Skyfire Avenue Chapter 497: Home

Clairvoyant? It’s him again.” Lan Qing groaned a little, “It’s about also a month from the time we agreed with Clairvoyant last time, and you’re almost back from your father. You remember to remind A’Li and A’Cheng. And Now that you are back safely, report peace to them. “

Um, I know. Brother, I plan to leave tomorrow and go back to see Dad, otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t have that courage.” Lan Jue said suddenly and determinedly.

Lan Qing said: “Are you bringing that girl with you?”

Lan Jue hesitated, and said, “considers as finished, let me go back.” He originally wanted to take Zhou Qianlin back together, but he still hesitated because of so many things before, after all, if not is close enough Relationship, he was unwilling to bring people to interfere with Dad. The uncertainty over Zhou Qianlin made him flinch a bit.

Lan Qing said: “Hello my father for me.”


Hang up the communication with Lan Qing, Lan Jue immediately dialed the Chu Cheng number. Compared with the failure to contact at Planet Luo, this time it was connected.

“Here?” The voice of Chu Cheng came instantly.

Um, not too long ago, rest assured.” Lan Jue replied with a smile.

Chu Cheng silent a while, “Sorry, I couldn’t help anything?”

Lan Jue laughed: “We brother, what do you say? could it be I can’t see what you have done for me? Okay, don’t think about it. no matter on your side?”

Chu Cheng said: “Terminator Eminence‘s mood doesn’t seem to be very good. It is said that Hercules is very miserable and has been stabbed.”

Lan Jue said: “Don’t forget to come to Skyfire Avenue in another month, we will see Clairvoyant together. Maybe, this is the last chance to see him. A’Li no matter, right? He helped me like that in the closing ceremony.”

Chu Cheng said: “He is no matter. Even if it is Terminator and Paragon Time-Space, he will not easily move the Vast Ocean group. The power of Sea Emperor Group will only be stronger than you think. A’Li should have already returned, and returned to Planet Od. Right , Be careful of those guys in Pontiff Citadel, this time Pontiff came in person, very targeted at you! “

Lan Jue said: “I know. Be careful yourself, don’t be squeezed out by a woman.”

Chu Cheng snorted. “I don’t, I have true love now. I decided to go to Planet Od in period of time again. I want to pursue Lilina. This time I am serious.”

Lan Jue said a little silently: “You really change three times a day. I really want to know how long you can be serious this time.”

Chu Cheng said: “Come, come, hang up. See you in a month.”

Hang up the communication with Chu Cheng, Lan Jue dialed Hua Li (splendor), generally speaking, on voyager airship. There is no way to do interstellar communication, only some special airship, with enough high-tech equipment can do it. Obviously, Vast Ocean Group cannot help this.

Tomorrow, go home!

Lan Jue took a deep breath, barely calming down the own mood, arms clasped in front of his chest, his eyes flickered a little.

The next day was sunny.

A Zhou Qianlin in a long white dress walked into Skyfire Avenue silently, holding in her arms a black box that looked a bit bulky.

Walk on the stone road of Skyfire Avenue. She seemed a bit swayed, she was slow, and seemed to be struggling with something in her heart.

Her eye circles are slightly darkened. Apparently by no means slept well last night. To be precise, she has been tangled all the time, and it took almost every effort to finally make up her mind.

Zeus’ Jewelry Store is not far from the front. Looking at the blue exterior wall and the gold lightning mark, she suddenly gritted her teeth and strode toward the Zeus’ Jewelry Store.

Some things can’t get through that in my heart. It is impossible to evade forever, always face it. Rather than affect affection, it is better to say clearly.

ding-ling-ling.” The door bell of Zeus’ Jewelry Store sounded.

In the shop, the eyes of Xiuxiu and Ke’er are at the door.

“Welcome.” Ke’er walked over with a smile. There was a professional smile on his face. When she saw that it was Zhou Qianlin that came in, she could not help but stunned slightly.

“It’s you! Miss Zhou. Hello.” Ke’er smiled and greeted her, but apparently kept a certain distance.

Zhou Qianlin nodded to her, barely smiling: “Hello, I’m looking for Lan Jue, is he there?”

Ke’er looked at her with a stunned look. heart was secretly strange. At this point, Xiuxiu has come over, “Sorry, Miss Zhou, Boss is not available.”

Zhou Qianlin froze for a moment, but it seemed a little relieved, “Aren’t there? Where did he go? When will he come back?”

Xiuxiu said: “Boss has gone a long way and left early. It should have been to other planets. We don’t know what he is going to do. You know, we are just clerks, and we do n’t know too much about Boss.”

Leave? he’s gone? Going to another planet?

Zhou Qianlin shook her slightly, tightening her lips, trying not to let tears stay, gently nodded, “Thank you.”

Watching Zhou Qianlin push the door away, Ke’er looks at Xiuxiu, “She seems a bit wrong! Boss is so anxious to go, isn’t it because of her?”

Xiuxiu shook his head, “I don’t know. But we can’t tell her where Boss is clearly.” Speaking of which, among her usually beautiful eyes, reveals was a little cold.

Out of Zeus’ Jewelry Store, Zhou Qianlin suddenly leaned against the outside wall as if losing all its strength.

“After all, he was angry with me. He should have gone to see Absolute Emperor. However, he took me with by no means.” She knew the goal of Lan Jue.

I tried the call of Spirit Calling Gem. Any response from does not have, it was obvious that he was by no means at Planet Skyfire.

indeed! In that environment, I rejected him like that. How could he not be angry? A touch of bitterness came to her lips. Closing both eyes, tears ran down in tears, soaking her face.

After a long while, she gradually recovered and walked in the same direction as she staggered.

Lan Jue left early in the morning, and he seemed to escape.

Zeus-2 is flying smoothly in the universe. The starry sky of the universe is always so beautiful. The beauty is suffocating.

What is she telling me? Although Lan Jue is only one person, the main brain of Zeus-2 can help him complete most of control, so that he has sufficient time to think.

I don’t know why, he was a little afraid of the results brought by Zhou Qianlin, so he left early in the morning, and there was some escape in himself.

Temporary separation is probably the best option. Give each other some time, calm and calm, it is always good to think clearly.

The configuration before Zeus-2‘s Zeus-1 upgrade is basically the same. Bookworm helped him upgrade Zeus-1, and then kept the upgrade methods, but it is not yet time to upgrade Zeus-2 and Zeus-3 to complete that’s all. Even so, the extreme flight speed of the Zeus-2 can still reach the speed of light.

A person flying in a airship has no feeling in space. In a lonely environment, people will always be quieter and more in-depth thinking.

Lan Jue is sitting in front of the main console, with both hands ten fingers moving, constantly tapping the keyboard in front of him. On the screen in front, various components and a large amount of data continuously flashed.

Now he finally has time to calm down and do something that should have been done long ago. He started to design the Thor evolution design. without a person knows Thor better than him. The old man should evolve with it. There are Purple Accumulation Divine Stone, and a large number of high-level energy gem has been acquired. Now that Zeus’ Jewelry Store has sufficient funds, Mika‘s Mecha have all upgraded by themselves, so he sent him back to does not have.

The design must be completed before materials can be collected. The final assembly and upgrade process is much simpler. As for technical issues, there are Bookworm and Keeper, so simply then is not a problem. But in this aspect of design, Lan Jue still has to come. To be perfect.

When a person concentrates on doing one thing, time always passes quickly. Zeus-2 is flying smoothly in space.

Unconsciously, two days have passed.

dī dī dī drops!” The screaming alarm suddenly awakened Lan Jue. He is immersed in an important design, subconsciously looking up at the main control screen. Then his eyes suddenly condensed, and his pupils contracted instantly.

On the airship home screen, a purple light spot is approaching him with an amazing speed. Reconnaissance radar has locked the opponent.

“Zoom in and see what it is. The main gun is charged!” Lan Jue said in a deep voice. It can be seen from the trajectory of the opponent’s approach, apparently directed at him.

There are unknown objects approaching in space flight. The first thing to do is to be alert.

“Failed to contact the other party, detected as a living body according to radar.” The humanized voice of the main control computer sounded. The screen zooms in on the home screen.

It really is a purplish-red object. The whole body looks like a huge jujube nucleus, with a purplish red light jet at the tail. speed is extremely fast.

But Lan Jue soon discovered that its flight is very special. by no means is a blind high-speed flight, but it suddenly accelerates for a while, and speed slows down again, as if it is accumulating strength, and then emits a purple-red light again. Speed ​​up again. Whenever it accelerates suddenly, it looks like a magenta strong light flashes instantly.

“The main gun is fully charged.” The main brain sounded.

Lan Jue was quickly changed to manual control Zeus-2, and airship speed failed to fire. The main gun slowly probed out and locked the opponent.

The speeds on both sides are fast and approaching fast. radar gives the counterpart volume, which is about three times larger than Zeus-2.

Lan Jue‘s eyes narrowed for a moment. When the emission button was pressed momentarily, a dazzling blue light burst from the Zeus-2 and went straight to the fuchsia creature. ——

Ask for a monthly ticket, a recommendation ticket. (To be continued.)

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