Skyfire Avenue Chapter 492: Regression

Tailor quietly left Planet Luo shortly after the end of the game and returned to Planet Skyfire alone. As for why, only Gourmet knows.

Going to Planet Luo, for Skyfire Avenue, there are also some goal, including purchasing some special military items only produced by Northern Alliance. These items were specifically approved by Northern Alliance and sold to Hua Alliance, which is also a support for Hua Alliance‘s joint fight against Reaver.

Tailor was the first to return to Planet Skyfire with these munitions resources. After all, in the semi-finals and finals, Hua Alliance Esper performed so fiercely, several Paragon felt that Northern Alliance would not put them back so easily, so the resources obtained before were taken away.

Northern Alliance and Great Conclave are all focused on Lan Jue and Pharmacist. Naturally, it will not be difficult for Tailor. So her return journey was also smooth.

Gourmet stepped up and gave Tailor a hug. The two looked at each other and smiled. eye had reveals joy of reunion.

“Let’s go home.” Wine Master said in a deep voice, taking the lead on the bus.

Since Clairvoyant closed, Wine Master became the true helm of Skyfire Avenue. However, when he came back this way, he said nothing, the whole person seemed to be in a state of nothingness, and his spirit was obviously not too good.

But without a person asked, and without a person tried to solve him. The older generation knows that the problem of Wine Master lies in Paragon Time-Space‘s long history and literary knowledge, ≤≌ ↑ t, and the new generation is afraid to ask anything.

Get on the bus and start the return journey.

Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin sat together. He closed his eyes and didn’t know what he was thinking. Zhou Qianlin is looking out the window.

“Do you have anything to tell me?” Lan Jue passed Spirit Calling Gem. in the heart asked Zhou Qianlin.

Zhou Qianlin said: “Give me two days time. Then I will tell you everything.”

Lan Jue glanced at her, “Two more days?”

Zhou Qianlin apologizes: “I always have to prepare.”

“OK.” Lan Jue promised.

After Zhou Qianlin rejected him last time, there was always a nagging in his heart. Although he forcibly suppressed the own mentality, the existence of this emotion always made him feel like a bone in his throat general.

The bus continued to stop outside of Skyfire Avenue and returned to Skyfire Avenue. Everyone’s faces reveals smiled in unison. Even the Wine Master is no exception.

Zhou Qianlin got out of the car and said to Lan Jue: “After so many days away from home, I will go home first.”

Lan Jue said: “Let me see you.”

Zhou Qianlin shook her head, “no matter, I’ll go back by myself.” After that, she went quickly.

Looking at her back, Lan Jue could not help frowning. Since he confessed to her that day, he feels that she is weird, as if the whole person is in a free state. I knew so. He might as well not say words. May be good for both.

“Is there a problem between you?” The voice of Pharmacist came over.

Lan Jue looked at her and Junzhong in her arms, and shook her head gently. “A little problem, nothing big.”

Pharmacist said: “You come to me first, I have important words to tell you.”

“OK.” Lan Jue promised.

He turns to Mika, said: “Mika, you go back first, I will go to Taihetang first, and arrange a place for Xiaosu first. Then organize the harvest in Northern Alliance this time. I will pass later.

“Okay.” Mika promised a glance and glanced at nearby Dawn Angel Su Xiaosu. There was still some hostility in the beautiful eyes.

It’s not just her, Zeus’ Four Maidservants doesn’t like Su Xiaosu, formerly Empress Moondemon. Who made Lan Jue almost accidental when he was at Moondemon Star?

Su Xiaosu turned a blind eye to all of this, not only whispered along the way, but also seemed very gentle.

On cultivation, she is still on top of Zeus’ Four Maidservants, but she knows very well that if she wants to stay and be the fifth attendant of Zeus, she must first have a good relationship with these girls, otherwise, even if Lan Jue does n’t say She also had a hard time staying.

Su Xiaosu left with Zeus’ Four Maidservants. Others also returned to the own shop. Lan Jue took over Juner and went to her Taihetang with Pharmacist.

Entering the underground Skyfire Avenue, Lan Jue was immediately taken aback. The flow of people at Skyfire Avenue was at least double that before he left, and each shop seemed to be doing well.

As soon as you enter the gate of Taihetang, Lan Jue is even more speechless. The people in the queue here are simply leaking. He already had experience and immediately gave own sunglasses to Pharmacist, but he put on a hat and a mask, which made him pass.

No need to ask, since the Pharmacist show off her mighty power, her Taihetang business must have been extremely hot. The three words Pharmacist are the biggest advertisements.

Compared with the hot business outside, the inside of Taihetang is still winding. If you want to find a favorite environment for Lan Jue on Skyfire Avenue, it must be here. Former Era Ancient China style pavilions are his favorite. Every detail has countless particulars, whether it is intrigue or five spines and six beasts This is the oldest traditional culture.

Pharmacist took him all the way in. He first returned Juner to the bedroom, then took him to the back room.

The architectural style of this room is very strange, it is like the pavilion general octagon. As soon as you enter, the Lan Jue has a different feeling.

There seems to be a special kind of energy in the room. This energy completely isolates the outside world. After entering, you can immediately feel that Heaven and Earth is at least several times stronger than the outside world.

You do n’t need to ask him to understand that this should be the place where Pharmacist is used for cultivation.

Sure enough, Pharmacist said: “I usually practice here. There are five elements and gossips gathered in spirit array, which can gather Heaven and Earth aura, and at the same time, can isolate everything from the outside world. Even Paragon level ideas cannot be detected. /

Lan Jue laughed and said, “What’s so mysterious! Can’t you say on airship?”

Pharmacist said solemnly: “It is important, there must not be any possibility of leakage, and the transmission may be heard by Paragon, so it is still safest to come back.”

Looking at her serious face, Lan Jue also converged on her face, and realized that what Pharmacist is about to say is very general.

Pharmacist points to the futon on the ground, “Sit down.”

Lan Jue took off his shoes, went up and sat down with his knees crossed, Pharmacist sat down opposite him, do not say, sitting here, even the Lan Jue had a sense of immortality.

“Sister, this place is really good for you. Cultivation must be more effective with less effort.” Lan Jue praised.

Pharmacist said: “In the future, when you practice Taiji, you can come to me. Yin and Yang, the five elements and gossip, the heavenly stem and the earth branch, and the Ziwei Doushu are originally one. They have a complementary role.

Lan Jue nodded, “I’ll be disrespectful then.” For him now, it must be the best practice with Zhou Qianlin. But recently this period of time, the cultivation of both of them have been promoted too fast, they need to be stable each other, and there have been some problems with the relationship between him and Zhou Qianlin. In this case, Lan Jue is more willing to cultivate by himself and is more convenient.

Pharmacist said: “Don’t look at this small room, but it took me five years of hard work, and all the income of Taihetang in the first few years have been invested here.”

Lan Jue was a little surprised, but he knew very well that Taihetang was the top income earner in the entire Skyfire Avenue, and I don’t know how many people were envious. But because Pharmacist is powerful, and her arrival was recommended by Clairvoyant, without a person dares to make trouble.

Taihetang’s one-year income is definitely much larger than his Zeus’ Jewelry Store. This one is a lot of money!

In the past, there was an old saying, don’t compare anything to selling medicine.

If you put all your income for a few years into one thing, you can imagine the consumption of that thing.

Looking at Lan Jue with a look of surprise, Pharmacist said, “Do you know why I want to do this?”

Lan Jue said: “This five-element gossip poly spirit array needs a lot of treasures to support?”

Pharmacist said: “This is just one of the reasons that’s all. Although the five elements gossip gathers spirit array core needs an s-level energy gem, and then it needs more than ten various a-level energy gem, but I ca n’t use that much money. The cost is huge, mainly to suppress, I have some power of unable to control. “

“Ah?” Lan Jue looked at Pharmacist in surprise.

If even her strength which is infinitely close to Paragon level is unable to control, how terrible is this power?

Pharmacist smiled bitterly: “It’s weird, right. That’s the truth. For another crackdown, I spent ten times more resources than Poly spirit array to barely complete. Except for the mood problem that Jun’s father had In addition, another reason why I do not have was promoted to Paragon is to suppress that power. However, this suppression is completely bad for me by no means. Its effect is a bit like your rebuilding. By suppressing it, I continue to polish own cultivation and the realm through its power. Once it becomes Paragon in the future, my promotion of speed will definitely be much faster than the normal promotion of Paragon like Gourmet. “

Lan Jue said: “Sister, why do you tell me such a secret thing? Is could it be related to me?”

Pharmacist said: “Of course, this part of my repression has nothing to do with you, but some related things are related to you. Let me show you first, what is my repression.”

While talking, she held a decree with her hands, a faint layer of blue light flowing out of her body, and quickly spread into the entire room.

Suddenly, Lan Jue clearly saw that on the walls around the room, strange symbols began to emerge. These symbols were full of quaint texture, but also had an extremely heavy feeling. (To be continued …)

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