high intelligence.

These judgments. Remind Lan Jue to recall the picture of the Seventh Fleet fighting with Reaver seen at the Planet Luo Great Conclave sports center. The horror of plundering Samsung itself, coupled with the huge uncountable number of Reavers, is really heartbreaking!

However, from the perspective of human beings, by no means will be passively beaten completely. From the view of the battle at that time, in addition to the shock of the mother ship ’s main gun being robbed by one of Samsung ’s counterattacks, those ordinary Reaver were still able to Killed. The number of human powerful weapons by no means is small. Looting Samsung wanting to rag in human world is also by no means easy. The space fortress of Three Alliances is an extraordinary presence.

In the rest of the journey, he continued his design plan for converts of Thor. It is not so easy to complete a converts of top level Mecha. The design must be perfectly reasonable. And through the brain to perform virtual synthesis, after confirming that they meet their requirements. In order to find the right materials for modification, so as to achieve the most economical.

Zeus-2 flew for another three days. In the distance, a lilac-looking planet gradually appeared.

The planet by no means is large, and even some larger asteroids are a little larger than it, but it is suspended in the universe like a gem, illuminated by distant stars, A faint purple halo is extraordinarily magnificent.

Ziluo Star, an administrative star belonging to Hua Alliance. The volume is about one-sixth of Mother Star, and belongs to a very small category in the administrative star. Ziluo Star has the fresh water necessary for the human body, and the resource by no means is too rich, but there is a feature here, that is, it will bear some strong Energy Storm from the universe every year. These Energy Storm make the magnetic field on the Ziluo Star different from other planets, and they have a very strong variety of Heaven and Earth elements.

For ordinary people, these are harmful radiations. They cannot survive directly. They can only live in cities with protective measures.

But for Esper, it is a very good place for cultivation. Therefore, many elementary Espers like to practice here.

Ziluo Star Although there are not too many resources, there are several energy gem that are unique to them.

There are thirteen cities on this planet, each of which is large in size. Protective devices have been artificially installed to ensure that the people in it can live. It is also recognized here that Hua Alliance Esper has the densest planet. In addition to Skyfire Avenue of Planet Skyfire, Esper of Ziluo Star is also the strongest overall strength of all the planets of Hua Alliance. Although the top level is relatively lacking, the number of Esper in the middle level is quite huge. This is also the famous R & D and manufacturing base of Mecha.

“Allow landing!” A clear female voice sounded, Zeus-2 has been identified and allowed to land.

Brilliant blue, Zeus-2 drilled into the atmosphere of Ziluo Star and flew towards the planet’s capital, Violet City.

The Purple City is the largest of the 13 cities on Ziluo Star and the most famous Mecha research base of Hua Alliance. There are many scientists and a lot of manpower dedicated to studying various subjects of Mecha. Many God Rank Mecha come out from here, and the government has to make great investment in it every year. Therefore, the most popular here is the series of related occupations of God Rank Mecha Pilot and Mecha designers and manufacturers.

Zeus-2 docked steadily at Public Airship Base in Shiro City. Lan Jue controls taxied familiarly to a dark blue warehouse in the VIP docking area. This warehouse is similar to the one on Planet Skyfire, but much larger.

At this time, the expression of Lan Jue is a bit strange, and it has a taste of being almost nostalgic. airship slowly slid into the warehouse, and immediately there was a guiding robot to guide it to a suitable location.

The by no means in the warehouse is empty. A airship with a volume of about three times that of Zeus-2 is parked there. The streamlined airship is similar to Zeus-2, but it looks deeper. The created general reflects the magnificent brilliance.

Lan Jue takes a deep breath. This is probably a new work from Dad.

After stepping down from Zeus-2, Lan Jue couldn’t help coming to this huge airship to take a closer look. After looking at it for a while, his face had some changes, and his eyes were full of wonder.

“Come back?” Just then, a low voice suddenly sounded.

Lan Jue suddenly turned around subconsciously, and then he was like a stone sculpture general solidified there.

In the corner of the warehouse, walk out alone.

Looking like he was in his forties, he seemed to be about the same as Gourmet. He was tall and had bronze skin full of texture. A pair of black eye looked unusually bright. He was can’t be considered especially handsome, but it was very masculine. It feels like black short hair stands up like steel needles.

He was wearing a slightly worn-out workwear. Both sleeves of the workwear were didn’t have, revealing two strong arms with nearly perfect muscle lines. The workwear pants on the lower body were also full of stains, obviously using a long time does not have Cleaned.

A thick cigar is sandwiched between the index finger of the right hand and the middle finger. He raised his hand and took a sip, then slowly spit out a smoke, and then looked at Lan Jue calmly.

“Follow me!” He waved toward Lan Jue, then turned and walked towards the side of the warehouse.

The moment before was like the sculpture general Lan Jue immediately moved, striding up, and following in his behind.

From beginning to end, Lan Jue has a word from does not have, but from his somewhat stiff body and slightly trembling palms, he can see that his mood is not calm at this time.

Walking to the side of the warehouse, the middle-aged man raised his hand and pressed it against the wall. A streamer flashed and a metal door opened silently to the side, and he took the lead inward.

Lan Jue also hurried to keep up, and followed the steps. At this time, he was like a child.

The middle-aged person has been walking forward. The road is slightly inclined downward. About fifty meters away, a huge elevator is presented in front of them. The middle-aged person takes Lan Jue into it and presses the button.

The metal door of the elevator is closed, and then a slight shock, a slight feeling of weightlessness comes instantly.

The middle-aged man also said does not have to Lan Jue, but stood there quietly, Lan Jue stood at in his behind, looking at the strong back in front, his eyes became more complicated.

It took a full minute for the elevator to stop, and the metal door reopened. Suddenly, some loud noises came.

This is a huge space that is completely open. The height of the dome is more than two hundred meters. When you look at it, there is a feeling that you can’t see the edge at a glance. Various metal machinery is full of it. Huge processing plant, and indeed, it is.

Lan Jue follows behind the middle-aged person and walks in one direction.

“Uncle Chi.” When I met some staff, he greeted black hair middle-aged people politely.

black hair middle-aged people also nodded to them with a smile. Although he is wearing ordinary clothes, but from the respectful eyes of those people, he can see that in this underground factory, the uncle’s status Quite high.

Bringing Lan Jue to the side of the underground factory, black hair middle-aged man opened another metal door. The two walked in, and the metal door closed, and the noisy sound outside was isolated.

This seems to be an office, but there are only simple metal tables and chairs, any decorations of by no means.

The middle-aged person walked behind the desk and sat down, pointed to the chair aside, “Sit down.”

“Daddy!” Lan Jue finally spoke a bit hard.

After hearing his call, the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, “It turns out that you still recognize me as a daddy, and I thought you wouldn’t plan to come back for a lifetime. (To be continued …)

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