Skyfire Avenue Chapter 474: I …

He fell to his knees on one knee, staring at her deeply, not knowing when, in his hands, there was a bunch of red roses exuding a faint fragrance.

Qianlin, I’m sorry. This day may be too late or too abrupt. You are right, my unilateral likes may not be acceptable to you, but I hope to make you Feel my sincerity. “

“Since the day I met you, my heart has been tangled. At the beginning, heart always regarded you as her. In my heart, her figure is so deep and so deep. I have a long a period of time. When I see you, I always think you are her. At that time, I told myself that this was wrong and unfair to you. I ca n’t try to make you just because you are exactly like her looks Make her a substitute. So, I try to alienate you, keep away from you, and keep telling myself in heart that you are not her! “

“But there are things that can’t be suppressed, like your appearance, making my originally dead heart lake appear again. I see your tenderness, I see your strength, I feel what you have done to me OK. I find that in my heart, her shadow is still deep, but your figure is also deepening. “

“I’m very reluctant to admit this, because I always feel that this is a betrayal of her. This is a non-specialized love. Therefore, I am very painful, I have never been able to accept the own heart.”

“People are alive and always look forward. This sentence is very simple, but I really want to do it, but it ’s so hard, so hard. I often tell myself that Hera is irreplaceable, and I ’ve never been alive. I’m afraid I won’t fall in love with someone anymore. But I found out. It’s just as difficult. “

“I’m not even sure when I fell in love with Zhou Qianlin. I no longer treat her as Hera. But I can tell you from the heart now that you are Zhou Qianlin. You are not Hera, in me heart is no longer. “

“I gradually came out, Hera has gone, and my love for her will not diminish. But I believe that I will have more love. Give my lover. I know that I have hurt you a lot Times, many times, so I do n’t ask you to accept me. I just hope that you can give me a chance. I also hope that I can tell you that from now on, you are my Zhou Qianlin of heart, I like and love Girl. “

“My mouth is a bit stupid. I don’t know what to say now to move you the most. But I can assure you that at least I won’t hurt you again. I will take care of you.”

“You asked me to be your bodyguard at academy. At the time I was very reluctant because I thought. That would make me lose my freedom. But now, I feel that this is the opportunity you gave me. It is also God Give me a chance. If you like, I hope to extend the duration of our bodyguards to a lifetime. I am willing to be your bodyguard forever, protect you, care for you, and love you in nearby. “

As he said, he delivered the flowers in his hands to Zhou Qianlin. She looked at her sincerely.

Zhou Qianlin stared at him blankly. Tears could not help falling down and flowing down the cheeks. Her entire body was shaking gently.

Suddenly, she pushed the flowers in front of her lightly. Shaking his head hard, letting tears splash. “No, I can’t accept it. At least not now.”

Lan Jue was stunned. He never expected that Zhou Qianlin even gave doesn’t agree a chance for her. This completely exceeded her expectations.

“Don’t cry, Qianlin, don’t cry. It’s okay, I can wait.” Lan Jue took back the flowers, stood up, and carried her into her arms.

Zhou Qianlin‘s body shivered slightly, she said in a low voice: “I’m sorry, A’Jue, I can’t promise you now. I can’t tell you why now. When this game is over, wait for us to return Planet Skyfire, let me show you something. If you were still willing to accept me at that time, shall we talk about these again? “

After saying this, she broke free of Lan Jue‘s arms, stood up, and ran out quickly.

Standing in place, holding a bouquet, Lan Jue suddenly felt a little lonely. He sat down again and drank the drops of gold from his cup first, then the rest of the Zhou Qianlin cup.

The taste is still sweet, but his heart is suddenly bitter.

Gently set the flowers aside and re-plug the cork of the gold wine bottle. This bottle of wine, at least he didn’t want to drink it now.

Out of the window, the lights are bright and colorful, full of the prosperity of Luo City. But at this moment, his heart was full of loneliness.

When Lan Jue returned to the room, the room was dim. Zhou Qianlin was lying on the bed and seemed to be asleep.

Lan Jue does not have bothered her, and a person lying silently on the sofa, he suddenly discovered that own had a little pain in his heart. This pain was not an old injury in the past, but a new injury. This feeling has been does not have for a long time. But it was so clear.

They practiced does not have this night, but also came here, only one by one days does not have practice.

In the early morning, when Lan Jue woke up from his sleep, he subconsciously looked to the window. Zhou Qianlin, wearing only one pajamas, was standing there, looking out the window. And he didn’t know when a quilt was added.

Taking a deep breath, Lan Jue calmed down the own mood, and stood up wrapped in pajamas.

Hearing the movement behind her, Zhou Qianlin turned around. It seemed that she had recovered and smiled at Lan Jue. “You are awake. I called for breakfast and I’ll bring it in later.”

Um.” Lan Jue smiled and nodded. “Then I’ll wash first.”

Um!” Zhou Qianlin promised, a touching smile on Qiao’s face.

Lan Jue walked quickly to the bathroom, and he suddenly found that he seemed to escape her smile.

Looking at his back, Zhou Qianlin flashed an indescribable pain under his eyes, white teeth bit his lower lip, and secretly in the heart thought: Do you know how much more painful my heart is than you do not know? But I can’t tell you now, because telling you now will affect your mood and affect your game. When I go back, I will tell you everything. I don’t want to have a little flaw in our relationship. I also do not want you to regret it in the future.

Everything seems to be back to normal. The two happily ate early and happily started practicing. It is still a fusion practice, but Zhou Qianlin can feel that the kiss of Lan Jue has become much more polite.

The semi-final is about to begin, and the huge Luo City is now a bit crowded. Almost all human world TV stations are broadcasting various matters related to this competition.

Lan Jue did not see Pharmacist all day. When she saw Jun Er, she was with Gourmet. Apparently because Pharmacist didn’t want to disturb his cultivation, he temporarily entrusted her daughter to Gourmet.

The next day, the semi-finals finally arrived.

For the fairness of the game, today’s semi-finals still have to be re-drawn, and they will be absolutely duel candidates.

When Lan Jue came to the battle zone, it was obvious that it was deserted. is not that right? Entering the semi-finals, only four people can come here.

Pharmacist, Xuanyuan Shishi, Jun Yongye, have all arrived before him.

Seeing him, Pharmacist smiled slightly and nodded at him.

Jun Yongye and Xuanyuan Shishi also nodded in greeting.

Lan Jue sat down in a chair after returning a gift. For him, the ranking in the next game is not important anymore. It is important to be able to find more things in the game.

This opportunity can be said to be rare, and after a day of adjustment, he has suppressed the emotional instability caused by the emotional problems between himself and Zhou Qianlin. After all, he is not the original Lan Jue. The increase in his age and the previous grind have made him more mature than before.

Love is eternal topic. But for anyone, love cannot be everything.

Lan Jue smiled to nearby Pharmacist: “Sister, if I win you today, you don’t want shows lenience Oh, you must go all out, let me feel the power of your Slaughter Sword Fairy.”

Pharmacist smiled, “But I don’t want to meet you.”

Lan Jue laughed: “It depends on luck. It’s better that our sisters and brothers meet in the finals. That’s perfect. I will admit defeat at that time. Anyway, we can go back and learn.”

Pharmacist gave him a deep look, but has not spoken again.

On rostrum, everything is the same as usual. It looks like there is no difference between does not have. Terminator is still sitting there calmly, like a mountain. However, there is one more person in his nearby today.

With a veil on her face, she wore a long white dress. She looked from her appearance and figure, but she was in her thirties. However, in Northern Alliance, there is only one person who can sit with Terminator and have the same status. Paragon Time-Space!

Paragon Time-Space sits between Terminator and Gourmet. She looks silent, but just sits there silently.

The other side of Terminator is Mo Xiao. She is responsible for the semi-finals and finals.

“Hello everyone, I’m Mo Xiao.” time is coming, and the voice of Mo Xiao will sound.

“I think everyone is looking forward to today’s game. After the previous competition, our final four are finally decided. No matter what the next game results, at least these four will get an s-class energy gem. And the champion will also win the grand prize. “

“The top four are: the first group, God King Zeus, the second group, Slaughter Sword Fairy Pharmacist, the third group, White Clothes Sword Sect Jun Yongye, the fourth group, Myriad Swords Return to One Xuanyuan Shishi.”


I think it’s time to give everyone more motivation! Therefore, if the monthly ticket rushes to the fourth place, we add two more! Great! So get it up! Long live Tangmen! Ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket. (To be continued)

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